Mad Dog (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #2) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

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Mad Dog (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #2) (Angel's Rebellion MC) Page 22

by Jeneveir Evans

  “You're not letting her mother get away with this are you?” She continued to question us.

  Karma looked at her and said, “I promise you, her mother will be taken care of.”

  “You're gonna keep that outside the law as well, I hope,” she commented.

  “That's the plan,” Karma told her.

  “Good, let me know when she's dead. I'd like to dance on the bitch's grave.”

  I barked out a laugh as others did as well.

  “Fuck, think I like you, Doc Adams,” I uttered to her and she shot me a quick grin back.

  Doc Jones sighed heavily, “Once again, please forgive my rudeness. I sincerely hope her mother suffers from the hounds of hell once she's gone from this earth. Women like her don't deserve children.”

  “Agree with you there, Doc,” I said. “KJ, do you have any more questions for them?”

  “Not at the moment, but if I think of anything is it okay to call you, Dr. Adams?” he asked her.

  “Sure, that would be fine, but if you all don't mind, would it be possible for us to stay a little longer, or I could run Honey home and come back. That might be better. But I want to check on Zoey a few times over the next few hours. I gave her a light sedative so she should sleep for a couple hours. Karma, I'm going to suggest that you get her counseling. She's going to need it. She won't be able to get past this without being able to talk to someone, and it seems to be easier on a victim to talk to someone who isn't immediately involved in the situation.”

  “Whatever you think she needs, Doc, we'll make sure she gets,” he replied to her.

  “I'd like to stay too, if I haven't offended you all too much,” Doc Jones said forlornly.

  “That's fine, Doc Jones. Even though I didn't like the things you said to us, I do understand that you were trying to do what you thought was best for Zoey. I'm pretty sure everyone here understands that as well.

  “Y'all go out to the bar and Axel can get you anything you need. If you're hungry, he can show you the kitchen. Not sure if anyone is in there or not, so you might have to hunt around for something to eat. Feel free to check on Zoey at any time and either hang in the Great Room or dining room.”

  They nodded at me then got up and left the room.

  “So, KJ, what are your thoughts on what to do about the situation at the barn?” I questioned.

  He looked at the boys and asked, “This table she was tied to, was it smooth or rough?”

  “I didn't check it, did you, Pred? Jace cut the ties off, grabbed her and took off running out the door carrying her. After making sure the men were dead and getting my brass, I didn't think about anything else other than getting the hell out of there.”

  Pred grimaced, “Sorry, I did the same as Reb, never even looked at the table after Jace got her off it.”

  I picked up my phone and dialed Jace's number. As soon as he answered, I asked, “Was the table smooth or rough wood? Just comment with one word, I don't want to upset Zoey.” I heard him sigh.

  “She's out cold but has a death grip on me and I don't want to wake her up, so not even gonna try to move. The table was really rough wood. Zoey got a couple splinters off of it.”

  “Okay, that's what I needed to know. Thanks, Jace.”

  “Sure, Prez.”

  As I hung up the phone, I said, “Jace says it was rough, but, Brother, it probably needs to be looked at anyway, if Zoey had blood on her, we need to make sure none of hers is on that table.”

  “Yeah, I'd thought of that. Reason I asked if it was rough, I didn't want her fingerprints on it. I can dilute the blood so there would be no way to get a legitimate sample. But if I called it in and the table was wiped clean with that many dead men out there, it would look fishy. Just trying to decide which way to work this.” He took a drink of his beer as he thought for a moment. “Tell you what I think needs to be done. I don't want any of you going out there, period. Since this happened late at night, I'm hoping no one saw the boys out that way.”

  “We weren't wearing our cuts, so that should help,” Pred commented.

  “Yeah, that definitely helps. Not that I think it's really necessary, but, Dog, when I leave I want you to use a burner and call my office number about an hour afterwards then destroy the phone. That way if anyone asks I can say a call came in anonymously to my line about hearing shots being fired out in that area last night. I'll go check it out and see what we have. If I think the table could hold any DNA at all, I'll destroy it. But my plan is to call it in as an apparent drug exchange gone bad or gang related incident.

