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Page 3

by Sierra Summers

  He knew their sex life would be hot, carnal, all the things lovemaking should be. He cared for her of course, but he knew it was more than simply caring. The idea terrified the hell out of him. Finn was man enough to admit Alli could break his heart. He knew his brothers Sully or Gavin would be a better match for her.

  Sully with his quiet ways and Gavin, even though he’d been through a terrible accident and wasn’t as free-spirited anymore, were capable of giving Alli the kind of love a woman deserved.

  The idea of either of his brothers being with her caused a deep stab of jealousy in him. Fate chose correctly when she paired Alli with Finn, and he needed to make her see that. He’d felt the bond between them long ago and it hadn’t disappeared with their separation. The pull to be with her was stronger than ever; his soul understood what his head had refused to acknowledge out loud. Alli was meant for him and him alone.

  Finn closed his eyes and pictured her lips, red and swollen from his kiss. All the blood left his body and pooled in his cock. Slowly, he rubbed around the head of his penis, seeing Alli in his mind with her hands wrapped around him instead.

  He needed to bury himself inside her warmth. Finn knew she tasted like heaven and he longed to run his tongue along the delicate folds of her pussy. Faster, his hand slid up and down his hard shaft, feeling himself growing larger with each stroke.

  The memory of her was better than any aphrodisiac. She was flesh and blood, one hundred percent woman, and so perfect in Finn’s eyes. He desired no other than this seemingly fragile woman he had hurt so long ago.

  Unable to prolong the overwhelming urge to come, Finn grabbed his balls firmly in one hand. He pumped his dick with the other. He bucked up off the bed once and shot his seed all over his belly and chest.

  Alli was going to be his wife, and she would give him the jewel that would buy more time for Heather. Sully and Gavin would find their women and the curse would be broken.

  The Donovans would never again have to watch a female born of their blood waste away and die at the age of twenty-five. Their daughters would grow to be healthy and vibrant, no longer hunted down by the specter of the curse the family had borne for more than two hundred years.

  Alli woke the next morning and put a call in to Hannah. She asked her only employee to open up the store for her. She couldn’t bring herself to go in this morning. The events of the previous evening had her excited and scared. Her heart and mind were in a constant battle about what to do with Finn.

  Finn Donovan was back in town and staking a claim on her. She wanted to be angry, any self-respecting woman would be, but the truth was she was frightened. She wasn’t in the same league as Finn. She was the shy bookworm who had given herself over to him once before and been humiliated.

  She couldn’t trust herself again with this man. He was all hot male need, strong and arrogant, with a lethal kiss. The memory of his mouth made her nipples tighten into hard points. How could she have been so stupid to let Finn kiss her like that? The worst part being her reaction to his kiss. He could have pushed her up against the counter and taken her right then and there.

  His mouth was so sensual, and he did wicked, wicked things with those lips. His body was so hard, felt so right pressed up against hers. If she was going to try to help out the family, Alli decided she would have to find a way to resist Finn. She wanted to cry, she didn’t want to resist him.

  Hell, she needed to make up her mind. Either she avoided Finn forever or she explored the older, more sensual man he was.

  A knock brought Alli out of her little remembrance of the previous night. Opening the door, she plastered a smile on her face. James stood there with a basket filled with blueberry muffins.

  Guilt washed over her as she remembered what a terrible dinner partner she’d been. The entire evening, James had tried to engage her in conversation about what was going to happen next fall at the school.

  He kept asking her to come back to earth when she drifted off to go over the memory of Finn and what they did in her store earlier.

  “You didn’t seem yourself at the restaurant, so I decided to bring you some breakfast.” James stepped in.

  She didn’t really feel like sharing another meal with him but after last night, it was the least she could do. He was a good friend to her. She wasn’t about to be rude to the man.

  “It smells delicious. Come into the kitchen and set that on the table,” she said, turning around and leading the way into her small kitchen. She put a pot of water on to boil for their tea since they both hated coffee.

  Sitting down, she added, “Thank you. I’m sorry I was such a bad dinner partner last night.”

  The pale blond man studied her for a moment or two before placing his hand over hers. She couldn’t help but note how soft his skin was compared to Finn’s.

  “I hope our friendship will allow you to confide in me. I did notice you weren’t yourself last night. Is something wrong?”

  Alli withdrew her hand from his. The last thing she wanted was to encourage anything more than friendship with James.

  “To be honest, I had a visit from Finn Donovan. We have some old unfinished business that we’re taking care of.”

  Concern etched in the corners of his light-blue eyes. “I know it’s none of my business but as a friend I have to ask.” He stopped and laid his hand over Alli’s a second time. “Do you think it’s wise to associate with that family? There are rumors of them all over town, of curses. It sounds a little bit freaky to me.”

  “Oh James, I went to school with Finn and his brothers.” She didn’t like the sour expression on his face. It took away from his handsome features. “They’re harmless.”

  “You know as well as everyone else in this town who the Donovans are. I think dealing with a family like that can be dangerous.”

  “I’ve never heard you say an unkind thing about another person before. Has someone from the family done something to you?”

