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Page 7

by Sierra Summers

  Chapter Eight

  Patrick took a seat next to Alli. “Would you care for a drink, dear?” he asked.

  “No thank you, Mr. Donovan.”

  “We’ll have none of that ‘Mr. Donovan’ stuff, call me Patrick.” His voice was a little too cheerful for a man whose only daughter lay upstairs wasting away before his eyes.

  Alli didn’t know what to say so she unclasped the necklace, laying it on the table before them. Patrick reached out and touched it. He closed his eyes and sighed. The gem began to make a vibrating noise, a soft hum. Then a spark flew off it and disappeared into the air. Flabbergasted, Alli could only watch as Patrick turned to her, placing the necklace back into her hand.

  “I thank you for your gift but it’s not time for you to give it.”

  “I don’t understand, I thought you needed this for Heather.”

  “That I do but it isn’t as easy as you handing it over.” He seemed to have a hard time getting out what he wanted to say next. “The thing is, dear… This jewel can only be returned to us in the name of love. You must give this to your mate on the night that you are bonded, wed if you prefer the word. When you are married in the eyes of the Goddess, that is when you may bestow the jewel to Finn, who in turn can give it to Heather. That is when her healing may truly begin.” He was so serious and all Alli could do was manage to stare at it.

  She felt paralyzed as she let the words sink in. Given in love…on the night you are bonded. Wed. Was this some sick joke being played on her? Alli’s stomach grew nauseated and she could feel the tears gathering in her eyes. Patrick grabbed her hands. His touch was soft and warm.

  Married to Finn Donovan—fifteen years ago she had dreamed of such a thing. Now it was a different story. Alli wouldn’t allow herself to think in terms of love and marriage when it came to Finn.

  “Don’t ya panic on me now, lass. I know that you and Finn have some unfinished business to take care of before you can settle in with him.”

  Alli pulled free. Unfinished business, is that what the old man thought? A different woman might be able to look back at a teenager taking her virginity on a bet and forget as though it never happened. Alli couldn’t do that, not yet. Her heart froze every time she looked back on that humiliating time.

  Over and over, she remembered the look of uneasiness in Finn’s eyes when he had taken her home. When she really thought about it, the look had been one of regret.

  Here she was, about to make the same mistake all over again fifteen years later.

  How could she have been so stupid? Sure, Finn hadn’t looked disgusted earlier tonight but he was a man now and probably very adept at keeping his emotions off his face. Alli bent over, fighting tears and the ache in the middle of her chest. She waved Patrick off when he tried to get her a drink. Instead she stood, frantically looking for a way out of the house. Scanning for the doorway, Alli finally saw it through her tears and ran out. Forcing her mind to focus long enough to find the entryway with the large double doors, she raced out and began walking quickly down the front drive.

  A hand clamped her on the shoulder.

  “Finn,” she screamed. “Leave me the hell alone.”

  Another hand joined the first. She turned around, ready to punch Finn. Sully’s face greeted her and Alli’s knees buckled. Sully wrapped both his arms around her to keep her from hitting the ground.

  “Alli, please come back to the house.” Sully tried pulling away from her but she tightened her grip on him.

  “Please, Sully, take me away from here, please,” she begged.

  “Goddam it, I can’t stand to see the tears on your face. Okay, Alli, come on. I’ll take you home,” he said, leading her to his sedan parked nearby. He carefully put her into his car and put the seat belt around her.

  Alli laid her head back and looked out the window. How was she ever going to face Finn again? She knew he would come for her. This wasn’t fair. Dammit. She was supposed to give him the necklace out of her love for him.

  Patrick said nothing about Finn having to love her back. Would it be possible to spend the rest of her life bonded to him if he didn’t share her feelings?

  Alli had heard of such ceremonies. It seemed witches and the like, when mated, did it for life. They didn’t believe in divorce like everyone else did. God, did Finn think he got the short end of the stick being saddled with her, having no choice in the matter? He could have said no way but then poor Heather would pay the price for it.

