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Regency Romance: Loving The Reluctant Viscount (The Fairbanks Series - Love & Hearts) (Historical Regency Romance & Mystery)

Page 16

by Jessie Bennett

  As he got up, he pushed the back of Steven’s head so the man’s face hit the ground hard.

  “Janelle.” He was out of breath from the exertion and her name came out in a near whisper. He held his arms out and Shawn let Janelle go. She ran into Allan’s arms, pressing her face against his chest.

  “Allan. I prayed you would come. I prayed for you.”

  Allan held her close to him, plunging one hand through her blond hair. He rained kisses on the top of her head. She looked up at him. They locked eyes. “I am so glad you are safe, Janelle.”

  “You arrived just in time. I will be forever grateful.”

  The two didn’t notice when Shawn walked closer, reached down and yanked the still-unconscious Steven to his feet. He slapped the man until his eyes opened slightly and he moaned.

  “You will hang in the gallows, Lord Miner.” Shawn said in a low voice.

  He wondered if Steven registered what he’d said because the man gave no reply. He had hung his head and stumbled along as Shawn pushed him toward the door. The Duke turned back to Allan and Janelle, who were still caught in a warm embrace.

  “I’m taking him to the constable. I will see you at the manor in a while.”

  “Shawn,” Janelle said. “Be careful. He is a dangerous scoundrel. He is…he is…”

  “Shh.” Allan stopped her. He looked up at Shawn, nodding. “We will be heading back to the manor shortly.”

  Shawn nodded and left the room, pushing Steven in front of him.

  Allan looked down at Janelle.

  “Miss Janelle Dowling, I don’t know what I would do if something had happened to take you from me. I cannot imagine my life without you in it.”

  Janelle felt her knees weaken. She pulled in a deep sigh and locked eyes with him.

  “I would not want to be without you either, my lord.”

  “Shall we stay together then? Will you be my bride?”

  Janelle sighed again. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest. “Yes, Lord Gray. I would be so honored to be your bride.”

  “It is settled then. We will marry in six months.”

  “Six months? That is very exact.” Janelle smiled at him. “Have you been thinking about this, my lord?”

  Allan smiled wide. “It has been on my mind quite a lot as of late.”

  “How did you come to six months for our engagement?” Janelle lifted one hand and felt her neck. It felt bruised. The skin would surely darken. She would be wearing scarfs during warm weather to hide it. He saw that she looked worried for a moment and reached up to take the hand she was holding at her neck. He wrapped his large fingers around hers and squeezed gently.

  “I hope to have much of the construction done at Duck’s Row. We will have a home to move into.”

  “I believe the Worthingtons will be glad to hear that.”

  Allan laughed softly, shaking his head. “It would seem to me that Duke and Duchess Worthington are glad to have company. The manor is large and they are only a family of four.”

  Janelle nodded. “You are right.” She giggled. “I suppose it would be lonely sometimes. Our family was so large with the four of us and our brother.”

  “Do you suppose your mother will come back for our wedding?”

  “Oh, Allan! Of course she will. I cannot imagine mama not being at my wedding. And we must inform her that the thief was caught. We must refrain from telling her what he did here tonight though.”

  “Shall we send a message to her post-haste?”


  “Let’s go back to the manor now. The sun will be up in a few hours. I know you can use some peaceful sleep.”

  “Yes, it would be very beneficial.”

  Although they said the words, neither of them moved. They stood in silence for a moment, surveying each other. They were just inches apart. Allan lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers. She felt chills erupt all over her body. Their kiss lingered as Janelle pressed herself closer to him. He was warm. She was sure he would feel her heartbeat. It seemed to her as if every beat was resonating through both of them.

  Finally, Allan pulled away and whispered, “I love you, Miss Janelle Dowling.”

  “And I love you, Viscount Allan Gray.”

  He pulled her into a hug. He felt her sigh and it made his heart pound. He wondered if she could hear it in the ear she had pressed against his chest.

  She smiled.

  She could.





