Broken Stone 02 - Warlock's Sun Rising
Page 78
Before Adelko could reply the captain rounded on them. ‘You see the trouble you’ve caused me?’ he moaned. ‘I’ve to keep half the bloody cargo above board to make room for you and your blasted horses!’
‘You are being paid handsomely for the inconvenience,’ Horskram reminded him.
‘Aye, handsomely enough,’ spat the captain, no doubt remembering the hard bargain Adhelina had driven. The two ladies had descended below decks. Adelko supposed they were already commandeering the lion’s share of whatever miserable space their coin had purchased. ‘Just keep yon staring loons out of my way, and I’ll thank you kindly for it.’
‘Rest assured,’ said Horskram, turning to go below decks and motioning for the loons to follow him. ‘We’ll keep a close eye on them.’
As Adelko brought up the rear again, he half expected at least one of their cursed comrades to fall down the stairs. But docile as sheep they consented to be led into the hold. Horskram’s prayers and the Redeemer’s blood seemed to have kept the worst at bay, though they were eating less every day, and Anupe and Braxus had joined Vaskrian in coughing up blood. None of the vassals they had stayed with on their journey to Westerburg would have them in their manor houses, and it had taken Horskram’s reputation and a lot of old favours called in just to get a space in the stables.
Just before he went below decks, Adelko turned to get a last look at the bustling cityport. If anything it was slightly bigger than Strongholm, though its walls weren’t quite as high. These enclosed the city proper in a semi-circle, with the rest being defended by a barbican that overlooked the Bay of Belfarling along the length of the harbour. Out of the corner of his eye he caught the Prince’s castle; built on high cliffs overlooking the bay, its gleaming white walls matched their chalky surfaces. Westerburg had been granted a free charter after the Partition Wars, but that hadn’t stopped the wealthy Drülers from retaining their ancient seat. As the dying sun caught the whitewashed houses, the novice reflected on how little time he’d had to explore his new surroundings. But he supposed there would be time aplenty to soak up fresh environs when they got to Rima.
With a sigh he pulled his eyes away from the city and descended the stairs. As he did the ship lurched again. This time he felt incipient nausea uncoil itself within his entrails.
Adelko had a sinking feeling he was going to like ships about as much as he did horseshoes.
Several days later and the sinking feeling had not left him. It stayed with Adelko as he staggered above decks and lurched towards the gunwale, leaning over its side to be sick. He coughed up the last dregs of bile miserably, watching the gooey tendrils get swallowed up by the rolling waves.
‘Consider yourself lucky – the Athan Estuary is calm at this time of year.’ His mentor had joined him at the gunwale, though his words provided little in the way of comfort.
‘How much longer must we endure this, Master Horskram?’ he asked in a small voice. He almost felt he would rather be back on the Draugmoors or inside the Warlock’s Crown fighting supernatural horrors.
‘Not much longer, Adelko,’ replied his mentor. ‘Look what the morning brings us – the Pangonian coast. We’ll be sailing up the Athos by sunset.’
Following Horskram’s outstretched finger he saw it. Pangonia. No longer just a word, its high cliffs chalked a rugged line of ivory across the wine-dark seas. He felt a strange sense of elation run through him, assuaging his seasickness. After months of gruelling adventure, they were finally within sight of their goal.
But hard on the heels of that feeling came one of foreboding. He didn’t need his sixth sense to tell him things would be anything but straightforward at Rima.
As if reading his mind, Horskram said: ‘You’ll have to gather yourself together, Adelko of Narvik. Soon you’ll be under Hannequin’s tutelage. I warn you, though wise he is a stern taskmaster. You’ll have to bring all the experience you’ve gained to bear if you’re to succeed in the next stage of your journey.’
The adept’s words were weighty with implied meaning: Adelko knew they were not intended to be literal. Forcing himself to stand upright, he gripped the rail and took in lungfuls of fresh tangy air. At least the salty breeze did something to revive him.
‘I know, Master Horskram,’ he said, trying to sound brave. ‘But after everything we’ve been through this past year, I think I’m ready.’ He paused, then added: ‘Thank you.’
Horskram raised an eyebrow, though Adelko sensed he understood his meaning.
‘For taking me with you,’ the novice clarified anyway. ‘It’s been a dangerous journey, but I think it’s taught me many things.’ He faltered, unsure if he’d said the right thing.
