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The Dead Years (Volume 2)

Page 7

by Jeff Olah


  “Yeah bud?’

  “You mentioned something about Lockwood earlier?” Mason said as his grimaced in pain.

  “Sure, Project Lockwood.”

  “Does that have anything to do with that nut case Doctor Lockwood?”

  “Doctor Lockwood? No Project Lockwood was named after a military base not a person.”

  “Oh, Ok there was someone online that said this virus was caused by the military trying to create some type of super-soldier. I figured he was crazy.”


  “This guy who called himself Doctor Eugene Lockwood. He said he was part of the team that created what eventually became this virus.”

  Randy couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This couldn’t be true. How would Mason have so many details about a government funded initiative that only a handful of high ranking individuals were aware of. If Project Lockwood was responsible for all of this mayhem Randy prayed the antidote was still out there and being protected. If it was destroyed in all of the chaos of the past day, humanity faced certain extinction.

  “Mason, we gotta get going. We’re gonna get you somewhere safe and take care of that shoulder.”

  “Thanks Randy… thanks.”

  As the enormity of the situation began to sink in, Randy left the group and walked over to his badly injured cousins. He stood over them and fired off two quick rounds, one into the lower leg of each man. Neither of them would be able to walk again anytime soon. They would have to crawl out of this park. That is exactly what Randy had intended.

  He leaned in between the two and said “That’s for Savannah… I’ll see you both in hell!”

  The two brothers wailed in pain as Randy walked back to the truck and withdrew a double barreled sawed-off shotgun from his bag. He fired once at the gate; knocking it off its track and creating a large enough gap that the growing crowd of Feeders started to push through.

  Randy placed the gun back in the bag and slid into the passenger seat next to Karen and didn’t say a word. He stared out the front window as she shifted the truck into drive and followed April out of the park.

  William traded seats with Justin and sat holding the makeshift bandage against his friend’s shoulder. He was concerned as Mason’s condition rapidly declined and the color began to drain from his face. He knew they didn’t have much time and needed to move quickly.

  As they turned out of the park and onto the street leading to their destination, William leaned forward and whispered into April’s ear. “I need you to get us there in the next few minutes. Mason has lost a lot of blood. It has slowed, but not completely and I need it to. Please don’t stop for anything, just drive!”

  April didn’t say a word; she just pushed the pedal to the floor. She didn’t look back. She didn’t even check her mirrors fearing the anxiety would consume her. She just drove, all the while praying for Mason to survive.

  William continued to hold Mason’s free hand. He gripped it tight trying to keep him awake. He spoke quietly to him, leaned in and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He could feel Mason’s pulse begun to slow and feared their time was running out.

  Mason slowly closed his eyes and his grip began to loosen around William’s hand…

  What’s Next?

  Volume 3…

  The Survivors have just been provided a painful reminder that the Feeders are not the only thing to worry about in this new world. Humans can be just as barbaric as the infected.

  With Mason seriously injured and time running out, the others will have to work quickly to save their friend as they continue to search for safety and shelter from the Feeders and each other.

  Be sure to follow the journey as Volume 3 takes us out on the road. The group sets out to locate other survivors and a safe place to set up their new lives.

  Also, if you have any questions, comments, or would just like to say hi, please find me at:

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  Table of Contents


  Author Notes


















  What’s Next?




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