Mad Dog (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #2) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

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Mad Dog (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #2) (Angel's Rebellion MC) Page 20

by Jeneveir Evans

  Reb paused to take a drink, “Then about four-thirty this morning, Jade came out and got in her car. I told Pred and Jace to stay and watch the house, that I was gonna follow Jade. The longer I followed her, the more I had to drop back so she wouldn’t make me.

  “We were out in the countryside somewhere and I didn't have a fucking clue where. I saw her turn down a dirt road that really wasn't more than a path. I pulled my bike off the side of the road, hid it slightly and started jogging to catch up with her. The road ended at an old barn. There was an outside light over the barn doors and a fainter light coming from inside. I got there in time to see Jade go in.

  “There were two other cars there besides Jade's. I slipped into the trees and made my way around the barn. There were two guards on each side of the barn and none at the back that I could see. I didn’t have a clue how many might be in the barn, all I had was a count of four and Jade.

  “I decided to call in and let you know what was going on, but when I got my phone out, I didn't have any service. So I made my way back to the path and, as I was trying to decide what I was going to do, a black panel van came down the road. I eased back into the trees and watched.

  “It pulled up about ten feet from the barn, close enough to the light for me to see fairly well. I watched as one man got out of the driver’s side and one got out of the passenger side. They went to the back and opened the rear doors, a third man got out dragging Zoey toward him by her feet.

  “I heard her crying, but she wasn’t fighting. In the light I could see something dark on…” I watched as Reb dropped his head and shook it, then he drew in a deep breath, raised his head and continued, “I about flipped my shit at what I saw.

  “I watched the men take Zoey into the barn. Now I had a count of seven men, but I still didn’t know how many were already in the barn. I knew I needed to try to get through to you, Prez. So I eased back down the dirt path to the main road to see if I could get service. As I stepped up on the edge of the road, I saw bike headlights coming toward me. When I heard the rumble of the pipes, I knew it was Pred and Jace. I waved for them to pull over and stop.”

  He leaned back and took another drink.

  Pred leaned forward and took up the story, “Not long after Reb left to follow Jade, a black panel van pulled up in front of the house. It was facing our direction and Jace and I could see two men up front. We watched as two men exited the passenger side of the vehicle and went into the house.

  “The driver stayed in the van, as a lookout I assume. When the men came back out of the house, one of them was carrying Zoey. The man had his hand over her mouth and was trying to subdue her, but she was struggling for all she was worth. He threw her into the back of the van then crawled in behind her, the other man got in on the passenger side and the van immediately took off.

  “Jace and I jumped on our bikes and had just pulled out onto the road when Noah came running out of the house. I motioned to Jace to get him but I stayed with the van. It didn't take Jace a minute to catch up with me. We followed the van out into the fucking boonies.

  “We had to do like Reb and hang back some so they wouldn't be able to tell they were being followed. We were roughly a quarter of a mile behind them when the van turned off the road. We slowed down and the next thing we knew we saw Reb standing on the road. He motioned toward his bike, so we pulled in beside it. We told Jace to stay with Noah and if anything happened to get him the hell out of there.”

  Reb leaned forward again and continued, “We checked for cell phone service again but didn’t have any. On our way to the barn, Pred and I compared notes on what we had observed with Jade, the van, the men, and Zoey. I told him about the four outside guards plus the three men from the van who had gone into the barn, but that I didn't have a clue how many additional men were inside. This whole time we were freaking out about what was happening to Zoey, and we knew we had to hurry.

  “Pred and I split up right before the barn, each of us taking a side. We'd decided to take out the guards I’d seen on each side and meet up in the back behind the barn. I took out two guards and Pred took out two. When I looked around the back corner of the barn, there were two more men that I hadn’t seen earlier standing together. They must have been inside and came out when I went back to the road to check for service.

