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The Iliad of Homer

Page 55

by Richmond Lattimore

  Thetis of the silver feet came to the house of Hephaistos,

  370 imperishable, starry, and shining among the immortals,

  built in bronze for himself by the god of the dragging footsteps.

  She found him sweating as he turned here and there to his bellows

  busily, since he was working on twenty tripods

  which were to stand against the wall of his strong-founded dwelling.

  375 And he had set golden wheels underneath the base of each one

  so that of their own motion they could wheel into the immortal

  gathering, and return to his house: a wonder to look at.

  These were so far finished, but the elaborate ear handles

  were not yet on. He was forging these, and beating the chains out.

  380 As he was at work on this in his craftsmanship and his cunning

  meanwhile the goddess Thetis the silver-footed drew near him.

  Charis of the shining veil saw her as she came forward,

  she, the lovely goddess the renowned strong-armed one had married.

  She came, and caught her hand and called her by name and spoke to her:

  385 “Why is it, Thetis of the light robes, you have come to our house now?

  We honor you and love you; but you have not come much before this.

  But come in with me, so I may put entertainment before you.

  ” She spoke, and, shining among divinities, led the way forward

  and made Thetis sit down in a chair that was wrought elaborately

  390 and splendid with silver nails, and under it was a footstool.

  She called to Hephaistos the renowned smith and spoke a word to him:

  “Hephaistos, come this way; here is Thetis, who has need of you.”

  Hearing her the renowned smith of the strong arms answered her:

  “Then there is a goddess we honor and respect in our house.

  395 She saved me when I suffered much at the time of my great fall

  through the will of my own brazen-faced mother, who wanted

  to hide me, for being lame. Then my soul would have taken much suffering

  had not Eurynomē and Thetis caught me and held me,

  Eurynomē, daughter of Ocean, whose stream bends back in a circle.

  400 With them I worked nine years as a smith, and wrought many intricate

  things; pins that bend back, curved clasps, cups, necklaces, working

  there in the hollow of the cave, and the stream of Ocean around us

  went on forever with its foam and its murmur. No other

  among the gods or among mortal men knew about us

  405 except Eurynomē and Thetis. They knew, since they saved me.

  Now she has come into our house; so I must by all means

  do everything to give recompense to lovely-haired Thetis

  for my life. Therefore set out before her fair entertainment

  while I am putting away my bellows and all my instruments.”

  410 He spoke, and took the huge blower off from the block of the anvil

  limping; and yet his shrunken legs moved lightly beneath him.

  He set the bellows away from the fire, and gathered and put away

  all the tools with which he worked in a silver strongbox.

  Then with a sponge he wiped clean his forehead, and both hands,

  415 and his massive neck and hairy chest, and put on a tunic,

  and took up a heavy stick in his hand, and went to the doorway

  limping. And in support of their master moved his attendants.

  These are golden, and in appearance like living young women.

  There is intelligence in their hearts, and there is speech in them

  420 and strength, and from the immortal gods they have learned how to do things.

  These stirred nimbly in support of their master, and moving

  near to where Thetis sat in her shining chair, Hephaistos

  caught her by the hand and called her by name and spoke a word to her:

  “Why is it, Thetis of the light robes, you have come to our house now?

  425 We honor you and love you; but you have not come much before this.

  Speak forth what is in your mind. My heart is urgent to do it

  if I can, and if it is a thing that can be accomplished.”

  Then in turn Thetis answered him, letting the tears fall:

  “Hephaistos, is there among all the goddesses on Olympos

  430 one who in her heart has endured so many grim sorrows

  as the griefs Zeus, son of Kronos, has given me beyond others?

  Of all the other sisters of the sea he gave me to a mortal,

  to Peleus, Aiakos’ son, and I had to endure mortal marriage

  though much against my will. And now he, broken by mournful

  435 old age, lies away in his halls. Yet I have other troubles.

  For since he has given me a son to bear and to raise up

  conspicuous among heroes, and he shot up like a young tree,

  I nurtured him, like a tree grown in the pride of the orchard.

  I sent him away in the curved ships to the land of Ilion

  440 to fight with the Trojans; but I shall never again receive him

  won home again to his country and into the house of Peleus.

  Yet while I see him live and he looks on the sunlight, he has

  sorrows, and though I go to him I can do nothing to help him.

  And the girl the sons of the Achaians chose out for his honor

  445 powerful Agamemnon took her away again out of his hands.

  For her his heart has been wasting in sorrow; but meanwhile the Trojans

  pinned the Achaians against their grounded ships, and would not

  let them win outside, and the elders of the Argives entreated

  my son, and named the many glorious gifts they would give him.

  450 But at that time he refused himself to fight the death from them;

  nevertheless he put his own armor upon Patroklos

  and sent him into the fighting, and gave many men to go with him.

