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Regency Romance: Loving The Reluctant Viscount (The Fairbanks Series - Love & Hearts) (Historical Regency Romance & Mystery)

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by Jessie Bennett

  Loving The Reluctant Viscount

  Jessie Bennett




  Monthly Giveaway Contest

  A Personal Note From Jessie Bennett


  About The Author

  Loving The Reluctant Viscount













































































  Preview of More For A Duke

  Monthly Giveaway Contest

  Also By Jessie Bennett


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  Publisher’s Notes


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  This book is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real or dead people, places, or events are not intentional and are the result of coincidence. The characters, places, and events are the product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the author/publisher. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.


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  To My Dearest Lovely Readers,

  The female characters within my stories are women who have a strong faith of love, they know what they want to pursue during this era. They are constantly seeking and believe the true love really exists as they are often being looked upon as an inferior gender. Because of these social stigma, it motivates them to overcome challenges they may face while waiting for the man of their dreams to appear.

  Will these insecurities and stigma encourages them in believing true love despite the differences and challenges in social standing that they will face during this Regency Era?

  Read on to find out the answers!

  Thank you very much for your strong support to my writing journey!

  With Hugs, Kisses and Love…


  “A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.”

  Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)

  This Story Is Specially Dedicated To You, My Dearest Reader!

  It is with gratefulness and gratitude that I am writing to you this personal dedication.

  Thank you once again for giving me this opportunity to share with you my creative side of me.

  I hope you will enjoy reading this story as much I have enjoyed writing it!

  It is with such great support from you that keep us authors writing and writing, presenting to you with great and interesting stories.

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  Jessie Bennett is an obsessed romantic freak. She loves historical romance stories. Recently, she discovered another interest within the historical romance, which is Regency Romance stories. She wants to use her ideas, knowledge and interest of the regency era to spin out characters that readers wants to read. She aspires to be the next Jane Austen that combine grace, love, and simplicity to delight readers to find their happy endings.

  She lives in Norfolk county, England most of the her time. When she's not writing, you will find her walking down the countryside with her husband and her beloved dog.





  Carlton House Publishing Co.

  “Yes, they are.” Janelle couldn’t get the thought that Allan was looking for a woman to marry who wanted to travel.

  “How is it, might I ask, that you are not married? You are a very handsome man and quite charming, I must say.”

  She was delighted to see his cheeks color slightly. “I have never met the right woman.”

  “There must be many women who have pursued a relationship with you in your homeland.”

  Allan grinned. “There were some. But I was not interested.”

  “I do plan to pursue Miss Dowling, Your Grace,” he finally said, when their laughter died down.

  “Yes. You know that I would like to spend some time with you. I’d like to get to know you more.”

  It was all he could do to resist pulling her to him to put a kiss on her beautiful rose red lips.





  1823, Worthington Manor



  Duke Shawn Worthington was feeling on top of his game as he spun his wife around on the dance floor. She looked radiant and he didn’t hesitate to tell her so. He was always full of compliments for his bride and couldn’t see it ever being any different.

  “Do you realize, my dear,” he said, enjoying the warmth of her
body against him. “That we know every single person in this room?”

  Elizabeth giggled. “Right now we may but we are expecting guests from other parts of the world tonight. So, we will see a few new faces.”

  “I must say it is highly entertaining to watch the progression of the people of Fairbanks. Some are getting married, some are dying, new babies are brought into the world, there seems to always be something going on.”

  “It is quite amazing.” Elizabeth agreed with her husband, which was not a rare occurrence. When Shawn came into her life, everything changed for her. She suddenly had a title that was prominent and authoritative – the Duchess of Fairbanks – and she wore the title with pride. Shawn owned all of Fairbanks land. He rented much of it out to the citizens. He had sold some plots of land but retained ownership over most of it. It was a very large area, stretching out over a distinct portion of land and lakes.

  Over the years, Elizabeth had come to know all of her husband’s relatives and friends, whom he had asked to govern to the various counties in which they lived. He didn’t want to take on every responsibility and was very good at delegation. He chose well, selecting only fine men to rule over the citizens. He wanted fair and balanced happiness whenever it was possible.

  In Shawn’s mind, it wasn’t his choice of rulers for his land that he was most proud of. It was his choice of wife. Elizabeth had come along just when he needed someone to care for him and to care about. She had given him a son and heir and a daughter to call his little princess. Anna was two years old now. Shawn was delighted to have a family he loved more than anything else in the world.

  When the dance was over, Shawn led Elizabeth to the two chairs at the uppermost table that were designated for them. He waited for her to be seated and comfortable before he took his seat. He looked out at the people dancing on the floor and felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Everything was going well in his life. He hoped that fact would not change anytime soon.

  The action all around him made Shawn feel satisfied and content. He enjoyed seeing his guests having a good time. His closest friends were there. His wife was by his side. His children were upstairs in their beds, hopefully fast asleep. He had the sudden urge to take his wife’s hand and squeeze it tightly. She beamed at him, the look of adoration obvious on her well-defined face.

  “Good evening, Shawn, Elizabeth.”

  The two turned to see Abraham Montgomery giving them both a large smile. He leaned forward and shook Shawn’s hand.

  “Abe! How have you been, old friend? It’s been months since we have been privileged with a visit from you and your family!”

  “Yes, it’s been some time, hasn’t it?” Abe responded with a nod, taking Elizabeth’s hand and placing a warm kiss on top of her fingers. “Your Grace, you are looking absolutely stunning this evening.”

  “Please sit with us, Abe.”

  “Thank you, I will.” He took a seat next to Shawn, propping himself up with one hand placed on his knee. “How are Teddy and Anna doing?”

  “Very well, indeed.” Shawn beamed with pride, as he always did at the mention of his children. “How are your family? Is your brother still in the Netherlands?”

