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Front & Center (Book 2 of the Back-Up Series)

Page 31

by A. m Madden

  Our twenty-minute set goes by way too fast. Trey and Scott change positions. Jack and I sing our duets lips to lips. Jack lets the guys fool around with their solos and skips around our set list. Jack even asks the crowd if they saw the Cliffhangers earlier in the day and informs them they are good friends of ours.

  As we take our final bow, I am throbbing with excitement. This was one of the best shows we ever played. The response we received was awesome. I had so much fun. This festival has a different vibe from our other shows. It is much more relaxed and laid back and fun to be part of.

  We need to rush off the stage, as there is only a fifteen-minute break between bands. MACE is up next and they are the last band to play tonight. I am looking forward to being a regular fan, while hanging out with all our friends and my gorgeous fiancé.

  As we congregate side stage, Jen hands us each an all-access pass so we are able to get backstage after the show.

  “I want dead center for MACE, hurry people.” Hunter barks, as he sprints towards his destination.

  “Hunter, we have passes, we will be dead center.” Scott speaks to him like he is a child.

  “There are like twenty of us. Only one person can be dead center.”

  Trey, Jack and I watch as Hunter and Scott run towards the VIP section in front of the stage.

  “I want to grab a beer. Babe, do you want something?”

  “I’ll take a Diet Coke.”

  “Trey, come with me.” Jack searches the crowd pointing out Oscar standing at the entrance of the VIP section. “I’ll be right back. Go find Oscar.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  He smacks my ass in response to my comment.

  As I make my way towards the crowd, I can see the tops of Hunter and Scott’s heads. Oscar is chatting with the security guard in our section. A flash of my badge gets me past most of the fans towards the front edge of the stage.

  “Where’s your other half?” Hunter asks as I approach.

  “He went to grab a beer.”

  “I hope he grabs us one.”

  “He took Trey with him.” I glance around, trying to see over the many heads surrounding us. “The others aren’t here yet?”

  “I just texted Mandi, they went to grab drinks. They are on their way back.”

  “I was going to wait for them, but I really have to pee.”

  “Wait for Oscar.”

  “He’s over at the entrance. I’ll be right back.”

  When I get to the passageway leading to the bathrooms, Oscar is no longer anywhere to be found. I quickly scan the crowd, not seeing him.

  “Fuck.” I mumble, frantically searching for him. I can’t bear to wait any longer and hurry towards the Ladies Room so I can get back before MACE takes the stage. As I turn the corner, the line is twenty deep. There is no way I’m waiting and quickly move towards the back parking lot where our bus is parked, deciding Tom or Steve should be able to let me in.

  “Don’t scream, just walk.” A sharp point in my side and a vicious bark in my ear cause my blood to run cold. He slipped his hand under my shirt, concealing the knife he is holding. To any bystander, we would look like a boyfriend who is embracing his girlfriend. His arm is possessively wrapped around me, his fingers digging into the flesh of my waist. It’s too dark to see any other details, such as the look of terror on my face. My mind instantly goes to Jack and how angry he is going to be with me.

  “Who are you?”

  He doesn’t respond. He just steers me towards the front parking lot near the festival entrance. As my heart pounds frantically in my chest, I force myself to focus. Distraction. I know that distraction is key in situations like this.

  “Are you Danny?” He drags me faster, practically lifting me off the ground. “Did you come to hurt me?”

  “And then some.” His admission and his voice in my ear make me sick to my stomach.


  “Shut the fuck up.” He digs his knife into my side a fraction deeper to emphasize his request.

  Anger now mixes with terror. But a wrong move on my part would be all he needs to finish what he so desperately wants to.

  “Danny, this isn’t going to get you what you want. You’re talented. You can use that.”

  He pushes me towards the parking lot. Panic takes hold of my brain function. If I allow him to get me into a car, I’m done. There are several security guards near the ticket booth chatting. I contemplate screaming, but he could so easily plunge his knife deep into my side before they were able to reach me.