  All day they fought about the Skaian Gates, and on that day

  they would have stormed the city, if only Phoibos Apollo

  455 had not killed the fighting son of Menoitios there in the first ranks

  after he had wrought much damage, and given the glory to Hektor.

  Therefore now I come to your knees; so might you be willing

  to give me for my short-lived son a shield and a helmet

  and two beautiful greaves fitted with clasps for the ankles

  460 and a corselet. What he had was lost with his steadfast companion

  when the Trojans killed him. Now my son lies on the ground, heart sorrowing.”

  Hearing her the renowned smith of the strong arms answered her:

  “Do not fear. Let not these things be a thought in your mind.

  And I wish that I could hide him away from death and its sorrow

  465 at that time when his hard fate comes upon him, as surely

  as there shall be fine armor for him, such as another

  man out of many men shall wonder at, when he looks on it.”

  So he spoke, and left her there, and went to his bellows.

  He turned these toward the fire and gave them their orders for working.

  470 And the bellows, all twenty of them, blew on the crucibles,

  from all directions blasting forth wind to blow the flames high

  now as he hurried to be at this place and now at another,

  wherever Hephaistos might wish them to blow, and the work went forward.

  He cast on the fire bronze which is weariless, and tin with it

  475 and valuable gold, and silver, and thereafter set forth

  upon its standard the great anvil, and gripped in one hand

  the ponderous hammer, while in the other he grasped the pincers.

  First of all he
forged a shield that was huge and heavy,

  elaborating it about, and threw around it a shining

  480 triple rim that glittered, and the shield strap was cast of silver.

  There were five folds composing the shield itself, and upon it

  he elaborated many things in his skill and craftsmanship.

  He made the earth upon it, and the sky, and the sea’s water,

  and the tireless sun, and the moon waxing into her fullness,

  485 and on it all the constellations that festoon the heavens,

  the Pleiades and the Hyadēs and the strength of Orion

  and the Bear, whom men give also the name of the Wagon,

  who turns about in a fixed place and looks at Orion

  and she alone is never plunged in the wash of the Ocean.

  490 On it he wrought in all their beauty two cities of mortal

  men. And there were marriages in one, and festivals.

  They were leading the brides along the city from their maiden chambers

  under the flaring of torches, and the loud bride song was arising.

  The young men followed the circles of the dance, and among them

  495 the flutes and lyres kept up their clamor as in the meantime

  the women standing each at the door of her court admired them.

  The people were assembled in the market place, where a quarrel

  had arisen, and two men were disputing over the blood price

  for a man who had been killed. One man promised full restitution

  500 in a public statement, but the other refused and would accept nothing.

  Both then made for an arbitrator, to have a decision;

  and people were speaking up on either side, to help both men.

  But the heralds kept the people in hand, as meanwhile the elders

  were in session on benches of polished stone in the sacred circle

  505 and held in their hands the staves of the heralds who lift their voices.

  The two men rushed before these, and took turns speaking their cases,

  and between them lay on the ground two talents of gold, to be given

  to that judge who in this case spoke the straightest opinion.

  But around the other city were lying two forces of armed men

  510 shining in their war gear. For one side counsel was divided

  whether to storm and sack, or share between both sides the property

  and all the possessions the lovely citadel held hard within it.

  But the city’s people were not giving way, and armed for an ambush.

  Their beloved wives and their little children stood on the rampart

  515 to hold it, and with them the men with age upon them, but meanwhile

  the others went out. And Ares led them, and Pallas Athene.

  These were gold, both, and golden raiment upon them, and they were

  beautiful and huge in their armor, being divinities,

  and conspicuous from afar, but the people around them were smaller.

  520 These, when they were come to the place that was set for their ambush,

  in a river, where there was a watering place for all animals,

  there they sat down in place shrouding themselves in the bright bronze.

  But apart from these were sitting two men to watch for the rest of them

  and waiting until they could see the sheep and the shambling cattle,

  525 who appeared presently, and two herdsmen went along with them

  playing happily on pipes, and took no thought of the treachery.

  Those others saw them, and made a rush, and quickly thereafter

  cut off on both sides the herds of cattle and the beautiful

  flocks of shining sheep, and killed the shepherds upon them.

  530 But the other army, as soon as they heard the uproar arising

  from the cattle, as they sat in their councils, suddenly mounted

  behind their light-foot horses, and went after, and soon overtook them.

  These stood their ground and fought a battle by the banks of the river,

  and they were making casts at each other with their spears bronze-headed;

  535 and Hate was there with Confusion among them, and Death the destructive;

  she was holding a live man with a new wound, and another

  one unhurt, and dragged a dead man by the feet through the carnage.

