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Love in the Air: Lopez Island Series #2

Page 22

by Jamie E. Matthews

  “Talk to me.” He brushed his fingers across those high, proud cheekbones, slid them down that stubborn jaw. When her lower lip trembled, and tears began spilling from her beautiful dark eyes, he felt her sorrow arrow straight into his heart.

  For a long moment, he didn’t think she’d reply but then she firmed her lips, brushed at her eyes, but the tears kept coming.

  “I keep thinking how mean I was to her when I first met her,” she whispered, clenching her hands at her sides. “I was such a bitch. Jealous of her friendship with Paul, and with Hannah, too. I treated her like she was an annoyance that would soon be gone, because I didn’t really thinks she’d last. But she—” her breath hitched, and Adrian grabbed her hands, brought them up to his lips. “She never gave up on me. She kept trying and trying to be friends until I had to admire how freaking stubborn she was. Until she nearly gave up and only then did I let her in.”

  “Did you guys have a fight? Did you pull her hair?” Adrian pasted a mock hopeful look on his face, then pretended to leer at her. “That’s hot.”

  This got a wobbly smile out of her, and she leaned into him, hesitantly. Adrian wrapped his arms around her and held her close. Her shoulders began to shake from more tears.

  “It’s just not fair,” she said fiercely. “She already lost a husband, for god’s sake. And she’s rebuilt her life and found love again, finally. She can’t lose her child.”

  With that, she began to cry in earnest. There were no words of comfort he could offer, because yeah, it wasn’t fair. So, he held her tight and rocked her, brushed his lips over her hair and let her ride out the storm of her grief. He figured some tears might be for her dad, someone who’d left her over and over again. But the rest were for her friend she’d thought would leave, but proved her wrong—and he marveled at her loyalty, the deep well of love that made this strong woman finally break down when nothing else could.

  Adrian nestled her close, rubbed his hand up and down her back to soothe. Her hands that had been fisted on his shirt loosened but she still held onto him. He breathed in the faint scent of spice, the whiff of the exotic, mixed with a bit of earthy sweat from their workout, the combination Nell down to the bone. Her sobs began to taper off, but she stayed in his arms, and he rested his cheek against her hair. And as the light breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, and the moments ticked on, his heart filled with an unfamiliar longing.

  She heaved a great sigh and began to pull away, but he held her still. He tipped up her chin, brushed the stray tears off her cheek. He kept caressing her face, caught by her dark gaze. Slowly, not taking his eyes off her, he touched his lips to hers, gentle, as if they had all the time in the world. As if it was the first time. Her lashes fluttered as she closed her eyes, and he drank her in, her warmth, her breath, and tried to pour all his tenderness into the kiss.

  When they pulled apart, he felt more than desire. That longing rose in his heart with an ache. He dropped his forehead to hers, unwilling to let her go.

  “Nell,” he murmured after a long moment.

  He pulled back to meet her eyes, which were big and wary and hopeful all at once. What he wanted to say he wasn’t sure, and just then both their phones beeped. Nell eased away, checked her phone.

  “They have good news.” She started walking back to the hospital, but hesitated, turned and waited for him to catch up, so they could go hand in hand back inside.

  Inside the waiting room, Ben sat surrounded by his friends. Nell went straight to him and gave him a hard hug, and he smiled, weary. Adrian nudged Nell aside and hugged Ben, too.

  “We waited until you got here,” Hannah told them.

  “So I just told them that she’s okay for now,” Ben confirmed. “The baby is healthy, turning somersaults as soon as we put the ultrasound on him or her.”

  “Already posing for the camera, just like his dad.” Adrian smiled.

  Ben grinned. “Yep. On the bright side, at least we got to watch the baby for a bit while they did the tests. The test for preeclampsia came back negative, and Amy’s blood pressure is down.”

  “Thank god,” breathed Hannah, leaning into Tom.

  “But?” asked Nell, who was watching Ben closely.

  He nodded. “Her blood pressure is still too high for their comfort level. So they’re keeping her here overnight for observation.”

  “Well, that’s going to help her relax and get her blood pressure down.” Nell rolled her eyes. “Nothing like a bunch of people prodding and poking at you all night.”

  “Not that kind of poking and prodding anyway,” Hannah chimed in. She shook her head when Nell groaned. “I’m sorry. Trying to ease the tension.”