  “Since there will be nothing to find other than the men there, I think it will all be good. I will be there to oversee everything. If anyone makes noises about needing to bring in the techs, I'll do that and stay on top of what they find, but I don't see it going that far. All that being said, if I get out there and decide I don't like what I see, I'll just drag all their asses into the barn and torch it.”

  “Brother, if anyone sees you out in that area in your cruiser and you have to torch it, that could become an issue on its own,” I told him.

  “Well, let's not borrow trouble yet. Let me go see what I find. If I think calling in the troops would be a bad idea, then I'll call you and we will come up with something different, even if we have to go back out tonight and hike in from a distance and torch it that way. We'll get it done.”

  “Appreciate it, KJ.”

  “It's all good, Prez. Everyone in this club should know that I have your backs. Everyone,” he said as he looked at first Viper, then Reb and Pred. They all nodded at him.

  “Thanks, Brother.” Viper said as he held out his hand to KJ.

  KJ reached out and shook it. “Meant what I said, Viper. Remember that.”

  “Will do, Brother.”

  “Gonna head back to the office, don’t forget to call me in about an hour. That way I'll be leaving from work when I go check on the barn.”

  “What if someone mentions seeing you out here?”

  He shrugged, “If anyone mentions seeing my car here, I'll just say that someone called in about a lot of shots being fired out here and I came out to check on it, only to find the club had been target practicing.”

  “Sounds good, Brother. We'll walk you out.”


  Chapter 14

  No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.

  ~John Donne~

  Mad Dog

  May 31st, 1998

  After seeing KJ out, I turned to see that Ava was sitting at the table with the two docs laughing along with them at something Ranger was telling them. Reb and Pred had gone upstairs to crash and Viper left to check on his Old Ladies. He'd said he was gonna try to get them to come down to the Clubhouse after dinner.

  Since they rarely had gone to the clubhouse when Viper was a member of SoS, I could understand it not being something they were used to doing, but I sure hoped that would change. I enjoyed bullshitting with Viper, and it would do Ava good to get to know his women.

  As I was heading toward the table to see what all the laughter was about, my phone rang. It was an overseas number. I held up one finger to Ava and she nodded at me. As I answered, I turned and headed out the door.

  “Little bro, haven't heard from you in a while,” I said to my youngest brother Matt who goes by Shadow.

  “Been on a mission, Brother.”

  “Understood. Good to hear from you. I get worried when it's been awhile.”

  I heard his sigh through the line, “Yeah, I know. But you know there are times I simply can't call.”

  “Yep, wasn't ragging you. Just letting you know that you're missed.”

  “I hear you, Dog. Did Ranger tell you about his two friends from the military?”

  “He did. Think they're supposed to be here today as a matter of fact.”

  “Asking for a favor, Brother.”


  “Let them prospect.”

  “Story there?”

  “Yeah, they are actually two of my guys.”

  “I take it something happened.”

  “Can't talk about it, Dog.”

  “Gotcha. All right. Consider it done.”

  “Thanks, Dog. Think it won't be much longer before I'm home for good.”

  “Time frame?”

  “Less than a year, I'm thinking, Dog.”

  “That's fucking good news, Shadow.”

  “Gotta run, Brother. Keep everyone safe.”

  “Will do. You watch your six.”

  “Always, Brother. Always.”

  As I turned and walked back inside, a smile crossed my face. I couldn't fucking wait to see my little brother again. He had been in the Army for ten years when he was picked for some elite shit that he couldn't ever talk about. Most of the time he wasn't even allowed to let us know where he was.

  I fucking worried that he would be killed, and no one would even let us know. Sarge had let him and his best friend Wyatt, who now goes by Ranger, prospect from the ages of seventeen to eighteen and then patched them in. Both had already told Sarge they wanted to be a Brother before they left for the Army.