  The clothing upon her shoulders showed strong red with the men’s blood.

  All closed together like living men and fought with each other

  540 and dragged away from each other the corpses of those who had fallen.

  He made upon it a soft field, the pride of the tilled land,

  wide and triple-ploughed, with many ploughmen upon it

  who wheeled their teams at the turn and drove them in either direction.

  And as these making their turn would reach the end-strip of the field,

  545 a man would come up to them at this point and hand them a flagon

  of honey-sweet wine, and they would turn again to the furrows

  in their haste to come again to the end-strip of the deep field.

  The earth darkened behind them and looked like earth that has been ploughed

  though it was gold. Such was the wonder of the shield’s forging.

  550 He made on it the precinct of a king, where the laborers

  were reaping, with the sharp reaping hooks in their hands. Of the cut swathes

  some fell along the lines of reaping, one after another,

  while the sheaf-binders caught up others and tied them with bind-ropes.

  There were three sheaf-binders who stood by, and behind them

  555 were children picking up the cut swathes, and filled their arms with them

  and carried and gave them always; and by them the king in silence

  and holding his staff stood near the line of the reapers, happily.

  And apart and under a tree the heralds made a feast ready

  and trimmed a great ox they had slaughtered. Meanwhile the women

  560 scattered, for the workmen to eat, abundant white barley.

  He made on it a great vineyard heavy with clusters,

  lovely and in gold, but the grapes upon it were darkened

  and the vines themselves stood out through poles of silver. About them

  he made a field-ditch of dark metal, and drove all around this

  565 a fence of tin; and there was only one path to the vineyard,

  and along it ran the grape-bearers for the vineyard’s stripping.

  Young girls and young men, in all their light-hearted innocence,

  carried the kind, sweet fruit away in their woven baskets,

  and in their midst a youth with a singing lyre played charmingly

  570 upon it for them, and sang the beautiful song for Linos

  in a light voice, and they followed him, and with singing and whistling

  and light dance-steps of their feet kept time to the music.

  He made upon it a herd of horn-straight oxen. The cattle

  were wrought of gold and of tin, and thronged in speed and with lowing

  575 out of the dung of the farmyard to a pasturing place by a sounding

  river, and beside the moving field of a reed bed.

  The herdsmen were of gold who went along with the cattle,

  four of them, and nine dogs shifting their feet followed them.

  But among the foremost of the cattle two formidable lions

  580 had caught hold of a bellowing bull, and he with loud lowings

  was dragged away, as the dogs and the young men went in pursuit of him.

  But the two lions, breaking open the hide of the great ox,

  gulped the black blood and the inward guts, as meanwhile the herdsmen

  were in the act of setting and urging the quick dogs on them.

  585 But they, before they could get their teeth in, turned back from
the lions,

  but would come and take their stand very close, and bayed, and kept clear.

  And the renowned smith of the strong arms made on it a meadow

  large and in a lovely valley for the glimmering sheepflocks,

  with dwelling places upon it, and covered shelters, and sheepfolds.

  590 And the renowned smith of the strong arms made elaborate on it

  a dancing floor, like that which once in the wide spaces of Knosos

  Daidalos built for Ariadne of the lovely tresses.

  And there were young men on it and young girls, sought for their beauty

  with gifts of oxen, dancing, and holding hands at the wrist. These

  595 wore, the maidens long light robes, but the men wore tunics

  of finespun work and shining softly, touched with olive oil.

  And the girls wore fair garlands on their heads, while the young men

  carried golden knives that hung from sword-belts of silver.

  At whiles on their understanding feet they would run very lightly,

  600 as when a potter crouching makes trial of his wheel, holding

  it close in his hands, to see if it will run smooth. At another

  time they would form rows, and run, rows crossing each other.

  And around the lovely chorus of dancers stood a great multitude

  happily watching, while among the dancers two acrobats

  605 led the measures of song and dance revolving among them.

  He made on it the great strength of the Ocean River

  which ran around the uttermost rim of the shield’s strong structure.

  Then after he had wrought this shield, which was huge and heavy,

  he wrought for him a corselet brighter than fire in its shining,

  610 and wrought him a helmet, massive and fitting close to his temples,

  lovely and intricate work, and laid a gold top-ridge along it,

  and out of pliable tin wrought him leg-armor. Thereafter

  when the renowned smith of the strong arms had finished the armor

  he lifted it and laid it before the mother of Achilleus.

  615 And she like a hawk came sweeping down from the snows of Olympos

  and carried with her the shining armor, the gift of Hephaistos.


  Now Dawn the yellow-robed arose from the river of Ocean

  to carry her light to men and to immortals. And Thetis

  came to the ships and carried with her the gifts of Hephaistos.

  She found her beloved son lying in the arms of Patroklos


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