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Burn in Hell: A Jake Carrington Mystery (Volume 2) (Jake Carrington Mysteries)

Page 13

by Marian Lanouette

He still blamed himself, Kyra thought. “Then it would’ve happened on another day. Do you think you can fight fate and destiny? You can’t blame yourself for someone else’s actions, Jake.” She rubbed his back, feeling guilty for her self-pity, helpless to ease his pain.

  “I can and do,” he whispered.

  What to say? He hadn’t done anything wrong. Jake had acted like any teenager that day. The ‘what if’ game was dangerous; you couldn’t win playing it. “Did they catch the guy?” It was easier to talk about him.

  “Yes, he’s in jail, but he’s up for parole again.”

  “How could they parole someone who performed such a vicious act?”

  “The prisons are overcrowded.”

  “That’s no excuse.”

  “I attend his parole hearings. I give testimony against him so he stays behind bars. I also bring pictures of what he did to her. So far it’s worked to keep him locked up.”

  “It must still be raw.”

  “It is.”

  She let him lead her back to the couch. They sat down. “Do you want anything?”

  “Yes, to get back to talking about you.”

  Great. “There’s nothing else to say.”

  “I think there’s a lot to say. You never said if you believe you have a problem.”

  “I do.” The reality of her words hit her hard. It was the first time she’d admitted the problem.

  “That’s a big step, you know, acknowledging it.”

  “I know.”

  “What’s your plan to gain custody?”

  “Well, Tom helped tonight with his actions. I’ve also saved up a boat-load of money for the lawyer and to repay Trevor’s college fund.”

  “That’s why you live here bare to the bone?”

  “Yes. The only thing I need is to have Trevor back. I feel like someone drilled a hole through my heart.”

  “I can imagine. Do you have enough money now?”

  “I do. Each week, when I get paid, I add to it.” A lie, but who cares. It’s none of his business.

  “If you need my help, I’ll be a character witness.”


  “It’s hard for you to accept help, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. I’ve always been independent. I’m also finding I like being on my own.”


  With nothing more to be said on the subject they sat on the couch in silence, not an uncomfortable silence, but a soothing one. Kyra snuggled closer to Jake, needing the warmth his body supplied. He hadn’t judged her or walked out, a mark in the ‘pro’ column for him. What was he thinking? Was he disgusted with her? Did he think her a fool?

  She turned into him, kissed him. The kiss turned from a thank you to passion in under a second. Again, she probed his mouth—the heat shot down her body, settling between her thighs. Kyra wanted this man, wanted his hands, tongue, and mouth on her. His mind excited her. Never with Tom had she feel the sensations she felt with Jake. He gently guided his hand down her body, cupping her left breast. The heat and the pleasure shot through her body as he pressed her nipple between his thumb and finger. Incredible—her body was moist, wanting him, and he hadn’t even taken off her shirt yet. Sliding her hand down his body over his jeans, she gently rubbed as he grew and hardened with her motion. She swallowed his moan as he pressed his hips into her hand.

  Jake broke off the kiss, staring into her eyes as he unbuttoned her blouse. Standing up abruptly, he held out his hand and pulled her up off the couch.

  “Let’s go into the bedroom.”

  All the way into the bedroom they kissed while groping each other. By the time Jake had backed her up to the bed he was ready to jump her, but he knew he needed to go slowly. He slid her blouse down her arms, trailing kisses down her neck to the swell of her breasts at the same time. He reached behind her to unhook her bra and came up empty. Frustrated, he looked up into her amused eyes.

  “Front loader.”

  “Christ, there should be instructions with these.”

  He moved his hand to the front, fussed with the closure. Kyra gripped his hand, guiding it until he released the hook. Once freed, he took her left nipple into his mouth then alternated between sucking gently; then harder and then gently again, driving her crazy with the rhythm. He pulled back with his mouth and scraped his teeth along the nipple as she shuddered in his arms. He guided his right hand down her body, slipping it into the waistband of her skirt, thrilled to discover she wore a thong. He pushed it aside, seeking her heat with his fingers. She was ready for him and her moaning confirmed it. Not ready to end the exploration of her body, he reluctantly removed his mouth from her breast and continued down her bare stomach until he encountered her skirt. Undoing the button, he unzipped it, pushing it down her legs. The thong was red, his favorite color. He kissed her clit through the thong as she grabbed his head and pressed it into her.

  “Easy.” He laughed, continuing to tease her.

  “I can’t. In me now,” she screamed as she writhed.

  “Patience, darling.”