  Otherwise, there isn’t a person around as the festival is still in full swing. I can hear the music begin. I can visualize our group congregated in front of the stage. It’ll be a matter of seconds before Jack realizes I’m not back. It’s not helping with my concentration. Even seconds may be too long of an amount of time. By the time Jack reaches me, I could be long gone. The image of Jack’s face isn’t helping with the level of my panic either.

  He pauses, looking around frantically. “Fucking, prick. Where is he?” He rushes away from the entrance, cursing under his breath. I stumble once as he drags me along, the tip of his knife now causing a painful pinching in my side. After my second stumble he barks, “Move!”

  “These shoes are too high. I need to take them off.”

  He stops for a second, keeping his knife wedged against my flesh and his arm tightly around me. “Do it.”

  I flip off each shoe, now standing shorter and barefoot. He immediately starts a quick pace. I have no idea how fast he is and what he would do to me if he caught me. But I can clearly picture what he will do to me if he were to get me alone.

  My right arm is pinned to my side under his arm. My left is between his body and mine. I desperately try to come up with a plan when I faintly hear my name. Danny must not have heard it, as he continues on his course, forcibly dragging me along. We are getting further and further away from the entrance and I need to make my move, now.

  A black, beat up van pulls up at the end of the aisle a few car lengths away, just as my name is called again, but only louder this time. Danny stops and turns. I ram my elbow into his groin with all my strength. He doubles over and I run as fast as I can towards the voice.

  “Jack!” I scream back. He responds with my name. I can hear Danny behind me, tears now blurring my vision.

  I can tell he’s gaining distance, but I can’t get my legs to move any faster. Jack is running towards me with a few people behind him. Danny grabs my hair and yanks me towards him. The excruciating pain shooting through me stuns me. He pulls me into his body, slicing into my side. At first I feel nothing except for wetness, then I feel a painful stinging.

  “LEILA!” Jack screams louder as Danny drags me in the opposite direction. My thoughts are no longer on Danny’s intentions towards me. I am now consumed with terror, because Jack is quickly approaching. I shake my head in hopes he’ll stop…as I’m doing it, I can hear sirens in the distance. I have no idea if they are heading this way. My sobs control my body. I am completely helpless.

  Just as we approach the van, the side door swings open. Danny throws himself into the back, taking me with him. My head hits the hard metal floor with such force my teeth rattle. The last thing I see is Jack running towards us. I can’t make out his frantic words before I pass out.

  Chapter 25 - Jack

  “LEILAAAAA!” My heart is racing as I watch him lift her and throw her into a van. “NO! LEILA!”

  The van pulls away just as I reach it. Oscar and the guys followed me out. I have no idea where they are, as I continue chasing the van as it speeds away.

  “Jack!” Oscar’s voice calls out to me. But I refuse to stop. I can’t stop. He has my life in that van.

  The sirens are getting louder, giving me a sliver of hope. A security truck sails by me as it chases the van, and still I continue to run. My mind is a flurry of visions…bad horrific visions of what he is doing to the love of my life.

  In the distance, the van picks up speed a
nd exits the parking lot onto the main highway. The helpless feeling that takes over is crushing, causing my legs to give out as I fall to the hard ground.

  The pain I feel in my chest is indescribable. The voices calling me are just noise. Time literally suspends…it just stops. Nothing. Nothingness surrounds me and the only thing I can see behind my closed eyes is her face.

  The sound of shrieking tires, crunching metal and blaring sirens jolt my still heart. A black car pulls up beside me. When I turn my head, Oscar is leaning out an open window shouting something. Is this what shock feels like? I’m so disconnected from my body, I feel like I’m hovering above, watching what is transpiring below.

  Oscar stands before me, “Jack, get in the car!” He yanks me up and drags me to the open door. “Get in!”

  The breath I’ve been holding finally breaks through. Gasping for air, I watch as Oscar drives us towards the chaotic noises that are playing on a constant fucking loop.