  Allan stood next to Shawn, a drink in one hand, surveying the crowd on the lawn in front of him. He was elated, his eyes constantly moving to his new bride as she danced with her brother. He looked down at Shawn and raised his glass slightly.

  “Allow me to thank you for this fine wedding, Your Grace. It is a great honor to be in your home with you and your family.”

  “I would not have had it any other way, my friend.” Shawn nodded. “This is far from the first wedding we have had here.”

  Allan turned his eyes to the crowd, pushing the fingers of one hand into the small pocket of his pants. “That does not shock me, my lord. I must say I have been to many places around the world…Rome, Italy, France, the United States and of course my homeland, and I have yet to find any other Duke that is so loved by his people. You have many friends.”

  “It is a blessing.” Shawn replied.

  “I am privileged to have joined the family.”

  “It is our privilege, Allan.”

  “Janelle and her sisters are quite happy tonight.”

  Shawn looked at the sisters, standing to the side of the dancers, watching, talking and laughing. He looked up at Allan.

  “Shall we join them?”

  Without answering, Allan took a step down. He strolled over to the ladies with Shawn close behind him.

  “You are having a lovely time tonight, my dear?” He asked, coming up to Janelle and pressing his elbow against hers. She gave him a bright smile.

  “Why yes, I am. I do believe it is customary for a young lady to enjoy her wedding.”

  “Especially when she has three sisters to share it with.” Katherine said.

  “It does make it a bit more delightful, I think.” Elizabeth sighed wistfully, a peaceful smile on her lips. “I remember our wedding, don’t you, Shawn?”

  “Yes, of course, my dear.” Shawn lifted the glass to his lips, glancing over the rim in Allan’s direction.

  Allan choked back a laugh.

  “Oh, he teases. I know he remembers our wedding. You girls were much younger then. Running around at the balls, dancing with every lord in the room.”

  “It was necessary.” Jillian said, sticking the tip of her tongue out at her sister. “We would not have found husbands if we had not.”

  “I’m so glad that Janelle did not find a husband so early on.”

  Janelle tilted her head to the side and looked at him with a soft gaze. “It was a blessing in disguise.” Her voice was as soft as the look she was giving him.

  “The wedding truly came off without a hitch, did it not? Were you pleased, Liz?” Shawn looked at his wife.

  “Yes, I am very happy. Janelle and Allan looked lovely…you do look lovely together. You truly do.”

  Janelle’s cheeks flushed. “Thank you, sister.”

  “Allan, now that you have completed your house, when do you plan to leave the Manor?” Shawn raised his eyebrows inquiringly.

  Allan laughed. “As soon as the Duke and Duchess want me to leave, I am assuming.”

  “You are welcome to stay with us,” Elizabeth replied automatically. “But I don’t know why you would desire to. Not with the home you have built for yourselves.”

  Allan nodded. “We will be moving to the new home at the end of the week. I am so grateful that you opened your home to me for these last seven months.”

  “You are always welcome in our home, Lord Gray.” Elizabeth smi

  Someone behind them got their attention, calling loudly for the Duke. He stepped away from his family and lifted one hand.

  “Samuel. I am here.”

  “My lord, I must see you privately.”

  Shawn turned and handed his glass to Elizabeth. She took it and watched Shawn walk away with the man curiously.

  “Who is that man?” She asked. Her sisters and Allan shook their heads.

  “I have not seen him before.” Jillian said.

  Their eyes remained on the two. They stopped a distance away from the crowd. Shawn was looking intently at the man, who was raising his hands as he spoke as if excited by what he was saying. Shawn crossed his arms over his chest and nodded several times. They could see him asking questions and waiting patiently as the excited man spoke.

  Finally, Shawn took a step back and the man bowed to him before walking away. Shawn looked like he was in thought for a moment and then turned to come back to them.

  “Whatever was that all about, Shawn?” Elizabeth answered.

  He hesitated, looking unsure. His eyes were on Janelle and Allan. “He was giving me an update on Lord Miner.”

