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Page 6

by Dakota Trace

  He placed a comforting hand over hers. “No. I don’t believe it for a moment. That leaves only one other option. Someone either hacked into the bank’s computers to give your access code to the bank employee who closed the account, or Grant’s one lucky son of bitch to have guessed your password.”

  Her eyes flashed with ire. “There’s no way Grant could’ve figured out my password.”

  Compassion filled him. “I’m not blaming you, sweetheart, but Grant was your husband and master for over ten years. If you used a date or name, he might’ve gotten lucky.”

  A bitter laugh escaped her. “Not bloody likely. I used a date significant only to me, and your birthday along with my age at the time he left me: 12-18-MAY 13 -30. Nothing in it is of significance to him.”

  Amery felt his face heat even as the idea of her using something of his intrigued him. “Why did you use my birthday and what’s so important about December eighteenth?”

  She shrugged before answering the first part of his question. “What can I say, I saw you as my knight in shining armor, Amery. I honestly don’t know what Caelan or I would’ve done if you hadn’t helped me after Grant left us.”

  “There was always a chance Grant would remember my birthday, Myrna.”

  She shook her head. “Not likely though. He couldn’t even remember my birthday or our anniversary, so the likelihood of him remembering your birthday was minimal. Even if he did, he’d only have two pieces out of the three.” She lifted the cup to her lips. “He had to either have someone at the bank on his side, or he managed to hack into the bank’s computer.”

  He cocked his head before nodding. “That’s a possibility I’ll mention to Mr. Spurnman when we visit him on Tuesday.”

  He watched as she nodded then lifted the cup to her lips. His loins stirred as rapture washed over her face. When she licked the traces of foam off her lips with her tongue, he scrambled to distract himself. “You never did say what the other date was for – the one Grant wouldn’t know about.”

  She stared into the flames while fingering the porcelain cup in her hand.

  “No, I didn’t.”

  When she didn’t continue, his frustration rose. “And?”

  She finally looked at him, her eyes hooded. “Do you honestly want to know?”

  He raked a hand through his hair. “Of course, I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.”

  She nodded before setting the cup down on the stand by his. Her cheeks began to redden. “If I tell you, you have to promise you won’t take it as a come on or an advance on my part.”

  Now he was intrigued. What could she have possibly based the date on that would bring a flush of color to her cheeks?

  He leaned forward and assumed his Dom persona – his voice dark and sensual. “Tell me.”

  “Do you promise?” Her breathing was rapid.

  He gave her a short nod. “I promise for tonight I won’t take anything you tell me as an advance.”

  She took a deep breath. “December eighteenth was the date I first realized you were the Dom I wanted – not Grant.”

  His sharp inhalation and the way he gripped the arms of the chair as he processed what she said had her hands trembling. From the grimace which crossed his face, she had a feeling he was barely controlling the urge to take her response as an acceptance of his earlier offer. Ah, maybe I should have just made something up or refused to tell him.

  His response proved her right.

  “You’re damn lucky, Myrna, I’m a man of my word.”

  She nodded hesitantly. “And I thank you for that.”

  Chapter Six

  Myrna opened her front door, took a cautious step outside, and looked around. Seeing nothing out of place, she headed for the small compact covered in a layer of falling snow. She had half expected Amery to be lurking on her doorstep. It’d been a couple of days since their chat. She’d hid from the world all weekend, including ignoring Amery’s promise that all bets would be off with the beginning of the new week. Although now she had no other choice about leaving her sanctuary as she needed more half-cream and a job. She had a feeling the half-cream was going to be easier to procure than a job – especially after her argument with Amery about the staffing service.

  Who’d have thought he’d take the fact that I found him attractive as a Dom in stride, but would blow a gasket about my going back to work? I refuse to take any more of his money. He’s just going to have to get over it.

