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Mad Dog (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #2) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

Page 15

by Jeneveir Evans

  “It's all right, sweetheart,” Seer said. “We're not gonna bite you.” She smiled at him.

  As she took her seat, she said to him, “Biting's okay as long as you don't draw blood.” We all fucking laughed at her. Shit, she had spunk.

  “Reeanne, need to ask you, hon. Are you even eighteen yet? You look awfully young,” I said.

  In answer to me, she opened her purse, pulled out her wallet, dug out her driver's license and passed it to me. As I looked at it, I saw that indeed she was. She was twenty. Damn, made me feel fucking old. She looked like a baby. I passed it to Viper, and he looked as well, before passing it on.

  “That's not fake is it? Because you don't look a day over sixteen,” he said.

  She then reached into her purse, pulled out a paper and slid it across to him. I watched him open it and read it before he passed it to me. It was her birth certificate stating that she clearly was twenty and would actually be twenty-one a couple months. I saw him shaking his head and glanced at the girl to see her lower lip tremble.

  “Hey, there, darlin'. He isn't doubting you. We're all just a little surprised at your actual age. Be glad you look younger. One of these days you will be grateful for that.”

  “Yeah, I've always been told that. But it's really hard looking this young, because people don't think I'm mature enough to handle anything serious or major. It's stopped me from getting any decent jobs. I've been having to work three fast food jobs just to scrape by, it's hard and tiring having to work every day at two jobs just to keep a roof over my head.”

  Fuck, I felt something clench inside me at hearing her talking about how tough it had been on her. I remembered Screw saying how hard she had to work and that she was struggling. I looked at the other men to see they weren't unaffected either. Viper especially. Damn. He looked like he was ready to adopt another kid.

  “So, tell us a little bit about yourself, Reeanne,” Seer said to her.

  She took a small breath, “Up until I graduated high school, I lived with my mama. She drifted from one man to the next. Most days I didn't know where I'd be sleeping each night. I might go to school with her being at one man's house and by the time school was over, she was with another man.

  “I can't tell you how many times I've gone back to a man's house just to have him tell me she wasn't there. Had a few say I could stay if I wanted to pay my way with my body. Thought about it a few times too. At least I would have had somewhere halfway permanent to stay.”

  I watched as she twisted her fingers back and forth against each other. She licked her lips like they were dry. Damn, I hadn't even thought about having anything for everyone to drink.

  “Just a second, darlin',” I commented and pulled out my phone and called Creed. “Hey, need you to bring a cooler of beer back here, and wait a sec. Reeanne, what would you like to drink?”

  “Water is fine,” she murmured.

  “C'mon darlin', what do you like to drink?” I asked her again.

  “Coke would be great,” she said and smiled at me.

  “You hungry?” I asked but she shook her head no.

  “You get that, Creed?”

  “Yeah, Prez. Will be there in a jiffy.”

  “We'll wait a minute before we continue, you look thirsty, Reeanne,” I told her as I hung up my phone.

  “Y'all can call me Ree. Don't really go by Reeanne,” she stated as she looked at us.

  We were all nodding at her as a knock came from the hallway.

  “Come on in, Creed,” I said loudly.

  He opened the door, brought in a cooler and set it near the table. Then he opened it, handed each Brother a beer and Ree a Coke.

  “Thanks, Creed,” I said to him. “You got that here fast. What I like to see.” He smiled at me and left the room, pulling the door closed behind him again.

  I gave Ree a minute to get a drink, then said, “Continue on, darlin'.”

  She sighed then spoke up, “After I graduated high school, the day I did matter of fact, my mama told me I was on my own and I haven't seen her since.”

  “Fuck. How old were you when you graduated?” Viper asked, anger clearly heard in his voice.

  “Seventeen. I didn't have any money and nowhere to go. Luckily, my friend April's mom let me stay with them until I got on my feet. But they were struggling too, so as soon as I could, I left.”