  “He is, as a matter of fact, and sent along a message for you both.”

  “Oh?” Elizabeth leaned forward to look at him, her eyebrows raised.

  “Yes, your grace. He said to say ‘hello’ and ‘hope you are well’.”

  The three of them laughed at the simplistic greeting.

  “That sounds just like William.”

  “He still believes you named your son after him. I have not been able to convince him that it was a coincidence.”

  Again, Shawn and Elizabeth laughed. “If it pleases him to think that I gave Teddy the name William, so be it.” Shawn replied. “He does realize that William is my middle name, does he not?”

  Abe laughed. “I think he may have forgotten that fact.”

  “It was a mutual choice.” Elizabeth put in. “So I will also take a bit of the credit for that.”

  “I am glad I was able to attend your party,” Abe said, glancing out at the many couples dancing a waltz on the ballroom floor. “You give delightful balls. You always seem to have the best food served, as well, how do you manage that?”

  “We have an excellent staff, as you know.”

  “I do know. It is the same excellent staff that has been serving your family for generations.”

  Shawn gave him a look. “There has been a slight turnover, seeing as how those who worked for us have since passed on of old age.”

  “And those that worked for us many years ago were slaves.”

  “Those who work for us are paid well and lodged on the property in their own homes. I believe they are happy.”

  Shawn snorted in a good-natured way. “If they are unhappy, they certainly do let us know.”

  Elizabeth grinned. “Yes, they do, don’t they?”

  Abe raised his eyebrows. “How do they let you know?”

  “They complain. Loudly.” Shawn responded. All three laughed.

  “I certainly hope that doesn’t happen often.”

  “It doesn’t.” Elizabeth shook her head. She lifted one hand and waved to one of the serving girls, who brought her a tray topped with wine glasses and small plates of cheeses and crackers. “You must agree that Shawn is much loved by his citizens.”

  Abe nodded. “It is a well-known fact that His Grace is very popular among the people. I do not blame them, as I have been on the receiving end of his favors. You are a blessed woman, Liz.”

  “It is a fact.” Elizabeth and Abe both smiled at the blushing Duke, who had lifted one hand and placed it over his mouth to hide a proud smile. “I believe we have embarrassed him.” She said.

  “Yes, I believe we have.”

  “I do what I can to keep all affairs working properly. All benefit from the decisions I make. I do realize this.”

  “Is there anything else I can bring you, Your Grace?” the serving girl asked, having watched the exchange with amusement.

  “No, Helen, thank you.” Elizabeth held out her hand to Abe. “Please, Abe, indulge yourself. We have some of the finest wine and cheese in England.”

  “I know you do. It’s one of the reasons I keep coming back.”

  Once again, Shawn snorted. “If you are only coming for the wine and cheese, you needn’t have wasted your time. You can get them just as easily yourself.”

  “That may be true, Shawn, but there is something special about coming to Worthington Manor and being treated to such delicacies by such good friends.”

  “You flatter us, my lord. How delightful.” Elizabeth beamed at him.

  “Elizabeth and I were just mentioning how we seem to know every one of our guests this evening. We are waiting for some fresh faces to enter through our doors.”

  “Perhaps you could try not inviting the same people all the time.” Abe laughed. “Or you could urge your guests to bring guests of their own. It certainly helps to know as many of your citizens as possible. And it is a good thing Worthington Manor has such a large ballroom because there are quite a lot of people here. If you were to have each person bring a guest, we would be packed in here and perhaps a bit too close for comfort.”

  “You are amusing, Abe,” Elizabeth giggled. “Thank you for coming. It is such fun speaking with you.”

  “Thank you, Liz.” He bowed while remaining in his seat. He scanned the crowd until he saw his assistant in the corner. He lifted his hand and waved. “Daniel has the gifts I brought for you.”

  “Lord Abraham Montgomery!” Elizabeth looked out into the crowd until she spotted the assistant, who was making his way around the dancing couples to reach them. “You didn’t need to bring gifts. This is not a celebration of any kind. It is just a party.”

  “I will not be able to make it back to your Christmas ball. I wanted to make sure you had the gifts I purchased for you while I am here now.”

  “How thoughtful. W
e will store them until the time arrives to open them, shall we?”

  “You may do as you desire.” Abe stood up, waiting for his assistant to reach them. When he did, Abe leaned over and whispered to him, gesturing with his hand and glancing over to a set of double doors near them. Daniel listened carefully, nodded and turned away.

  “What did you bring for us, my lord?” Elizabeth asked. He turned to look at her through narrow eyes.

  “If I told you, what would be the surprise come Christmas morning?” His lips pulled back in a large smile.

  Shawn huffed, glancing at his wife. “It would be a surprise on Christmas morning if she remembered what you told her the gift was.”

  “Shawn!” Elizabeth waved one hand toward him as though smacking his arm.

  “Am I incorrect?” He raised his eyebrows in amusement.

  “No but that is not the point, my love, and you know it.”

  Shawn looked back to Abe. “She has a terrible memory.”

  “It is not my fault!” Elizabeth pretended to be miffed. She lifted her head in the air, poking her nose toward the ceiling. “I shall not speak to you for the rest of the night.”

  “I sincerely doubt that you will hold to that promise, my dear.”

  Abe watched the exchange with great amusement. He delighted in his time spent with the Worthingtons. He considered them to be dear, close friends. He suppressed a sigh. He would miss being in their home to celebrate the holidays this year but his brother, William, whose wife was a princess, would be attending their celebration instead in the Netherlands, her home country.

  “You will be missed this year, Abe. When do you plan to leave?”

  “In a few short weeks, truth be told. I will travel by boat.”

  “Do enjoy your time.”


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