  Ranger put in fifteen years and left when he became hurt during one of his missions as a Ranger. Shadow will have put in twenty years of service in about six months. His visits over the years hadn't been long and I knew it was gonna be a learning process to get to know him again. But I knew the gist of the man and I have always been proud to call him my little brother.

  My thoughts shifted gears as I opened the door and stepped inside. I couldn't help but think how busy and hectic the last three days had been. We’d gone months with nothing major happening then, boom, we'd been slammed left and right with the world’s horrors.

  I felt like the last few days had been weeks long. I looked at my phone to see that it was only three in the afternoon. The day seemed to be dragging. Part of me wanted to grab Ava, throw her over my shoulder, take her to our room and fuck her senseless. My cock twitched at the idea.

  Fuck, I so didn't need to start thinking about sex with my woman right now. I still needed to call KJ in about thirty minutes and Ranger's buddies should be getting in sometime this afternoon. I also wanted to hear how KJ decided to handle things at the barn. Plus, I was worried about Zoey.

  Every time I thought about what that fucking bitch did, I saw red. I don't know how Karma wasn't losing his fucking mind. And to top it all off, KJ was coming for a special Church at eleven tonight to discuss Ava's situation.

  I squinted my eyes trying to adjust them to the inside light as I made my way back toward my table. There was a chair open, but I didn't use it. Instead, I lifted Ava from her chair, sat down and pulled her down onto my lap. She snuggled into me and I was happy to let her do it.

  I was thirsty as fuck and saw they were all out of their drinks as well. “Y'all want more to drink?”

  I received affirmative answers and hollered out, “Creed, bring us a round of beer please.”

  “On it, Prez,” he yelled back.

  “Brother, when are your buddies due in?” I asked Ranger.

  “Should be anytime now, Prez.”

  “You let Brick know to expect them?”

  “Yeah, he knows.”

  I nodded at him. Then, I leaned my head down and nuzzled my face against Ava's hair. “Whatcha been up to all morning, baby?” I uttered huskily.

  She shifted a little so she could look directly at me, “Not much, a little cooking, little kitchen cleanup. Really, just been chillin.”

  I smiled at her as I tried to will my cock to go down. He was thoroughly enjoying her shifting around on top of him. She smirked at me as she felt him harden underneath her. She wiggled again and smiled innocently up at me. Fuck, she was trying to kill me.

  “Keep it up and your ass is going upstairs, or I could just pin you to a wall down here,” I said to her with a smirk of my own.

  Her eyes widened a little and she quit moving around on my cock. Yeah, that's what I thought. She needed to learn if she couldn't play with the big Dog, then she needed to stay on the porch. Creed brought our beers over, giving each of the women one and putting down two in front of Ranger and me.

  “Thanks, Creed,” I said and downed the first one. Fuck, I was dreading summer, it had to be almost ninety outside. “So, have they been treating you docs well?”

  Both of them smiled at me and Doc Adams said, “Yeah, very well. Honey ran the tests back to the office and called our courier who will take them to the lab. The first test results will be back tomorrow.” I jerked my chin at her. “Ava helped us get something to snack on and Ranger has been keeping us entertained.”

  I grinned at Ranger and he smiled lazily back at me. I caught the way he was looking at both of the docs. It appeared he was definitely interested in both women, and by the looks of them, they seem to reciprocate the feeling.

  “Good. Doc Adams, got a question for you?”

  “Call me Suzie, please.”

  “Okay. Doc, would you happen to have a recommendation for a good therapist?”

  “Yeah, actually I do. She's a friend of ours. I'll write the information down before I leave this evening if that's okay.”

  “Sure thing, Doc.” She rolled her eyes at me. I laughed. “Sorry, Doc, that's probably what you'll get called here.”

  She laughed and murmured, “That's fine.”

  “I've asked them to come back to party with us Friday night, Prez.”

  “You sure that's a good idea, Ranger?”

  “You don't want us here, umm, what do I call you? Prez?” Doc asked me.