  “Sounds like you've had a rough go, Ree,” Seer commented. “Hate that for you. But hon, do you realize what you will be required to do here? Do you even know what a club girl is?”

  She looked him dead in the eye and said, “Yeah, I know what a club girl is. She is a girl who will have sex with all the members of the club.”

  “You think you could handle that?” Blood asked her.

  She shrugged, “I don't see why not. I'm not a virgin. I've had plenty of sex, some I didn't want.”

  I heard Viper growl at that. I felt like growling my damn self.

  “Ree, you realize you couldn't pick and choose who you'd be with, right? We have members who are as old as seventy who you'd have to be with. Seer is one of them.” I told her.

  She looked over at Seer and smiled. “Pretty sure I could handle that. He's a damn nice-looking man.”

  I blinked at her answer, slightly surprised. I glanced over at Seer to see him smiling slightly. She was right, Seer wasn't a bad looking man. He wore his silver hair down to his waist but usually it was in a braid. His skin was tanned from riding, with laugh lines in the corner of his eyes. He kept in shape and was whipcord lean. He looked a good twenty years or so younger than his actual age.

  “Ree, what are you wanting out of life?” Viper asked her.

  She looked at him and said, “Truthfully, right now I'd like to have somewhere that I knew I could have the same bed to sleep in each night. I'd like to know that I would have food to eat. I'd like to feel safe. I'm not looking for a knight in shining armor. I don't believe in those. I would just like for once in my life to have some security. To know that I wouldn't have to work myself to death just trying to exist.”

  God. Damn. My heart hurt for this kid. I looked at Seer and Blood to see them both struggling not to show any emotion. I looked at Viper to see him with his fingers digging into his eyes. Yeah, this fucking kid had gotten to him hard.

  “Well, Ree. There are things you would be required to do other than the sexual aspect of it. You would have to help cook and clean the club, inside and out. You'd have to help grocery shop. When we have parties, you'd have to help set up for those and help serve food if needed. I'm sure there are other things that will pop up, but those are the major things.”

  I took a drink of my beer before asking, “Do you have any questions for us?”

  “Do I need to show you right now that I don't mind providing you anything sexually? I don't mind if you do. You can pick whoever.”

  I shook my head at her, “That won't be necessary, Ree.”

  I saw tears come to her eyes, “Does that mean you aren't going to consider me?”

  “Hell no, that's not what it means. It just means you don't have to perform sexually on any of us to become a club girl. I know you must have other questions. Ask them.”

  “Where do the girls sleep? Will I still need to work outside of here?”

  “No, you won't have to work outside of here. If we decide you will work out as a club girl, you will work here plenty. You'll be given an allowance of two hundred a week and a card every quarter with about eight hundred on it to buy clothes with. You will have your own room with an adjoining bathroom.”

  I saw her eyes widen with shock, “You mean I would get money too? And my own room?”

  “Yeah Ree, that's what I mean.”

  “Where would I have sex with the men at? My room or where?”

  “Well, that's up to each Brother. Most will go to your room, but don't be surprised if you are taken to a Brother's room. Need to let you know right now that if you are in a Brother's room, as soon as he tells you to leave, y
ou need to get back downstairs right then and not try to go into any other room upstairs. There's nothing bad upstairs, it's just the men's quarters and I don't want girls walking up and down the hallways.

  “If you are chosen, you will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement, which states that you will not talk to anyone outside this club about the things that go on here, nor will you tell anyone the things you hear any of the Brothers' say. That will get you kicked out and sued. We don't suffer liars or thieves, that is something that would get you kicked out as well. Also, no cat fights. You don't like another girl, keep it to yourself. I don't want fucking drama in my club. You understand all that?”

  “Yes sir. I understand.”

  “Also, Ree, not saying it happens a lot, but if a Brother decides he wants a bj in the Great Room with you, you do it. No matter who's watching. Some have been known to have sex there too. Some of these men don't give a rat’s ass who sees them fuck. That's the down and dirty of it. Do you still think you can handle all this?”

