A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)

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A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair) Page 39

by Lacey, S. L. A.

  “Ok people can anyone name one quality of Henry the VIII that is not in the main stream?”

  His students are quiet first as I hear faint shuffles and typing around me, and then they start yelling the answers,

  “Musician” from a girl in the far right

  “Philanthropist” from a young man down front

  “Innovator” from the girl behind me,

  “Role model” from a girl in the middle as she giggles her response, and

  “Father as a very authoritative voice from in front of me”

  “According to the catholic church… adultery” a very clean cut young man with his laptop open and sporting a tie. The crowd laughs at the young Spanish students comment. So do I this is getting good. Ian tosses up the chalk again and says in a very calm voice almost like a police officer in an interrogation.

  “Interesting that none of you all said TYRANT?” Ian makes his statement he is soft spoken yet firm, a bit unpretentious, he works the crowd, ever so gauging, meek at times and always modest, wow I can see how I fell for him. It’s all coming back to me, he is knowledgeable yet witty, smart but in an alluring way, intelligent beyond his years, articulate as ever and on him it has always been handsome to me.

  I think Ian is his most humble when he is teaching, sincere, honest, devoted, this is the man I fell in love with. I mean look at him he is tall six feet two inches of brains and a bod to rock, he is fun and knowledgeable, energetic and incorrigible as he involves these students and takes them on a journey that they would have never taken if it wasn’t for him.

  I glance over to my right at the crowd of eager students as they laugh at his proposed question, the female student body well let’s just say that what I see on their faces and the giggles and snickers that are being made are sure as hell not aimed at dear old Henry VIII, yeah my fiancé is a hottie. I believe there was an eighties song Hot for teacher yeah I can see why.

  Ian walks towards the black board and writes what the kids yelled out and turns as he throws the chalk up and catches it. Yes that is my fiancé up there being cute and adorable, playful and sexy as hell, no wonder this class is packed must be two hundred kids in here.

  In all seriousness what glues me to my seat is when Ian, Professor Bollinger does what he does best, and that is speak-- I am riveted as are the rest of the twenty something ladies in this class, jeez they are all so young, cute and perky.

  Ian continues with his thoughts, backed up by facts in history and always bought to the main stream so we less mortals can comprehend the written word from five hundred years ago.

  I have always been impressed when Ian talk’s people listen, he makes them think and poses questions but what I love is his voice, so soothing, inspiring with just a dash of humor to make sure we are paying attention. Here take a listen.

  “His leadership was often challenged, his decisions were always scrutinized and his lack of decorum was evident but I think his ever present wondering eye is what made him humble, popular and a tyrant”

  A young Asian girl raises her hand

  “But professor with all he had to deal with back then it wasn’t easy to be the king” she gets a laugh from us all.

  Ian is smiling and now moving back to the black board and he writes down this statement “Ok let’s see in this day and age would Henry VIII make the history books or make the tabloids?” again he has these kids eating out the palm of his hands. That was the ace in the hole, the students starting yelling their opinions, they started taking sides which got them all chirping in as they are now debating over who and what and that Ian has always said to me ‘this is teaching, if a teacher does not inspire you to form an opinion they should be ashamed to cash their paycheck’ I do agree there are those who do and then there are those who teach Ian has done the research traveled and has done the fieldwork for twenty years and look how he makes this class come to life, I am impressed beyond comprehension at my wonderful fiancé talents.

  His comments made them think hell he made me think about dear old Henry VIII and I’m not even in this class! I have to hand it to him they all picked and poked which was Henry’s assets and his liabilities. What a great teacher Ian is. He is compassionate, inspiring and he makes them ponder instead of taking things for face value and I believe we all need to do that every once in a while as a reality check.

  I am getting a bigger sense of what is happening in Ian’s class as I listen, the ace in the hole is he is entertaining in his statements, he knows his shit, from data, dates, events how this impacted America and of course how the Church of England was formed.