  Walking briskly to her car, she slid inside after brushing the snow off the front windshield and the hood. Starting it, she reached to turn on the wipers to clear the snow blocking them when there was a tap on the driver’s side window. Her startled yip filled the interior as the bundled figure crouched down next to her car. Without thinking she rolled down the window, knocking the snow onto the man. Even as edgy as she was, a nervous giggle escaped her. She couldn’t believe how anxious she was feeling. Between her confession to Amery, and another call from Grant yesterday she was ready to crawl out of her own skin. Perhaps I should’ve told Amery about Grant’s call – Grant sounded more determined than ever. It doesn’t look as if ignoring the arse and letting him talk to the answering machine is going to make him go away.

  The familiar muttered curses as the man brushed the snow off of him had her jerking. Her knuckles turned white as she gripped the steering wheel tight before she forced her hands to release it. She took a deep breath before turning to face the one man she’d been hoping to avoid even more than her estranged husband.

  Despite the snowflakes partially covering his shoulders, Amery was turned out impeccably as always. Even dressed casually in a pair of tan woolen trousers and a cream turtleneck that peeked out of the open vee of his dark winter coat, he still looked wonderful. A light dusting of snow even coated his hair, since as usual he’d forgone any kind of hat.

  Deciding that casual was the best defense, she smiled at him. “Are you trying to catch your death of a cold, Amery? Where’s your hat? I know I gave you one last year for Christmas.”

  He leaned into the window. “I suppose it’d be in the same place as the other five hats you’ve given me – the hall closet.”

  Before she could ask why there, his firm lips brushed hers as his hand cupped the back of her head – holding her still for his kiss. The immediate rasp of his cool lips against hers had them parting on a gasp of surprise. Even with his warning, she hadn’t expected this. The damp feel of his tongue exploring the sensitive inner curves of her mouth had her squirming. Oh dear Lord in Heaven, this man can kiss. Her body swayed forward trying to get closer to his as her lips parted and his tongue thrust forcefully inside to tangle with hers. He tasted of mint and coffee and she feared she’d soon grow addicted to his unique taste. She wanted to get even closer.

  Frustration grew as the car’s door impeded her. She fumbled for the handle only to have his free hand catch hers. Against her mouth, his order to ‘be still’ had desire rushing to her core. The pure mastery of his mouth against hers along with his controlling hold on her hand had her body awakening in a way she’d sworn it never would again. His hands held her completely as he took what he wanted from her mouth. Under the bulk of her sweater and coat, her breasts swelled and ached for the special touch of his hands. Her thighs trembled as her folds grew damp against the restraining cloth of her panties and jeans. She longed to feel his thick fingers find and tease her aching female flesh – to dip inside of her wetness before smearing it over her aching clit.

  It had been so long since anyone other than herself had touched her body. Not to say she’d been a saint. She hadn’t, but a few one night stands and one very brief affair with a vanilla man a few years younger than her, had left her feeling very dissatisfied. So she’d gone out and bought a vibrator and a silver bullet, deciding that intimacy with a man wasn’t worth the hassle. She’d gotten more satisfaction from her own stimulating administrations than she had with any man since Grant. But now – in an instant -- everything had changed.
  Her breath came out in a raspy plea when Amery finally lifted his head. His grey eyes were dark with desire while the swollen fullness of his mouth had her wanting to kiss him again. When she leaned forward, his hand tightened in her hair. Even with a protest on her tip of her tongue, she froze. Her heart was racing at the possessive look on his face.

  “You’re going to be mine.”

  She stiffened. “You promised.” Her whisper was full of anger. “You told me that you wouldn’t take what I told you the other night as an overture towards…”

  “Stop!” His fingers rubbed over her scalp before he released her. She stared up at him when he jerked her door open. “I promised I would do nothing Saturday night. This is Monday. You were warned that the kid gloves were coming off.” His voice hardened. “After spending the last two nights fighting with the deep desire to tie your arse to my bed until you give in, my patience and your time has run out.” Lifting her out of the car, he pressed her body against the hard length of him. “I’m tired of you hiding behind your fear, so if you won’t face it by yourself, then today we’ll face it together.”