  “Yeah, I do. None of what you said isn't something I haven't already done. Oh, I brought this for you. I went to the clinic this morning and had it done,” she said as she slid another paper across to me. I opened it to see a clean bill of health. “Umm, I do have one question? The guys have to use rubbers when they penetrate, don't they?”

  “Yeah, that's a mandatory thing. Not saying some of the guys and girls haven't messed up in the heat of the moment. But yeah, that's for both of your safety. You don't need a kid and the Brothers here don't want a kid snuck in on them. You would be required to be on some form of contraceptive.”

  She nodded at the paper, “That says I have an IUD and how long it's good for.”

  “Good to know. Any other questions?”

  “No, I think you've answered all of mine. Do you have any more for me?”

  “I don't, any of you have anything?” I asked the three other men sitting at the table with me.

  Seer and Blood shook their heads, but Viper spoke up, “Ree, if we decide to choose you, you need to know that if you change your mind at any time, all you have to do is tell us. Okay?”

  “Okay. When will you let me know something?”

  “You can either wait if you want, or we can give you a call later this afternoon. Up to you. But you need to know, we still have five other women to interview.”

  We all watched her bite her lip, then she sighed, “I probably need to go on to work. I'll just wait for your call.”

  “We'll call you before four, if not sooner,” I said.

  She flashed a smile at us, “Thanks for letting me have this chance. I appreciate it,” she said as she stood up.

  “I'll be talking to you soon, Ree,” I told her. She inclined her head and walked out the door. We all sat there silent for a moment. Fuck. There was no way I was telling this girl no.

  “Well,” I started.

  “Hell, just tell her she can become a club girl,” Seer said.

  As I glanced at him, I saw both Blood and Viper nodding as well. I pulled out my phone and dialed Creed again.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Catch Ree and send her back down here,” I told him.


  I hung up the phone. “That fucking killed me,” I muttered.



  “I thought about taking her home with me,” Viper said. “Brenna could use a sister her age.”

  I shook my head at him, “Vip, you can't save the whole damn world.”

  “I can damn well try,” he stated. I knew he was dead serious too.

  As Ree came into view, I motioned her to come on in.

  “Ree, we've already made our decision. When would you like to move in?”

  “You're taking me? Really?” she asked as tears started running down her cheeks.

  “Yeah, darlin. Really'.”

  “Can I move in today? Would that be possible?” she asked excitedly.

  “Yeah, will have one of the boys show you where your room will be, and you can see what's in there in order to know what you want to bring with you.” I said.

  “Oh, I only have a duffle bag full of clothes. All I have to do is run and get it.”

  I swallowed hard. Damn me. It was easy to forget that there were others out there with almost nothing. This let me know how fucking privileged my life had been.

  “All right. Go get what you need to and head on back.”

  She nodded at me as a smile of pure relief crossed her face.

  “Okay, I’ll be back soon,” she said as she virtually danced her way out of the room.

  “Is it just me, or do you other fuckers feel like we've led really spoiled lives?” Blood asked.

  “Hear ya, Brother. Was thinking the same damn thing myself,” I said.

  “Yeah, me too,” Viper uttered.

  I looked at Seer to see he looked slightly pained. “Seer, everything okay? You aren’t hurting, are you?” I asked him concerned.

  “Nah, Prez. Shit like that just hurts an old man's heart. Hard to believe that fucking shit goes on daily with kids.”

  Viper sighed, “Yeah, Brenna damn near broke my heart in two. Need to do something for those kids, but I still haven't come up with an idea of what to do yet. There's so many out there like those two.”

  And that was the hell of it, there was and there was no way we could save them all.

  Viper said, “Prez, I got some money I'd like to give Ree so she can go buy her some shit for her room.”

  “Nah, Brother. Gonna give her a card for that. Club will pay for her to get some things. I'd send her now but want to wait and send all the girls we choose and let them go together to get some stuff.”

