Scarred by Vengeance (Titanium Book 2)

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Scarred by Vengeance (Titanium Book 2) Page 6

by Valia Lind

  I say, trying very hard not to shout; it’s becoming a common problem for me. My body vibrates with the intensity of my emotions. I've made so many promises to keep them safe, I've done all I can to make sure they stay in the background of the whole operation. Why won't they just listen to me already?

  "Anastasia," Uncle Freddie breaks through my thoughts with his quiet voice. "Would you have even gotten this far on your own? I'm not trying to minimize all that you had to do—" he hurries on to say when I open my mouth to protest. "But, we are a team. Like it or not, this is the only way it'll work, and you know it."

  I look at my uncle before transferring my gaze to Calen. They're wearing a similar expression of determination and stubbornness, and it annoys me to no end. So I tell them.

  "We know," Calen chuckles. "But that's not going to change the fact that you need us." I sigh, but deliver no comment which makes Calen grin even more.

  "Here you go," Uncle Freddie hands the car keys to me, and a small compact.

  "What's this?" I ask, looking it over. The compact is blue, circular and fits in the palm of my hand. Not that I carry these with me, but it feels light for a regular compact.

  "It's sort of a portable computer." Uncle Freddie replies, excitement evident in his voice. "It'll allow you to scan the area and it’ll give you schematics of any place you walk into. It'll also document and photograph if you need it to." He points to the different ways I can hold the compact to allow it to do it's thing making me smile. Uncle Freddie always comes through.

  "We can't be there with you," Calen says, as I put the compact in my pocket. "Remote cameras or radios won't work because they're monitoring any frequency used within their borders. This will allow us to still have the visual afterwards. And if anything goes wrong, it has a beacon device. We'll be able to find you."

  At a loss for words, I reach over and hug Calen. I don't know what I'd do without him or Uncle Freddie. I reach for my uncle next and he gives me a small squeeze on the hand.

  "I'll be back soon." I say, and it's a promise that I will fight tooth and nail to keep. They can't lose anyone else.

  I get out of the car without a backward glance.


  It takes me over an hour to get to Galena. Granted, it's a lot sooner than my last trip, but I'm still impatient. The barbecue is an all day kind of an event, so coming in at any time is as good of a plan as any. I need to make sure I get to the main house, the one that looked so out of place in my mind.

  I pull up the images of the community in my head, studying them one more time. The visual cues I see will guide me, but I'm still going in pretty blind. I can pretend to be whomever I want, but I'll have to be careful. Foster and his men know my face. As much as this is my plan, it also feels like a trap.

  At the entrance, a guard in a uniform steps out to greet me. I knew there would be security, I'm just not sure if they're on Foster's payroll or if they're part of the community. Last time I was here, we didn't come through the front entrance, so I don't know what to expect. When the man stops in front of my window I breathe a little easier. He's wearing that spacy look on his face that I've come to know as the effect Kallos' drugs have on people. That and he's smiling way too much.

  "Good afternoon, Ma'am. How can I help you?" He grins that awful empty grin and I feel my stomach turn. It enrages me what Kallos is doing to these people, but I have to stay in control.

  "Hi!" I try to sound chipper, plastering a smile on my face. "I'm friends of the Howard's. They mentioned there's a barbecue today, so I'm visiting."

  It's a planned lie, but it still feels weird saying it. I'm hoping he doesn't call them to double check my words and I don't think he will. Forgetting things is a typical side effect, Uncle Freddie said. So maybe if I keep him talking long enough, I’ll be able to slip through.

  "Oh, you know the Howards?" The way he asks the question puts all of my internal alerts on high. I'm not so lucky that he won't call and though it makes me nervous, I just smile bigger.

  "Yes! Kay and I go way back. Even before she met Tom." As soon as I say their names, Mr. Security Guard visibly relaxes.

  "Aren't they the best?" He asks, pushing a clipboard toward me. "If you could just sign in, please."

  I smile back and reach for the pen. As I sign "Tiffany" on the log in sheet a part of me grows sad. Last time I was here, I was with Logan. The other part is angry that I have to use the stupid name he gave me. Wow, I really should see a specialist about my randomness.