  Memories of that day in the video store came rushing back, her stomach tightened and she was afraid she’d vomit. Why couldn’t she let the past go, believe that he wanted her for herself and allow what may be an ulterior motive decide things for her? Would Finn suffer the same fate he had before if he was unsuccessful with her?

  Every time she looked into his eyes, she didn’t see a motive, she didn’t feel deception on his part. He wasn’t trying to guilt her or make her feel pity for the situation he was in. When Finn gazed at her she only felt desire and wanting and need.

  Finn ran out of the house in time to see Sully’s taillights turn down the drive and out to the street. Dammit to hell, what had Pop said to Alli to freak her out? He had heard her yelling and by the time he came back into the room, she was gone.

  Running to his truck, he jumped in and he turned the key. The thing wouldn’t start and he pounded his fist into the dash, yelling, “Fuck, fuck.”

  “Won’t work, boy,” Patrick said, standing on the front porch, a twinkle in his eye before he turned and went back into the house. “I’ve bewitched it.”

  Finn punched the steering wheel. He opened the door; time to deal with Pop and find out what the hell he said to Alli to make her run. His cock ached and his balls were bluer than blue. There was no way he was going to be busying himself between Alli’s sheets tonight after this. He walked back into the house, his boots sounding like thunder on the wooden floors.

  “What did you say to her, old man?” Finn yelled as he rounded the corner. Their father sat in one of the recliners, two glasses of Guinness in front of him.

  “Care to share a pint with me, boy?” Patrick flashed his famous smile. “I had to tell her the whole truth, Finn. It wouldn’t have been right not to give her the choice. Sit down and drink with me. She won’t be seeing ya tonight anyway. Sully will see that she’s taken care of.”

  Defeated, Finn sat next to his father and took the large glass of beer. Patrick had never been a subtle man and Finn could only imagine how his father had talked to Alli.

  He wasn’t supposed to be here right now. This night had gone bad from the moment he found out Claudia was in their home. Instead of wrapping Alli in his arms and fucking her like mad, he was here with the old man about to get drunk.

  Finn took a long sip of his beer, letting the liquid slide down his throat and warm his belly. Alli, Alli, his sweet Alli had run from him. He wondered what she had thought after seeing that bitch Claudia and then having to deal with his father telling her the truth about the jewel. Finn didn’t blame her for running away but it would do no good.

  He would give her tonight but then he was going after her. He would be buried between her thighs this time tomorrow, showing her how it felt to come over and over again. Whether Alli realized it or not, she belonged to Finn, had always belonged to Finn, and tomorrow he was going to prove it to her.

  Chapter Nine

  Alli’s hands felt cold, her entire body felt frigid as she relived her conversation with Patrick Donovan. Married, forever, with Finn? She couldn’t wrap her mind around that idea no matter how she tried. She felt as if she was the butt of some huge cosmic joke. A boy meets a girl. Girl falls for boy. The girl gives her virginity to the boy. Girl finds out boy only dated her because his friends didn’t think he could pull it off. Her soul shivered as she went over her ridiculous situation. Every single female in town would stomp over each other to get a chance to be with Finn. Even his name drew an automatic response from her body.

ng of him made her nipples painfully hard as she imagined those lips of his suckling her deeply into his mouth.

  The radio came on and Alli remembered Sully was in the car with her. She studied his profile. Sweet Sully, ever the teacher and the caretaker. Why couldn’t it have been him she was supposed to be with?

  Sully doesn’t make your stomach do flip-flops or make you so wet you could die from it, Alli told herself. Feeling the all-too-familiar lump in her throat, she closed her eyes and willed herself not to cry.

  Sully laid his hand on top of hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Sorry about what Pop told you. I know that Finn wanted to tell you in his own time about the curse and everything that had to happen in order for Heather to be helped.” He kept his voice low and gentle. It helped her to relax just enough. He had an uncanny ability to make her feel much calmer.

