The Secret Wife of Louis XIV: Françoise d'Aubigné, Madame de Maintenon
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Caumont d’Adde, Josué de
Caumont d’Adde, Mademoiselle de
Cayenne Indians
Caylus, Anne-Claude, comte de
Caylus, Jean-Anne de Thubières de Grimoard de Pestels de Lévis, comte de
Caylus, marquise de
Caylus, Marthe-Marguerite (née Villette), comtesse de; capture and conversion to Catholicism of; on dauphin’s morganatic marriage; early childhood of; and father’s remarriage; Françoise’s letters to; Jacobite views of; and Louis XIV’s death; marriage of
Céleste, Sister
Cellamare, Antonio Giudice, Prince of
Chaillot, convent of
Chaise, François de la
Chalais, Anne-Marie de
Chambord, château of
Chambre d’Arsenal, la
Chamillart, Michel
Chantilly, château of
Charenton, temple of (Paris)
Charles I, King of England
Charles II, King of England
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine
Chartres, Elizabeth, marquise de
Chartres, Louis, duc de
Chartres, Philippe, duc de, see Orléans, Philippe II, duc d’
Châtelet de Paris
Chayer, Jacqueline
Chermerault, M. de
Chevreuse, Charles, duc to
Chevreuse, Jeanne-Marie, duchesse de
Chievres-Salignac, Jeanne de
Choin, Marie-Émilie de
Choisy, François Timoléon, abbé de; on Colbert’s rise to power; on construction of Versailles; on Françoise’s relationship with Louis XIV; on Guyon’s teaching; on Louis XIV’s surgery; transvestism of
Christianity; see also Catholic Church; Protestantism
Christina, Queen of Sweden
Churchill, Sarah
Citois, François
Clagny, château of
Clélie (Scudéry)
Clement X, Pope
Code Noir (Black Code)
Coetlogon, marquise de
Coëtquen, marquis de
Cognac region
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste; arts patronage under; and construction of Versailles; council for Reformation of Justice established by; court entertainments encouraged by; daughters of; death of; dragoons used for tax enforcement by; during Franco-Dutch War; Françoiseand; mercantilism of; Paris as center of power advocated by; Paris construction program of; and poisons affair; pragmatism of; rise to power of; successors of
Colbert, Marie (née Charon)
Cologne, Archbishopric of
Columbus, Christopher
Compagnie des îles d’Amérique
Compagnie du Saint-Sacrement
Compiègene: château of; military exercises at
Conciergerie prison (Paris)
Condé, Henri de Bourbon, prince de
Condé, Louis de Bourbon, prince de; death of; during Fronde; military campaigns of
Condé, Louise-Françoise de Nantes, princesse de
Condé, Louis Henri de Bourbon, prince de
Conti, Armand de Bourbon, prince de
Conti, Louise-Élisabeth de Bourbon-Condé, princesse de
Conversations (Scudéry)
Corbellini, Alberto
Corneille, Pierre
Courrault, Jehan
Créquy, marquis de
Crest, château of
Cromdale, Battle of
Cromwell, Oliver
Culloden Moor, Battle of
Dancourt, Florent Carton
Dangeau, Philippe de Courcillon, marquis de
Dangeau, Sophie Marie, marquise de
Daughters of Saint-Joseph
Davies, Norman
Defoe, Daniel
Delarue, Monsieur
Delisle, Madame de
Desmarets, Nicolas
Devineresse ou les Faux Enchangtements, La (play)
Devolution, War of
Dognon, fortress of
Don Japhet (Scarron)
Doullens, fortress of
drama, see theatre
Dupuis, Henry
Dutch, see Netherlands
Duverger, Père
Ecstasy of Saint Paul, The (Poussin)
Eistissac, François La Rochefoucauld, seigneur d’
Elbène, Alexandre d’
Elbeuf, Henri de Loraine, duc d’
El Escorial, monastery-palace of
Elizabeth, Princess
Elizabeth I, Queen of England