  Ben laughed. “I appreciate that. Hopefully we can leave tomorrow, but they want her to be on bed rest for a few weeks just as a precaution. I guess high blood pressure is an indication that preeclampsia can develop later on, and the symptoms were so similar, that her doctor wants to be extra cautious.”

  “Are you going to stay here in Seattle then, just to be nearer the hospital?” asked Paul.

  “Yeah, I think so. Amy’s reluctant to leave the inn, but—”

  “That’s ridiculous.” Hannah glanced over at Nell who nodded. “Nell and I will take care of it.”

  “That’s what I told her,” Ben said. “Can I just say how much I appreciate you guys? I know it’s a lot to ask.”

  “Shut your beautiful mouth,” Nell gave him a sisterly poke in the arm. “It’s not a lot to ask, and we’re happy to do it.”

  “I can help too,” Adrian offered.

  “Goes without saying,” Paul agreed.

  “Well, guess you guys have it covered.” Tom raised his eyebrows when they all just looked at him. “What? I was just kidding!”

  Ben stood up and stretched. “We’ll hire someone to take over if it ends up being more than two weeks.”

  “You just worry about one day at a time right now,” Hannah said. “We’ll deal with that when it happens.”

  “Did you book a hotel already?” Paul asked.

  Ben nodded, and named the place downtown where Adrian knew he and Amy typically stayed when they visited Seattle.

  “I’ll check in for you, bring back the keys. That way you guys can just go straight up to the room tomorrow when she’s released.”

  “I can fly back to Lopez, pack you guys some bags, and be back tonight,” Nell offered.

  “I’ll help,” Adrian added. “I know the manly stuff you need.”

  “He likes romance novels,” Paul offered. “Also his special PJs that are extra soft. The bunny slippers.”

  When all the guys laughed, Hannah and Nell exchanged a look, smiled. Adrian grinned and slid his arm around Nell.

  “And, I can watch the inn while Nell flies back here,” he said. “If you need me to.”

  “Shit, I totally didn’t think about tonight.” Ben rubbed the back of his neck, sighed. “Yeah. Bliss showed up right as we were leaving—Amy must have called her, which I thought was kind of weird, since she’s never watched the inn for us before. But anyway, we just left it to her with no instructions at all. So she could probably use some help.”

  “Who needs help?” demanded Agata, marching into the room laden with bags of takeout.

  “We’ve got it taken care of, Mama,” Adrian said with a grin, relieving her of the bags and handing them off to Paul so he could wrap her up in a hug. “Thanks for the delivery.”

  She waved it off, focused in on Ben, and crossed the room to give him a hug. “How you doing, sweetie? How’s that kiddo of yours? Is Amy okay?” She turned to Paul, crooked her finger to beckon him over. “I had them put your order in a separate bag, so you could take it in to her.”

  “Thank you.” Ben opened up the bag, inhaled. “Man. I didn’t think I’d be hungry, but suddenly I’m starving.”

  Agata laid a hand on his cheek. “You’re going to be okay. I can see it in your eyes. Go, take this to your wife. I’ll get the scoop from these kids.”

/>   “Kids.” Adrian smiled. “We’re not kids, Mama.”

  She shook her head. “Yes, you are, niño.”

  Ben kissed her on the cheek, gave everyone else a round of hugs, and pulled Adrian aside for instructions on what to expect that evening, which guests were checking out in the morning, breakfast plans, and more until Adrian assured him he would figure it out and shoved him out of the room. When he came back in, Hannah had just given Agata the update on Amy’s condition. Agata sat next to Nell, her arm draped around the younger woman. To Adrian’s surprise, Nell rested her head on his mom’s shoulder.

  “Should we go ahead and eat before we head back?” he asked Nell as he nudged Paul aside so he could sit on the other side of his mom.

  “Probably.” Nell eyed the bags of food without much interest, but Adrian pulled over the bag with tamales, and sifted through them until he reached the spiciest one. He handed it to Nell with a fork and napkin, and watched as she took a bite. Her eyes popped as the spices hit. She coughed. “Damn.” She took another bite, her eyes watering. “That’s amazing.”

