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Securing Sara (The Beast Masters Series)

Page 5

by Reagan Hawk

  Jaston snarled and then roared again, sounding just like an animal. She found herself liking the noise, knowing it meant he too had lost control. He pounded into her flesh and then remained in place, her pussy pulsing around his cock, his cock spurting seed into her womb.

  His breathing was harsh and labored as he withdrew. He stared down upon her and she felt his seed leaking from her body. He smeared his fingers through it and then swiped them back into her body.

  Malock laughed softly. “Soon enough your seed will take root in her.”

  Jaston eyed him.

  With a shrug, Malock ran a hand through her hair. “I know who will be first husband. I am not so greedy as to try to take that from you.”

  Sara, too sated to do much of anything, simply lay there, spread open, naked and fully satisfied. A niggle in the back of her mind started but passed quickly. “Mmm, yes.”

  The men watched her. “Jaston, I believe her to be sexually intoxicated.”

  “I believe you to be right,” Jaston returned. He nodded to her breasts. “The pink where you pinched her is alluring, yes?”

  “Very,” Malock agreed. “Imagine her ass when we spank it.”

  Jaston licked his lips. “And when we fuck it.”

  She gasped.

  Jaston tilted his head. “No man has put his dick in your ass, has he?”

  “N-no,” she managed.

  “How many have been in your cunt?” he demanded.

  “Not many,” she confessed.

  He put a hand upon her thigh. “From this point on, only Malock and I are to be in you. Am I clear?”

  She lifted her head as much as she could. “I’m to work here at the House of Pleasure. Men will—”

  Malock rushed Jaston, pushing him back just as rage flashed through Jaston’s gaze. Malock twisted slightly. “Sara, you still wish to service many here rather than just us in a home dwelling?”

  She paused. They still wanted her?

  “She will not service many. I will kill any man outside of this room, this second, who dares to look upon her, let alone sink his dick into her. She is mine.”

  “Ours,” Malock reminded.

  Jaston nodded. “Ours.”

  Sara wanted to be offended. To shout again that she belonged to no man, but she knew it was a lie. It was as though she’d been made for them. But to give in so soon was against her very nature.

  She licked her lips. “Untie me.”

  Malock lifted a brow in question. “Your decision?”

  “I’ll stay here,” she said. “Unless, Jaston gives me a really good reason not to.”

  Glee shone in Malock’s eyes. He knew the game she played.

  Chapter Nine

  The sounds of water lapping and soft whispers floated down the hall of the House of Pleasures to Jaston. He’d been forced to step away as Malock had released Sara from the cross. Hearing her select a life of sexual servitude over him had been too much to bear. Malock had remained in the room with her, taking her to the adjoining bathing chamber. Jaston, with his heightened hearing, was able to make out every moan of pleasure that had fallen from Sara’s lips as Malock had bathed her.

  Malock had fucked her as well. Jaston had heard that too. It angered him less than he’d first assumed it would. Utan had been correct. A different side of Malock showed with the introduction of Sara.

  Jaston knew the tales of old—the ones the warriors of long ago still told. The ones speaking of two Ralenium males claiming one female for the two of them. The female would wear one collar with a pendant for each male. Jaston could not recall a pairing such as this since his birth. The alpha side of him demanded she be his and his alone. The other part, the part that still wanted desperately to find the man Malock used to be, wanted to ensure his friend was whole once more. If that meant sharing his female, then so be it.

  She is not your female, he reminded himself. She has selected the service to all.

  His mind wandered and he pictured the endless lines of men who would arrive at the House of Pleasure seeking out a fuck and suck. They’d want Sara—what man wouldn’t? She was beautiful and spirited and…

  He had to step away from it all.

  A whore who had been a regular at the House of Pleasure approached. She was one he’d fucked from behind many a time. Her lips eased into a smile as she spotted him. “Master Jaston.”

  He nodded to her. Normally the sight of her adorned in little more than gold chains made his cock stir. Though, at their last meeting together she’d been unable to make him come no matter how skilled her mouth was.

  She neared him and went to her knees before him, a sign of respect to his station and the fact he was male and dominant. Something Jaston could not fathom Sara doing with as much ease. No. Sara was willful and would stand just to spite him.

  He huffed.

  Still he wanted her.

  The woman before him, whose name he’d never actually bothered to learn, ran her hands over his thighs. She shivered and he could smell her cunt. She was wet for him. She’d be a willing fuck and could help take the edge off being rejected by Sara. Jaston considered the act for a fraction of a second but then shook his head. “Rise,” he commanded.

  She did as instructed.

  “I have no need of you. Find another in need of a fuck.”

  She looked hurt by his words but that mattered little to him.

  Utan stepped around the corner and eased against the wall as the whore moved past him. In all the time Utan had been charged with overseeing this particular House of Pleasure, Jaston could not once recall seeing him with any of the whores. Malock often joked his cousin had to have the most sated dick in all Ralen, but Jaston doubted that fact. It seemed quite the opposite. It seemed as if Utan had very little interest in the abundance of pussy around him.

  That, or he was waiting for the right pussy.

  Utan lifted his chin. “Malock is still with your fire-haired woman?”