  He lifted his chin to let me know he agreed with my comment. I reached into the cooler and got us all another beer. After that, we all needed it.

  “Seer, who's next?”

  “Skye is.”

  “I need to take a piss, let's take five before we bring her in,” I remarked, everyone agreed, and I left my office to go take care of business.

  After I walked out of the bathroom, I headed toward the kitchen. I was already hungry and needed something to snack on. When I walked in, I saw Ava chatting to Val and Molly. She was making a sandwich. It looked fucking good.

  “I see that look,” she muttered. “You're not stealing my sandwich, Dog.”

  I smiled innocently at her thinking I might be able to steal her sandwich. I walked over to her, turned her toward me and kissed the living daylights out of her. Fuck, might have been the wrong thing to do. My cock got all happy again. As her tongue tangled with mine, I thought briefly about pawning off the rest of the interviews onto the others. My cock was in total agreement with that, but my fucking conscience was screaming loud and clear. I pulled away and sighed deeply.

  As I gazed down at her, I brushed my thumb across her bottom lip. She blinked her eyes up at me and I noticed the glazed look in them.

  “Morning, babe. Sleep well?” I asked.

  She smiled provocatively at me and stated, “Never better. Whatcha doing today?”

  “Interviewing for club girls. We have more men now and need more girls.”

  She jerked her head as she stiffened slightly. I narrowed my eyes at her, grabbed her hand, tugged her into the pantry with me and shut the door.

  “Okay, what gives. Why did you stiffen up?” I asked her as I watched her lower her head. “Ava, tell me,” I demanded.

  “It's nothing.”

  “It's fucking something if it makes you act like that. So, tell me.”

  “Well,” she started, “I know a lot of the MC's test the girls out first to see if they are good at sex. Are you doing that?”

  Fucking hell. She thought I would seriously stick my dick into someone else after the night we had just shared. I needed to set this shit straight. And now.

  “Are you asking me if I am fucking girls for an interview?”

  She shrugged her shoulders
, “Maybe.”

  “Fucking look at me, Ava,” I snapped.

  She slowly dragged her head upward and looked me in the face. “Do you seriously think I could leave our bed and come down here and fuck other girls? Do you think I'm that type of man?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Then why the fuck you ask me something like that for?”

  “I guess because of what I know about other MC's and the things they do.”

  “For one thing, we aren’t other MC’s, and let me fucking tell you that this motherfucking MC doesn't interview like that. And I'm pretty sure I asked you for something more permanent last night. Didn't I?” I growled at her. I was seriously pissed off.

  “Yeah, you did.”

  “And if I'm not mistaken you said yes, correct?”


  “Then I'm gonna say this once, and only once. The only other woman I've ever had anything serious with was Beth. I never cheated on her ever. I asked you to be mine. I will never cheat on you either. You fucking got me?”

  “Yeah, I fucking got you,” she said in a low voice.

  “God,” I muttered.

  Then yanked her hard against me, slammed my mouth down on hers and kissed the ever-living fuck out of her again. I gave her no quarter. I made a statement with my kiss. She needed to know that I wouldn't ever do anything like that to her. Her arms went around my neck and pulled me tighter to her. I pushed her back against the cabinets and thrust my arousal hard against her.

  She moaned.

  Jesus. Christ. I had to stop this. I pulled her arms from around my neck, stepped back and drew in a couple deep breaths of air. I then adjusted my damn cock, because once again, I was fucking hurting like hell.

  “I want to fucking take you right where you're standing and wouldn't care who the fuck hears us, but I have a damn job to do. Just remember what I said, babe.” I grabbed a bag of chips, opened the door and stormed back to my damn office. I got another beer out of the cooler, opened it and downed it.

  “Fuck, Brother. What has you pissed off?” Viper asked.

  “She fucking asked me if we were fucking our interviewees,” I growled out as I looked at him. “Fucking pissed me the hell off.”


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