Horskram nodded slowly, favouring him with a rare kindly smile. ‘I hope if nothing else you have learned to appreciate the responsibility that comes with power – of all kinds.’
Adelko returned the smile guardedly, not feeling too much cause for levity. ‘I believe I have,’ he said, hoping that was true.
He paused, unsure whether to say what he wanted to next. Making up his mind, he added: ‘Come what may… I’ll miss you, Master Horskram.’
The adept’s candid reply surprised him.
‘And I you, Adelko of Narvik. And I you.’
They said nothing more after that, but remained staring out to sea, watching the coastline thicken on the horizon.
Here follows an overview of some of the more common names relating to legends, geography, history, religion, magic and supernatural entities that feature in this book. It is not intended to be exhaustive but may be used as a reference to guide the reader.
Abaddon Foremost among demonkind; led the revolt against Reus and the loyal angels and archangels during the Battle for Heaven and Earth at the Dawn of Time. Was condemned to languish in the Kingdom of Gehenna on the Other Side, but has been influential in the affairs of mortalkind ever since. Corrupted Ma’amun, foremost among the Elder Wizards of Varya, by teaching him the Left Hand Path of sorcery. Also known as the Fallen One, the Dark Angel, the Author of Evil, and the King of Gehenna in Urovia; known as Sha’itan, Loth, Logi and the Cloven Hoofed God in other cultures.
Acolytes Palomedes’ seven closest advisers and disciples who afterwards were instrumental in spreading the Creed – a religion based on his teachings and life examples – throughout Urovia. Generally heralded as bringing spiritual salvation to benighted peoples, though dissenters argue that their teachings were flawed interpretations of the Redeemer’s beliefs and practices.
Alric Most holy of the knights of the Purple Garter; saved King Vasirius from the curse of the White Blood Witch using a drop of the Redeemer’s blood.
Alysius One of the Seven Acolytes of Palomedes the Redeemer; brought a phial containing His blood to the shores of Northalde shortly after the prophet’s execution in Tyrannos.
Ambelin Ruling royal house of the Kingdom of Pangonia. Its present incumbent is Carolus III, a scheming and self-serving monarch who has alienated many of his barons with high taxes since ascending the Charred Throne. Ambelin has held power for more than a hundred years since it emerged victorious from the Fourth War of the Royal Succession, fought after the reign of King Vasirius was brought to an end at the Battle of Avalongne.
Ancient Thalamy Also known as the Thalamian Empire, a Golden Age hegemony that straddled the Sundering Sea and incorporated the modern kingdoms of Thalamy, Pangonia, Mercadia, the southern reaches of the Urovian New Empire and northern Sassania, lasting for several centuries until its destruction by Wulfric of Gothia.
Antaeus Legendary mariner and adventurer belonging to the Golden Age, said by some to have been the son of the archangel Aqualcus, worshipped as a god in pagan times before the coming of the Faith and the Creed. Hailed from Ancient Thalamy in the Era of Warring City-States before the empire was consolidated. His exploits against Gygants, Ifriti, Seakindred, Wyrms, Wadwos, warlocks and other supernatural foes are celebrated in song and poetry throughout Urovia.
i-angels Demonkind or evil spirits; angels who sided with Abaddon in the Battle for Heaven and Earth at the Dawn of Time.
Archangels Most powerful of the angels who stayed loyal to Reus; foremost among them are the Seven Seraphim.
Archdemons Most powerful of demonkind along with Abaddon himself; foremost among them are the seven Princes of Perfidy.
Argael A large stretch of primeval forest straddling the border between Northalde and Vorstlund. Long the haunt of Wadwos, it was formerly much bigger until the rise of the Free Kingdoms saw much of it pared back. Its centremost part is rumoured to be the enchanted lair of the Earth Witch, a right-hand sorceress of fearsome repute.
Argolian Order Founded by Saint Argo five hundred years ago, this learned order of monks and friars is tasked with fighting evil spirits and hunting down witches and warlocks throughout the Free Kingdoms and Pilgrim Kingdoms. It is also celebrated for its learning.
Ashokainan A legendary left-hand wizard who reputedly lived for hundreds of years until Søren slew him seven centuries ago. One of the most powerful warlocks to walk the Known World since the demise of the Priest-Kings of Varya.
