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Front & Center (Book 2 of the Back-Up Series)

Page 17

by A. m Madden

  Once he releases his grip, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me down onto his chest. As I kiss his chest, he whispers, “Don’t ever leave me again. I don’t care what the reasons are. You talk to me.”

  “I promise. I was caught off guard. I’m sorry.”

  “She doesn’t have a clue what she’s dealing with.” His expression becomes somber. “Thanks for having my back.”

  “Jack, it may not have been the best way to handle things, but I truly was doing it for you.”

  “I know. I still don’t agree, but I understand. If you just talked to me, I could have helped you figure her out.”

  “The dumber she thinks we are, the better for us. Your reaction was exactly what she was waiting for. She pegged it.” Kissing him, I add, “It’s over now. Nothing can come between us anymore.”

  “Does this mean we are still engaged?”

  “We’re engaged?”

  “You said yes…remember?”

  “I remember. I’m teasing. Yes, I still want to marry you. I don’t know why you would want to marry me though?”

  “You have been a royal pain in the ass.” Holding my face with both his hands, he kisses my lips softly. “But you are my royal pain in the ass. Baby, there isn’t a thing you can do to make me not want to be with you. I adore you and I can’t live without you.”

  “I can’t live without you either.”

  The relief he must feel shows all over his face. He commences kissing me again as if wanting a round two.

  Breaking away I pant, “Jack, I do have to go.”

  “You’re still a buzz kill though…”

  “Ha, ha…” Unfolding his arms from my body, I move off the bed to put on my only two articles of clothing. My cell vibrates with a call. Jack and I look at each other, before I answer.


  “Hello, Leila. It’s Mr. Morrow.”

  “Mr. Morrow? Thank you so much for calling me back.”

  “You’re welcome. I was concerned with your message. Is everything ok?”

  “Unfortunately, my boyfriend is in a compromising situation with his ex-girlfriend. She’s pregnant and is claiming the baby is his. There is reason for us to believe she is lying. Would my boyfriend be able to order his own paternity test?”

  “If he suspects the test is fraudulent, yes, he is able to court order a paternity test.”

  “The problem is we don’t want to tip her off that we think it’s fraudulent, just yet.”

  “Well, unfortunately there isn’t a reason for him to have his own test ordered then.”

  “I need to look into this some more. I may need your help with this. Is that ok?”

  “Absolutely dear. Just let me know how you want to proceed.”

  “I will…thank you.” As I hang up the call, Jack moves closer to wrap his arms around me. He clenches me tightly to his body.

  “Hey…what’s this?”

  “You really do have my back.”

  “I do…I’d do anything for you. Even temporarily break your heart to help you.” He looks down at me, not at all amused. “I hate leaving you right now.”

  “I know. I’ll be good and let you go. But only because I need to go replace my phone so we can communicate, and so we can sext each other.”

  “What happened to your phone?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  I kiss him one last time and on my way to the door he calls out, “Wait.” He rummages through his bag and pulls out a postcard.

  “What’s this?”

  “I didn’t know if you had a chance to pick one up.”

  I’m stunned. I literally ripped his heart out, fed it to him, and he worried I wouldn’t have a chance to pick up my stupid postcard?


  I’m overwhelmed with emotion as I stare at the picture through watery eyes. He sees my struggle and pulls me into his arms.

  “I know.” He says into my hair and I cling to him.


  After leaving Jack, I checked out of the hotel and locked myself on the bus until rehearsals. First item on my agenda was to get Dylan up to speed regarding my reunion with Jack. He met me in my dressing room. The look on his face was one of complete shock as I detailed what Jack did last night.

  “Is he ok?” Dylan asks after my rundown.

  “He is now.”

  “How did he react to the whole Jessa thing?”

  “He wants to kill her.”

  “I can’t wrap my mind around her real motive. Yes, she says she wants Jack. But to go through such lengths to get him doesn’t make sense.”