Elizabeth Charlotte (“Liselotte”), Princess; on aging; antipathy toward Françoise of; appartements at Versailles disparaged by; on Carlos II’s death; on dauphin’s death; on dauphin’s unattractiveness; on homosexuality; James II and; on Louis XIV’s sex-life; on Louis XIV’s surgery; on Marie-Thérèse’s death; on marriage of Françoise and Louis XIV; marriage of d’Orléans and; marriage of son of; on meals at court; persecution of Huguenots decried by; Racine’s Esther praised by; ravaging of homeland of; Regency of son of; Saint-Cloud palace of; on son’s military career; and stepdaughter’s marriage to king of Spain; Peter the Great’s visit to; Versailles apartment of; widowhood of Emmerich
England; Bank of, incorporation of; Church of; Constant in; Cromwell’s revolution in; Dutch alliance with; exclusion of Catholics from throne of; fleet of; French wars with; Huguenots in; “Glorious Revolution” in; in Grand Alliance; Jacobite cause in; manufacturing in; slave trade of; trade of
Épernon, Jean-Louis de Nogaret de La Valette, duc d’
Epinoy, Madam d’
Esnambuc, Pierre d’
Este, Maria Beatrice d’, see Mary of Modena
Esther (Racine)
Estisac, Benjamin, baron d’
Eugene, Prince of Savoy
Evelyn, John
Explanation of the Maxims of the Saints on the Interior Life, An (Fénelon)
Fâcheux, Les (Molière)
Fagon, Guy-Crescent
Farnese, Elizabeth
Faucogney, Battle of
Felipe II, King of Spain
Felipe IV, King of Spain
Felipe V, King of Spain (formerly duc d’Anjou)
Félix, Dr.
Fénelon, François
Fermat, Pierre de
Ferté, duc de la
Fleury, Battle of
Fleury, Cardinal André-Hercule de
Fontainebleau, château of
Fontanges, Marie-Angélique de
Fontmort, Aymée de (née Villete)
Foreigners, The (Tutchin)
Fort-de-France (Martinique)
Fort Royal (Martinique)
Foundation du Château de Maintenon
Fouquet, Louis
Fouquet, Marie-Madeleine
Fouquet, Nicolas; château of; imprisonment of; pension granted to Scarron by
Fourgerets, estate of
Franco-Dutch War (1672–1678)
François I, King of France
French Revolution
Friedrich, Holy Roman Emperor
Friedrich I, King of Prussia
Friedrich Wilhelm II, Elector of Brandenburg
Fronde; Condé and; events leading to; formal end of; gambling at court as antidote to; La Reynie during; Mazarin forced into exile during; reprisals against frondeurs
Furetière, Antoine
Gassendi, Pierre
Gelin, Henri
Geneviève, Sainte
George I, King of England
George Dandin, or The Confused Husband (Molière)
br /> Germany; dancing in; economy of; French wars with; Huguenots in; mercenaries in England from; see also specific German states Ghent
Girardon, François
Glencoe, massacre of
Gobelin, Colonel Antoine
Gobelin, Père François; death of; and decisions on care for Athénaïs’s children; failed attempts to influence Françoise of; Françoise’s letters to; as religious superior of Saint-Cyr
Godet des Marais, Paul
Gothic architecture
Goubert, Pierre
Gramont, Antoine, maréchal-duc de
Grand Alliance; see also Nine Years War
Greece; ancient
Gregory, Saint
Grenaille, François de
Guiche, duc de
Guyon, Jeanne-Marie Bouvier de la Motte
Hanover, Elector of
Harcourt, Henri, duc d’
Harcourt dynasty
Hardouin-Mansart, Jules
Harlay de Champvallon, François de, Archbishop of Paris
Henri II, King of France
Henri III, King of France
Henri IV (Henri of Navarre), King of France
Hequetot, marquis d’
Heudicourt, Bonne de Pons, marquise d’
Heudicourt, Louise d’, see Beauverger de Montgon, Louise, marquise de
Heudicourt, marquis de
High Council
Holland, see Netherlands
Holy Roman Empire; see also Germany
Hôtel Chaumont (Niort)
Hôtel Guénégaud (Paris)
Hôtel de Troyes (Paris)
Houël, Charles
Huguenots; in Netherlands; persecution of; protection under Edict of Nantes of; Saint Bartholomew’s Eve massacre of; uprisings of Humières, Maréchal de