  “Da didn’t mean any harm, he just doesn’t have a very good filter and isn’t known for having any finesse, especially when it comes to the curse.”

  She pressed her lips together, no words would come.

  “I wish I would have punched Finn in the mouth when I had the chance. You shouldn’t have to be going through any of this.”

  She appreciated the sentiment. Sully was truly a gentleman. “It doesn’t matter. What’s done is done.”

  “He should have kept his dick in his pants, then he would have been able to come to you with no baggage. He would have been able to woo you the way a woman should be. Finn has always rushed headlong into things without thinking of the consequences.”

  “Woo me? What a sweet way to put it.” She sighed as Sully’s fingers trailed along the top of her hand.

  “Sorry, but the truth is that you’ve always been so damn sweet. I guess I’m just jealous that it wasn’t me you were meant for.” His cheeks flushed and she was flattered. “I swear to you though if he ever does anything to hurt you again, I will kick his ass.”

  They pulled up in front of her small house. Sully got out and walked her to the door. She tried desperately to open it but couldn’t. He took the keys from her shaking hands and turned the lock. He led her into the living room and told her to sit. Grabbing the throw that was on the back of the couch, he wrapped it around Alli’s shoulders.

  He muttered a few words in a language Alli didn’t understand. In a flash, two coffee mugs appeared before them on the table.

  “I don’t know if I can get used to you men pulling stuff out of thin air like that.” She tried laughing but couldn’t quite manage it.

  Sitting next to her on the couch, he turned slightly, facing her. Handing over the mug, he said, “Try it. It’s only tea but it will help you relax a bit.”

  He reached forward again to stroke the jewel at her neck. “I can share with you the story behind the curse on our family. It is a story only known by us and a few select outsiders. The secret has been carried for over two centuries. It’s the legacy that each generation has passed on to the next. We’ve been close to breaking it before but something has always happened and we are then back at the beginning. Right now, at this time, we have yet another opportunity to break the curse. Your necklace is just the first of three that we need.”

  He ran his hand down her cheek. “I have the power to take you back and show you how we became cursed in the first place. The events are tragic and through the mistake of our ancestor, someone who should have never died did. Will you let me, Alli? Let me show you what you need to know.”

  Setting down her tea, Alli nodded. “Okay. What do I have to do?” If she was being put in the predicament in the first place then she had the right to know how all of this began.

  “We have to be close. It’s important that I touch you in order to do this.” Sully moved behind her and pulled her between his thighs and against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing one hand up to her heart. “I need you to close your eyes and breathe with me.”

  Sully began to breathe deeply and Alli followed his breathing.

  “Just listen to the sound of my voice, and in your mind you will see what you need to know.”

  * * * * *

  Duncan came bursting through the bushes at a breakneck speed. He saw her waiting there for him and wanted to reach her quickly. After jumping from the horse, he grabbed her and kissed her soundly on the mouth.

  “My lord, you came.” Niamh, the sweet maid who worked in his father’s kitchens, wrapped her small arms around his neck. She laid her cheek against his chest.

  “Yes, my sweet, I will always come for you.” His handsome face smiled for her as he captured her mouth again in a scorching kiss.

  He plunged his tongue deeply into her mouth and brought his hand up to cup the breast through her bodice. Her nipples hardened at his touch and she giggled her excitement. Their lovemaking always felt like the first time, even after two years. Duncan pulled her skirt up, sliding up her leg and finding her pussy bare, wet and waiting for him. She moaned softly as his fingers slid into her.

  “Oh my lord. How I love ya.” She reached down and grabbed his hardness through his breeches.

  “I can’t be slow today, love. I need to be inside you now,” Duncan whispered as he laid her upon the grass and moved between her milky thighs. He loved this woman and though she could never be his wife, he was going to love her better than he would the woman he was forced to marry.

