Tightening the Ropes [Dark Days Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Tightening the Ropes [Dark Days Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 12

by Jenny May

  “Dag!” Knox let his name roar out of his mouth. He watched as Lynna’s head lifted to his voice. For the first time since he saw her hope rushed through him. “Lynna, baby, don’t move, sweetie. I’m going to get you down in a minute.”

  The dark-haired man walked to the edge of the porch. His sunglasses were lowered, covering his eyes. Knox knew he had to strike soon. Dag was more vulnerable now than he ever would be.

  Damien ran up and eased in beside them. Knox looked at his brothers. “I’m going to face him. We don’t have much time. He glanced back at Lynna and turned to Rogue. “Please get her down.”

  “Of course.” Rogue grabbed his hand. “We’ll take good care of your mate. Now focus. There’s three ways I know to kill a vampire.”

  Knox nodded. “Fire, extreme exposure to sunlight, and decapitation.”

  “Right on.” Rogue let go of his hand and Knox stood.

  He slowly walked forward. All around him wolves moved in. Behind them the Dark Days packs took their place. Hidden Hills was surrounded, and right smack dab in the middle was Knox and Dag. He took in the vampire and watched as the man inched toward Lynna. The back of the board bordered the shade.

  “You must be the mate, Knox. How do you like my artwork? Marvelous, isn’t it?”

  The closer he got to Lynna, the worse her wounds were. He took in her face and her chin-length, butchered hair. Damn, he’d loved those curls. He glared at Dag. “I’ve come here for my things.”

  The vampire laughed. “Your things? Is that what my sister is to you? A thing?

  “No.” Knox tossed his gun to the ground. “She’s a part of my soul. But this.” He lifted both of his hands and motioned around. “These things now belong to me. That house.” He pointed to the wolves that were growling at him. “These men.” Knox turned to the group closest to him and let a growl tear from his throat. Almost all of them sensed his Alpha and became quiet. “Everything that belongs to you is now mine.”

  Dag tore his glasses from his face and stared at the wolves. “Kill him!” Knox felt Dag’s power soar. It was his eyes. He was using glamour. No wonder he was able to control them for so long.

  He turned to the wolves. “You will not look at him again. He’s controlling you with his stare. Understood?”

  Dag turned on him, but Knox knew he was too powerful for the vampire to put him under. “So, what now? You want to come fight me? Or do I need to come to you? Face it, Dag. Your reign here is over.”

  Knox continued to move forward every few seconds. He did not like that crazy vampire so close to his mate. As long as he could keep him distracted hopefully Rogue could slip in and get Lynna to safety.

  “How about it, Dag. Why don’t you come over here and step up to me like a man. Or are you too much of a coward for that? You know I’ll kill you, don’t you?”

  Dag hissed. “You wish! You don’t hold a candle to my power, you mutt.”

  “Man. That one hurt.” Knox grabbed at his chest. “Mutt is the best you got? Because if that’s the case then I’m afraid you’re going to lose the name-calling war. Here, let me give you a better one.” Knox saw Rogue out of the corner of his eye. His brother was gaining ground faster than he was, and he hadn’t heard a single sound come from that direction.

  Knox quickly looked toward Logan. He stood in the back, in the opposite direction from Rogue. If he could get Dag to pay attention to his Alpha than maybe it would buy his brother enough time to get within reaching distance.

  “Knox.” Lynna’s voice was so weak he barely heard her. Dag’s eyes snapped to her and Knox felt his blood go as cold as ice.

  “Logan!” Knox called to his leader and watched as he pushed his way through the crowd. Dag looked in his direction. “Why don’t you give our good friend, Dag, a few good names that he could use the next time he has to face wolves.”

  Logan looked lost. Hell, he wouldn’t know. He hadn’t been a wolf long enough to hear any really good ones.

  “Pound puppy!” Myles made her way forward to come stand beside her mate. It was exactly what Rogue needed. Rogue didn’t just try to unhook Lynna. He picked up the whole damn board and ran behind the fountain with it. Damien raced forward and began taking her down.

  A yell came from Dag as he rushed into the sun. But it wasn’t from the pain. It was from Lynna getting taken from him. He turned to Knox’s direction with his fangs elongated. They were so much longer than he imagined. They went slightly below the curve of his lower lip.