  “It must have to do with Danny. I think we need to take him more seriously.”

  He considers my words. “Maybe I’ll embellish a bit with the label to get us a security guard. It will help us figure out who Jessa is communicating with.”

  “Embellish how?”

  “I don’t know. A specific threat.”

  “Dylan, I won’t let you lie to the label.”

  “What if I filled them in on a condensed version of what’s going on? It may be a good idea to have them backing us.”

  “I don’t want all the pain I’ve caused Jack to be in vain. The more people who know about this, the more she can find out.”

  “I’ll speak directly to Charles. He’s level headed and discreet.”

  “Ok. If you think it will help, then go ahead.”

  “I think it will. This is a lot for you to carry. You need help figuring this out. If they are trying to extort Jack, he’ll need the label’s legal support.”

  “Thanks, Dylan. I really appreciate it. You’ve become such a great friend to me.”

  “I care about you, Leila. I’d do anything to help.” His eyes look sad as he stares at me.

  “Thank you.” He nods quietly, an uncomfortable silence falls between us. “Um…I need to get out there. Let me know once you speak to Charles.”

  Leaving Dylan, I make my way to the stage. The guys are all in position, Jack waiting impatiently at the microphone. “How nice of you to join us.”

  Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he can act. Ignoring him, I walk to my position, aware of every pair of eyes on me.

  Jack begins rehearsals by barking orders, criticizing mistakes, losing his patience. It’s a very convincing performance on his part.

  Looking out into the empty arena, I first notice Jen sitting a few rows back with Malcolm. I’ve just about had it with the bitches in Jack’s life. This one is so anxious to get rid of me that she’s blatantly pushing her boyfriend onto my tail.

  The roadies are hanging around the stage, as they always do during our rehearsals. Will and Dylan are also here. The upside of Jack knowing is I can now concentrate on something other than his stress. I no longer have to worry about him. This gives me the opportunity to scrutinize our staff.

  Watching from a distance, I study each roadie, looking for any obvious signs of disloyalty. Of the five, three of them are young, early twenties. It wouldn’t be hard for one of them to be seduced by someone like Jessa.

  Jack cuts rehearsal short and pounces off the stage towards our agent. A few minutes later, he storms out of the arena.

  “Leila.” Jen calls me from where she is standing off the stage.

  Showing my impatience on my face, I walk towards her and Malcolm. “What?”

  “Malcolm would like to talk to you. Do you have a few minutes?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Of course you do.”

  Malcolm watches, with an amused expression on his face. “Come on, I won’t bite.”

  Sighing, I motion for him to lead, the guys are all watching from the stage wide-eyed. I follow him towards the dressing rooms and walk through the door that he politely opens for me.

  “I have a proposition.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “A song just came through my office. It’s a winner. Top ten, no doubt. I’d like you to record it. Sort of an experiment.”
r />   “Experiment?”

  “Yes. I know you would be huge. Let’s throw something out there and see if anyone bites.”

  “Sure, why not.”

  He raises his eyebrows in surprise. “Well. I’m extremely pleased, Leila. You are finally taking my advice.”

  “I simply don’t have the energy to continue fighting you. And since I’ll be unemployed in a few months, timing seems right.”

  “Awesome. You guys are in LA in a few days. I happen to know you also have a day off. I’ll arrange studio time for us.” He bends to pull a few papers and a CD out of his bag. “Here are the lyrics and the music. It’s a perfect fit for you and your voice. This is going to be gold.”

  “If you say so.”

  “Trust me. I believe things happen for a reason. This unfortunate chain of events will lead to something good. I just know it.”

  Jen barges in, without knocking or asking. “So, are we on board?”

  “Yes, Jen, we are on board. You’ll have me out of your hair sooner than later.”

  “Leila, I detect hostility from you. I’ve never given you any reason to believe I don’t like you.”

  “Jen, let’s not play games or sugar coat your true intentions. I have been a problem for you since the day I walked into my audition. Stay out of my way, and I’ll stay out of yours.”

