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Mad Dog (Angel’s Rebellion MC: #2) (Angel's Rebellion MC)

Page 26

by Jeneveir Evans

  “And you can take it to the bank that they would make sure that they never said a word in their offices that would be incriminating about themselves. Plus, if they knew we were on to them, they would then have time to hide any evidence that might be used against them.”

  I watched as the meaning of his words sunk into each Brother, looks ranging from furious to enraged showed on every face.

  “Then what the fuck we gonna do, Brother?” Karma asked KJ.

  “To tell you the truth, I'm not sure. What were you thinking, Dog?”

  Well fuck. Was hoping for a better response than that.

  “So the law enforcement's end is pretty much a bust on this particular case?” I asked him.

  “As bad as it pains me to say it, yeah, Brother, I don't know that I can help that way. My only suggestion is to handle it outside the law.”

  “You okay with that?”

  “Got to be. They need to be stopped somehow. If they are seriously running kids then it could get messy and I'd rather they be exterminated than worry about them having their fucking day in court, where they would probably get off anyway.”

  I nodded at him. I glanced around the room, “Well, Brothers any ideas?”

  “The obvious way would be to bug them,” Sarge stated.

  “Agreed, Sarge,” KJ said as he looked at Sarge. “And since Amy works in Miller’s office, we can have her plant some bugs for us.”

  I grimaced and saw that Viper frowned as well.

  “You don't like that idea, Brother?” KJ asked me.

  “Not particularly. We already know how ruthless these men are. They fucking killed Ava's whole family and pretty sure if we hadn't stopped that day, whoever ran her off the road would have made sure she was dead. As much as possible, I'd rather keep Amy from actively placing the bugs.

  “But if she could find out when Miller was going to be away from the office for any length of time or, hell, get his schedule for that matter, that would give us the info to plan some sort of strategy. As for Courtway, it would be suicide to try to get to him inside the courthouse, so his home would be the best option. It would probably be good to do Miller's home as well.”

  “That would be a good start for sure. Doom, you able to get bugs that would work?” KJ inquired of Doom.

  “Yeah, shouldn't be a problem,” he replied.

  I glanced at Viper to see he had a pensive look on his face. “Whatcha thinking, Brother?”

  “I think you are on the right path. If we could get the info on where they do their buys and follow them back to where they store their product, then we could steal the product, which would put them in a bind. That would cause them to have to replace their merchandise while trying to figure out who had it, and that would take them some time to do. Doom, question.” Doom lifted his chin. “How deep into the dark web can you go?”

  Doom laughed, “You asking me how good I am, Brother?”

  “Basically,” Viper threw at him.

  “I do okay, could be better, but I know my way around it fairly well. Whatcha thinking?”

  “Can you get into all of their bank accounts they have here in the States and get that info? And could you find if they have anything offshore?”

  “Yeah, the shit here in the States won't be a problem, the other would take a lot of time analyzing data but I think I could do it. Not promising I can do it. I could fucking try though.”

  Viper nodded at him, “I have an idea that might help with the offshore search. If you can transfer what they have in their accounts here to a hidden account, then they would be forced to pull money out of their hidey holes. If they do that, it should give you the pathway to finding their offshore accounts right?”

  “Yeah, that's a fucking brilliant idea. We keeping the money I transfer out?” Doom inquired.

  “Got an idea on that as well, but we can talk about that at another time,” Viper replied.

  “Doom, would it be possible to put a bug in the phone line that connects to Miller's computer at work and maybe his home? Not sure if the home would be viable but it might be,” Pred asked.

  “Yeah, Brother. I could do that, and I see where you're going with that.”

  “Will someone fucking inform us idiots then,” I snapped.

  “You started this Brother, go ahead,” Doom stated.

  “If he put a bug in the phone line close to the computer, every time the computer was connected to the modem for the internet, Doom would be able to listen to any conversations Miller had in his office here at the compound. That could also be done to his home computer. Just not sure if it would be viable or not since we don't have a clue how much time he's on his computer at home.

