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Burn in Hell: A Jake Carrington Mystery (Volume 2) (Jake Carrington Mysteries)

Page 8

by Marian Lanouette

  He sat up straighter, a typical move he made when drinking. “I remember,” he whispered.

  “Good. Now get out of my car. Go home. There’s nothing here for you.”

  “I’m sorry, Kyra, I still love you. I haven’t dated anyone else. Did you have sex with him?”

  Gripping the steering wheel, trying to control her temper, she said, “It’s none of your business, Tommy, though you should know me better by now.”

  Silence. She turned in her seat and faced him, not believing the tear that rolled down his face.

  “I thought I knew you—then you betrayed us.”

  Kyra’s eyes filled with tears. “I didn’t betray you. Do you understand addictions? Would it have been better if I had a drug or alcohol addiction? Would you have handled it better, Tommy?”

  “Are you getting help?” He turned toward her.

  “I’m fine, Tommy. We’ve been through this before. Please go home.”

  “I need you.” He reached for her again. Before she could react, he took her in his arms and started kissing her. She kept her mouth closed, pushing him away.

  “What are you, drunk or crazy?”

  “Neither, I want to try to fix us.”

  “Fix us? That ship has long sailed, Tommy. We can’t take back all the things we said to each other or more important, how you took my son away from me. No, we’re through. Now go home.” Tears ran down her face. Her heart ached. She almost gave in to him. Then he grabbed her arm, squeezing it hard.

  “Let go or I’ll call the police,” she yelled. He’d never raised a hand to her during their marriage, though he came close the night he discovered she touched the pensions and 401K.

  “Please just listen to me. We need to be a family again. I miss you, but Trevor misses you more. Please think about this.”

  She wanted to go in and go to sleep. Confused, angry, and frightened. Tell him what he wants to hear, a voice in her head shouted. End this night, please.

  “I’ll think about it, Tommy. Now please, go home. I’ll see you at dinner this week. We’ll talk more then.” She saw hope in his face though she knew she’d never take him back.



  “Okay. Why don’t you lock your car? I’ll walk you to your door.” Tom was always a gentleman, but she didn’t trust him tonight. She couldn’t put her finger on why.

  “You don’t need to walk me to my door. I’ve been on my own for months now, Tommy.” The pleasure she received rubbing it in his face was small, she knew. Oh well, you take your fun where you can.

  “I deserved that.” He leaned in to kiss her. She pulled back.

  “Good night.” She wanted to make sure he got into his car and drove away before she got out of hers.

  He just sat there. She realized he wasn’t going to pull out until she got to her door. She hoped he stayed in his car. Rushing to her door, she unlocked it, pushed it open, and waved to him as she stepped inside. She slammed the door shut and threw the deadbolt in place before setting the alarm. Her movements were jerky. Shaking uncontrollably, she slid to the floor. Hadn’t realized until now how frightened Tommy made her. He seemed different tonight.

  How had her life gotten so complicated? All she ever wanted was a little excitement. Now the excitement had become too much. Her cellphone started to ring. Who now? What the hell does Phil want at this hour?


  “I wanted to make sure you got home all right.”

  “Yes, thank you. I’m just getting in.”

  “Did you run into any trouble?”


  “You sound upset, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She knew he wouldn’t let it go. “My ex-husband was waiting for me when I got home. He wanted to talk.”

  “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  “Oh God, Phil—no—he would never hurt me. I’m just confused.” I just want to go to bed.

  “Okay, as long as you’re all right. I wanted to tell you again how much I enjoyed the evening.”

  “I did too, Phil. Good night.” She hung up first, stripped off her dress, and kicked her shoes across the room before she fell into bed in her underwear. Asleep before her head hit the pillow.


  Sunday, Kyra woke at noon—disoriented, twisted, and tangled in her covers. She looked around for Tommy. Realizing it was only a dream, she got out of bed and headed into the bathroom. A headache, I didn’t drink a lot last night, it has to be nerves. Turning on the hot water faucet for the shower she climbed in.