  "There's some parking left in front of the welcome center. You may park there." I hand the clipboard back to him, and say thanks as he waves me through. I wish I could talk to Calen or Uncle Freddie, but we're not risking any kind of communication. It'll be too easy to intercept, especially with the advanced equipment I'm sure they have on site. Foster doesn't do things half-heartedly. He likes his toys in tip top shape.

  I park in front of the welcome center, mentally preparing myself for what’s to come. As soon as I open the car door, I hear music streaming from down the street. I get out of the car, but before I can take a step in that direction, a door opens behind me and two women come out, carrying three dishes. They're chatting and don't even notice me, but I see an opportunity I'm not about to pass up.

  "Hi!" I call and they freeze in their progress, turning to smile at me. They have that same far away look in their eyes as well and I make sure to keep my lips curled up. "I'm here for the barbecue. I was wondering if you would be so kind and point me in the right direction?"

  "Oh sure, Darling." The woman on the left says, sweetness pouring off her as if she's covered in honey.

  Age: 25.

  Heigth: 5'3.

  Weight: 170.

  Complexion: Fair.

  Blonde hair. Blue eyes.

  As the information catalogues in my mind, I almost leap with joy.Finally, I'm back to getting facts. My brain must be feeling better. This time when I smile, it's real.

  "We're just headed that way, Sugar. You may come with us." The other one speaks.

  Age: 28.

  Height: 5'5.

  Weight: 150.

  Complexion: Medium.

  Blonde hair. Brown eyes.

  I almost shout in excitement. Two for two. Good little brain. Yay!

  "Oh thank you so much! I'm Tiffany."

  "It is most pleasurable to meet you, Tiffany. I'm Joy and this is Katie."

  "Nice to meet you too. Can I help you with carrying something?" I ask, pointing at the dishes they're holding.

  "Oh aren't you just the sweetest! Isn't she the sweetest, Katie?" The other woman nods enthusiastically and I try not to cringe. I've been in their presence for mere three minutes and already their over hyperness is making my skin crawl. Joy, who's the older one and clearly the spokesperson for these two, hands me one of her dishes and turns to head toward the music.

  "So what brings you to our neck of the woods?" Yep, definitely the spokesperson. I wouldn't be surprised if she's the president's wife or some such thing.

  "Oh, I've visited before and I loved it here." If I have to start all of my sentences with 'oh' I might scream. But it seems to portray the right amount of enthusiasm without trying too hard, so here we are.

  "This is an amazing place to live! Are you thinking of moving here?"

  "That would be absolutely wonderful. Are there any openings?" There's nothing listed, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

  "There are always openings, Sugar." Joy says, almost as if she's telling me a massive community secret. "You just have to know the right people! Luckily, you have met one of those people."

  "Joy here is married to Paul. He's the community leader." Ah, so sheis like the First Lady of Crazyville. Awesome.

  "Look at that, that's amazing."

  We don't get to say anything else because we're suddenly surrounded by people. The barbecue is right smack in the middle of the road. There are tables set up, and a few grills. I scan the area, noticing that the doors to most of the houses
are open, people coming in and out. Joy leads me to one of the tables filled with other dishes and I set mine on the side.

  There are people everywhere. A lot more than we first estimated. My heart drops at the thought of this many people being used as lab rats. Their lives taken from them and they don't even know it.

  Joy says something and I turn my attention back to her. I have a role to play after all.

  Today is going to be a long day.

  * * *

  Once again, I wish I could talk to Calen or Uncle Freddie.

  Even though I'm surrounded by people, I feel very alone. Not that it's typically a problem, but another set of eyes wouldn't hurt. I guess I got a little used to having someone watch my back.

  Danger, danger, Will Robinson.

  If I get soft, it will get me killed. I have to keep my focus up.

  Shaking my head, I focus my attention back on Joy. She's been talking about planting more diverse herbs in the garden this spring. My brain is registering and processing everything she says, but the super high, cheery tone to her voice is getting on my nerves. Not that there's anything I can do about that. I don't think punching her in the nose will make me popular with the locals.

