Tightening the Ropes [Dark Days Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Tightening the Ropes [Dark Days Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 11

by Jenny May

  “I’ll be fine.” Lewis tightened his hold on Knox’s chest. “Call me the moment everything is secure. I’ll jump in one of those fancy cars in the warehouse and come to both of you. Then you can have your wish of having us back in bed.”

  Knox nodded and rubbed his cheek against his mates. “I want you in my mouth, Lewis. I want to taste you while I’m gone.” He unbuckled Lewis’s belt and slid open his jeans. He moaned as Knox grabbed his hard cock. While he lowered himself, he pulled Lewis’s pants further down. Fuck getting in the bed. Knox wanted Lewis here and now. Right where they stood.

  “Shit.” Lewis placed his hand on the back of Knox’s head while he licked the tip of his cock. Intoxicated by his mate’s essence, Knox sucked him to the back of his throat. He knew the more he pleasured Lewis, the more his pre-cum would feed his hunger. It was a necessity if Knox was going to leave him. Lewis was his security blanket. Even though they couldn’t be together, at least he would smell and taste him wherever he ended up.

  Knox used his hand to stroke Lewis’s cock as he continued to take him into his mouth. “Knox,” Lewis gasped and began to shake while Knox sucked him faster. It was exactly what he needed. Small amounts of his cum slid across Knox’s tongue and he moaned against the thick length. His mate was so close and time was important.

  Reaching up, Knox cradled his sac and took him even deeper. The caress worked and Lewis’s cum shot into his mouth powerfully.

  “Oh fuck.” Lewis convulsed and gripped tighter to the back of his head. Knox didn’t stop until he took in every last drop. Only then did he stand up and pull Lewis to him.

  “You taste so fucking good. I’m going to think about this every time I breathe you in.” Knox pressed his lips into his and let him get redressed.

  As he led his mate back to the control room he grabbed him and hugged him tightly. “I’ll call you when we’re finished. Watch the screens. You’ll see that everything will be okay.”

  Lewis smiled. “Of course it will. You’re a bad ass motherfucker. Remember?”

  “Yes.” Knox laughed and kissed his hand. “See you tonight.”

  While Knox headed to the main room the smile fell from his face. The empty mask he used to be so comfortable wearing slid into place. It was time to take care of business, and suddenly he couldn’t wait. Lewis’s words filled his head. He may have been a bad ass back then, but now he was so much more. His mates made his will for revenge even stronger. Dag had no idea the shit storm he was about to bring to Hidden Hills.

  Chapter 12

  Lynna held her head high as she stared at her reflection. The scalpel rose to Dag’s lips and he licked off the blood. The evil inside of him was so profound Lynna would have never imagined someone could harbor such hatred.

  “I’m running out of room, sister. Are you ready to move to the next phase? I have to admit, I’m getting quite bored.”

  Blood poured from the writing across her body. Lynna stared at the words in the reflection, numb. Pain had receded a long time ago. She stood stock still letting Dag do whatever he wanted. She would not give him the satisfaction of seeing her in pain.

  Light shined off of the long blade of the knife. Lynna tried not to show any fear. Knox wouldn’t if he were in this situation. Her mate was so strong. He would die before he gave in to an enemy. And now so would she. Dag would not turn her and make her his slave. She’d kill herself before she betrayed Dark Days.

  “This might hurt a little. Let me know if you want me to stop.” Dag started at her shoulder made his way toward her elbow. Lynna couldn’t hold in the scream that tore from her throat. She looked down and felt herself go lightheaded.

  “Oh no, no, no you don’t.” Dag dragged his fang down his wrist and let the blood pour over her wound. She breathed heavily as she watched it heal. The room was spinning and she knew she was going to be sick.

  Spanish words came from Dag’s mouth and she had no idea what he was saying. Her stomach heaved and she felt her hair pulled so her head was back against the board.

  “You get sick again and I’m going to put this knife through you. Don’t think I won’t. I can turn you before you die.”

  Lynna’s eyes were heavy. She had to force them to stay open.