  Janelle dropped her eyes to the ground.

  “I was not certain you wanted me to keep you informed as to what is happening with him.”

  “I would like to know what has happened.” Allan looked down at his new wife. “If you are uncomfortable with the conversation, Jan, Shawn and I can walk.”

  “No, please, Shawn, tell us what you know.”

  “He has taken his own life. I will spare you the details.”

  “He would have been hanged had he not done it himself.” Elizabeth spoke with contempt. Steven’s treatment of Emiline had been revealed, causing great unrest within the Worthington family. Elizabeth was devastated to know that she had been so brutally traumatized within the walls of the manor.

  “If I had been given the opportunity, I would have done the deed myself.” Jillian supplied, her anger showing. “His behavior was appalling.”

  “To say the least.” Katherine supplied, shaking her head.

  Janelle looked up at her husband. “Allan, shall we go visit Emiline? She might remember today was the day of our wedding.”

  “Yes, let’s visit her.”

  “Do you want company?” Elizabeth asked.

  Allan shook his head. “She is still not in a condition that is conducive to many visitors. I have hopes that she will recover but it will be some time, I fear.”

  “I am sorry to hear that, Allan. Please let us know when we can visit her.”

  “Thank you for coming with me, my love.” Allan whispered as they walked up the steps into the two-story building. Allan had built an additional building at Duck’s Row, one where people who needed special care could receive it. He’d built it next to the children’s asylum.

  Emiline’s nervous breakdown had prompted the building of the Home. Allan rejected the idea of sending her back to Australia. He doubted that his parents would have the wherewithal to care for his sister properly. Building Emiline’s Home was the first thing on his list and the first building to be completed. He was surprised by how many people brought their loved ones to stay. He had brought in three nuns, women with gentle personalities who could help the mentally unstable residents. It was the first of its kind in all of Fairbanks. Allan was proud of it.

  “Lord Gray.” One of the caretakers curtsied to him. “Are you here to see Emiline?”

  “Yes, Claudia. Is she in her room?”

  The short woman shook her head. “No, my lord. She is outside enjoying the sunshine. It is a fine day.” She smiled. “A fine day for a wedding, I am sure.”

  Janelle smiled. “Yes, it was.”

  Claudia nodded and stepped to the side to let them pass. They walked together, Allan’s arm hooked through Janelle’s. The warmth of his presence next to her comforted all of Janelle’s fears.

  “I hope she is looking well.” Janelle said, softly. Their last visit Emiline had not spoken a word. She only stared out in front of her, gazing into nothingness, her eyes a blank.

  “As do I.” Allan replied.

  He greeted other residents as they passed. Only a few acknowledged him. One of them called him “Duke”. He did not correct the man.

  He pushed open the door leading to the vast yard in the back and allowed Janelle to pass in front of him. He stepped out into the sunlight, spotting his sister immediately. He and Janelle shared a look. Emiline was seated on a cushioned iron bench, holding a pair of small knitting needles. There seemed to be no real pattern to the knitting she was doing but she was steady working on the length of yarn, knotting the different colors together.

  They walked slowly to her, going to the front of the bench, where Allan knelt on one knee in front of Emiline to catch her eye.

  “Emiline. How are you doing today?” He asked in a gentle voice.

  Emiline moved her eyes to him. He was happy to see a spark in them. She smiled at him and his heart soared.

  “Allan. You’ve come to visit me.”

  Allan heard Janelle pull in a happy breath. He looked up at her. She was smiling at Emiline.

  “Yes, Jan and I came to see how you are faring.”

  “I am well today, Allan. I am feeling quite well.”

  “That is truly wonderful to hear. You are enjoying your stay here?”

  Emiline nodded. “Yes, my brother. Come, sit next to me.” She patted the open space next to her on the bench. Allan moved to sit next to her.

  “What are you making, Em?”

  “It will be a scarf for someone for Christmas.”

  “That will be quite a nice present for someone.” Allan chuckled. “Is it for me? I may or may not have a matching outfit for it.”