  “I saw Pred looking around the corner on his side and motioned toward the two men. There wasn’t as much cover at the back of the barn, so we tried to get as close to them as we could before they heard us. Luckily, neither hollered out but they each got in a couple hits before we could finish them off. The dumb shits didn't even have their guns out. They didn't think anyone would be there.”

  I watched as he took a deep breath, obviously upset about something. He glanced over at Zoey and I followed his gaze to see her rocking back and forth with her arms around herself. I looked at Viper and Karma, Viper's face wore an intense look, while Karma simply looked devastated.

  In a hoarse voice Pred spoke, “While we were outside taking care of the guards, we could hear Zoey sobbing and pleading to her mom for help. After the last guards were taken out, we found a place where we could look through the slats of the back wall. They had Zoey tied down on a table and I could hear that drugged crazed bitch of a mom ask a man that neither of us had seen before where her drugs were.

  “She told him she’d gotten him what he wanted, now she wanted her payment. He pulled a bag out of his pocket and threw it to her. She caught it and left, not even looking at Zoey. As she walked out of the door, Zoey started screaming.”

  Reb took over again, “We didn't have a full view of the entire barn floor, but we could see the three men from the van plus the man who had the drugs. All we knew for sure was that there were at least four men inside. We briefly talked and decided what our plan was going to be. Then we split up and double checked that there weren't any more guards outside that we had missed. We hugged the walls until we got to the front corners.

  “As planned, Pred and I looked around the front corner, made eye contact, and as we were about to move to the front doors, the man who had given the drugs to Jade and one of the men from the van came out of the barn. I motioned to Pred to let them go.

  “If it had been the man who was in the back of the van with Zoey, we’d have taken them both out. But since it wasn’t, I decided it wasn’t worth the risk of any additional harm coming to Zoey. We waited until they got in their car and left, then we made our way inside the barn and shot and killed the two men that we knew for sure were in there. We searched the barn real quick, but they were the only ones inside.

  “Jace hadn't listened to us and ran through the doors not long after we shot. He ran over to Zoey, untied her, picked her up and carried her back to the bikes. After making sure both men were dead, Pred and I picked up our brass, then followed him. We stopped back by the house so the kids could get some clothes before coming here.”

  He sighed and sat back, “Sorry, Prez. I didn't realize it was going to get that intense that damn fast.”

  “Let me get this straight, you killed eight damn men by yourselves?” I asked them incredulously.

  They both looked at me, nodded and spoke at the same time, “Yes, sir.”

  I looked over at Viper to see the intense look still on his face, but pride was evident too.

  “Prez,” Pred said hesitantly as he looked at Zoey, “I think she needs to be seen by a doctor.”

  I turned and looked at Zoey who was crying silently, she still had a hold on Jace like she wasn't going to let him go.

  Ah. Jesus.

  Fuck. No.

  I watched as Pred's meaning washed over Karma, horror crossed his face as he reached for her. She pulled away from him and crawled into Jace's lap.

  Viper got up and started walking toward the door, “Give me a minute. Think I know someone who will come out here.”

  As we waited for Viper to return, Karma tried to get Zoey to talk to him, but she wouldn't respond. Then he tried to take her
from Jace, but she wasn't having any of it. Instead she put her arms around Jace’s neck and held on. Jace held her tight to him and rocked her while whispering to her again. The look on her face was enough to devastate anyone, but Karma was about to lose his shit.

  “Brother, you need to hold it together,” I said to him.

  If he lost it, I was afraid it would totally do Zoey in. He looked over at me, nodded, then got up and started pacing. The door opened and Viper came back in. He motioned at Zoey, then the door. I lifted my chin at him.

  “Jace, would you take Zoey upstairs to the first room on the right down the officer’s hallway and wait with her there?”

  “Sure thing, Prez,” He replied as he stood up, easily holding Zoey in his arms. Viper held open the door for him as he walked out.

  It didn’t take Karma thirty seconds to come unglued.