  Held tightly against his torso, she could feel every bit of his need and determination. The sheer domination in his voice along with the erection pressed against her stomach had her wanting to sink down to her knees in front of him, take his cock out of his pants, and suck him until he came down her throat. The overwhelming force of her desire to give her submission to him shocked her.

  When his low groan reached her ears and his hands tightened on her, she realized he’d read her mind and her need easily.

  “You’re not ready for that, Myrna, and so help me God, if you kneel in front of me, I’ll have you right here and now – and to hell with my good intentions and your sensibilities.”

  “I…” She was at a loss for words. Despite her fear of submitting to him, she still found she had an overwhelming need to please Amery. But how can I please him without giving him my total submission?

  Even as she was pondering the idea, she realized he was leading her to his idling car.

  “Where are we going?”

  He gave her a sharp look. “To the club. I’m going to get past this fear of yours one way or the other.”

  Dread filled her even as her desire to please him grew. It’d once been her dream to have him take her to the club. Thirty-five years ago, she wanted to prove to everyone, including Grant, she could not only please Amery, but keep his attention afterwards. But the situation was much different now - even as she wanted to make Amery happy, she knew once she had satisfied him, he’d leave her just as he had numerous subs before her. As he started the car, she stared out the window in despair, knowing there was no reasoning with him.

  * * * *

  Pulling into the snow covered lot behind The Sanctuary’s Lair, Amery cursed himself as ten times a fool. His original plan of inviting Myrna to attend a Founders’ meeting had gone to the wayside when he’d arrived to find her leaving. His blood pressure had sky-rocketed, as what little patience he’d retained, after forty-eight hours of fighting with his natural inclinations, had evaporated in an instant. The idea that she was still entertaining the notion of returning to work had his inner Dom seething and he’d simply reacted. Instead of asking her to attend with him, he’d pounced on her. Not only had he kissed her but he’d yanked her out of her car to drag her to his. While he didn’t regret the kiss they’d shared, her eerie silence since entering the car worried him. Had he been too rough in his handling?

  Shutting the car off, he turned to face her. “Myrna.”

  The silence was deafening. Her voice was very brittle when she finally spoke. “I don’t want to go in there.”

  Touching her shoulder, he turned her towards him. “Look at me, sweetheart.”

  Her blue eyes were shadowed and bleak. The slump of her shoulders made him feel like he’d kicked a puppy.

  He gave a sigh of frustration. “Do you trust me, m’gnogag?”

  Her chin trembled even as anger replaced the fear in her eyes. “Why should I? You’re going to drag me into a scene I don’t want…”

  His growl seemed to come from the depths of his soul. The idea that she thought he’d force her stung. “I have never, nor will I ever force a sub to participate in a scene!” He turned away from her before reaching for the keys. Pulling them out, he pocketed them. “How long have you known me?”

  There was a hesitation before she finally answered. “Forty years – give or take.”

  “In those forty years have you ever, even once, heard of me or witnessed me abusing a slave?”

  Her hands twisted and turned on her lap before she shook her head. “No.”

  Reaching over, he stilled her hands while looking into her eyes. “So why do you think I would start with you?”

  Her eyes darted away before she shrugged her shoulders. “I’m scared.”

  “…Of me?” When she didn’t answer, he sighed. Even as frustrated and horny as he was, he couldn’t make her decision for her. Fuck!

  “I’m sorry if I scared you, Myrna.” His ire returned when she ignored his statement. “Honestly though, I don’t think you’re scared of me. You’re scared of yourself.” He pushed the door open. “You aren’t acting like the strong woman I’ve known and loved for years. If you see that woman, tell her I’m waiting for her inside, just as I have waited for the last thirty plus years – but my guess is she’s buried under so many layers of denial, you won’t be able to find her even if you try.”