  “Ah,” she said as the hot water washed over her. Her cellphone started ringing.

  “Screw it.” Closing her eyes, she ignored the phone and enjoyed the water beating against her skin as it released all the tension from last night.

  Thirty minutes later, when she climbed out, she felt almost human. She toweled off, looked in the mirror. Once again surprised by how much she’d aged this week. She could write a book on all of last week’s chance meetings and offers alone. No one would believe it. They’d label it pure fiction. I wish.

  Kyra grabbed her phone as she walked into her bedroom. Surprised to see it displayed three missed calls. Scrolling down the list, she made a mental note of the callers. The first one she recognized as Tommy’s; the next two came up unknown. Each had left her a voice mail. Hitting the voice mail button, Tommy’s voice filled the air.

  “Hey, Kyra…I wanted to say I’m sorry for scaring you last night. It drove me crazy thinking of you with another guy…my problem, sorry.” He hung up. She pressed the save button. One never knew when it could come in handy and be used against him.

  The next message was from Jake. “Hi, Kyra, it’s Sunday, didn’t know if you had plans for today. I thought we might do something. Give me a call. Oh, it’s Jake.” Laughing, she wrote down his number, storing it for future use.

  The last message didn’t surprise her. Phil. I am a popular girl today. “Hello Kyra, it’s Phil. I hope you got some rest last night. I wanted to make sure you were okay—if you’d like to do something today, let me know.” At the end of his message she hit the delete key.

  Jake’s offer was the only one that sounded tempting. What was she going to do about him? Tommy’s message confused her. Not for a minute, did she believe his professed jealousy. It had to do with the divorce. She needed to behave in order to get Trevor back. It struck her, she hadn’t gambled since Tuesday night. Didn’t that prove she could stay away? Ironic—here she had all this money that she could gamble away, but now she didn’t want to.

  Looking at the number she’d written down for Jake, she dialed. Thrilled when he answered on the first ring. “Hi.”

  “It’s Kyra.” I hope he hasn’t made other plans. So much for her decision last night to stay away from him.

  “I figured. I’m glad you called back. Do you have plans today?”

  “No, just hanging out.”

  “Would you like to do something?”

  “Yes, I would.”

  “Wonderful, I’ll pick you up in an hour, okay?”

  “I’ll be ready. I just got out of the shower. Lazy day.”

  “I could help you dry off,” he offered in a husky voice that promised her so much more.

  “Maybe someday in the future,” she teased.

  “Shot down again? Oh well.”

  “Wounded, but not killed.”

  “Ah, there’s hope. See you in an hour.”


  Now for the hard call. I’m certainly playing with fire here. He picked up on half a ring.

  “Kyra, I’m delighted you called back.”

  “Hi, Phil.”

  “How are you today?”

  “I’m good, thanks for your concern.”

  “Did he leave you alone?”

  “Yes. I guess he got jealous when he heard I had a date. He’s okay now.”

  “I could talk to him…” Kyra understood his meaning. A chill ran down her spine.

  “Please, Phil, don’t. I’m fine. Nine years is a long time to be together. Separating takes some getting used to.” Why the hell had she dated him? He’s nothing but trouble.

  “I understand. Do you want to do something today?”

  “I’m sorry, Phil, I have other plans.” She didn’t elaborate.

  “I’ll call you during the week to set up dinner. Take care.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.” He didn’t sound happy, but at least he didn’t ask what her plans were. She didn’t bother to call Tommy back. Perhaps tonight she would…maybe. It still baffled her—what was his game?

  Kyra dressed with care, the excitement inside her growing at the thought of seeing Jake again. She put on her new jeans along with a light green sweater that set off her eyes. The weather this time of the year in New England could change by the minute. One day seventy degrees, the next fifty. She draped her spring jacket over the couch in the living room. I should have some money with me just in case. She headed back into the bedroom. Opening her closet door, she dug into her suitcase, taking out a thousand dollars.