  “No, I don’t know any of them personally. It’s only that you hear stories on the news all the time about those who are different than us. Bad things happen all the time.”

  Alli felt the need to defend Finn and his family. “You’re a high school principal. You of all people should know there is good and bad in every part of society. Whether they are witches or not.”

  His expression softened as he let go of her hand. “Of course. I guess I just worry about you. If all I’ve heard about Finn is true, he was quite the troublemaker in his youth. Didn’t he get sent away after high school? I only want you to be careful with a man like that.”

  Alli bristled. Everything he said was true. Still, she didn’t like him speaking about Finn and his family that way.

  “Finn didn’t get into any more trouble than any other teenager. As far as him being sent away, that had to do with some rule he broke with his family, nothing more.”

  James leaned forward and cupped Alli’s cheek. “I have a bad feeling. I only wish you would give me a chance. I know I could protect you from anything he might do to you. A man like that, you can never be too sure of. They say he comes from one of the most powerful families around. I wouldn’t put it past him to bewitch you in some way.”

  Alli pulled back as if she’d been stung. Finn could never be capable of doing her any physical harm. He could break her heart but he would never hurt her in the way James was implying.

  The one night she’d spent with Finn, the only magic he’d performed was to make the fireflies in the sky dance for her. Even last night, the worst he’d done was lock her door so they were alone.

  James leaned forward and pressed his cool lips to hers. When he tried to push the kiss further, Alli pulled back, saying gently, “James, you’re a dear friend but I’ve told you before, that’s all I want, to be your friend. I hope you can understand and accept that.”

  She patted his hand but couldn’t help noticing the small, pained look on his face.

  Damn, she wished she did feel something for James. He was the
perfect guy. He had a great job as principal of the high school. He was well-respected in the community. He was kind and gentle, everyone loved him.

  He was also very handsome in a gentle sort of way. Tall and blond, he was slender with a runner’s build. Large blue eyes and dimples. Oh yes, if only Alli felt some kind of spark with him.

  She never did, and not being one to lead someone on, she had been honest with him upfront. She knew the pain of being lied to and would never visit it upon another soul.

  The water whistled, signaling that it was ready for tea.

  “Enough of this talk. Our muffins are getting cold. Why don’t you tell me about the new drama teacher?”

  Alli was relieved when James gave in and began to tell her about their new teacher, Ms. Libby Wright.

  Chapter Three

  “So what did she say?” Sully asked as he sat on the couch.

  Opening a beer, Finn wanted to smack the grin off his brother’s face. Sully was too arrogant for his own good.

  “What do you think she said? She told me to get the hell out.” Finn couldn’t help the hard-on he was getting. Hell, even when she was mad and not even there, she made him hard.

  “You didn’t think she’d just fall into your arms and say okay, did you?”

  Finn opened and closed his fist. Sully was pushing and about to get his ass kicked. He was getting way too much enjoyment out of this.

  “Don’t give me that look, Finn. You’re the one who fucked up, not me.”

  He shook his head, ashamed of the memory. “I know but I was a stupid kid and all I wanted to do was fit in.” How long was he going to have to endure his family’s outrage at what had happened? He admitted his mistake, tried to right the wrong he’d committed. He was a man now, not a teenager anymore.

  He’d paid a steep price for what he’d done to Alli. All he wanted now was to settle down here and help his sister. He’d been alone for a long time, never any long-term relationships with women. His affairs were short. They gave him a small amount of physical satisfaction but nothing more.

  After that kiss with Alli last night, he knew “short and sweet” wasn’t going to work for them. He’d never get enough of her. Her mouth alone held more magic in it than all the other women he’d kissed put together.

  “Fit in?” Sully snarled. “At Alli’s expense! You broke the number one rule, brother, and wounded a pure woman. Of all the things we were taught, you went and broke that one. By the Goddess, how could you think you wouldn’t suffer for it?”

  “Suffer for it,” Finn roared. “Did you forget where Pop sent me? Trust me, I have suffered enough for my sins against her. I’m here now facing my past, what else do you expect out of me? She hates me. She thinks the night we spent together was part of that stupid bet. I’m willing to lay myself at her feet to make up for the past.”

  “You need to get over your little punishment, brother. Being retrained in our ways was the least they could’ve done to you on the island, and it’s no more than you deserved. We’ve known other witches to have much more severe punishments than you were given. Have you forgotten why we were cursed in the first place?”

  Sully put his beer down on the table. The bastard loved giving Finn hell. “You have a chance to atone but don’t expect it to be an easy road. Broken trust, no matter how many years ago it happened, is a hell of a thing to regain.”

  Finn curled his fingers into his hands to keep from popping Sully in the mouth. It was so easy for Sully to think his time on the island was a cakewalk. His baby brother had never felt the kiss of a lash against his back as part of being retrained.

  His brothers didn’t know what it was like sleeping in a thatch hut in the middle of a rainstorm, or being forced to be a slave to one of the most sadistic females ever to grace this earth. Finn pushed the urge to shiver deep down as memories of Claudia and all that he endured by her hand came rushing back to him.