  “I'm gonna kill that cocksucking cunt as soon as I can find her. What the fuck did she just do? Trade my daughter for fucking drugs?” Karma roared. I knew he had just been hanging on by a thread. “I swear to God, if that bastard raped my baby, I’m going to return the same to Jade, tenfold.”

  “We'll find her, Brother. And you can bet your ass she will pay,” I told him.

  “She's mine, Dog. Mine. I'm killing that whore slowly with my hands and I'm gonna enjoy every motherfucking second of it,” he said as he glared at me.

  “Your kill, Brother. None of us will take that away from you.”

  He nodded his head jerkily as he continued pacing, then he walked over to the door and muttered, “I'll be right back.”

  I knew he had gone to check on Zoey and Noah. This had to be driving him insane, to know what Jade had done.

  “Vip, what did you find out?”

  “Doc Adams said she and her partner would be out here as fast as they could. They were gonna stop by the clinic and pick up a couple things first.”

  “She didn't give you any issues over coming out here?”

  “Nah, I think she's really curious about us. Kinda think she's wanting a biker for herself,” he said.

  I could tell he was trying to lighten the mood a little. We were all close to flying off the handle.

  “Damn, Brother. You even get women when you go with your Old Ladies to the doctor now?”

  “You know how it is. When you got it...”

  I spit out a drink of my water as I laughed. I knew we were in a serious situation, but it was better for everyone if we could try to keep from flying off the handle.

  “I think I need to give KJ a call,” I told Viper. “He'll need to know this so he can work something out.”

  I saw Viper grimace. He still didn't trust the law, but he'd learn once he was around KJ. He jerked his chin at me indicating he was in agreement. I knew he was worried about the boys getting into trouble. But he didn't have to worry there. I just had to prove it to him.

  I picked up my phone and called, “Hey, bro. Need you here in official capacity.”



  “On my way.”

  That was the fucking way to have a conversation on the phone. I hated the damn things, but they did come in handy.

  “Let's all go out and see if there is anything else to eat, I'm still fucking starving and I could use a beer.”

  Everyone nodded and off we went in search of more food and beer.


  Chapter 13

  People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

  ~Richard Grenier~

  Mad Dog

  May 31st, 1998

  My phone rang as I sat at the bar eating a sandwich and drinking a beer. I sighed. I fucking wished I had done something to that bitch Jade before now. As soon as she left Karma, I should have put someone on her. Karma had been hoping he could get her to cooperate, but I knew she wasn't going to. She was nothing but a malignant growth on human kind. It had surprised the hell out of me that Karma could never see it. I don't know if he was just thinking with his dick, or if he truly couldn't see the type of woman she was.

  “Yeah,” I said as I answered the phone.

  “KJ is on his way in,” Streak said.

  “All right. And keep a heads up for the two docs that are on their way. Give me a call when they get here. And Streak, they are women docs so don't be an ass when they get here and think it's just a couple of women trying to get in. One of them is Dr. Adams.”

  “Gotcha, Prez. I'll be on the lookout.”

  As I hung up the phone, KJ walked in the Clubhouse. It hit me that KJ hadn’t been to Church since before the patch over when I saw some of the newer men stiffen up. I didn't exactly blame them, most of us haven't had a real good experience with the law, but KJ was different. Time would have to prove that to them though.

  I watched as he walked toward me. KJ was about Viper's size. He kept his hair cut military short, sides buzzed tight with it a little longer on the top. His eyes were a piercing blue and I've seen grown men damn near piss their pants when he glared at them. We've had many a laugh over some of the dumb ass things criminals do. I stood when he got close to me, reached out a hand to grab his hand, pulled him in to me, and gave him a bro hug.

  “Been too long, Brother,” I said to him.

  “Yeah, Dog, it has. Sorry I’ve been missing Church. Work has been crazy insane lately. There's been times I've seriously thought about retiring and coming home. Shit's getting rough, Brother. We need to find the time to go for a ride. I could use the stress relief.”

  “Well, I'm sorry to tell you, the shit you're about to hear here isn't gonna help your stress level.”