  “He is.”

  “Yet you are not?” he questioned.

  “She rejects me…us even.”

  Utan listened, tipping his head to the side. “It sounds as if she does anything but reject him. Is there something more?”

  “She said she wishes to remain here, in service.”

  Utan snorted. “She is too willful to ever work here. She would stab a patron before she fucked him. And that would be bad for business.”

  Pride welled in Jaston. “I know.”

  Another of the House of Pleasure whores appeared. She held a worried look upon her face. “Master Utan, a summons has been sent for Master Jaston from Master Garon.”

  Jaston perked. “Regarding?”

  “Oh, I would never ask. Master Garon waits on the comm line in the main office, sir.”

  Utan flicked his fingers. “Come quickly.”

  Jaston hesitated, his gaze going to the closed door.

  Utan touched his arm. “She is being fucked long and hard. She will go nowhere just yet and I will allow none save Malock to be with her.”

  “Thank you.”

  Chapter Ten

  Jaston pushed into the guard tower and had to move a toppled-over communications center to do so. He half expected to find a massacre by the state of things. When Garon had told him the emergency beacon had been sounded for guard tower six, Jaston had rushed to it, even partially shifting to make the journey even faster.

  Sniffing the air, he scented blood, more than one person’s, but not death. Whoever had caused the chaos and destruction was not there. Their mess was. The guard tower was in shambles.

  The door burst open behind him, and Jaston stepped aside as Garon came tumbling in. He caught the man and helped to right him. Garon drew up short, his eyes wide.

  “What has occurred?” asked Jaston.

  “My guess would be the males stationed here fought,” said Garon.

  Jaston breathed out a long breath. “Over the females?”

  With a snort, Garon nodded. “Many incidences
have been reported since their arrival. I am told you and Malock had more than words.”

  Jaston hesitated. He did not like admitting weakness to a superior officer. He shuffled his feet and then nodded. “It is true.”

  “Over the female with hair of fire, I presume,” said Garon.

  Over our mate.

  He resisted saying as much, choosing instead to bend and pick up a broken receiver. “Yes. Over Sara.”

  “Have you mated with her?”

  His eyes widened. The very idea of Sara permitting such a thing after selecting a whorehouse above him was beyond comprehension. “She will not allow me near her. Her temper is that of a ganorian beast that has not been fed.”

  Garon laughed and patted Jaston’s shoulder. “A ganorian beast, you say? Truly?”

  “I think I do not do her moods justice,” confessed Jaston. “She dislikes me greatly.”

  “I did not sense dislike upon her when she arrived. I recall the scent of arousal,” Garon said clearly.

  “Making her wet and making her happy are two very different things. She likes my cock just fine. Me, not so much. She is not one who submits easily as I’d hoped she might be.” He wanted to say more but resisted. It was improper to conduct himself in this manner near his superior.

  “But she submits to Malock?” questioned Garon.

  Jealousy ripped through Jaston. “Yes.”

  “And this displeases you? You wish not to share?”

  He played with the broken receiver, wanting to both disappear and continue this conversation. He was very torn. “I wish for her to accept my needs and to accept me. She seems at ease with Malock. Why should I be different?”

  Garon sighed. “Jaston, you are strong-willed. You expect those around you to bend to the point of breaking. Perhaps she is not so easily broken. Malock’s approach to everything has always been less direct than yours.”

  He was right. Malock was less forceful and less direct. He nodded. “What of you and your woman?”

  Garon stiffened. “She is naturally submissive. She has accepted my claim and Lorne’s.”

  “This is joyous news! We should celebrate.”

  “Not just yet,” Garon said. “First I must see to it she understands what has occurred. I fear her Earth ways limit her knowledge of our mating rituals.”

  “Do you feel for her?” Jaston asked. “Does she stir your beast side as well?”

  “She moves every side of me in ways I did not believe possible. I did not expect to be able to offer what I know her kind requires.”

  Jaston flinched. “Love.”

  “Yes. Earth women and their love.” Garon smiled. “It seems it is easier to give than one would believe.”


  Garon tapped Jaston’s shoulder. “Yes. When the claiming occurs, all barriers you have drop. You are left raw, wanting, feeling, needing and, strangely enough, loving.”

  Jaston wasn’t sure he believed Garon, no matter how seasoned a warrior he was.

  “Now, let us track down the ones responsible for this and get back to our women. Lorne and I have a surprise in store for Teon. I am anxious to return to her and gift it upon her.”


  Sara stretched lazily on the bed. Malock had filled her mouth with his seed more than once while he’d assisted her with bathing. She’d thought he’d take his leave of her. Instead, he stepped out of the room only to return with trays of food and a hungry look upon his face. She smiled. “Haven’t you had enough yet?”

  His gaze locked on her pussy. “Never. Tell me something.”

  She propped herself on one elbow. “Yes?”

  “Is the hair that grows upon your mons as fire-like as the hair upon your head?”

  She giggled. “It is.”

  He looked excited. “Then you should permit it to grow.”

  “You’d like that, huh?”

