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The Iliad of Homer

Page 45

by Richmond Lattimore

  These two came into the presence of Zeus the cloud-gatherer

  155 and stood, nor was his heart angry when he looked upon them,

  seeing they had promptly obeyed the message of his dear lady.

  He spoke to Iris first of the two, and addressed her in winged words:

  “Go on your way now, swift Iris, to the lord Poseidon,

  and give him all this message nor be a false messenger. Tell him

  160 that he must now quit the war and the fighting, and go back

  among the generations of gods, or into the bright sea.

  And if he will not obey my words, or thinks nothing of them,

  then let him consider in his heart and his spirit

  that he might not, strong though he is, be able to stand up

  165 to my attack; since I say I am far greater than he is

  in strength, and elder born; yet his inward heart shrinks not from calling

  himself the equal of me, though others shudder before me.”

  He spoke, and swift wind-footed Iris did not disobey him

  but went down along the hills of Ida to sacred Ilion.

  170 As those times when out of the clouds the snow or the hail whirls

  cold beneath the blast of the north wind born in the bright air,

  so rapidly in her eagerness winged Iris, the swift one,

  and stood beside the famed shaker of the earth, and spoke to him:

  “I have a certain message for you, dark-haired, earth-encircler,

  175 and came here to bring it to you from Zeus of the aegis.

  His order is that you quit the war and the fighting, and go back

  among the generations of gods, or into the bright sea.

  And if you will not obey his words, or think nothing of them,

  his threat is that he himself will come to fight with you

  180 here, strength against strength, but warns you to keep from under

  his hands, since he says he is far greater than you are

  in strength, and elder born. Yet your inward heart shrinks not from calling

  yourself the equal of him, though others shudder before him.”

  Then deeply vexed the famed shaker of the earth spoke to her:

  185 “No, no. Great though he is, this that he has said is too much,

  if he will force me against my will, me, who am his equal

  in rank. Since we are three brothers born by Rheia to Kronos,

  Zeus, and I, and the third is Hades, lord of the dead men.

  All was divided among us three ways, each given his domain.

  190 I when the lots were shaken drew the gray sea to live in

  forever; Hades drew the lot of the mists and the darkness,

  and Zeus was allotted the wide sky, in the cloud and the bright air.

  But earth and high Olympos are common to all three. Therefore

  I am no part of the mind of Zeus. Let him in tranquility

  195 and powerful as he is stay satisfied with his third share.

  And let him absolutely stop frightening me, as if I were

  mean, with his hands. It were better to keep for the sons and the daughters

  he got himself these blusterings and these threats of terror.

  They will listen, because they must, to whatever he tells them.”

  200 Then in turn swift wind-footed Iris answered him:

  “Am I then to carry, O dark-haired, earth-encircler,

  this word, which is strong and steep, back to Zeus from you?

  Or will you change a little? The hearts of the great can be changed.

  You know the Furies, how they forever side with the elder.”

  205 Then in turn the shaker of the earth Poseidon spoke to her:

  “Now this, divine Iris, was a word quite properly spoken.

  It is a fine thing when a messenger is conscious of justice.

  But this thing comes as a bitter sorrow to my heart and my spirit,

  when Zeus tries in words of anger to reprimand one who

  210 is his equal in station, and endowed with destiny like his.

  Still, this time I will give way, for all my vexation.

  But I will say this also, and make it a threat in my anger.

  If ever, acting apart from me and Athene the spoiler,

  apart from Hera and Hermes and the lord Hephaistos,

  215 he shall spare headlong Ilion, and shall not be willing

  to take it by storm, and bestow great victory on the Argives,

  let him be sure, there will be no more healing of our anger.”

  The shaker of the earth spoke, and left the Achaian people,

  and went, merging in the sea, and the fighting Achaians longed for him.

  220 After this Zeus who gathers the clouds spoke to Apollo:

  “Go now, beloved Phoibos, to the side of brazen-helmed Hektor,

  since by this he who encircles the earth and shakes it

  is gone into the bright sea and has avoided the anger

  that would be ours. In truth, this would have been a fight those other

  225 gods would have heard about, who gather to Kronos beneath us.

  Now this way it was far better for me, and for himself

  also, that, for all his vexation before, he gave way

  to my hands. We would have sweated before this business was finished.

  Now yourself take up in your hands the aegis with fluttering

  230 tassels, and shake it hard to scare the Achaian fighters.

  Then, striker from afar, let your own concern be glorious Hektor.

  So long waken the huge strength in him, until the Achaians

  run in flight, and come to the ships and the crossing of Helle.

  From there on I myself shall think of the word and the action

  235 to make the Achaians get wind once more, after their hard fighting.”

  He spoke so, and Apollo, not disregarding his father,

  came down along the mountains of Ida in the likeness of a rapid

  hawk, the dove’s murderer and swiftest of all things flying.