  There was no stone unturned in this lecture about Henry VIII it was all up for grabs, from Anne Boleyn to the rest of his wives, it was interesting to hear all the facts and legends. Ian’s class is fifty minutes or so he covered six chapters eloquently and he was inspiring, they were pinned to their seats, some of the more gregarious students were animated while others even answered in English accents. Which I thought was cute and lets him know that he got through to them that they understood the material and that to him is a connection that he says he just thrives off of and that is why he is still teaching. I was so proud to sit in on his class today. After the whole educational process was over, he gave them parting words.

  “If there was no Henry VIII there would not have been an Elizabeth I or the reformation of the Church of England, these were trying times and what they were doing was all uncharted territory, to challenge the Catholic church, to challenge Rome and the Vatican, citizens of England were governed by the king, what he said was the law and punishable by death if you did not comply, they had no voice, no choice and no recourse.

  Now fast forward five hundred and three years later to present day Cleveland here in the United States, we have a pending election two candidates who are fighting for your most powerful commodity your vote! If history teachers us anything it is to learn from our mistakes, as students and up and coming citizens you have a voice, you have a vote, don’t let them be uncounted, it’s your turn to make history, thank you, have a good rest of your day.”

  He smiles as his students applaud him…they just love him. I know his last comment was for me, he was the deciding factor that made me register to vote after all these years.

  The lecture room slowly clears out as his students gather up their backpacks and belongings. Ian watches them as they file out one by one some hi-five him, the girls offer their hand and he shakes it, the smiles and the glares it has been like that since high school he always turned heads and then suddenly we are alone.

  I remain seated the huge lecture hall seems to dwarf us as it emptied, he strides over to me to where I am sitting and his grin is cute and endearing he props himself back against the seat in front of me and starts shaking his head as if I totally caught him off guard or if I have been naughty. Nonetheless I have no idea what he is going to say to my being here.

  “I was thinking about you, and you turn out to be my new student today” I smile at his charming comment, he touches my cheek in adoration so sweet and delightful, I melt for him as his gaze locks onto me, he leans down and kisses me with his index finger under my chin, his kiss is warm and sweet and I have to say it makes me tingle a bit when he does it in this most unromantic setting. We pull away and he looks at me and caresses my curls away from my face as he smiles at me.

  “Aria with the sunlight in your hair you are a vision, just breath taking” I kiss him for that one.

  “Well, well, professor seeing you up there tossing the chalk around and working the room you are quite the head turner yourself”

  “You’re the only one I see Aria”

  “Ian you are a wonderful teacher, I can see how your students just love you” I am all smiles and elation I am so proud of him, he does make my heart go pitter patter a bit.

  “Well thank you Aria, it is wonderful how they all come alive once they get interested in the subject, then the learning process is fun for them instead of tedious”

  “I can’t imagine your classes being tedious, I would say interesting and insightful but never tedious”

  “My dear sweet Aria you are the ultimate optimist” he sits down next to me in the vacant seat to my right

  “I have missed you all day come here” and kisses me again this time he is using his tongue and he is holding me to him as he cradles my head in his hands. He kisses me slowly and lets it linger, jeez all I gotta say is I need to show up here more often he has never kissed me like this at home, or in the car or in bed for that matter.

  We pull away as he holds the side of my face and he presses his forehead to mine

  “I gotta come see you at school more often” I say breathy

  “Yes you do, I wanted to do that the moment I saw you but this class if fifty five minutes and it became quite distracting looking over at this mouth and having to wait to kiss you”

  I held his face in my hand and kissed him back as I pushed my tongue past him teeth and tantalized him in a way that I have never before.

  “Whoa Aria if we keep this up I am going to lay you across my desk” he is breathing hard and I am so ready, needy and wanton.

  “Have you ever had sex in your classroom before?” where did that come from?

  “No Aria I will not do it in a school I will not do it…” I grab his face and kiss him as he recites the Dr. Seuss adage he stifles a laugh, he holds me to him and I lick his bottom lip as it sends warm tingle and titillations through me.