  “Very much.” He set the tray down and climbed upon the bed. His cock bobbed and she found herself reaching out for it, stroking him. He moved up and over her and she opened her legs to him. “You are wet for me already. I can smell it.”

  She felt wanton and naughty. “I am.”

  His gaze flickered over her. He cupped her breast tightly, squeezing to just this side of pain. “When Jaston returns he will want time with you. Time to bond to you. Time to see if his seed will take root.”

  “I’m hardly a baby-making machine,” she said with a grin.

  “Have you children?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  He cupped her breast harder. “Mating and reproducing is a necessity for us. Without it, The Heat overtakes us.”

  “The Heat?” she asked, arching her back to him. She wanted his cock in her once more. She was a dirty girl who liked sex far too much. She knew that but she didn’t care. She wanted his cock now.

  He bit at her lower lip, his powerful body above her, teasing her. His cock nudged at her entrance. “It is a sickness that afflicts the males of my race. When it takes hold there is nothing that can be done. We turn to beast form and lose our humanity. We leave others no choice but to hunt us and end us.”

  She cringed and touched his cheek, just below his scar. “That is so sad.”

  He nodded and then closed his eyes for a moment. “Sara.”


  He pushed the head of his cock into her and then held still. “Jaston and I suffer from The Heat already. Jaston even more so than me. If he does not finish a bonding soon, he will be lost to us.”

  Her chest tightened. She wrapped her legs around Malock’s waist, forcing him deeper into her. “What does bonding entail?”

  “We would bite you while we fuck you,” he said candidly. “Between our bite and our semen you would be bound to us. Then, when the time is right, we would collar you.”

  “Collar me?” she asked, still uneasy with the idea.

  He kissed her lips. “For us, collars are much like wedding bands some of the Earth colonies use. They represent the bond, the commitment. It is a great honor to be collared. To be collared by two males would be even more so.”

  She ran her thumbs over his lips. “And if I let the two of you collar me, this Heat thing would stop for you both?”

  He nodded. “And it would totally go away once we father a child. Then it would just be our normal need for sex—you know, only around four to five times a day rather than nearly nonstop.”

  Her body already ached. She couldn’t imagine sex that much. She eased herself up, taking even more of his cock. “Fuck me, Malock. Fuck me and bond to me.”

  He tensed. “I cannot. Not bond. Not yet. Not without Jaston. He has first rights to you.”

  She didn’t pretend to understand their ways. “He left. He doesn’t want me.”

  “He wants you greatly and you know as much. You toy with his emotions, saying you wish to remain here when it is plain to see you wish to be wherever he is.”

  Malock was right.

  She reached around and swatted his backside. “You talk too much. Fuck me.”

  “Needy wench,” he said as he rammed into her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jaston slammed the door of his personal dwelling. It had been one week since he’d last seen Sara and Malock. A week since he’d left the torn-apart guard tower and returned to the House of Pleasure, only to be informed by Utan that Malock had left with Sara. A week since Jaston had then rushed into the forest and spent that time in beast form, attempting to clear his mind and chase away The Heat. It had not worked.

  He stormed down the long hall towards his bathing chambers with the intent to wash away the week’s worth of grime. He drew up short as he caught scent of a female. Not just any female—his.


  He spun and threw open the doorway to his food preparation area. Sara twisted fast and gasped. She held her hands close to her chest and then relaxed when she saw it was him. The next thing Jaston knew she was covering the distance to him and throwing her arms up and
around his neck. She hugged him tight and he found himself returning the hug.

  She smelled good. Better than he remembered. His yalenise was in his arms again.

  She eased off him and it was then he realized she was crying. Rage tore through him. “Malock harmed you? I will kill him!”

  She grabbed his upper arms. “Stop. No! He didn’t hurt me. He’s out looking for you. A bunch of men are. They thought… they thought…”

  She looked away.

  Jaston sighed. They assumed him taken by The Heat as his brother had been.

  He touched Sara’s cheek and wiped away her tears. “I am well.”

  She hugged him again and he found himself embracing her quickly, enjoying the feel of her tiny frame pressed against his body. “I was so worried. We all were. We’d wanted to surprise you when we left Utan’s, so we came back here to prepare for the bonding and then you never came home. You just—”

  He caught her by the upper arms and jerked her back with measured care. “You what?”

  Her eyes widened.

  He blinked. “You returned here with Malock? You prepped for the bonding?”

  She nodded.

  “But you dislike me.”

  She laughed and then slapped his chest lightly. “Hardly.”

  He was beyond confused.

  Sara went to her tiptoes and tugged on him. He bent his head and she kissed his lips gently. “I more than like you, Jaston. Now please bathe. You smell horrible.”

  “You will not go? You will be here when I am done?”

  She smiled wider. “I’ll come in and help you.”

  He bent and lifted her, wanting to make sure she couldn’t run from him. She wanted him. The thought pleased him greatly and helped to calm the beast somewhat. Jaston kicked open the bathing chamber door and Sara gasped in his arms. He grinned down at her, his gaze going to her low stomach. He paused, wondering how many times Malock had spilled his seed within her.

  She touched his cheek. “He came on my belly and my breasts.”

  His brows met. “You heard my thoughts?”


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