  So far, I haven't noticed anyone who doesn't belong. What I have noticed is that these people really enjoy taking pictures of their food. And plants. And outfits of the day, in other words, whatever they’re wearing. I've had to dodge quite a few paparazzi already. Also, my cheeks are hurting from all the smiling I have to do. Since these people are all high on Kallos special juice, that's their typical expression. I don't have much to smile about.

  I've been trying to figure out how to get to the show house without raising any suspicions. Joy has been plastered to me since the moment I got here and it's hard to shake her off without making a big deal about it. If she's not next to me, Katie is. I think it's a rule around here: no strangers shall be left unattended.

  "Oh there's Paul!" Joy waves extremely enthusiastically as a man, who I can only describe as a creepy businessman, walks toward us.

  "Paul, this is Tiffany. She's thinking of moving in here."

  "It's nice to meet you, Tiffany." It's like healmost pauses before my name, but not quite. Even so, all of my internal alarms are going off as he reaches to shake my hand. My eyes do a quick study of him and I'm not surprised that he fits into the "Foster Mold".

  Age: 35.

  Height: 5'9.

  Weight: 195.

  Complexion: Dark.

  Brown hair, brown eyes.

  He reeks of overpriced perfume and tailor made suits. I have an almost overpowering desire to shoot him in the face.

  I make sure to keep my breathing even, my smile plastered to my face. I will not, absolutely will NOT, lose control in front of these people. I can feel the drugs in my system fighting for attention, but I'm winning the battle. At least for now.

  "We're always looking for new residents. Most of the ones living here are families. Do you have a significant other?"

  "Oh, Paul, darling. Can't you wait with the interview? We're here to have some fun. Go mingle." I watch Paul for a response. I've been trying to decide which one holds the reigns in their relationship, and I kind of think they share the space. I've been getting sort of weird vibes off of Joy since I met her, so maybe she's not as clueless as the rest of the individuals here. Now, I’m finding the same vibes coming off of Paul. She gives him a sort of pointed look, as if she doesn't want to stir up any trouble.

  "Of course, Honey." Paul replies, giving his wife a quick kiss on the lips, before moving his eyes back to me. "We should talk soon."

  "I'd love that." I say, with that ever present smile on my face. However, for the first time since I got here, I'm actually speaking the truth. I think it would be great to pick apart Paul and his group of friends. There's at least three other men with him, I've never seen them anywhere before so I have no reference point, but they do look a little more in control than the rest of the crowd. More like Joy versus Katie. I'm getting a serious reading on Joy and I really don't think she's under influence of anything, but power.

  "Oh, Tiffany. Did you meet my husband?" Katie joins Joy and me at the tables. Her eyes are sparkling even more now, as she points to the men Paul is with. "He's the blonde one. His name is Lucas." She sighs then and I have an urge to vomit. Instead, I give her a brilliant smile and do a once over of her husband.

  Age: 33.

  Height: 5'8.

  Weight: 190.

  Complexion: Medium.

  Blonde hair, brown eyes.

  His eyes don't seem to miss a thing.

  Well, I'm just meeting all the major players now, aren't I? I study Katie as she babbles on about her "oh so perfect" husband and I'm sure of it now. She's definitely under the influence. While Joy and Paul can fake it pretty well, Katie is a natural by product. If I'm to see the rest of the community, she'll be my ticket in.

  Just then Joy gets called over to a group of women on the other side of the street. She gives Katie and me a look that I can probably file under cautious.

  "Don't worry about us, Joy." Katie jumps right in. "I'll keep Tiffany occupied."

  After what seems like an extremely long pause, Joy smiles and leaves us behind. If I'm to move, I have to do it now. I make sure to take my compact out and check my makeup, scanning the faces of Paul and his group. I'm trying to keep the use of my compact to the minimum, but I needed their faces for Calen. I wait the appropriate amount of time for Joy to get involved in the conversation, before I turn my attention to Katie.