  Agata laughed with delight. “That’s Alex’s seven pepper tamale. Not for the faint of heart.” She nudged Adrian, gave him a significant look that Adrian figured would soon be followed with some comment about Nell being a keeper. He distracted her by updating her on their plans to go back to Lopez.

  Still, even as he chatted with his mom, his attention kept straying to Nell, who was laughing at Hannah as she choked on the bite of spicy tamale Nell had given her, before digging back into her meal with gusto. The light glinted off the cap of her dark hair, and he wanted to run his hand over the curve of her bare neck, over those strong shoulders. He tuned back into the conversation with his mom to find her watching him with a knowing look.

  “Don’t start,” he murmured to her.

  She patted his knee. “I didn’t say a word. It’s just—”

  “Nope.” Adrian held out a hand. “How many speeding tickets have you gotten, Mama, in the new car?”

  That was the winner, for Paul overheard and laughed, while Agata shifted a bit in her seat, a sure sign of guilt.

  Nell looked over as well and shook her head. “Agata. You’re going to give your sons gray hairs if you keep this up. You just got out of the hospital after a car accident a few months ago.”

  “My boys will look very distinguished with gray hair,” Agata said, with a wink. “I’m going to head back home and clean up a bit for Amy’s parents. Text me when they want me to pick them up.”

  Adrian gave her a hug and a kiss and waved her off. After she’d left, he quickly finished up his dinner, knowing Nell was antsy to get going. In short order, they too said their goodbyes and left. They drove in silence for a while before he reached over and took her hand. She squeezed it.

  “I’m sorry our date got ruined.”

  “Not ruined,” Adrian said. “I had a great time at the obstacle course. Anyway, friends are family, and that comes first.”

  He kept his eyes on the road but could feel her studying him.

  “You’re easy to be with,” she said finally.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know about that, but I’m glad I could help today. Although, I was looking forward to some hot monkey sex tonight.”

  She laughed. “We’ll make up for it another night.”

  They pulled into the airport, and he left the car for Nell to use when she returned. The flight back was uneventful, and soon enough, they landed back at Lopez. Nell left instructions with one of her employees to ready the cargo plane—a bit more practical than the two-seater—and promised to return shortly, before following Adrian out of the parking lot towards the inn.

  At the inn, Bliss met them on the front porch, watching as they parked and headed up the walkway. A suitcase and duffel bag rested at her feet. Nell eyed them.

  “I figured they would need some clothes and stuff,” she said by way of greeting. “I put toiletries, books, the essentials. Should be enough in there for a few weeks.”

  “That’s great,” Nell said with feeling. “I’m glad Hannah thought to text you.”

  Bliss hesitated for the smallest of moments, pushing her dark framed glasses up her nose.

  “I’m happy to stay longer, if you want,” she said to Adrian. “I do have class to get back to tomorrow, though.”

  “Nah. Go home and study. Do you have to study for survivalist 101?” he asked her, smiling.

  She nodded, her blue eyes crinkling at the corners as she smiled back at him.

  “Hang on, and I’ll be right back,” Adrian told her.

  “Thanks for the help, Bliss.” Nell shouldered the duffel bag, and Adrian grabbed the suitcase.

  At her car, he helped her load up, then slid his arms around her and drew her in for a kiss. He nibbled on that full bottom lip of hers, feeling her relax into him bit by bit. And then, after a while, as he slid his tongue over hers, he felt her tense again, in the best way, as she arched up against him. Adrian grabbed her ass and pulled her close, pressing into her center, and she moaned into his mouth. He’d intended for the kiss to be light, affectionate, but her eager response unhinged him, and he let all of the tensions of the day go as he ravaged her mouth, and ground his hips into her. She writhed against him in his arms, her breath ragged, her nails digging into his back.

  With extreme reluctance, he dialed back the kiss before the thin thread on his control broke, belatedly remembering Bliss standing on the porch, and potentially, guests looking out the window. He rested his forehead on hers for a moment, chest heaving as he caught his breath.

  “Wow,” she murmured, clearing her throat. She sighed, pulled away to look at him, her eyes dark with desire. “Definitely cashing in on the hot monkey sex soon. Like, tomorrow. The minute my plane lands.”

  “It’s a deal.” He shifted, wincing at his uncomfortable hard on. “I’m going to need a minute here to recover.”

  Her laugh, soft and intimate, did nothing to help the situation.