  “We could also put a bug in their cars. It wouldn't have the capabilities that the internet one would have obviously, and it would probably have to be either a recordable bug or someone would have to follow them in order to hear their conversations. But the bug could run off the vehicle's battery and it could be connected under the dash with the clock’s wiring.

  “The plus to this is the clock doesn't technically turn off when the car isn't running so it will always be working, so if either man is sitting in his car talking, we could hear, whether it's running or not,” Reb commented.

  “So, besides the bugs y’all already mentioned, the one tied into the phones and cars would be additional strategic measures to take. We'd just have to remember that we would either have to have someone close by listening or it would have to be a recordable bug,” Pred threw in.

  Reb shrugged, “That would give us a place to start.”

  Holy. Fuck. I glanced around at the men and most appeared as dumbfounded as I was. I knew about bugs but not to that extent, but I saw KJ, Viper, Blood, Slaughter, Ranger and Doom nodding their heads. Those fuckers had understood from the get-go what Pred was talking about.

  “Like I was alluding to earlier,” KJ said, “I believe these young men are good to have in our corner and at our backs.”

  “I totally agree, Brother.” I looked down at Viper and realized his spot was now at my side at the table, but he would sit down there from now on and never say a word if Possum continued sitting where he was at. “You already knew that shit, didn't you?”

  He shrugged, “Yeah, Reb, Pred and I like to study things like this.”

  I shook my head because what could I say, I sure as shit didn't like to study stuff like this. It would probably bore me to death. I looked at KJ and asked, “So, what do you know about where the men live? Would it be hard to get into their houses?”

  “Courtway’s place would be easy. While he lives in a gated community, the brick fence in his backyard adjoins a park and the fence is only like six feet tall. Each property is on roughly five acres of land. Miller's might be a little harder to get into. He's in a gated community as well, but there's only about half an acre per house. It would be easy going over that fence too. The downside would be the possibility of neighbors seeing you.”

  I nodded. Blood and Slaughter looked at me and smiled.

  “Piece of cake, Prez. Slaughter and I could get in easily. As long as Doom follows directions it shouldn't be a problem at all to get him in either,” Blood commented as Slaughter agreed.

  “If Amy can get Miller’s schedule and we find a time that will work out, maybe Amy can let us in the office, then we can get back out on our own. That would keep her out of the action as much as possible. I guess the first thing is for Doom to figure out what he needs, then buy equipment.

  “And, Doom, while you’re at it, dig into every lawyer at that firm and see what you can come up with. Vip and I will talk to Amy and stress that we don't want her getting into any situation where Miller could find out what she was up to. We’ll see if she thinks she can get his schedule. It's a place to start. Anyone got anything else? Any other ideas?”

  “I think we've got a good start with the suggestions that have been made by the dynamic trio,” KJ said as he laughed. “I fucking need men like them in the rank

  “Nah, Brother. Then they couldn't work outside the law, and we both know that's the only way this is going to work out.”

  “True, Brother.”

  “If that's all, I guess we're adjourned. Go get some shut eye because it looks like we could be busy real soon.”

  “Prez,” Hoss spoke up as he passed by me. “I’ll carry KJ back.”

  “Thanks, Brother.”

  I watched as Viper, Sarge and Gunny held back. As soon as everyone else was gone, Viper turned to me and asked, “You sure about this Dog? I don't want to step on anyone's toes. I know I'm low man on the totem pole around here.”

  Sarge spoke up before I could, “Fuck, son, I haven't even gotten the chance to meet you and just from hearing what the men said, I'm pretty sure the right decision was made here tonight.”

  Viper took a deep breath, “I appreciate that, sir.”

  “Fuck that sir shit. It's Sarge,” my dad said as he held out his hand to Viper.

  Viper reached out, grabbed Sarge’s hand and shook it, “Nice to meet ya, Sarge.”

  Gunny stuck his hand out, “Name's Gunny, son. Pleasure to meet you. Been hearing some things about you.”