  “Nah, y'all can call me Dog. And it's not that we don't want you here, but not sure if either of you are prepared for one of our parties unless it's a cookout.”

  “Why's that?” she asked.

  I looked at Ranger, “Did you warn them at all?”

  He shook his head at me and smiled sheepishly.

  “Fuck, Brother. You trying to run them away for good?”

  “It would take a lot to run me off, Dog.” Doc stated.

  “Me too,” Doc Jones said.

  “You know what one of our parties consists of Docs?”

  “No, but I'm sure Honey and I probably saw worse during college.”

  I laughed. I wasn't too sure about that. But, I had to admit it wasn't as bad as it used to be, that being said, we did have six new women, and anything was liable to happen if you got a room full of horny Brothers, Prospects and women together.

  “You ever see guys getting a bj at your parties, Doc?”

  Both docs blushed. “Yeah, a couple times,” was Doc’s response.

  “How about a man going down on a woman?”

  “Umm.” Definite blush on both their faces.

  “Or ever seen a woman riding a guy's dick?”

  I glanced at Ranger and he was avidly watching their reactions, I glanced down at Ava and her eyes were at half-mast and she was biting her bottom lip. Fuck. Shouldn't have started this, but in for a penny, in for a pound.

  “How about a woman bent over a pool table and being fucked from behind?”

  All three women squirmed at that question. I saw Ranger shift, knowing he was uncomfortable, because fuck knows I was uncomfortable as hell.

  “Those are just some of the possible things you might see at a party. Not saying it will happen, but it has in the past. So you ladies sure you want to come to one of our parties?”

  I watched as both docs looked at each other then turned around and said, “Yes!” Then they looked at Ranger and damned if their eyes weren't undressing the bastard. Looked like his Friday was gonna be busy.

  “Okay, you've been warned what to expect.” I glanced down at my phone and saw it was time to go call KJ. I stood up, sat Ava back down in the chair and muttered, “Gotta go call KJ, be right back.”

  She smiled temptingly at me and licked her lips, no fucking way I could leave without tasting her. I leaned down and ran my tongue across her lo
wer lip. She parted her lips in reaction and that was all the space I needed.

  I lowered my lips to hers, slid my tongue into her mouth and stroked it back and forth against hers. She reached up, put her hands around my head and held me to her. As our tongues tangled together, her breathing quickened and my cock became harder than a diamond. Fuck, why did I keep starting shit when I knew I couldn't do a damn thing about it right now?

  I eased back from her, kissed the tip of her nose and stood up. As I started to move, my cock screamed at me letting me know he was in a bind, there was nothing to do but try to find a little relief. I reached down, adjusted myself, winked at Ava and strolled toward the door, hurting each damn step of the way.

  “Holy. Fuck. I can't wait till Friday.”

  I heard spoken behind me as I made my way outside. I snickered. Sounded like the good docs were wanting to get laid.

  Once outside, I pulled the burner phone out of my front pocket that I had grabbed earlier out of my office. I entered KJ's number and listened to it ring. Finally, on the fourth ring, he picked up.

  “Sheriff James speaking,” he said.

  “Yo,” I muttered. “Company?”


  “Keep me apprised.”

  “Will do.”


  As I hung up the phone, I heard two bikes on the main road coming our way. I waited and watched as they turned in and pulled up the drive. They stopped at the gate and let their bikes idle. Brick climbed down from the tower and chatted with them for a minute, then he entered the code for the gates into the panel attached to the left tower. As the gates opened, he pointed toward where we parked the bikes. They nodded at him and rode toward my direction. As they parked at the end of the line of bikes, I walked over to them.

  “I reckon you’re Ranger's buddies,” I said to them as they were taking off their helmets.

  “That we are, been a few years since we've seen him. Looking forward to seeing how the bastard has been doing,” one of them said.

  I held out my hand toward the man on the right and said, “Name's Mad Dog, I'm the Prez here. Y'all can call me Dog though.”

  “Nice to meet you, Dog. I'm Casper,” he said.


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