  “Ian this is a side of you I have never seen before” I lick my lips as we look at one another and his fingers intertwine with mine as we touch each other in a playful way.

  “You have known I have been a professor for quite some time now”

  “Yes but I never really saw you in action”

  “So what do you think of your fiancé the college professor?” he kisses me again as he holds my face and caress my now blushing cheeks.

  “Ian they all were inspired by you” I kiss him again as I run my fingers through his tousled dark hair.

  “Well Henry VIII is pretty impressive in his own right” as he kisses my nose

  “You are this amazing presence in my life Ian” he runs his finger down my cheek

  “You know life without you is like an unsharpened pencil, there’s no point” I grab his face with both hands and kiss him hard and he is holding me as we are going at it.

  Just then a creek and the door opens up.

  “Hey Ian Can I buy you a cup of coffee?” a deep sultry women’s voice echo’s across the room at us we both look to our right to the wooden and glass door.

  “Sorry Ian I didn’t know you had company” standing in the door way, a tall leggy blond with a very short skirt and a very wicked gleam in her eye. Ian holds my hand as we both look at this tall limber woman who is offering up herself as well as coffee to my dear Ian…hmm

  “Hello Professor Stone I’m not sure if you have met my fiancée?” I love that Ian cuts the crap and goes for the kill, the look on girly’s face was shock and she got flustered quickly I mean what did she think this was a student that Ian was kissing very provocatively.

  “No I don’t think I have had the pleasure Ian” she sashays over to us as her killer heels let me know she is anything but the average professor herself.

  “Hello there you must be Aria?” she says with a very stern adage, I don’t trust her at all, she is on the prowl.

  “Yes hello there I’m sorry who are you again?” I am stern as I reach for Ian’s hand and hold it on my lap. He intertwines his fingers with mine as we sit back.

  “Aria this is Professor Jessica Stone she is the Dean of my department” I look with narrowed eyes because she is giving them back to me, the buttons on her pale pink silk blouse are a bit too revealing but yet here she is in my fiancé lecture hall looking like anything but a college professor.

  “Glad I showed up today, nice to meet you Jessica” I release my hand from Ian and shake girlfriends hand very stern and then I drape my arm around Ian’s shoulder as he turns to me and touches my face. Ian and I are now playing with her or setting her straight, at least I am setting her straight, Ian is toying with her because he hates women who hit on men, they come off as stalkers and he doesn’t like that at all, as we sit hunched over looking at her we are indecently close to one another I mean I am almost in his lap as I cross my left leg over his.

  “I was just coming to see if you want to grab a coffee Ian?” he looks at me and he puts his left arm around me and I lean into his chest and take a deep breath and smell his polo he is heavenly and I got a feeling he is doing this to ward off Jessica rabbits intentions

  No sooner can I say anything Ian kisses my temple as he is draped around me, he could not have pitched the disdain any better, he made me his only priority without uttering a single word and he had to, she is eyeing him up like he is a subject she would like to get an “A” in. Ian doesn’t say a word so I go for it.

  “Ian was hoping on something a bit more hotter so he and I are going to continue this back at home” the smile on Ian’s face is priceless, he flashes it to Jessica rabbit so she gets the message loud and clean he is off the market. Ian looks at me and he plays along as he holds my chin and kisses me yet again, he is so good when he is being bad.

  “Sorry Professor Stone but we are out of here” Ian is stern and harsh with no foil in his tone he stands and holds my hand and pulls me to him and kisses my temple as he folds me under his arm we smile and I bit my bottom lip because I am so loving on him right now.

  “So if you will excuse us I believe Aria and I have some homework to tend to… let’s go sweetheart!” I take his lead I grab my Chanel bag and put it over my shoulder and we walk down the steps. She may think she is striking in her killer heels but my Chanel Mary-Jane’s kick ass anytime anyplace anywhere.