  “I’m going to kill you, you dirty—”

  “More name calling. Really?” Knox cut him off as he began pulling off his clothes as fast as he could. His pants fell to the ground just as Dag lunged forward.

  Knox called his beast and let it explode through him. He shifted and met the vampire mid-air. They crashed to the ground and Knox was quick to his feet.

  Long nails clawed at his fur, but it didn’t break his skin. Knox pulled at Dag’s pants leg. He was careful about what he let his teeth come in contact with. If any of the vampire’s blood got in his system it could be lethal.

  He used the front of his paw and slapped Dag’s face away from his shoulder. The vampire was in it for the death and there was no way this was a fair fight. Dag could bite him as much as he wanted. It probably wouldn’t taste very good, but it wouldn’t kill him. Knox on the other hand had to get creative.

  With his own jagged nails, he tore at the sleeve of his long white shirt. The tear came up just about the elbow. He watched the vampire grab at his arm. The more skin that was exposed to the sun, the better. It would weaken him fast. And that’s all Knox would need.

  Sharp teeth snapped in his direction. “You fool!” Dag rushed him and Knox ducked low and dove forward. He caught the bottom of the vampire’s legs and snapped his mouth down over Dag’s foot. The bones crunched between his teeth. He let go just as he felt himself start to puncture the thick leather.

  “You’re going to pay for that.”

  Dag tried to move the fight more in the shade, but Knox blocked his path, pushing him deeper into the sun. He lunged and swiped in Dag’s direction. He caught the front of his shirt. A scream came from the vampire’s mouth as his arm began to smoke. Now that his chest, leg and arms were exposed it wouldn’t be long before he tired of the fight and survival mode kicked in.

  Obviously, Knox wasn’t the only one who picked up on it. The wolves began to form behind him and they quickly spread out to block any path for Dag to flee. Lynna’s brother’s eyes were wild as they scanned the area.

  Knox turned back into his human form. “Face it, Dag. You’ve lost.” He walked closer to the vampire. “I told you everything you had now belonged to me. You should have hauled ass while you had the chance.”

  “No. This is mine! These wolves belong to me.”

  Knox tsked. “No. I don’t think so. Look at who they back, Dag. It’s not you.”

  The pride of being a leader and having the loyalty of his own wolves hit Knox hard. He was meant for this. He was an Alpha through and though. He was just glad he hadn’t seen it sooner. If so, he may have never have met his mates.

  Dag tried to sprint to the right, but as Knox’s new pack snarled at him he stopped in his tracks.

  “Only one way to go, and that’s behind you. But I’m guessing you don’t make it over that hill before you burst into flames. I bet you wished the myths about vampires flying were true right about now. My guess is, you’re fucked.”

  Dag’s eyes narrowed and Knox knew deep in his core that this vampire was about to give him his last hurrah. Blood vessel began to burst in Dag’s eyes and the red color took over as he breathed heavily. Smoke thickened around the exposed skin. The smell of burning flesh stuck to the back of Knox’s throat.

  Like a flash, Dag raced forward. A yell was coming from his mouth, but Knox barely heard it. Time slowed to an incredible speed. It was almost like he was sitting back and watching a movie of himself.

  He moved the top half of his body to the s
ide and planted his feet. The vampire’s hip brushed against his and Knox grabbed Dag’s arm that was closest to him. He quickly pushed the back of his knee behind Dag’s knee and pulled the vampire’s own arm at an awkward angle to arch his exposed, burning chest. With Dag’s body facing the opposite way as his, Knox reached up and put the vampire in a head lock from behind. Before he gave Dag the chance to bite his neck Knox twisted hard and let the body fall to the ground.

  He knew it wasn’t over. Dag was not anywhere near dead. But he was immobilized for a few minutes. Knox took the opportunity to tear at his clothes until he was almost completely nude. Before Dag could heal there would surely be enough time for the sun to finish him off.

  Knox turned and looked at his wolves. His heart swelled. His. Wow. He was gaining new things left and right lately, and he had to admit, he couldn’t be happier about it.