  He found brilliant Hektor, the son of wise Priam, sitting

  240 now, no longer sprawled, as he gathered new strength back into him

  and recognized his companions about him. The sweat and hard breathing

  had begun to stop, once the will in Zeus of the aegis wakened him.

  Apollo who works from afar stood beside him, and spoke to him:

  “Hektor, son of Priam, why do you sit in such weakness

  245 here apart from the others? Did some disaster befall you?”

  In his weakness Hektor of the shining helm spoke to him:

  “Who are you, who speak to me face to face, O noblest

  of gods? Did you not know how by the Achaians’ grounded

  ships, Aias of the great war cry struck me in the chest with a boulder

  250 as I slaughtered his companions, and stayed my furious valor?

  Truly, I thought that on this day I would come to the corpses

  and the house of the death god, once I had breathed the inward life from me.”

  In turn the lord, the worker from afar, Apollo, spoke to him:

  “Take heart; such an avenger am I whom the son of Kronos

  255 sent down from Ida, to stand by your side and defend you,

  Phoibos Apollo of the golden sword, who in time before this

  also have stood to defend yourself and your sheer citadel.

  So come now, and urge on your cavalry in their numbers

  to drive on their horses against the hollow ships. Meanwhile

  260 I shall move on before you and make all the way for the horses

  smooth before them, and bend back the Achaian fighters.”

  He spoke, and breathed huge strength into the shepherd of the people.

  As when some stalled horse who has been corn-fed at the manger

  breaking free of his rope gallops over the plain in t

  265 to his accustomed bathing place in a sweet-running river

  and in the pride of his strength holds high his head and the mane floats

  over his shoulders; sure of his glorious strength, the quick knees

  carry him to the loved places and the pasture of horses;

  so Hektor moving rapidly his feet and his knees went

  270 onward, stirring the horsemen when he heard the god’s voice speak.

  And as when men who live in the wilds and their dogs have driven

  into flight a horned stag or a wild goat. Inaccessible

  the rocky cliff or the shadowed forest has covered the quarry

  so that the men know it was not their fortune to take him;

  275 and now by their clamoring shows in the way a great bearded

  lion, and bends them to sudden flight for all their eagerness;

  so the Danaäns until that time kept always in close chase

  assembled, stabbing at them with swords and leaf-headed spears,

  but when they saw Hektor once more ranging the men’s ranks

  280 they were frightened, and by their feet collapsed all their bravery.

  Now Thoas spoke forth among them, the son of Andraimon,

  far the best of the Aitolians, one skilled in the spear’s throw

  and brave in close fight. In assembly few of the Achaians

  when the young men contended in debate could outdo him.

  285 He in kind intention now spoke forth and addressed them:

  “Can this be? Here is a strange thing I see with my own eyes,

  how this Hektor has got to his feet once more, and eluded

  the death spirits. I think in each of us the heart had high hope

  he was killed under the hands of Telamonian Aias.

  290 Now some one of the gods has come to his help and rescued

  Hektor, who has unstrung the knees of so many Danaäns.

  I think he will do it once more now. It is not without Zeus

  the deep-thundering that he stands their champion in all this fury.

  Come then, let us do as I say, let us all be persuaded.

  295 Let us tell the multitude to make its way back toward the vessels

  while we ourselves, who claim we are greatest in all the army,

  stand, and see if we can face him first, and hold him off from them

  with spears lifted against him, and I think for all of his fury

  his heart will be afraid to plunge into our Danaän company.

  300 So he spoke, and they listened to him with care, and obeyed him.

  They who rallied about Aias, the lord Idomeneus,

  Teukros, Meriones, and Meges, a man like the war god,

  closed their order for hard impact, calling on the bravest

  to face Hektor and the Trojans. Meanwhile behind them

  305 the multitude made their way back toward the ships of the Achaians.

  The Trojans came down on them in a pack, and Hektor led them

  in long strides, and in front of him went Phoibos Apollo

  wearing a mist about his shoulders, and held the tempestuous

  terrible aegis, shaggy, conspicuous, that the bronze-smith

  310 Hephaistos had given Zeus to wear to the terror of mortals.

  Gripping this in both hands he led on the Trojan people.

  But the Argives stood in close order against them, and the battle cry rose up

  in a thin scream from either side, the arrows from the bowstrings

  jumping, while from violent hands the numerous thrown spears

  315 were driven, some deep in the bodies of quick-stirring young men,

  while many in the space between before they had got to the white skin

  stood fast in the ground, though they had been straining to reach the bodies.

  So long as Phoibos Apollo held stilled in his hands the aegis,

  so long the thrown weapons of both took hold, and men dropped under them.

  320 But when he stared straight into the eyes of the fast-mounted Danaäns

  and shook the aegis, and himself gave a great baying cry, the spirit

  inside them was mazed to hear it, they forgot their furious valor.

  And they, as when in the dim of the black night two wild beasts

  stampede a herd of cattle or big flock of sheep, falling

  325 suddenly upon them, when no herdsman is by, the Achaians

  fled so in their weakness and terror, since Apollo drove

  terror upon them, and gave the glory to the Trojans and Hektor.