  Viper shook his head and commented, “Fuck, I hope it was good things, if not, you're probably wondering what the fuck is going on right about now.”

  Gunny laughed, “It's all been good, son. All good.”

  I looked at Sarge and Gunny and smirked, “Showed Viper the west tower tonight. Fucker figured it out in about three seconds flat then made a suggestion on how to make it better.”

  Viper turned and glared at me, “You fucking trying to get them mad at me?”

  I snickered at him then told Sarge and Gunny the suggestion Viper had made. I watched as each man pondered on it a minute, then they turned to each other and Gunny said, “Why the fuck didn't we think of that?” Sarge shook his head and muttered, “No idea, Brother.”

  I laughed. I couldn't help it, ever since Viper had joined us, it seemed like we were saying that a lot.


  Chapter 17

  I want you anyway I can get you. Not because you're beautiful or clever or kind or adorable, although devil knows you're all those things. I want you because there's no one else like you, and I don't ever want to start a day without seeing you.

  ~Lisa Kleypas~

  Mad Dog

  June 1st, 1998

  I glanced at my phone as I entered our room to see it was already two in the morning. Viper and I had spent the last hour or so catching up Sarge and Gunny about everything that had been going on. I knew in the morning I could expect a visit from both sets of parents, Sarge and Gunny were wanting to meet Ava and I knew that my mom and Beth's mom would want to as well.

  As I closed the door behind me, I saw Ava asleep on the bed, lying flat on her back with one arm thrown over her head. She looked so peaceful that I knew I couldn't disturb her, so I made my way into the bathroom, stripped and took a shower. I was fucking tired as hell because once again the day had lasted forever. I got out of the shower, dried off and made my way to the bed.

  When I lifted the sheet, the faint glow of one of the outside night lights cast a pale sliver of light across Ava's body. She was fucking naked and damned if my cock didn't get all happy and excited. Gently, so I wouldn't wake her, I pulled the sheet off her body. Fuck, she was beautiful laid out like that. The light gracing her body cast a luminous glow over it, almost like it was caressing her skin. One knee was cocked upward allowing me to just make out the top of her sweet pussy lips.

  For the life of me, I couldn't draw my eyes away from the tempting display in front of me. My mouth started to water, and I knew I had to taste her. Slowly, I climbed onto the bed, reached up and slowly slid her legs further apart. I eased my hands under her ass and tilted her hips upwards, then I laid down on the bed between her legs. For the longest time I just looked at her, I felt mesmerized by what was laid out like a buffet in front of me.

  Finally, I could wait no longer, so I leaned down and ran my tongue from the bottom of her delectable outer lips upward. Fuck, she smelled so good. I ran my tongue up her again and her pouty lips parted slightly for me. Watching her open up for me drove me crazy. I lapped again and again, pulling back to blow lightly on her sweet pussy. Fuck. The sight was enough to do in any man. I tilted her hips up even more so I could get a better view of the mouth-watering sight in front of me.

  Damn. I was so fucking hard it was painful to lay on my damn dick, but, sweet Lord, the bounty that was laid out in front of me drew me like a man dying of thirst. Her luscious lips were now covered in her unique dew and it was time for me to drink. I thrust my tongue as far as I could into her tempting opening, my cock silently begging to enter that sweet hole too. I plunged my tongue repeatedly inside her wet heat and, damn, she tasted so fucking good.

  Ava started shifting on the bed and moaning, I glanced up to look at her, but she was still asleep. I could hold back no longer and dove into her like she was my last meal. I licked and swiped up and down her delicious pussy, drinking her sweet nectar. I ran my tongue teasingly around her clit with every path I made. Soon Ava was thrashing on the bed and murmuring my name over and over. She still wasn't awake fully. I knew she was in that in-between state of sleep and wakefulness, but it wouldn't be much longer before she was fully aware of what I was doing to her.

  I feasted on her for what felt like hours, I couldn't seem to get enough of her honey tasting ambrosia. This time with my pass up her delectable lips, I flicked my tongue against her clit, back and forth, pressing firmly. She gasped in a deep breath, bowed her back thrusting her cunt harder into my face and in a breathy voice cried out, “God, Dog, oh my god.”