  The scene is worse than what I envisioned. A black van smashed into the side of a police car, people moving around as if in slow motion. A few bodies are scattered around the wreckage, Danny among them. For a split second, I debate heading towards him.

  Until I see her.

  “LEILA!” I fly out of the car as it’s still moving. When I reach her, she is laying lifeless, bleeding from a wound in her side and one on the top of her head.

  A human approaches as I pull her across my lap and into my arms.

  “The paramedics are on their way. Her pulse is strong, but she’s unconscious.”

  I look up towards the voice, gripping her to my chest.

  “Sir, please don’t jostle her. We are unsure of her injuries.”

  I blankly stare at the person before me. He’s a cop. His uniform tells me that much. I continue to hold her tightly, refusing to let go.

  In my head, I start pleading.

  Baby…please, wake up. Please. Babe, I’m here. I’m not leaving. I’m never leaving. I need you, please. Please, baby. Please. I love you. Leila, please.

  She feels so small, so cold.

  Another human approaches.

  “Sir, we need to check her vitals. Please let us do our jobs.”

  The noise level increases. Sirens, voices, beeping. I refuse to look around. I refuse to pull my eyes from her face. I trace her closed eyelids, her nose, her bottom lip with my thumb.

  Wake up, baby. Wake up.


  I look up at the male and female hovering over me. They gingerly remove Leila from my grasp and lay her flat on the ground. The ground is hard and unforgiving. I remove my shirt and place it under her head. As they probe and touch and poke, I hold her hand in both of mine, repeating my mantra.

  Wake up, baby. Wake up.

  Another human wheels a gurney over and lowers it to the ground. She’s lifted and placed on top before they raise her and wheel her towards an ambulance. I think it’s an ambulance. It could be an ice cream truck for all I know. Still gripping her hand, I walk along with them as we approach.

  “Sir, are you her husband?”

  I nod.


  I settle in beside her as someone slams the doors shut and the vehicle shoots forward.

  “She has sustained a head injury, and she’ll need stitches on her side. It’s a superficial wound, more of a slice than a stab. She’s very lucky. Her blood pressure is low. When we get to the hospital, the main priority will be her head wound. They will rush her to trauma to be sure there isn’t swelling on her brain.”

  I wish I had someone here with me, as I didn’t hear a thing this man just said. I lower my forehead to her shoulder and start silently praying.

  God…I need you. I’m sorry I’ve been absent. But I need you. Please, please let her be ok. I need her to be ok.

  Minutes later, or possibly hours, the vehicle stops and the humans start frantically moving. She’s ripped away from my grasp and I frenziedly chase after, trying to touch her again. I might be her lifeline, and I need to make contact. Just as I grab her limp hand, we approach two doors and stop.

  “Sir, you can’t follow. We will find you once we assess her situation.”

  I stand rigidly, still clutching her limp hand in mine.

  “Sir.” The female pries my fingers off of her, and they move through the doors leaving me on the other side.

  I watch through the small, square window as they disappear into another room.

  Terror takes over from being this far away from her. She needs me or I need her…whatever. I just know I need to be touching her.

  “Sir, can I have your name please?”

  I turn towards the voice, staring blankly. “Your name?”

  “Jack Lair.”

  “And the victims name?”

  “Leila Lair. I mean Leila Marino.”

  “Is she your wife?”


  “She’s in good hands. Can you follow me please?”

  I numbly follow the woman towards a counter, or desk, whatever. “Mr. Lair, would you mind putting this on?”

  She holds something white out to me. I take it from her not knowing what she wants me to do with it. “You’ve lost your shirt, can you put this on?”

  I glance down and first notice I am naked from the waist up. The other females behind her are all staring at me shamelessly. It annoys me. It angers me. I want to scream at them. Instead, I wordlessly slip the thing in my hand over my head.

  “Ok, I’m going to ask you to take a seat. The doctor will be out to update you shortly.”