  “Well it was nice to meet you Aria” she is flustered and fiddling with her necklace a single solitaire at the base of her neck where her blouse should have been buttoned up to. I walk with Ian over to his desk and he garbs his bag and puts on his suit jacket he reaches for my hand and I walk into his arms.

  “Nice meeting you too Jessica” I run my left hand through Ian’s hair so she catches a glimpse of my Cartier engagement ring and Ian catches my hand and kisses it.

  “Oh are we done Professor Stone?” he says as he doesn’t take his eyes off of me.

  “Yes sure of course have a nice night” I smile at him and I feel like I won the lottery.

  “Oh we intend to” I say with a stern look and cocky arrogance at her as Ian and I walk arm in arm towards the door and all you hear are my killer Chanel Mary-Jane heels as we past the desk he will never put her across.

  “So long Professor Stone have a good night” Ian is kind, he is kind to everyone, I am a bitch but hell she is a predator extreme. I mean she is on the prowl and gosh she has cougar written all over her, with the salacious fuck me pumps, the blouse that was barely buttoned so her bra was visible and not to mention the total disregard for Ian being with me his fiancée.

  “Ian I will see you tomorrow” she waves to us. As Ian reaches for the door and we walk out of his lecture hall. I turn to him and whisper in his ear as we blend into the busy corridor

  “I think I’d better show up here more often these professors are something else”

  “She does seem to get too close for comfort at times I am glad you were here today” his comment warms my heart, he kisses my hand as we walk towards the exit passed all the students and head out to the parking lot with me under his arm, gosh great day at school best day I had in school in a long time.

  My poor Ian he is just raw meat at this school it’s like they have never had a hot teacher here before they are all over him like I want to be.


  We stumble through the back door of the house kissing very provocatively all mouth and hands and sucking and tongues as our feet hit the kitchen floor so do my heels as I kick them off and they go flying
. I rid myself of my sweater that was draped across my shoulders. I get Ian out of his jacket and toss it to the nearby chair.

  Well since I didn’t get to put his tie on him this morning I sure as hell took it off him in record time this evening. I left his tie in the kitchen, I reaches for his shirt pulling it from his waist band and making quick work of the buttons, with svelte dexterity, I ease it off his shoulders and leave it on the newel post at the base of the staircase.

  “Ian I want to kiss you everywhere”

  “I love the effect school has on you” I unzipped him in one swift and skillful motion dropping his pants and boxers, he shuffled out of his shoes and kicked everything to the curb. Ian has my white oxford shirt undone and on the landing, he reaches down and removes his socks. I step out of my pants as our clothes are scattered about from the door in the kitchen, as we make our way upstairs. Kissing and fondling one another, I was getting so hot and aroused because I get to fuck the hot college professor, Ian’s hands on me send thrill up and down my spine as he unhooked my bra and left it dangling over the banister. He holds me tight as he kisses me and my breast come to attention at his demanding lips. With his hand on my butt he very slowly slides down my panties and I walked out of them and leave them in the hall.

  Our bedroom is our oasis it’s all silver and grey very calming when it needs to be and very sexy as it is right now and with one swift push Ian is down on his back on the bed facing me.

  I crawled up him and his shocked smile is all I needed to set me off, I rubbed his erection against my sex and Ian looked amazed and shocked at my audacious behavior, he grabbed my face and kissed me with passionate kisses that left trails of hot spots in their path from my neck to my breast, his erection was getting harder at every pass every swipes against me started to build and I was getting more greedy for him. I may have initiated with every intention of taking charge of him but in one swift move I was beneath him and he slowly devoured me and made me his as he filling me, possessed me and left his mark on my most private part of my body. He was slow at first as he stretched me out and when he shifted to hit that certain spot I was at his mercy, as he takes full advantage of the situation he marked his territory, my only thoughts are of him, my only view was his body coveting me and making me his, he basically set the ground work his goal is to fuck me like the hot teacher he is.


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