  Adrian let her go, opened her car door and admired her legs as she slid in.

  “Drive and fly safe,” he said, before closing the door for her. “And, keep me posted about Amy.”

  “I will. Thanks for today.”

  Adrian watched her drive away, then turned, relieved to realize Bliss had gone inside. He slowly walked back up to the inn, grateful for the cool evening air to take the edge off.

  Inside, Bliss stood in the main room, looking out the back windows to the sea. She turned when he came in, and took him on a quick tour of the kitchen, indicating where the breakfast ingredients were, as well as the guest orders. She gave him the run down on the occupants of the four rooms that were reserved, before handing over the key to Amy’s old apartment, which they’d converted into a giant master suite for VIP guests.

  Adrian watched her slip into her coat, noting the contrast between her delicate features, blonde hair and petite frame, and her studious glasses, squared shoulders and brisk, efficient movements.

  “So, sounds like Amy’s going to be okay, then,” she said casually.

  Figuring Hannah hadn’t gone into detail in her text, he filled her in on the plan, noting how intently she listened and how she relaxed the longer he talked. He frowned.

  “Hannah didn’t tell you any of this, did she?”

  “Oh, she’s busy,” Bliss answered. “I knew Amy was okay, but that was it.”

  Adrian thought about this a minute, and about how Ben said she’d just showed up. And hadn’t there been something about the turkey she’d brought to last Thanksgiving—again, where she’d just showed up with what they needed?

  “Hannah didn’t text you at all,” he guessed, watching her closely.

  Bliss shifted her gaze away, grabbed her backpack.

  “My mama used to tell me about a friend of hers in the village where she grew up. She would know things before they happened. Sometimes it’d be as simple as knowing the rain was coming when there was not a cloud to be seen. Oth
er times it was important, like the time she told my mom to steer clear of a man she would meet over the summer—which she ignored, and that’s how she hooked up with my dad, who abandoned her as soon as he learned she was pregnant.”

  Bliss stared at him for a second, her eyes unreadable.

  Adrian shrugged. “I’ve been to countries all over the globe and seen enough things to know there’s a whole lot we still don’t understand about this world. But,” he continued, when she kept her expression neutral, “if you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine.”

  “That’s an interesting story,” Bliss said carefully. She zipped up her coat. “If you don’t need anything else…”

  “I’m good.” Adrian walked her to the door, said goodnight as she walked away.

  Halfway down the walk, Bliss hesitated, then turned around, came back. She gazed up at him from the bottom step.

  “Amy’s going to be okay.” She smiled slightly. “And, don’t give up on Nell. Good night.”

  “What does that mean?” Adrian frowned.

  She just kept walking back to her car, calling over her shoulder, “Just some general advice.”

  “Great.” Adrian muttered, closing and locking the door. “Cryptic advice from a closet psychic. Just what the day needed.”

  Suddenly tired down to his bones, he made the rounds of the inn, and then headed upstairs to zone out on t.v. for a while. A few hours later, when full dark had fallen outside the windows, his phone beeped.

  Nell: Amy’s BP down to nearly normal. She’s sleeping. Baby fine.

  Adrian: Best news all day.

  Nell: For sure. Ben got us rooms at the hotel. Heading out to catch some z’s.

  Adrian: Sleep well. Wish I was with you.

  Adrian: Or in you. Haha.

  Nell: Tomorrow. Night, monkey.

  He was still smiling as he drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 15

  Nell tapped her fingers on her coffee mug, scanned the cafe for signs of Brent, wondering just what it was that was so important that he’d insisted on seeing her. Not that it’d be hard to miss a 6’3” buff, blond-haired, blue-eyed smoking hot guy in a pilot uniform. It was just that usually, she was waiting for him in her hotel room, already naked and hot for him after a dry spell. They’d pounce on each other, have seriously rocking sex, and then he’d make her laugh by ordering up room service and telling her stories of his most recent flight in his Southern gentleman accent. The combination of the accent, the dimple that flashed when he gave his sly smile that let her know his mind had traveled straight to the gutter, and his complete disinterest in a serious commitment meant that she was normally more than happy to answer his booty call and had done so regularly for the past year. He made her orgasm with a creativity and ferocity that she’d never experienced—until Adrian.


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