  Kyra walked to the living room, located her purse, and put the bills in various compartments to conceal them. Checking her image in the foyer mirror, she fluffed her hair and went to the couch to wait for Jake.


  Phil didn’t like being blown off. And that’s exactly what Kyra had just done to him. He felt her pull back last night and couldn’t figure out what he did that turned her off. What kind of plans did she have today, he wondered. Who’s the lucky man—her ex-husband or the cop? He wasn’t happy with either choice.

  “What’s up, boss?”

  “Nothing, Angelo. Leave me be.” Phil waved him away.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes.” He reached for his desk phone. After picking the receiver up, he slammed it back down. He looked up and saw Angelo still there.

  “What are you still doing in here?” he snapped.

  “Sorry, boss. You want anything?”

  “No. I’m sorry, Ang. Just leave me be, okay?”

  “Okay, boss.”

  Angelo left the room with a frown. Phil picked the phone up again to call Joe Dillon. The call went directly to his voice mail. Phil’s blood boiled. He dialed Joe again.


  “Joe, its Phil. Has Kyra been to the casino this week?” He didn’t want small talk, he wanted answers.

  “I haven’t seen her, Phil, but I’ll check to make sure. It surprised me she hasn’t shown up here yet with all her mon—” Phil cut him off.

  “Don’t say anything stupid, Joe,” he warned.


  Phil slammed down his phone. He picked up his pencil, started tapping the desk, a nervous tic when aggravated. What’s up with Kyra? Did she finally get smart and stop gambling? Who was she out with today? It wasn’t like him to be mooning over a woman. If he wanted one, he called one. They were a dime-a dozen, but this Kyra was different sort. A woman with values. What was he going to do with her? Was she really not going to see the cop again? Frustrated, he snapped the pencil he’d been tapping on the desk in half.

  “Angelo!” The door swung open. Angelo filled the doorway like the Hulk.

  “Yeah, boss?”

  “Bring the limo around. I want to go for a ride.”


  Ten minutes later, pulling out of the driveway, Angelo asked, “Where to boss?”

  “Take Route 2 toward Hartford.”

  They drove in silence for a half hour. “What’s the matter, Phil?” Phil looked up, met Angelo’s gaze in the mirror. Rarely did Angelo call him Phil. They went way back. Phil knew he could trust Angelo more than any other person in this world.

  “I’m just off today.”

  “It’s the redhead, isn’t it? “Angelo pressed.

  “Yes, Ang, it is. I don’t know how, but she got under my skin.”

  “Be careful there, you know how you get with women.”

  “Hmmm.” He didn’t need to be reminded. He really had no luck with women, couldn’t put his finger on the ‘why.’

  “She’s different.”

  “She is. I like her, but she’s still a woman. They operate with a different code.”

  “She does have a code.”

  “Yeah, I noticed it when she did the cremation. Why are we going to Hartford? Are we going there to talk to David?”


  “Then what?”

  “I haven’t figured it out yet, keep driving.”

  “She messed with your head last night?”

  “No. I did.”


  “I want more from her. I don’t think she’s willing to give it. I scared her.”

  “Smart woman.” Angelo grinned.

  Phil left the conversation there. Analyzing every word spoken last night. He still couldn’t figure out why she backed off. A thought struck him, caused him to smile. It couldn’t be because he put his hand on her breast. The kiss shocked him—cold would be the way he’d describe it. He expected a passionate kiss with all that energy bundled inside of her. Didn’t he turn her on? The more he thought about her, even though she was married, he concluded she didn’t have a lot of experience. Her husband must’ve been the only one. Lucky guy, what was his problem, anyway? Phil didn’t like her ex waiting for her outside her door last night. If it continued, he’d definitely speak with him personally.

  Phil liked strong women, because he liked breaking them. Kyra might be too strong for her own good. It surprised him she didn’t go to the casino once she got the payoff. Maybe the gambling didn’t entertain her anymore or had she learned her lesson? He thought it would’ve been the first place she’d head to. Maybe she went there today? He made a decision, tapped on the glass separating him from Angelo.