Avatar A collective name intended to summarise a complex terminology that covers all supernatural entities regarded as a manifestation of Reus Almighty (i.e. a direct extension of His being). This includes archangels, angels and their demonic opposites; the word is also commonly used to describe such entities sent to earth in mortal form to guide mankind for good or ill. The term can also be used to describe a saint who is rewarded for a virtuous life by being exalted to the ranks of the Unseen upon death. Most religious scholars across the Faith and Creed agree that the Two Prophets fall into the former category of avatar (i.e. that they were angels or archangels sent to earth to help mortalkind), though some cleave to the second interpretation (that they were mortals rewarded in the Afterlife for their service to mankind).
Azrael The Angel of Death, tasked by Reus with judging the souls of the dead, determining whether they go to Gehenna or the Heavenly Halls. Known by many different names across cultures throughout history, including Orcus, Osirian, Mortis, Mahatsu and Imraan.
Battle of Avalongne Decisive battle fought a century and a half ago that brought about the end of King Vasirius and his reign. Even though his forces were victorious, it ultimately proved a pyrrhic victory as most of the Knights of the Purple Garter and his loyal nobles were slain; this created a power vacuum that prompted the Fourth War of the Royal Succession. For this reason the Battle of Avalongne is still mourned by loremasters and troubadours alike as heralding the end of the halcyon era of Vasirius’ just rule.
Blessed Realm Common name given to the Pilgrim Kingdoms.
Breaking of the World Cataclysm visited on the Known World by Reus and the Archangels five thousand years ago as punishment for Ma’amun’s attempt to open the gates of Gehenna at the behest of his master Abaddon. Resulted in the destruction of the Varyan civilisation and substantially altered the geography of the Urovian and Sassanian continents. Ushered in the First Age of Darkness, during which nearly all the vast learning of the Varyan Empire was lost.
Cael A learned youth from the Island Realms tasked with taking the fourth fragment of the Headstone of Ma’amun to Sassania after it was broken by Søren. Disappeared with the fragment centuries ago, though since rumoured to have become one of the undead, wandering the deserts of the hot southlands.
Cierny Ruling royal clan that holds the throne in Thraxia. Current incumbent is Cadwy, a weak ruler widely rumoured to have been ensorcelled by the witch Abrexta the Prescient.
Creed Monotheistic religion founded by the acolytes of Palomedes, one of the Two Prophets, who opposed the tyranny of the Thalamian Empire. It falls into two mainstream churches: the Orthodox Temple in the Urovian New Empire and the True Temple in Western Urovia and the Pilgrim Kingdoms.
Draugar Undead race of warlock kings who are believed to have served the Elder Wizards as vassals. It is not known if they were themselves Varyans, subject peoples who were rewarded with great power by the Elder Wizards for their service, or a mixture of the two. Draugar are reputed to occupy certain remote areas, including the Draugmoors in central Vorstlund and the Valley of the Barrow Kings in the Westerling Isles, and have numerous powers including shapeshifting and draugbreath, a curse that afflicts victims with the preternatural Rotting Sickness.
Dulsinor Lands in northern Vorstlund ruled by the House of Markward, current incumbent Eorl Wilhelm Stonefist. The Eorldom is one of nine principal states that compose the Vorstlending realm.
Elder Wizards Ancient race of warlocks who ruled over the Known World from their island homeland of Varya for a thousand years until the Breaking of the World. Foremost among them was Ma’amun, who became corrupted by Abaddon after he learned the Left-Hand Path of black magic at his feet. Also known as the Priest-Kings of Varya and the Magi.
Elementi Race of spirits belonging to the Other Side corresponding to the four elements: Terrus (earth), Aethi (air), Saraphi (fire) and Lymphi (water).
Faith Principal and monotheistic religion of Sassania based on the teachings of the Prophet Sha’abat, who preceded the coming of Palomedes by several generations. Unlike Palomedes, Sha’abat was never a warrior and always counselled peaceful resolution of conflict wherever possible. However, this has not prevented adherents of the Faith from making war in his name.
First Age of Darkness A thousand-year period of backwardness and strife directly succeeding the Breaking of the World; few civilisations if any flourished during this bleak era.