  Grabbing the papers off the table, I walk out leaving Jen with her sleazy boyfriend. Ugh, I feel like I need a shower. But this will help circumstances. What better way to show Jessa we truly are done than to pursue my solo career smack in the middle of our tour?

  I have an hour before our show starts. Just as I’m about to jump into the shower, my cell rings. “Hey, baby. What did the snake want?” His voice is muffled and he sounds like he’s under water.

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m in the bathroom.”

  “He wants me to record a song in LA. He’s arranging studio time.”

  “Ok. That’s good, right?” Jack clearly wants to follow my lead.

  “I guess. Helps with our breakup rumors. Are you ok with it?”

  “Of course. I told you, I’ll support whatever you want to do.”

  “I know. Thank you.” Clearing my throat, I add, “Hey, um…I kinda had words with Jen.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “I just got sick of her attitude. I told her off. I’m sure she’ll tell you since she thinks I’m the enemy right now.”

  “I’ll act surprised. Then I’ll tell her off too.”


  “Kidding. I’ll act indifferent. How’s that?”

  “Good. You’re better at this than I thought.”

  “See, you have no faith in me. You could have spared…”

  “Don’t…say it.”

  “Ok. I won’t.”

  “Jack, Ace is calling me. I have to go.”

  “I’ll see you in a few. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”


  “Hey, Lei. She was back at Sorenson’s place again today. Only for about an hour.”

  “Have you seen him? Can you get a picture so I know what he looks like?”

  “You can Google him. He has a mug shot. He’s been arrested twice.”

  “For what?”

  Ace pauses for a few seconds. “Sexual assault and battery.”

  My silence prompts him to add, “Hey, don’t get scared. We’ll figure them out.”

  “Thanks, Ace.”

  Chapter 13 - Jack

  “Oscar will be traveling on our bus. The two buses will now be caravanning for the rest of the tour. We leave together, we depart together. If anyone sees any suspicious activity, over-zealous fans, anything at all that looks shady, please report it to Oscar immediately. Oscar will be interviewing each of you, so he can get to know you, exchange cell numbers, pretty much routine stuff.” Dylan runs through some more specifics of Oscar’s job responsibilities. Most of Dylan’s speech has been rehearsed.

  Since our interview in Chicago, our fans have been getting more comfortable with approaching us in public or hanging around the buses after shows to get autographs and pictures. The staff thinks the reason security is being added is due to the fans becoming aggressive, especially towards me.

  Leila explained it was Dylan’s idea to bring Charles into the loop and tell him exactly what was happening. I couldn’t agree more. I’m impressed he came through.

  Finally having security, I will be able to concentrate on exposing Jessa’s true motives. I can relax and not stress over Leila’s safety. Oscar Holden is ex-army and works for *Orion Securities. I’m relieved he will be traveling with us for the rest of the tour. Dylan filled Oscar in on the entire Jessa/Danny situation. He knows his purpose is not only to serve as security, but also to find out who amongst our crew has been feeding information to Jessa.

  Glancing over at Leila as she sits as far away from me as possible, my heart swells with the amount of love I have for this woman.

  Once the dust cleared, I was able to digest why she did what she did. I fell in love with her even more, if possible. She does have my back. Our relationship is her priority. I’m her priority, and she’s mine. We lock eyes for a split second, before she looks away. It’s been two days since our reunion in Seattle. I’m literally aching for her.

  “So that’s about it. Roadies, are we all packed up?” The five roadies all nod simultaneously. “Ok, let’s head out.”

  As everyone files out of the holding area, Leila is one of the first ones out the door. I can’t wait to sext her.

  “Jack, you have a minute?”

  “Sure, Dylan.” He moves to close the door.

  “I wanted to let you know Oscar wants to travel to San Francisco on the other bus.”

  My hackles instantly rise. “Why?”