  “Now, shall we do this again? This one is a lot more fun. Is it not?” Lynna watched the blade rise to her shoulder again. A knock had Dag turning around. “What!”

  The door opened and a man rushed through. One look at Lynna and he stopped in his tracks. She may have been wearing her bra and panties, but she’d never felt more exposed in her life. The stranger took a step back, and his face was filled with horror.

  “I said, what.” Dag growled and bared his fangs.

  The man shook his head and tore his eyes from Lynna. “There’s a car that matches the description of a vehicle associated with Dark Days. It’s breached the border not that long ago.”

  Dag narrowed his eyes. “They wouldn’t be stupid enough to come here.” He looked at Lynna. “She can’t be that important that the new Alpha would risk waging a full blown war.” He paused and tilted his head. “Enlighten me. What kind of car?”

  “Black BMW. Headed this way at the speed of light.”

  Dag laughed. “That fast, huh? Well, have the boys take care of it.”

  Lynna heart exploded in rhythm. Dag went to say something but stopped. He smiled wider as he walked up to her. Slowly, he put his head to her chest. “You’re pretty worked up over the news, sister. Is this your mate coming to rescue you from the big, bad vampire?”

  She ignored Dag and looked at the man who was still staring at her. She could tell he didn’t like seeing her this way. He looked mortified. “You’re all going to die. If you’re smart, you’ll tell your men to stand down and let this evil bastard get what he deserves.”

  The stranger’s eyes got big as he looked at Dag. Pain exploded in Lynna’s shoulder and she looked over, almost not believing what she was seeing. Black dots covered her vision and she felt as if she were falling even though she knew she hadn’t moved.

  “You fucking bitch.” Even though she tried to fight it, she knew it was a losing battle. Suddenly her vision left and a part of her was thankful. The falling feeling returned and she gave herself to the darkness.

  * * * *

  Lewis watched the black M3 speed down the road. The guy working control was pretty cool. He even let Lewis move the cameras as they tracked Knox and his brothers. He kept thinking back to watching all three of them climb in that tiny car. Damien didn’t look too happy having to get in the back, either. He and Miguel had died laughing at how the three interacted with each other. It was like seeing three children fight with each other.

  “Hey, pass me those Pringles would you, Lewis.”

  He grabbed the red canister and tossed it in Miguel’s direction.

  “I’m really sorry to hear about your mate, bro. I have one of my own. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to John. Trust me when I say that I hurt for you two.”

  “Thank you.” Lewis glanced back at the monitor covering the compound. He stared at the large house wondering what room Lynna was in. Random people came and went from the front door, but he’d yet to see Dag or anyone that looked important. He turned to Miguel. “How long do you think it’ll be before Knox gets there?”

  Miguel looked at his watch and checked the monitor. “At his speed, I’d say maybe a half hour, tops. He’s already been driving for a while. It’s good he left when he did though. The sun will be going down in two hours tops. If he can make it quick he’ll be able to fight in the light.” Miguel shuttered. “You never want to fight a vampire at night. They have better eyes than we do.”

  “Are they that powerful?” Lewis tried not to get scared. He didn’t want to think of the bad things that could happen.

  He popped a Pringle in his mouth and began to chew. “Let me put it to you this way. They’re strong as shit. And fast. But not unbeatable. Think of it. Why else would there be more w
olves today than vampires? The damn things used to rule. Now they’re very rare to come across.”

  Lewis took a drink of his soda, relieved. “Well good. I’m still learning the ropes here. Vampire, werewolves…I never even knew either existed before I came to Dark Days. Sure, you see movies and hear stories, but the thought that wolves actually exist. It’s mind blowing.”

  “I bet. We’re all legend, bro. But you have to understand. Most myths and legends come from some seed of truth. Most people think if they can hide away in their perfect little suburban lives and go to work every day, raise a family, that everything is perfect. Truth is, we’re all around. Right under their noses. Sitting next to them in their high-rise office. Hell, their own parent could be something and they’d never know. It’s hit and miss these days. Two wolves can have a human child. Happens all the time. Look at Logan’s dad. He was human. Poor guy had no idea what he had lurking in his family tree.”