  He entered her fully in one thrust and began pumping in and out of her. They had never made love with such ferocity before and Duncan was like a wild man. Telling her over and over how much he loved her, how much he needed her. He held her face while thrusting into her. Wanting to see the look in her eyes.

  He kissed her deeply and when he felt her begin to climax, Duncan grabbed the back of her head and opened his mouth over hers, catching her screams and drinking them in. He fell to his side, bringing her with him.

  He held her tightly, pulling a small bag from his pocket. “Here, love, this is my gift to you. Always wear it and when you touch it, remember this day.”

  Opening the bag, Niamh pulled out a large diamond suspended from a golden chain. “Oh, my lord, ‘tis way too expensive a gift you give to me.”

  Kissing her swollen lips, Duncan smiled. “No gift is worth the time you have given to me. Now promise me that you will always wear this between your breasts so that it lies next to your heart.”

  Niamh frowned as Duncan sat up and put the necklace around her neck. “What’s wrong? You act as though you shall never see me again.”

  Duncan bowed his head and told her of his upcoming marriage. It had been arranged since his birth. He was to marry a noblewoman from France. It was the way families kept their lands and money close at hand, by joining two wealthy nobles in marriage. It was also a way of ensuring the magic that coursed through his veins would continue. His betrothed came from a very powerful witch family. He had no choice, because if he did not honor the contract, his family would lose face at court and Duncan would be disinherited.

  Niamh didn’t cry, didn’t scream, she just put her hand upon Duncan’s. “Will you please reconsider? Love is worth more than any amount of gold, Duncan.”

  He stood up then and for a moment as he looked into Niamh’s beautiful blue eyes, he considered leaving and taking her with him. He wanted to marry her and raise strong, magical sons with her.

  Loyalty won out over his love for Niamh. He kissed her on the forehead one last time.

  “I am sorry, my love, I will never stop thinking of you.” He brought out another pouch, this one filled with gold. “I beg you, Niamh, take this money and go north. Buy yourself a place and be happy.”

  She stood before him and tucked the gold in her pocket. Unshed tears swam in her eyes and Duncan pulled her close, whispering, “My love, I am so sorry. If I could have it any other way, I would go off with you but I cannot. My family is counting on me to do my duty. Please forgive me, my love, I don’t think I can go on unless I know that you shall be all right.”

  Niamh touched Du
ncan’s face. “My lord, I shall wait for you in the north. If you change your mind and choose our love over duty then come to me.”

  Duncan frowned. “You mustn’t wait for me, Niamh. You must find a good man to take care of you, for I cannot.” He kissed her deeply, trying to let Niamh know what he felt.

  Turning from her, he hopped on his horse and left her alone in the woods, vowing never to see her again. Leaving his heart with her, for he knew that he would never love another.

  One month later, Duncan stood before his French bride preparing to exchange vows. The doors to the church flew open and in she came.

  Allora, Queen of the Fae, entered the church. Following her were six guards. Behind the guards, six more men carried a bed filled with flowers the likes Duncan had never seen. To his horror, upon the bed rested the still body of his beloved Niamh.

  Her body was draped in the richest silk he had ever seen. Her alabaster skin glowed. Where her hair was once long and stringy, it was now golden and fell in soft waves around her.

  Around her neck was the gift he had given her the last day they shared. Upon her head rested a silver-and-diamond tiara. In that moment, Duncan knew his one true love wasn’t a kitchenmaid; she was really Ariel, the princess of the Fae.

  Allora stood at the altar, looking at the faces of Duncan’s parents. Her own face pinched tight in grief. “You force your son to marry to keep your pockets filled with gold and the magic powerful in your blood. Your greed has caused the unthinkable to happen. It has killed my daughter, she who was immortal. I lay the death of her at your feet as well as those of your weak-willed son. From this day forward, you shall never know a moment’s peace until your death. The memory of my beautiful daughter shall remain with you for the rest of your days.”


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