  “Mainly for some privacy, so he can do some investigating online. But also to pick Leila’s brain on her conversation with Jessa. He would also like to bring the guys up to speed. Unlike Leila, he feels the more eyes and ears aware of the situation, the better.”

  “Hunter knows some details of the situation, but Trey and Scott have no idea. I hated keeping this from them. I agree they should know.”

  Dylan nods. “Good. Also, I wanted to tell you since it’s only a few hours from Portland to San Francisco and we are pulling in fairly early, if you want, you can sneak away with Leila before anyone is up and about. I plan on having a sit down with the roadies and Oscar mid-morning to keep any moles busy.”

  “Really? Dylan, that’s awesome. Thanks, man.”

  “Sure. I feel bad for you guys. You ok?”

  “Yeah, I’m hanging in. The sooner this is over the better.”

  “I agree. We’ll figure it out.”

  I can see the draw Leila has towards him. I was jealous of his relationship with her in the beginning, but now I truly think he’s just a good guy. I feel bad I called him a prick so many times behind his back.

  On our way to the bus, my phone buzzes with a text from Leila.

  love you

  want you

  i know. soon baby.

  real soon. good news. i’ll text you details.

  k. xxx

  It’s times like now when I wish I could hire a hit on Jessa. Besides the obvious, which is missing my girl more than I can stand, living on the other bus is aggravating for so many damn reasons. I have no privacy. I can’t call anyone without fear of someone hearing me. I feel so helpless, so unproductive.

  Snatching up Will’s laptop, I head to my bunk. I need to move things along, maybe bait Danny. I Googled his name and was not surprised to see he’s been arrested twice. The first article I read makes me feel sick. Danny sexually assaulted a woman in a bar. Charges were filed against him. He served nine months in prison with a stiff fine. The second arrest is for battery against a woman. The second time there wasn’t any jail time since the charges were dropped, victim un-named.

  If Jessa did get mixed up with him, she sho
uld worry. Not that I care, it would serve her right. I take that back, no matter how evil and vindictive she is, even she doesn’t deserve abuse from Danny.

  I haven’t spoken to her. It’s beyond frustrating to be sitting around waiting for these two to reveal their intentions. I decide to change tactics. If someone is spying on me, I’ll give him something to listen to.

  Keeping my privacy curtain drawn shut, I dial Jessa’s number. “Jessa, it’s me. Um…so I um, wanted to talk to you. Call me back.” Knowing her, she will call me back sooner than later. This is the first message I’ve left where I didn’t call her a fucking whore.

  As I’m expanding my search on Danny, my phone buzzes with a call from Jessa.

  “Jessa.” I say in a normal tone of voice, allowing anyone on the bus to hear me clearly.

  “Hey, you called?”

  “Yeah, thank you for calling me back.”

  “Of course, Jack. Is something wrong?”

  My gut instinct is to say, “Besides you trying to ruin my life, you fucking bitch?” Taking a deep breath, I need to tread lightly and handle her just the right way. “Have you heard from Danny?”

  “No, Jack…not a word. Why?”

  “Did you know he was arrested twice?”

  There is a slight pause on her end. Knowing her, she’s quickly debating the different routes a yes or no answer would take.

  “Yes, I did. He’s a very dangerous person, Jack. That’s why I wanted to warn you about him.”

  “Well, be careful. He clearly hates women.” I don’t want her to get suspicious, so I add, “I know she isn’t my problem anymore, but can you warn me if you hear him say anything about Leila?”

  “Of course, Jack. I haven’t heard or seen him, but I’ll tell Max to keep his ears open. Once I told Max that Danny leaked I was pregnant to the tabloids, he cut all ties with him as well.”

  “Max is a smart guy.” This bitch lies through her teeth. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better. It was a rough start, but I feel better now.”

  “Ok. I’ll guess I’ll talk to you later.” I hang up before she can respond. At this moment, I just know she is smiling wickedly, assuming her expectations of my behavior were dead on.


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