  Slamming the car door, Amery strode across the parking lot even when he heard her door open and she cried out his name. Walking away from her was the hardest thing he’d ever done, but it was better than inflicting more pain when she was already hurting. For the first time in a very long time, Amery felt every one of his sixty-three years. He wanted her, but the way it looked now, unless she came to him, he was doomed to never have her. He wouldn’t beg and he was damned tired of her refusal to accept him as her master, especially when it was obvious he was what she needed.

  * * * *

  Sitting in Amery’s cooling car, Myrna fought the tears begging to be released. She’d never meant to accuse Amery of abusing his subs. He was one of the most in-demand Masters in Ireland. His well-balanced consideration and domination of those under his training and auspices had Masters and submissives near and far seeking him out. If all those other people can trust him, why couldn’t I admit I was scared of myself when he asked? Why did I sit here and let him assume the worse? He even admitted he loves me! Euphoria briefly obliterated her unhappiness until she remembered how she’d let what had happened with Grant rule her for all these years. Did Grant screw my head up so much that I’m not even willing to try to fix what’s wrong with me? Dammit! Enough is enough. I refuse to let Grant do this to me any longer. If Amery wants me, even for the briefest of times, I’d be a fool not to take what he’s offering.

  With a determination she didn’t realize she possessed, she opened the car door to call him back. “Amery!”

  Instead of slowing, he entered the building without a backward glance. She stopped, then watched as the door shut behind him. She stared abjectly at the closed door. If only he’d waited for her, but instead he’d gone into the club. The same place it’d taken all her gumption three days ago to enter. When a cold winter wind pushed at her, she hurried across the parking lot. God, I can’t believe I’m doing this. But even when her hand wrapped around the handle, she refused to stop. I guess I’d follow that man through hell – so what does that say about me?

  The warm air caressed her cheeks as she stepped into the vestibule. Tugging off her gloves, she was in the process of unbuttoning her jacket when a man she’d never seen before stepped into the small space with her. His lean body was dressed entirely in black – the same attire that Sanders had been wearing three nights ago. The only differences were the wicked scar on the man’s left cheek, his tar black hair, and the dominating presence Sanders had lacked. This ma
n was no mere bouncer. He was a Dom, she thought wildly. She tried to calm herself but even as his dark eyes showed concern, fear had her mouth drying when he stepped closer.

  “I’m sorry but the club doesn’t open until this evening. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

  Her heart sped up at his words. “Ah…there was a man…Amery…I mean Master Alastar...” She couldn’t believe she was stumbling over her words like a young school girl.

  “Shhhh, calm down – no one is going to hurt you.” When he placed his hand over her shoulder, she jumped back. He held his hands up in a gesture she was sure that he thought was reassuring, but the sight of his raised hands had her visibly flinching. This is why I never come here. There are too many Dominant men who can hurt me.

  ”I’m here to see Master Alastar,” Myrna blurted out before the man became tired of her theatrics and decided to throw her out. At the mention of Amery, the man stopped.

  “Master Alastar doesn’t see just anyone off the street, ma’am, and I’m not sure he’s even here this morning.”

  Crossing her arms over her chest, Myrna tried to compose herself. “I know he’s here, I rode with him…”

  The man opened his mouth to argue when the door behind him opened once more, as Master Simon stepped into the already crowded space.

  “I’ll take care of it, Master Liam.” Simon nodded towards the door. “We’ll be starting shortly. Why don’t you grab Marissa and head back to Amberboch Room?”

  The man, who Myrna assumed was Master Liam, without a word turned and exited the vestibule, leaving her alone with Simon. The silence dragged on as Simon coolly took in her appearance.

  When she opened her mouth to speak, Simon held up a hand. “Don’t speak, just listen. I don’t claim to know what exactly is going on between you and Amery but I know him.”

  She stiffened in response. “We’re friends…”

  “Silence, Mrs. Doherty!” His eyes flashed angrily. “Your membership here is hanging by a thread – push and I’ll sever it.”


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