  I continue to stare at her and she points behind me. I slowly turn to see several rows of chairs and robotically move towards them. I sit in the corner, put my head in my hands and resume my praying.

  A flurry of activity snaps me back to the disgusting, ugly, cold waiting room.

  “Jack, how is she?”

  Faces…some standing before me, some on the sides, some still walking into the ugly room.

  I shrug.

  Someone takes my hand and sits besides me.

  “Son, she’ll be fine.” Mom.

  “Jack, do you want something. Do you want me to get you water or a drink?” Dad.

  “She’s strong. She is stubborn as hell. She’ll be ok.” Lori.

  “Just leave him be. Stop hovering and give him space.” Hunter.

  “Maybe we should all wait outside. He looks like he’s about to freak out.” Scott.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Evan.

  “Ok, let’s all leave her immediate family alone and give them some privacy. Anthony, we’ll be in the lobby.” Barb.

  A rush of bodies leave the small room and I turn my head to see five chairs occupied. My parents, Anthony, Evan and Lizzy all sit quietly, staring into space.

  Should I be saying something to them? I don’t know what to say. I resume my praying and ignore the other five humans in the room.

  Every so often, my mother rubs my back. Otherwise, I would have no idea that other people were here in this ugly room with me. It’s quiet. No noise. I imagine Leila lying on a table, scared, and alone, and in pain. I pull my hand out of my mom’s and storm out of the room.

  “WHAT’S HAPPENING?” I bark at the woman who gave me the thing I put on my body.

  “Sir, someone will be out to see you as soon as possible.”


  She gasps at my outburst and gawks at me like I’m a wild animal. A set of arms encircles me and a male voice says, “Son, come.”

  He leads me back to the ugly room and towards the chair I was previously occupying.

  I pull away and shake my head. A vision of Leila haunts me. She needs me. I need to be there. I can’t. I…

  “I need to…”

  I pace the room, over and over, back and forth.

  Two men in uniforms enter the room.

  “Mr. Lair?” I turn towards the person calling my name. He and the other man step closer. “Can we ask you a few

  My dad stands and approaches the cops. I guess they are cops.

  “What do you need, Officers?”

  I continue my pacing. If they need me, they can stop me. My dad speaks to them in low, hushed tones, occasionally glancing over at me. They both nod and leave the room.

  My dad comes over and rubs my back. “I gave them all the details I knew. I directed them to speak to Oscar.”

  Good thinking, Dad. But I don’t say it. I nod and resume pacing. I’m sure I’m driving them crazy. I really don’t give a fuck. That is until my pacing starts to irritate me. Then I slump to the ground, staring at the ugly puke colored rug. The helplessness is back. The tears blur my vision, making it impossible to see anything before me. I rub my eyes until they burn from the friction.

  “Mr. Marino?”

  I snap my head up to see a male in putrid grey clothes. I am instantly in the man’s personal space. There’s blood smeared on his shirt.

  Leila’s blood.

  Bile rises quickly in my throat. I feel like someone plugged my nose and mouth and I’m suffocating.

  “I’m Leila’s father. This is her fiancé.”

  The man nods at us. “She has suffered an extradural hematoma on her left frontal lobe. The contusion is small, and surgery wasn’t needed. We were able to drain the hematoma through aspiration. We cut a small hole to remove the clot with suction. There is no pressure to her brain, nor any damage that we can see. We have her on Mannitol to prevent further brain swelling or seizures. She also has a concussion from a surface swelling on the back of her head. She received a few dozen stitches to her side from a knife wound. She’s extremely lucky. The wound just missed her large intestine. She will need to be monitored closely for the next several hours due to her brain injuries.”

  “She’s alive?”

  “Yes, she is alive and stable.”

  Relief floods my body like floodwaters over a seawall. The force is so volatile, it causes my knees to buckle beneath me.

  “Is she awake? Can we see her?” Anthony asks.


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