  There man killed man all along the scattered encounter.

  Hektor first killed Stichios and Arkesilaos,

  330 one the leader of the bronze-armored Boiotians, the other

  trusted companion in arms of great-hearted Menestheus.

  But Aineias slaughtered Medon and Iasos. Of these

  Medon was a bastard son of godlike Oïleus

  and therefore brother of Aias, but had made his home in Phylakē

  335 away from the land of his fathers, having killed a man, a relation

  of Eriopis, his stepmother, the wife of Oïleus.

  Iasos was a leader appointed of the Athenians,

  and was called the son of Sphelos, the son of Boukolos.

  Poulydamas killed Mekisteus, and Polites Echios

  340 in the first onfall, and brilliant Agenor cut down Klonios.

  Paris struck Deïochos from behind at the shoulder’s

  base, as he ran away through the front ranks, and drove the bronze clean through.

  While these stripped the armor from their men, meanwhile the Achaians

  blundering about the deep-dug ditch and the sharp stakes

  345 ran this way and that in terror, forced into their rampart.

  But Hektor called aloud in a piercing cry to the Trojans:

  “Make hard for the ships, let the bloody spoils be. That man

  I see in the other direction apart from the vessels,

  I will take care that he gets his death, and that man’s relations

  350 neither men nor women shall give his dead body the rite of burning.

  In the space before our city the dogs shall tear him to pieces.”

  So speaking with a whipstroke from the shoulder he lashed on his horses

  calling across the ranks to the Trojans, who along with him

  all cried aloud as they steered the horses who pulled their chariots,

  355 with inhuman clamor, and in front of them Phoibos Apollo

  easily, kicking them with his feet, tumbled the banked edges

  of the deep ditch into the pit between, and bridged over a pathway

  both wide and long, about as long as the force of a spearcast

  goes when a man has thrown it to try his strength. They streamed over

  360 in massed formation, with Apollo in front of them holding

  the tremendous aegis, and wrecked the bastions of the Achaians

  easily, as when a little boy piles sand by the seashore

  when in his innocent play he makes sand towers to amuse him

  and then, still playing, with hands and feet ruins them and wrecks them.

  365 So you, lord Apollo, piled in confusion much hard work

  and painful done by the Argives and drove terror among them.

  So they reined in and stood fast again beside their ships, calling

  aloud upon each other, and to all of the gods, uplifting

  their hands each man of them cried out his prayers in a great voice,

  370 and beyond others Gerenian Nestor, the Achaians’ watcher,

  prayed, reaching out both arms to the starry heavens:

  “Father Zeus, if ever in wheat-deep Argos one of us

  burning before you the rich thigh pieces of sheep or ox prayed

  he would come home again, and you nodded your head and assented,

  375 remember this, Olympian, save us from the day wit
hout pity;

  let not the Achaians be beaten down like this by the Trojans.”

  So he spoke in prayer, and Zeus of the counsels thundered

  a great stroke, hearing the prayer of the old man, the son of Neleus.

  But the Trojans, hearing the thunderstroke of Zeus of the aegis,

  380 remembered even more their warcraft, and sprang on the Argives.

  They, as when the big waves on the sea wide-wandering

  wash across the walls of a ship underneath the leaning

  force of the wind, which particularly piles up the big waves,

  so the Trojans with huge clamor went over the rampart

  385 and drove their horses to fight alongside the grounded vessels,

  with leaf-headed spears, some at close quarters, others from their horses.

  But the Achaians climbing high on their black ships fought from them

  with long pikes that lay among the hulls for sea fighting,

  shrouded about the heads in bronze that was soldered upon them.

  390 Meanwhile Patroklos, all the time the Achaians and Trojans

  were fighting on both sides of the wall, far away from the fast ships,

  had sat all this time in the shelter of courtly Eurypylos

  and had been entertaining him with words and applying

  medicines that would mitigate the black pains to the sore wound.

  395 But when he saw the Trojans were sweeping over the rampart

  and the outcry and the noise of terror rose from the Danaäns

  Patroklos groaned aloud then and struck himself on both thighs

  with the flats of his hands and spoke a word of lamentation:

  “Eurypylos, much though you need me I cannot stay here

  400 longer with you. This is a big fight that has arisen.

  Now it is for your henchman to look after you, while I

  go in haste to Achilleus, to stir him into the fighting.

  Who knows if, with God helping, I might trouble his spirit

  by entreaty, since the persuasion of a friend is a strong thing.”

  405 As he was speaking his feet carried him away. Meanwhile

  the Achaians stood steady against the Trojan attack, but they could not

  beat the enemy, fewer as they were, away from their vessels,

  nor again had the Trojans strength to break the battalions

  of the Danaäns, and force their way into the ships and the shelters.

  410 But as a chalkline straightens the cutting of a ship’s timber

  in the hands of an expert carpenter, who by Athene’s

  inspiration is well versed in all his craft’s subtlety,


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