  “Yeah, boss.”

  “Turn around, head to the shore instead.” He’d let this play out naturally. Try not to spy on her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lost in a book, the bell startled her. Pushing got off the couch she checked her image in the mirror by the door before opening it.


  “Hi, Kyra.” Jake leaned in, kissed her. There was that tingle again.

  “Come in. I just need to grab my jacket and purse. Do you want anything?”

  Remembering her manners.

  “No. I’m all set, thanks.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I thought we’d head to Rhode Island, walk, and maybe have dinner on the shore. Sound good?”

  “It sounds like a plan.”

  After their walk on the beach, Jake surprised her with a picnic. He went to his car and pulled out a blanket and a picnic basket. The weather cooperated. In the mid-seventies, the sun shone down on them. Its warmth holding the promise of the coming summer.

  “Wow, Jake, you come prepared.”

  “Yep, I was a boy scout.” A devilish grin washed across his face. Kyra just wanted to get lost in it.

  “This is terrific, I’m starved.”

  “I hope you like what I brought.”

  “I like most everything. Did you fix this yourself?”

  He laughed. “I could lie, but no. There’s this little deli off Highland, they make great grinders. I popped in after you called me back, picked up a couple.”

  She reached in the basket and brought out the wine. Digging deeper, she found the sandwiches.

  “Hmmm, Panini, my favorite. Which one’s mine?”

  “You pick, I’ll eat anything.”

  “I like the…” Kyra looked up, speechless.

  “Something wrong?” Jake turned in the direction of Kyra’s gaze.

  “No…I’m just…”


  Not good. “Hi, Phil, how are you?”

  “Good. It seems we both had the same idea today. The weather’s great, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  Awkward, she thought as sweat dripped down her back. Nerves?
I don’t have anything to be nervous about. Shit. Phil reached down, forcing Jake to take his hand. Jake pushed himself off the blanket, taking Phil’s hand. Mutt and Jeff, Kyra thought of their height difference. Jake towered over Phil.

  “Hi, I’m Phil, Kyra’s friend.”

  “Hi, I’m Jake.”

  Kyra watched the two men preen. It’s the only description she could come up with while watching them. An awkward silence ensued as they stared and studied each other. Of all the beaches in Rhode Island, why did Phil have to wind up on this one?

  “Well, I’ll let you get back to your picnic.”

  “Nice meeting you, Phil.”

  “Same here, Jake.” Turning to Kyra, Phil said, “Bye, Kyra.”

  “Bye, Phil.” Crap. He’s pissed, but why? Neither of them took their eyes off Phil as he walked down the beach to meet up with his bodyguard.

  “Who’s the guy?” Jake asked, sitting back down on the blanket.

  “A friend. I dated him once. In fact, he called me this morning to spend the day with him. I turned him down.”


  “We’re not a good fit, Jake. Besides, I had a better offer.” She smiled, hoping he’d drop the subject.

  “He doesn’t seem your type. There’s something off about him.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know. I’m going with instinct. Watch yourself with him, Kyra.”

  “Seriously?” she teased.

  “Seriously. Now where were we?”

  “You were about to pour the wine while I decided which sandwich I wanted.”

  She thought about what Jake said, realizing she’d have to call Phil later. He probably figured out that Jake was her cop. Christ, my life gets messier and messier with each passing day. For her own sanity and safety she definitely needed to keep them apart.

  Kyra felt like a teenager again. They ate their lunches. Later they snuggled on the blanket, keeping each other warm. The breeze grew cold when it shifted, with the winds coming off the ocean instead of the bay. With the beach to themselves, they started necking like teenagers. After a while she fell into a deep sleep, surprised when Jake woke her. The setting sun had caused a big drop in the temperature.

  Stretching, she sat up, looking around. “You should have woken me sooner, Jake.”


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