  One by one they transformed into their human selves. Most of them looked around a bit confused. Others looked relieved. He wasn’t sure how long or often they’d been under Dag’s glamour, but he knew from then on out things were going to be better for them.

  “My name is Knox. From here on out you will answer to me. I’m not the friendliest guy, but I will take care of you. Believe me when I say that I’m not coming into this as a power hungry cub. I’ve been bred to be an Alpha my entire life. I grew up busting my ass from the bottom to reach my way to the top. Although I didn’t jump at the opportunity to become a leader in my past, I come to you right now ready to die for each and every one of you.

  “I expect the same. Not in the manner Dag had you willing to die. I want you to fight against our enemies. Use you wolf. It is the greatest gift you’ve ever been given. Embrace it. Learn from it.”

  Knox paced in front of his pack. “No more sneaky road attacks against Dark Days or Whiskey River Ranch. They are our friends.” Multiple expressions passed their faces as he wrapped up his speech. “There will be no more killing unless completely necessary. Every day you will train your wolf to fight. I will assign leaders. If you’ve taken the role in your past, see me. I will determine if you’re fit for the role.

  “Also, you will learn a trade. Hidden Hills has income I’m sure, but probably not the kind I’m willing to associate with. We will not deal in guns, drugs, or anything immoral or illegal. We’re starting from the bottom, and although it’s going to take some work, I know we can get this place up and running soon enough.”

  Knox stopped in front of them. “I’m only going to ask you this once. Is there anyone here who wants to challenge my role as Alpha? If so, speak up now. If not, I want to go to my mate.” No one’s hand rose, but he could see their uneasiness. He growled so deep that he felt his skin tingle from the vibrations. “I’m not fucking around with you. If you want to give it a go, step forward right now because if you try some sneak attack bullshit move behind my back it’s only going to piss me off even more. I promise you, it will be a lot worse for you if you do.” His eyes narrowed at them. “No?” He waited a few seconds. “Good. “

  Knox turned his back and knew this wasn’t over. Dirt crunched under someone’s foot and he rolled his eyes. The beast inside of him went crazy and he knew the moment someone turned into their wolf. He felt as they lunged forward, deep down into the pit of his stomach. Knox spun around and grabbed the wolf by the throat and slammed his body to the ground with everything he had. The man’s body turned human and went limp with unconsciousness. He pulled him up and displayed the man to the crowd. “You see this? This shit is not going to fly. Only a coward attacks when someone’s back is turned. You are not cowards! Not my pack.”

  He tossed the man to the crowd and reached down and grabbed his jeans, sliding them on. “I’m going to see my mate. When he wakes up come and get me.” Knox turned and walked quickly to the area he had last seen his brothers. His eyes searched the area panicked. Where had they gone? Where was Lynna?

  “Knox!” Myles waved him over to a covered gazebo area. He ran forward and saw Lynna lying down on a bench. Hector, Dark Days’ doctor was leaning over her. He looked up at Knox as he eased down to kneel at her side.

  “How is she?”

  Hector’s face was full of sadness. “She’s lost a lot of blood, but other than that I think she’s going to be okay. If Dag wouldn’t have given her his own blood…I don’t think she’d be this well off.

  “What do you mean, he gave her his blood?” He shook his head, confused. He knew she couldn’t be a vampire. She’d have burst into flames by now if that was the case.

  Hector pulled up her eyelid and she stirred. “Look at her pupils? They’re dilated. He mixed his blood with hers. Probably for healing purposes. But he never bit her. If he would have, it would have been over with. She definitely would have turned. But let’s not talk about that now. Just know Lynna will be okay. The knife wounds went right through. As for the…other wounds.”

  Knox looked at Dag’s name littering her body. The blood had been cleaned up and the cuts on her skin made his stomach clench. “The writing?”

  “Yes.” Hector swallow hard. “Some are deeper than others. I’m not sure how many will leave scars. I’m afraid with her being human that most of them will stay. I’m actually surprised the blood didn’t heal those too. I guess it needed to be directly applied to the area.”