  Lewis shook his head amazed. “Phenomenal.”

  “Yeah.” Miguel smiled at him. “I could tell you some stories about things you couldn’t imagine.” Miguel glanced at the monitor and flew forward. “But those are going to have to wait.” He picked up the hand held radio. “Knox, you have two trolls coming up on your tail. Eyes open. You’re about to enter the deathzone.”

  Knox’s voice came over the radio. “Gotcha.”

  “Deathzone?” Lewis glanced at Miguel, but kept his focus on the black Beamer.

  “Yep.” Miguel brought the previous camera into view and watched as the black trucks full of men began to gain on Knox. “No one in our pack has made it through this stretch and lived to tell about it. It’s Dag’s private road. Any car on there is either leaving or going to the compound. It’s the most guarded stretch I know about.”

  “Fuck.” Lewis covered his mouth and continued to watch the action play out on the screens.

  “Troll, 10 o’clock, about a mile ahead. You won’t see anything until you’re right on them.

  “10-4.” Knox sounded so calm. Lewis couldn’t breathe as he watched the sports car come up on the enemy’s truck. It was amazing how they all had the same one. And they weren’t just regular pick-ups. These trucks had a machine gun strapped to the top and men hanging out of the bed with large guns strapped to their backs. Was this still the US he lived in? It looked like a scene from a movie.

  Knox’s car swerved around the truck as it pulled out directly in his path. Lewis could see Lynna flipping all over again. He’d heard how the Hidden Hills pack was willing to die for Dag. As he watched them put themselves in harm’s way, he didn’t doubt that one bit.

  Movement caught Lewis’s attention. He peered into one of the smaller screens. “Logan made it. He’s in place.”

  Miguel glanced over and then peered at a smaller screen to the right. “So is Knowles. Awesome.” He pushed the button on the radio. “Daddy’s home. We’re green to go.”

  “Sounds good. Deathzone ahead. Prepare for launch.”

  “Launch?” Lewis looked at Miguel confused.

  A smile filled the controller’s face. “Oh yes, baby. Sit back and enjoy the fireworks.”

  Damien suddenly stood from the sunroof with some kind of missile looking thing on his shoulder. Lewis gripped the desk hard. “Is that a fucking RPG?”

  “Yes, sir. That it is.” The rocket shot out and he nearly lost his breath. Lewis watched in the distance as an explosion engulfed the far wall of the compound.

  “Holy shit! Let me guess. He’s not going to go through the gate, is he?”

  “Ha ha. Nope.” Miguel popped another Pringle in his mouth. “It’s better this way. Past the walls it’s all dirt. The mines are hidden throughout the road. We can’t risk missing the location of one.”

  Knox pulled off and headed for the large hole. Flames were coming from the dead brush beside it and it wouldn’t be long before they took burned whatever was in their path. Lewis took everything in and couldn’t imagine what had to be going through his mate’s head. Was Knox scared? Lewis shook his head at the thought. No. Knox didn’t feel fear when it came to stuff like this. He was probably having the damn time of his life.

  The car disappeared and Lewis turned toward the monitor that showed the front door area of the mansion. “How long before we see him?”

  “Hard to say.” Miguel shrugged. “I have no idea what’s beyond those walls.”

  Lewis’s jaw dropped. “I thought you said it was just dirt!”

  “Well yeah. No trees or anything. At least I don’t think so. Never really seen this side of the place before. I’m just going off of hearsay.”

  “What?” Lewis grabbed the radio from him. “Knox.”

  “Lewis? What’s wrong?”

  His eyes cut to the controller. “Nothing. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. We lost a visual.”

  “Well.” Knox groaned. “It’s hard to weave through all these damn bales of hay with one hand, truthfully. It’s like a maze in here.”

  “Hay?” Lewis and Miguel said it at the same time. “I’ll let you go. Be careful.”

  “Hay?” Miguel scratched his head. “Why would they have those laid out everywhere?”