  He grimaced. I watched as Viper came down the stairs carrying a garbage bag. I knew he had the boys’ clothes in there. They had gone upstairs to take a shower to get rid of any evidence that might be on them. We'd be doing a disinfecting of drains soon. But I wasn't worried about anything coming down on us. However, I knew Viper would do what he thought best to take care of his sons, just like I would with Beau.

  Viper nodded to me as he walked over to Creed and said something to him. Creed lifted his chin, grabbed the bag and walked toward the kitchen. Viper then headed toward me.

  “Viper, want you to meet my cousin and our Brother, KJ.”

  “KJ, this is the man I've been telling you about.”

  KJ held out his hand, “Fucking glad to meet you. Any man who has the admiration of Dog has got to be a fucking good man.”

  Viper reached out and shook KJ's hand and murmured, “Don't believe everything you hear.”

  “It was all good, Brother.”

  KJ studied Viper for a minute. He could tell that Viper wasn't kosher about having a sheriff in the building as he appeared a little tense.

  “Brother, I want you to hear me,” he said to Viper. “Our own we protect.”

  “We protect our own,” Viper said back to him. I watched as a little of the tenseness left him.

  “Vip, you think the boys fell asleep?”

  He sighed, “That's fucking possible. They were exhausted. Apparently they haven't slept in about thirty hours.”

  “Fucking wish they'd let me know what they were doing. I'd have assigned Creed and Brick to help them out,” I commented.

  He nodded, “Think they got a little of me in them.”

  I barked out a laugh, “A little? Fuck, those boys are almost clones of you.” I heard feet pounding down the stairs and watched as Reb, Pred, and Karma stepped into the room. “Where's Jace?”

  Karma shook his head, “Zoey won't let him leave her. For some reason she's got it in her head that he will keep her safe. Every time I suggest he leave, she freaks the fuck out.”

  “What's wrong with Zoey?” KJ demanded.

  “That's why we called you. Let's go to my office, the boys have something they need to tell you. Then we need to figure out what the fuck we're gonna do.”

  Twenty minutes later he was looking in stunned silence at R
eb and Pred.

  “That bitch Jade traded, sold, however the fuck you want to look at it, Zoey for drugs?” KJ asked the boys.

  “Yes, sir,” they both said at the same time.

  “What the fuck caused her to do this?”

  Karma sighed, “Lack of money, I figure. I was giving her a thousand a month per child, nothing for Chloe since she's over eighteen. But about two months ago, she decided that I couldn't see Noah anymore. So I told her I wasn't giving her the money for him until I saw my son. That left her with just one thousand a month from me. I hated to do that, but I fucking wanted to see my son.

  “I thought she would cave, but she didn't, instead last month she wouldn't let me see Zoey either or talk to them on the phone,” he exhaled deeply. “Since she was keeping them completely away from me now, and after the way Chloe acted a week ago, I spoke to Dog about it and that's why the boys were watching her. We were trying to get something on her.”

  KJ lifted his chin at Karma, “Brother, we got two ways we can go about this. One, I can put an APB out on her, but if I do that, then she will have to be arrested, tried and convicted. But you stand the chance of her getting off that way. Or, there's option two, which I personally think is the best option.

  “We can hunt her ass down and eliminate her, and painfully I might add. Fucking bitch, selling Zoey pisses me the hell off. And if what the boys suspect is true, that bitch will die as slowly and as painfully with as much damage as we can possibly inflict upon her.”

  I watched as Viper, Reb and Pred's eyes widened slightly. I knew they just needed the chance to get to know KJ to learn that he was truly on our side.

  “I'm going with option two, Brother. because I want my hands around that bitches throat when she finally takes her last fucking breath,” Karma growled, his anger apparent. He was so enraged that his fists were clenched tight and his body was shaking slightly.

  “Brother, you need a beer?” I looked at Karma and asked.

  “Yeah, Dog.”


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