  It took five years for the nightmares to end, the humiliation, the beatings, the sleep deprivation, after experiencing it all at the ripe old age of eighteen. All because one night when Finn went with his heart and ended up hurting Alli.

  He was tired of paying for it, tired of running from it and tired of feeling angry over what had happened to him. He was well aware that she might not be able to forgive him. He just had to believe she would, for the whole family’s sake. Hell, for his own sanity. It became quite clear last night. He still wanted Alli in his life. He still remembered just the way she tasted.

  He needed her by his side forever and Finn was willing to do whatever it took to ensure that she would be his. Of course she wasn’t the same female she’d been when he left town, but he craved to know all about her now as a full-grown woman. He was going to learn what made her happy, what made her smile. Her favorite ice cream…everything… Finn wanted to know it all.

  Now, listening to his brother, he wanted to jump over the table and throttle him.

  He was well aware of his responsibilities to both women—first to Alli, that he prove they were meant to be together, that what they did so long ago was real for him. Then to Heather, so she may live past her twenty-fifth birthday.

  The Donovan boys had known about their destiny since they were old enough to talk. It was the duty of every male Donovan to search for the three jewels. Never in the past had all three been discovered at the same time. News was sent from Avalon that the Oracle predicted this was the time all three jewels would come together and all three Donovan boys would find the women and break the curse. All witches took the Oracle’s visions seriously. Finn would do his duty but Alli’s happiness had to come first. He vowed he’d never cause her pain again.

  Sully just pissed him off enough that he didn’t try to explain what he felt for Alli. Finn let Sully lecture him, let Sully think what he wanted to. What happened privately between him and Alli was nobody’s business but theirs.

  Alli finally made it to her store around three in the afternoon. Hannah met her at the door, holding a large bouquet of wildflowers.

  “Oh my god, you have got to come and see what started arriving the minute I opened the front door this morning.” Pulling her by the hand, Hannah led her into the storage area of her shop.

  Flabbergasted, Alli just stared; the room was filled with flowers. Baskets and bouquets of every kind of arrangement possible. All her favorites—roses, lilies, lilacs and daisies.

  “Here, this was attached to the first bouquet.” Hannah shoved the small envelope into Alli’s shaking hands.

  Pulling out the small card, she turned it over to the rich text written in black ink.

  I will be there at six o’clock to pick you up. We have much to discuss…Finn.

  “Damn, damn and damn some more. How dare he do this to me?” Alli shouted, stomping her foot. “Dammit!”

  Hannah stood to the side with her arms folded. “I can say I’ve never seen a reaction to flowers quite like that before. Geesh, he must really have pissed you off.”

  She turned to her employee, feeling her cheeks burn from her small outburst. “You have no idea.”

  Just like him to try to butter her up. First, kissing her the way he had last night, now when she’d convinced herself she could ignore him, he did something so unexpected and wonderful. How was she ever going to be able to resist Finn Donovan if he did things like this?

  She’d give anything if she could blindly follow Finn into a scorching affair but she wasn’t able to. She was still plagued by the fear he was using her only to help Heather get well. The old feelings of betrayal he’d left her with had been brought back, starring in every one of her thoughts. Was he going to use her and leave again? She was angry at herself for being so damn unsure of herself and how she felt toward him.

  He was so intense, so sure she’d give in. His predatory eyes and mouth made her shiver in pure delight. If someone had asked her two days ago what she thought of alpha males, Alli would have said they were a complete turn-off. Now though she couldn’t say that.

  Finn was all male and she’d melted with the way he took control of her with his kiss. The memory caused her panties to become damp between her thighs. Why did he have to do something so sweet? Alli was a sucker for a romance but she’d have sworn Finn was not the romantic type of man.

  She was going have to be on her toes with him this evening. Maybe she should call and cancel. Tell him not to show up…

  Alli knew that wasn’t going to happen. She could go somewhere else but Finn would probably just track her down anyway.

  “Hannah, I need you to call the flower shop and have them come and pick up most of these flowers. They will know what to do with them.”

  Hannah stared at her, open-mouthed, and refused to budge.

  “I can’t keep all of these. I can’t care for them all. You can take what you like, and I am keeping a few, but I think the rest can be donated to people who need them.”

  Alli let out a small giggle as Hannah turned on her heel, walking out of the backroom mumbling how crazy Alli was for giving up all her flowers.

  Looking down at her simple blue-jeans skirt and V-neck white T-shirt, she thought about going home and changing into something a bit dressier, then changed her mind. If Finn Donovan wanted to take her out, he was going to have to accept her for who she was.

  She’d long ago became comfortable with the way she looked and wasn’t about to change it for anyone else. Including the hottest man she knew.

  Chapter Four

  Alli sat behind the counter, counting out her nightly deposit. Her mind drifted back fifteen years, the haunting memory burning bright and clear in her mind.

  * * * * *

  “Come on, please,” Finn begged as he pulled her along the back of his family’s property. “I promise this night will be special.”

  Alli couldn’t help but giggle. It had already been a perfect night. The most perfect night in all her eighteen years on this earth. Graduation in one month and being accepted into college was no comparison to Finn Donovan asking her out three weeks ago.


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