Innocent XI, Pope
Innocent XII, Pope
Instructions on the States of Prayer (Bossuet)
Isabelle de la Tremblade (ship)
Isidore, Saint
Italy; foods imported from; Renaissance; in War of the Spanish Succession
Jacquières, Michel de, lord of Herville
James I, King of England
James II, King of England
Jarnac, Mademoiselle de
Jeux, Les (ship)
John of the Cross, Saint
Jorné, marquis de
Joseph, Holy Roman Emperor
Julius II, Pope
Karl, Holy Roman Emperor (formerly Archduke of Austria)
Karl XII, King of Sweden
Karl Ludwig, Elector of Rhineland Palatinate
Knox, John
La Bruyère, Jean de
La Fayette, Marie Madeleine, comtesse de
La Fontaine, Jean de
Lagny, convent of
La Mesnardière, Hippolyte-Jules Pilet de
Langlois, Marcel
Languedoc region
Languet de Gergy, Archbishop
La Reynie, Gabriel Nicolas
La Rivière, estate of
La Rochefoucauld, François, duc de
La Rochelle
La Sablière, Monsier de
La Suze, comtesse de
Lauzun, duc de
Laval, Mademoiselle de
Laval-Lezay family
Lazarist order
Le Brun, Charles
Le Havre
Le Mans
Lenclos, Ninon de
Le Nôtre, André
Lens, Battle of
Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor
Le Prêcheur (Martinique)
Lesage (magician)
Lesdiguières, Paule-Françoise Marguerite de Gondy, duchesse de
Le Tellier, Charles-Maurice, Archbishop of Riems
Le Tellier, Michel
Le Vau, Louis
L’Hermite, Tristan
Limerick, Treaty of
Lister, Martin
Lives of the Saints
Locke, John
Longvilliers de Poincy, Robert de
Loret, Jean
Lorge, Guy Aldonce de Dufort, maréchal de
L’Orme, Charles de
Louis IX, King of France
Louis XIII, King of France
Louis XIV, King of France; amnesty for frondeurs declared by; arts revived by; birth of; ceremonial entry into Paris of; charity projects supported by; Code Noir introduced by; Colbert’s influence on; dauphine and; death of; deepening relationship of Françoise with; and departure of Athénaïs from Versailles; Dictionnaire presented to; dowries provided by; economic backwardness of France under; entertainments of; financial crisis of; first presentation of Françoise to; fortieth birthday celebration of; fortune telling at court of; Françoise becomes mistress of; during Fronde; Huguenots and; illegitimate children of; James II provided asylum by; James III recognized as king of England by; Liselotte’s reconciliation with; Louise de la Vallière as maîtresse déclarée of; at Maintenon; and Marie-Thérèse’s death; marriage of Françoise and; marriage of Marie-Thérèse and; Mazarin’s power during regency of; and Mazarin’s death; Mémoires of; military campaigns of; and niece’s marriage to king of Spain; nobles ordered beheaded by; old age of; pension provided to Françoise by; physical decline of; and poisons affair; power and popularity of; pseudo rivals presented by Françoise and Athénaïs to; and quietism affair; reconciliation of Françoise and; religious influences on and views of; riding accident of; Saint-Germain court of; Spanish territories seized by; and Spanish throne; succession after; surgery undergone by; and transformation of Paris; Versailles remodeled and expanded by; Villette cousins and; wedding journey of
Louis XV, King of France (formerly Louis, duc d’Anjou)
Louis de France, Prince (dauphin; Monseigneur); childhood of; children of; death of; James II presented to; marriage of Marie-Anne and; morganatic marriage of; in Nine Years War; in War of Spanish Succession
Louis-François, Prince
Louville, Charles-Auguste d’Allonville, marquis de
Louvois, François-Michel le Tellier, marquis de; censorship of mail by; death of; Huguenots persecuted by; marriage of Louis XIV and Françoise opposed by; mistress of; and poisons affair