  Janelle laughed. “I may have a dress that would suit just fine.” She sat on Emiline’s other side and touched the fabric. “It’s very soft. Much too soft for a big man such as Allan.”

  Emiline looked at Janelle. “You look beautiful in that gown, Janelle. I wish I had been there for the wedding today.”

  “Would you like to come back with us? You can see the rest of the family.” Allan offered.

  Emiline turned her eyes to him and shook her head softly. “No, thank you, Allan. I would prefer to stay here.”

  Allan hid his disappointment. For seven months, he had been hoping and praying that Emiline would return home with him someday.

  Today is not that day, he thought and forced a smile.

  “All right, Em. When you are ready, perhaps you would like to visit, even for a short time.”

  Emiline didn’t say anything in reply. She lowered her eyes to her knitting and resumed as if the two of them weren’t there. Just as Allan thought they had lost her back into the recesses of her mind, she spoke.

  “You have always been a good brother to me, Allan. I am sorry for what I did to you and to Janelle.”

  “Please don’t apologize, Em. I wish that we had discovered…what the problem was much sooner than we did.” He didn’t want to mention Steven’s name. He didn’t plan to tell her of the criminal’s fate, either.

  “I was not thinking clearly. I don’t…I do not know if I ever will again.” Her voice had dropped almost to a whisper, making it difficult for Janelle and Allan to hear her. With her head down, Allan could see Janelle over her. He reached around his sister’s back and held out his hand. Janelle took it. He squeezed and smiled at her.

  After years of being alone, he had stumbled across the perfect woman, a fine beautiful lady. He felt incredibly blessed. He tried to send his love for her through his hand. She seemed to understand, giving him a loving look.

  “Someday I will come back to the Manor.” Emiline said softly. “Someday.”

  “You are welcome to stay in our home, too, Em.” Janelle placed her free hand on Emiline’s arm. “You are a part of our family. We want you to be happy wherever you are.”

  Once again, Emiline did not respond. She conti
nued knitting. After a time of silence, during which Allan and Janelle sat enjoying the sunlight and the presence of Emiline, Allan stood up and leaned over to give his sister a kiss on top of her head. He patted her on her shoulder.

  “We will come and visit again soon, Em. I am going to keep checking on you. Christmas will be soon. You are welcome to stay with us for the holidays.”

  Emiline didn’t respond.

  Janelle stood up and moved to stand beside Allan. “Goodbye, Emiline.” Her voice was gentle. “Be well.”

  The two of them walked away from the bench, arm in arm.

  “I love you, Lady Janelle Gray.” Allan’s voice was filled with emotion. “I truly love you.”

  “And I love you, Viscount Allan Gray. I will love you until I take my last breath.”

  The sun was beginning to set behind them as Allan and Janelle walked back to their carriage, happy and content.


  for reading my book and

  I hope you have enjoyed this story as well.

  “More For A Duke” is a standalone novel with at least 340 pages.

  If you have enjoyed reading this book so far, I believe you will be interested in checking out “More For A Duke”.

  This book will be focusing on Duke Shawn and Lady Elizabeth.

  Will Duke Shawn find a way to confront his fear and the ghosts of death and horror that haunt him before he loses his chance at true love? Can Lady Elizabeth find a way to break through the walls surrounding Lord Shawn or will she be forced to accept the marriage proposal of another man in order to secure her family’s finances?

  He has just inherited his father’s estate upon returning from a long stint in the Army.

  Now he faces a more terrifying prospect—he must marry right away or lose his inheritance.

  Duke Shawn William Worthington, Duke of Worthington, cousin to the Prince Regent and ruler of Fairbanks, has seen many things during his time in the Army. Death and dismemberment, pain and suffering, but nothing has prepared him for his return to life as a civilian. Haunted by the ghosts of his past and battling the inner demons that keep him from restful sleep, he must still find time to choose a Lady as his bride, as commanded by the Prince Regent.


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