  "Which house is yours?" I ask, hoping my voice doesn't sound as awful sweet as it does to my own ears. My interest in her pipes her right back up.

  "Oh, it's the one down the street. Over by that barbecue they set up over there." She points about four houses down and I almost fist pump in the air right then and there. I know the model house is right around the corner from the last house on the block. It's at the end of the first cul-de-sac. Katie's house is two houses down. If I can get there, I can get to the model home.

  "Would you mind showing me around? I would love to see where you live!" I swear, putting exclamation points on the end of my sentences will probably give me nightmares, but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.

  "Oh sure! We can head right over and be back before desert!" Katie's enthusiasm rings out around me and brings tears to my eyes. Yes, tears. This poor girl is living a life made up for her from some corporate egomaniac. It's like living in a giant dollhouse without even realizing you're trapped.

  We take our time walking around the tables, keeping to the bigger crowds on the street. Katie doesn't notice the way I study our every move, but I have to make sure I'm not stopped before I reach my destination. Soon, Joy and Paul are lost in the crowd, but my awareness of them doesn't diminish. I keep them on the outskirts of my mind, so that when they do realize I'm gone, I have a way of getting out of here alive.

  Katie's house looks like every other house in the neighborhood. It's two a storey house, with four windows and a porch covering half of the front of the hose. There are two chairs set up and a table. Nothing exciting, nothing special. But as we walk up the front steps, my heart drops in my chest. The door is red.


  Like blood.

  Like my memories.

  Like the fake memories that were implanted in my mind.

  Because of my perfect memory, I can tell it's the exact same design and color.

  My emotions rage and I think I'm going to lose it. First comes pain. I grab my stomach, pushing my hands against it, as if trying to keep it in. Then come tears. Katie is up the stairs and if I don't get a hold of myself this instant, I'll lose. I'll lose everything.

  I push. Fight. Scream inside.

  Pull it in, Tasia. Don't lose it now. You can't lose it now.

  And just like that, the variety of emotions are pulled into a tight box inside my mind, sealed up in the vault. All of this happens in the span of three
seconds but it feels like it's been hours. I open my eyes just in time to see Katie turn around.

  "You coming in?"

  "Yes, I was just admiring the front. It's so lovely!" I'm happy to report my voice comes out even and perky. She grins at my words and motions me inside. I study my surroundings, but it's only an afterthought. My brain can register everything I see like a picture that I can pull out and look at later. Right now, I needed to get to the model home before Joy and Mr. Creepy Pants realize I'm gone.

  "I'm so sorry, Katie." I interrupt her as she's talking about her living room furniture. "Would it be alright if I used the bathroom?" I give her what I hope is an apologetic look and see her eyes reflect sympathy.

  "Oh, of course. It's right down the hall on the left. I'll be in the kitchen." She says, walking over to the left as well, but staying at the front of the house. I head to the back, keeping my pace brisk. When I get inside the bathroom, I'm happy to see that it has a window that opens to the backyard. From the plans Calen was able to pull up, this seems to be the norm in all the houses, but a part of me still feared that they changed something and I would have to work around it.

  I lock the door behind me, heading straight to the toilet. I know Calen said that they're monitoring frequencies in the community, but it's mostly long distance. Which makes what I'm about to do that much easier.

  I pull out a little circular device from the back of my compact separating it in two, before placing it by the faucet. Taking the other side, I push it inside my ear and head for the window. Now, if anyone comes in to check on me before I'm back, I'll be able to hear and talk to them as if I'm still inside. It's not fool proof, but hopefully Katie will give me at least five minutes. I'm giving myself three.

  Unlatching the window, I pull it up and slide right out. Making sure not to leave any footprints behind, I race through their backyard, somersaulting over the fence. Quietly, I land on the other side, keeping to a crouch. There shouldn't be anyone home, but I have to be careful. Rushing to the other side of the yard, I jump the fence once more and now I'm in the yard next to the model house. I have to stay at least 35 feet from the wall of the house in order to keep out of sight of the cameras. I already spotted three, just on this one side.


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