Louvre; musée du
Lude, comte du
Ludres, Isabelle de
Lully, Jean-Baptiste
Luther, Martin
Luxembourg, François-Henri, duc de, maréchal de
Luzarra, Battle of
Maastricht, siege of
Macdonald clan
Madelonnetes, prison-convent of
Magallan family
Maillezais (Poitou)
Mailly, Louis, comte de
Mailly, Marie-Anne-Françoise (Minette), comtesse de (née Saint-Hermine)
Maine, Louis-Auguste de Bourbon (Mignon), duc de; arrest and imprisonment of; birth of; childhood of; education of; status as prince of the blood of; marriage of; military career of
Maine, Louise-Bénédicte, duchesse de
Maintenon, château of
Maintenon, Françoise d’Aubigné, marquise de: admirers of; and Athénaïs’s downfall; attire of; beauty of; becomes Louis XIV’s mistress; birth of; and brother Charles’s marriage and family; Caribbean sojourn of; at ceremonial entry into Paris of Louis XIV and Marie-Thérèse; charity of; childhood years at Mursay of; conversion to Catholicism of; death of; deaths of relatives and friends of; and departure of Louise de la Vallière from court; and edict declaring legitimized s
ons in line for throne; epitaph of; family background of; father’s death and impoverishment of family of; following at court of; funeral of; Gobelin becomes personal confessor of; godparents of; as governess to Louis XIV’s illegitimate children of; at le Grande Divertissement; and homosexuals; and Huguenot persecution; inclusion in public affairs of; influence at court of; James II and; keeps up appearances with Athénaïs; as lady-in-waiting to dauphine; Liselotte’s antagonism toward; Liselotte’s reconciliation with Louis XIV arranged by; and Louis XIV’s death; Louis XIV’s deepening relationship with; on Louis XIV’s riding accident; on Louis XIV’s surgery; Maintenon estate of; Marais social circle of; and Marie-Thérèse’s death; Marie-Thérèse’s esteem for; marriage of Louis XIV and; marriage of Scarron and; marriages arranged by; mother’s antipathy to; at Neuillant’s Paris apartment; during Nine Years War; at Niort governor’s residence; old age of; Peter the Great’s visit to; during poisons affair; presented to Louis XIV; promotion of protégés of; pseudo-rivals of; Queen Mother’s pension for; and “quietism” affair; reburials of; religious views of; return to France of; reunited with parents in Paris; Saint-Cyr school of; at Saint-Germain court entertainments; Scarron’s courtship of; and Scarron’s death; servants of; and Spanish throne; in Vauban with Louis XIV; Versailles apartment of; Villarceaux’s love affair with; visits to Mursay of; during War of Spanish Succession
Maison réglée, La (Audiger)
Malade imaginaire, La (Molière)
Malplaquet, Battle of
Mancini, Marie
Maniére de montrer les jardins de Versailles (Louis XIV)
Manseau (administrative intendant at Saint-Cyr)
Marais district (Paris); Françoise’s houses in; Ninon in; salons of; Scarron’s home in; social life of
Marchand, Anne
Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor
Maria Galanda (ship)
Marie-Anne, Princess of Bavaria (dauphine)
Marie-Louise, Queen of Spain
Marie-Thérèse, Princess
Marie-Thérèse, Queen; arrangement of marriage of Louis XIV and; Athénaïs as lady in waiting to; birth of children of; Bonne as lady in waiting to; ceremonial entry into Paris of Louis XIV and; death of; death of children of; dowry of; Fontainebleau apartment of; during Franco-Dutch War; and Françoise’s relationship with Louis XIV; Louise’s public apology to; piety of; unattractiveness of
Marlborough, John, Duke of
Marly, château of