First Clarion Marked the Dawn of Time and the creation of the Universe by Reus Almighty, who set his angels to work creating the galaxies, solar systems and planets thereafter. Scholars dispute over what timeframe this occurred, with estimates varying between a few hundred years to aeons in mortal reckoning.
Free Kingdoms Collective name given to the six principal realms of Western Urovia: Northalde, Thraxia, Pangonia, Vorstlund, Mercadia and Thalamy. The epithet ‘free’ comes from the fact that slavery was abolished throughout these realms with the coming of the Creed – although serfdom and other types of feudal bondage still persist.
Frozen Principalities Name given to a string of petty kingdoms belonging to the Northlanders, barbarian tribes who still worship angels and demons as gods and cling to their age-old customs. Also known as the Frozen Wastes, these lands are ruled over by the Ice Thegns and their seacarls – fierce warriors who pledge fealty to their liegelords.
Gaellentir Stretch of lands in northern Thraxia ruled over by Clan Fitzrow, the present head of house being Lord Braun of Gaellen. The Ward of Gaellentir has been hard pressed by highland rebels for some time, who threaten its very existence.
Gautlund Most powerful of the five Frozen Principalities, not least because of its command of the Sea of Valhalla and the rich opportunities this provides for trade and plunder. Ruled by Oldrik Stormrider, the foremost Northland chieftain of his age.
Gehenna The island prison on the Other Side to which Abaddon and his demonic followers were banished by Reus after the Battle for Heaven and Earth was lost. At its heart lies the City of Burning Brass, divided into Five Tiers – the first and highest of these is reserved for Abaddon himself, the Seven Princes of Perfidy and other archdemons.
Golden Age New era of civilisation that flourished after the end of the First Age of Darkness some four thousand years ago and lasted for three millennia. During this time the civilisations of Sendhé and Ancient Thalamy flourished; much lore was relearned or rediscovered, though the glory of mortalkind never attained that achieved during the apogee of the preceding Platinum Age.
Golem Animating spirit that must be summoned and bound to a statue or manikin fashioned from earth, clay, wood or stone that has been inscribed with the Sorcerer’s Script. The creature is then able to wreak havoc at the command of the sorcerer who has conjured it, though a Golem cannot always be easily controlled. Its one weakness is music: the spirit animating a Golem cannot
abide rhythm or melody.
Gracius Pangonian poet whose works primarily celebrate the Age of High Chivalry under King Vasirius and the exploits of the original knights of the Purple Garter.
Grand High Monastery Informal name given to the headquarters of the Argolian Order just outside Rima in Pangonia. Its proper name is the Most Revered Priory of St Argo, and it is the first chapter of the Order founded by the saint of that name five hundred years ago.
Great World Serpent The first of Reus Almighty’s sentient creations along with Aurgelmir the Titan. Fathered the race of Wyrms with Hydrae the Many Headed (whom Søren slew on his Seventh and final Deed). According to legend, the Great World Serpent’s body was used to create the world when Reus crushed him and Aurgelmir together to stop them destroying the Universe with their constant fighting. The same legend states that the World Serpent lies coiled at the centre of the earth, surrounded by the flesh of Aurgelmir; should he ever be woken from his slumber the Known World will fall apart and be destroyed. As such, the Great World Serpent is also referred to as He Who Must Not Be Disturbed, particularly among the Northlanders of the Frozen Principalities.
Gygant A race of giants, believed to be Reus’ first attempts to fashion mortalkind from the rock and clay of the earth (itself created from Aurgelmir the Titan, who is thus also known as the Father of Giants). Many times larger than their human descendants, though extremely violent and stupid, Gygants terrorised early human settlements until the Elder Wizards slew most of them and enslaved the rest. Today there are only believed to be a handful left alive, mostly in remote mountain retreats far away from mortalkind.
Headstone of Ma’amun Tablet of incalculable power wrought by Ma’amun five thousand years ago; inscribed with hieroglyphic writing said to represent additions he made to the Sorcerer’s Script under the tutelage of Abaddon. It is said to contain the power to break the hold placed on the Fallen One by Reus and summon him and his followers back to the mortal vale. It is not clear whether Ma’amun sought to control Abaddon or serve him, and as such whether the Headstone will enable its user to bind him to his or her will.