  I pulled her hard-little bud into my mouth and sucked on it while I steadily kept flicking my tongue back and forth against it. Ava reached down and grabbed my head, trying to push my face further into her as she arched upwards. Her breaths grew ragged as her moans increased. Her body was thrashing uncontrollably.

  “Dog,” she wailed out. “Dog, please, please.”

  I eased my head back and asked huskily, “What's my sweet baby need?”

  “I need to come, make me come, please, Dog, please.”

  I leaned down and licked up her opening from back to front, just barely touching her clit.

  “Like that baby?”

  “Dog, please.”

  Her hips were undulating in my hands, working, reaching for the one touch that would get her off. I lapped her again teasingly. Fuck, she tasted so good and my cock wanted to be buried balls deep in her. It was a tossup on what I wanted more. Her taste in my mouth and my tongue stroking through her pussy or plunging my cock deep inside her. I flicked my tongue lightly against her nub.

  She groaned loudly and gasped out, “Again, harder.”

  And suddenly I couldn't take it any longer, I needed to be inside her and soon. I sucked her clit between my lips and thrust my tongue hard against her pulsing little nub and she exploded.

  “Dog,” she wailed my name loudly.

  I relentlessly continued my assault on her sensitive bud as she screamed out her pleasure. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I lunged upward, flipped Ava over, pulled her up to her knees, pushed her shoulders down so her ass was arched up to me, lined my cock to her warm heat and plunged deep inside her tight pussy.

  I threw back my head and groaned, “Fuuuuuucccccck.”

  I held her hips tight to mine as I struggled to regain some semblance of control. Ava started rotating her hips and grinding back on me, causing me to grit my teeth hard as I fought not to shoot off right then.

  “Fuck, oh fuck, babe. Be still a minute,” I growled.

  It's like her body was doing what it wanted to do just like mine was. But I would be damned if I didn't get to fuck her after wanting her so bad for the past couple days. With no finesse whatsoever, my hips started slamming into hers over and over. It's like my body was in someone else's control and all I c
ould do was hang on to Ava's hips for the ride.

  I glanced down and watched my cock thrust back and forth into her over and over again. I swear, I could spend the rest of my life watching her pussy take me like that. I'd never seen anything so fucking intoxicating in my life. I knew this was a view that I would watch multiple times throughout the coming days, weeks, months and years.

  There was no way that I would ever get tired of seeing how her pussy lips clung to my cock nor would the feeling of her walls clenched tightly around my dick with each stroke ever grow old. Everything combined that was Ava was enough to drive me insane.

  “Babe, not gonna last long,” I managed to get out.

  I shifted her hips ever so slightly and with my next thrust hit her G-spot dead on. I felt her walls lock tight around my cock as another orgasm overtook her. One last thrust and I held her hard to me and felt my cum shot deep inside her, coating her walls with my life's essence.

  Vaguely the thought ran through my mind that this was the second time that I hadn't worn a condom with her, but the thought was gone before it even had time to enter deep enough into my brain to latch hold.

  I felt Ava's body melt into the bed, and I flopped over to my back beside her, my energy fucking gone. We were both breathing deeply in an attempt at getting our breath back. As we lay there with the ceiling fan casting puffs of wind across our overheated bodies, I realized that I hadn't felt this good, this alive, in forever. Fuck, she was so good for me.

  I finally found the strength to roll on my side and face her. She mimicked my action. Now we were face to face. I reached up and ran my fingers gently across her right cheek, down her neck, over her collarbone and lazily circled her breast before lightly crossing her nipple. I watched as her nipple beaded into a sharp little point.

  “Dog,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, babe?” I asked, thoroughly entranced with my play.

  “That's the second time we've had sex without using a condom.”

  I sighed heavily, “Yeah, babe. I know. I'm sorry. I fucking lose my mind when I get around you. That's never happened to me before.”


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