  Lewis threw his hands up. “Hell, I don’t know. Horses? Cows? Maybe that’s just where they keep it.”

  “Wait.” Miguel moved closer to the screen of the entrance and enlarged it to cover the entire screen. “What the—”

  “Lynna!” Lewis felt himself boiling with rage as she was carried out over Dag’s shoulder. A wooden thing was rolled out and he watched as the monster strapped her arms and legs to the board. “Oh my…fuck.” He clenched his hands into fists as he got view of her body. “There’s a fucking knife sticking out of her shoulder.” Lewis stood and for the first time envied Knox for being able to kill this bastard.

  Miguel leaned forward. “I can’t believe what I’m seeing.” He began speaking in Spanish in a low voice. It almost sounded like a prayer to Lewis. “He carved her up good.”

  “What?” Lewis leaned forward.

  “Look through the blood.” Miguel’s finger pointed to her stomach.

  “Dag.” The animal’s name was written on random parts her beautiful body.

  Lewis brought the radio to his lips. “Knox. He has her outside in the front.” Lewis tried not to break down. “It’s…bad. Really, really bad.”

  “What do you mean,” Knox growled. “How bad? Is she alive?”

  Lewis looked into the screen. He couldn’t see her moving at all. “Knox, truthfully, I can’t tell. She has a really big knife sticking out of her shoulder area. He.” Lewis had to breathe through the sickness consumed him. “That bastard carved his name all over her body.”

  No response came from the radio. Lewis couldn’t imagine how Knox was taking the news. As he sat there and stared at the monitor he wished he knew first hand.

  * * * *

  The radio crunched in Knox’s fist. He was breathing so hard that he wasn’t sure he was going to be able to contain his wolf. The creature clawed at his insides wildly craving to get out and taste the blood of the man who’d hurt his mate. The whole way over here his skin had been on fire. Now he knew why.

  “Calm, brother.” Rogue placed his hand on Knox’s shoulder and his eyes snapped over at the contact. “Your wolf has taken over. Save it for Dag. We’re almost there.”

  Knox focused on the house that lay ahead. Bullets pinged against the outside of the car but he could barely hear it over the sound of his heart slamming against his chest. The car was pegged out, and Knox still didn’t think it was going fast enough.

  “Whoa,” Damien leaned forward. “Knox, slow down!”

  Knox let go of the gas and pulled the emergency break. The tires slid against the loose dirt and whipped sideways, sliding. The ring of men surrounding the entrance hit the car hard as he broke their circle. He rolled down the window a few inches and started pulling the trigger. Rogue reached over and put down the break as Knox slid in another clip. As he
looked up and the only thing he saw was Lynna. His hands froze.

  “What are you doing?” Damien slapped his shoulder. “Keep shooting!”

  Knox had never known what it was like to have his heart break into a million pieces. When he watched Lynna roll over in her truck, or when the men pulled her out like she was nothing but trash, he thought he had felt it. But no. Seeing his mate’s broken body displayed for the world to see was on another level of pain. She didn’t even look alive.

  “Knox!” Rogue grabbed his face hard and made him look into his eyes. “You’re never going to get to her if you don’t fight. Move it! Pull that fucking trigger.”

  He slapped the car into gear and began using the dirt as his playground. He slid in figure eights and around in circles as people kept coming. They were racing for the BMW and shooting. He never once left his gun empty for long.

  “Now!” Rogue threw his door open and Knox did the same. He raced across the small courtyard that separated him and Lynna. Shots could still be heard, but he knew they were coming from his Alpha and Knowles’s team.

  Knox pushed his legs like never before. She stood there alone and all he wanted to do was get to her. Pressure slammed into him hard and he and Rogue hit the ground and slid into the side of a cement fountain. “Are you stupid?” Rogue slapped his face. “Do you really think Dag is going to let you just go up to her and take her down? It’s a trap, brother.”

  Concerning anyone but his mates, Knox would have known that. But in the moment, all he could think about was making sure she was alive. Knox’s peered above the walling of the fountain and looked more toward the entrance. There in the shade, Dag sat in a chair, smoking on a cigarette.


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