  Knox closed his lids and felt a tear roll down his cheek. “I don’t care if they scar.” He opened his eyes and shook his head. “I don’t. She’s alive. That’s all that matters.” A hand gripped at his shoulder. Knox turned to see Rogue standing over him. No words were necessary. His brother wanted him to know he was there for him, and at that moment it was exactly what he needed. He turned back to Lynna and grabbed her hand.

  “I love you, Lynna.” He kissed every finger on her hand. The phrase came so natural to him that he was ashamed he had never initiated the words to her first.

  Her head turned in his direction and her eyes opened. The violet color looked so bright. She opened her mouth and whispered, “I love you, too, Knox.”

  His lips brushed against hers and his chest ached so much that his body shook. But it wasn’t from sadness. It was from love. He’d been so scared he had lost her. Now that he knew she was going to be okay that’s all that was important. She and Lewis were his life, and now that he was the Alpha of Hidden Hills they were going to be able to start their new life on the right track. He’d give his mates the life they deserved. They’d taught him so much. How to love, how to feel, how to be brave, and how to believe in himself.

  Chapter 13

  Lynna pulled the sheet off of the mirror and looked at her nude body for the first time since that horrible day over three months ago. Dag’s name had faded over time from her arms and legs, but he’d marked her chest and stomach for life. The scars would never fade. The visible reminder had brought her to tears for weeks. But now, she was starting to see them as a part of herself. It was a time in her life when the tables had turned on who Knox was meant to be. That’s the only reason she was able to manage.

  She reached up and touched her short hair. She’d actually come to like it, but having to stare at herself for too long brought back anxieties of seeing herself being tortured. That, she couldn’t deal with. Not when all could see was the pleasure on her brother’s face. She hated that she had to remember him in that way.

  She put the sheet back on the mirror and felt a chill go up her spine. Hector had told her to face her fears. Well, she’d done it. It hadn’t been easy, but maybe over time she’d be able to look at herself again.

  Lynna slipped the robe back around her body and tightened the silk tie. As she walked to the large bedroom window of their new home she began to sing. It was also something she had picked up since that day. Any time there was silence or she was alone, she’d sing to herself. It was just her way of coping.

  The scene from her window faced an open field. She peered across the large expanse and looked to where Dag’s huge mansion once stood. Visions of that nigh
t filled her head. Once Lewis had gotten there and she’d refused to go inside the house, he and Knox had set it on fire. They promised she’d never have to see it again. And even though they spoke the truth, she could still envision it in her mind. But even the pain of that had faded over time.

  “Hey, honey.” Lewis came up and wrapped his arms around her waist. His face nuzzled her neck and she smiled and leaned into him.

  “How’s the training coming along?”

  Lewis laughed. “Great. Knox is wearing them out. The strongest will take over leadership roles soon. They’ve been put through the ringer these past few months.” Lewis kissed her cheek. “Knox really is a great leader, isn’t he?”

  “Yeah, he is.” Lynna turned around to face her mate. “I think I will go get him. He’s been training long enough. You want to go with me?”

  “Actually.” Lewis untied her silk robe and ran his hands over her sides. “My guess is that he’ll be here any moment. He was tying up when I left.” His touched moved in just below her breasts. She closed her eyes as his thumb brushed against her nipple.

  “Tying up, huh.”

  Lewis laughed at their inside joke.

  The door opened and Knox quickly shut it and came over to them. He was drenched in sweat and couldn’t have looked sexier. “Starting without me, I see.” His lips pressed into Lewis’s and came to rest against hers. She moaned as his tongue swept into her mouth. “Damn,” he growled. “Give me a few minutes. I’m going to jump in the shower. Lewis, you know what to do.”

  Knox pulled off the shirt that was plastered to his body and jogged into their large combining restroom. Lewis cupped her face. “How are you feeling today, Lynna?”

  She swallowed hard. “I looked in the mirror.”

  Lewis’s mouth parted. “I thought something was off. You seemed upset.”

  “It’s hard to stomach.” She went to pull her robe back together, but Lewis gently grabbed her hand.

  “Come to the bed.”

  She followed him and he sat on the edge. As she stood before him she watched while he pulled the silk open and began placing kisses over her chest. The uncomfortable feeling quickly went away with every touch of his mouth. She moaned when he sucked on her nipple.


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