  “I can’t.”

  He slipped off her thong, ran his fingers through her red pubic hair, and kissed the folds that protected her clit. Her scent excited him more. Digging his tongue in, he pushed aside the lips as he teased and sucked, her scream piercing his ears as she exploded.

  Breathless, she whispered, “Oh my God, Jake, that was awesome. I want more.”

  Laughing, he rubbed his hands up and down her legs. “Good, because I just got started.”

  He started to remove his boxers when she pushed him onto his back. Straddling him, she worked them off for him. Empowered by the orgasm, she wanted to give him the joy he’d given her.

  All shyness gone now, she bent over. Kissing him, she slipped her tongue between his lips. Kyra pulled back and smiled at him, working her mouth down his throat, copying his every move. She took his nipple into her mouth. He fisted his hands in her hair. Her scalp burned as he unconsciously tugged on it. She ran her hand down the length of him, cupping his balls, gently massaging them; his grip tightened. She trailed kisses down his body, taking him in her mouth, caressing with a slow steady up and down motion until he started to pulse—not wanting him to come she pulled up, releasing him then grinned down at him.

  “You’re killing me, Kyra, take it all,” he begged.

  She moved up his body and lowered herself onto him, keeping the same tempo, the same motion as her mouth. Slow and steady. His eyes never left hers as he held her hips. When she slowed down to tease, he pumped her hips faster. She saw his eyes go opaque just before he flipped her over and with fast, long strokes, thrust into her until she screamed out as her body heated up and overflowed with the hot juices of her second orgasm. Her body and mind were floating. So this is what they write songs about, she thought. Tom had never brought her to this level of release. She wanted to do it again and again. Should she ask?

  Jake collapsed on top of Kyra, trying to catch his breath. “You’re incredible.”


  “That’s it.” Looking down at her, he realized he was crushing her. He pushed up and off, letting her draw in air.

  “I couldn’t breathe. I would say exceptional.”

  “I agree.” He stretched out beside her, comfortable in his nakedness, draping an arm over her. Kyra reached for the covers. “Don’t, I want to look at you. You’re gorgeous and don’t even realize it.” He stroked her, loving the velvety feel of her soft skin under his hand. Ridiculous to be embarrassed, but she was. How do you respond to that? He’s high on sex, she thought. How would he respond to her in the morning? Quietly, she lay there, content in their silence.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I didn’t know it could be like this.”

  “Like what?”

  “You know…” How do you explain mind-blowing? Kyra turned on her side to face him. “I didn’t know sex could be so intense, satisfying, incredible, and awesome. Should I go on?”

  Laughing, Jake s
aid, “No. I get it.”

  “Good, because I’d like to get it again,” she said, brazenly.

  Still laughing, he said, “My pleasure.”

  “Oh no, my pleasure,” she said, as she rolled on top of him.

  They made love well into the morning hours. Amazed each time Jake made love to her, he brought her to orgasm—the experience totally euphoric. In the beginning, Tommy would take his time, initiating foreplay; but after the first year, he’d climb on top of her, satisfy himself and climb off, going to sleep immediately afterward. She always felt empty after sex. Not once with Tommy did she ever achieve an orgasm. As the sun came up, so did Jake. Kyra smiled at the thought and responded to his touch.

  “Where did you go?”

  “I’m right here, Jake.”

  “Do you want to talk?”

  He was so cute. “Talk is overrated, I like action.”

  “A woman after my own heart.”


  Kyra woke to the smell of coffee. I’ve died and gone to heaven. Thinking she was dreaming she rolled over, the sheets tangled. Oh yeah. Not dreaming, but paradise, she smiled.

  Reaching for her robe on the bedpost, she got up and went into the bathroom. Quickly, she brushed her teeth before heading into the kitchen.

  “Good morning, sleepy-head. Do you always sleep in?”

  “Sleep in? It’s only six-thirty. What are you, one of those morning people?”

  “I love the morning. Coffee?” He held up the coffee pot to entice her.

  “Is there a God?”

  He stared at her.

  “Yes, coffee would be nice, thank you. You’re tough, Jake. No sense of humor?”

  “I definitely have a sense of humor though not over coffee. I even made breakfast.”

  “Do you want a key?” she said, sipping the coffee. My God, it was good. In fact, it’s the best coffee I ever drank. Maybe sex, great sex, heightened the senses. Who knew?

  “Hate to eat and run, but I have to get going. Remember, don’t meet him alone tonight. Let me know if you want me there. If not, just let me know the restaurant.

  I’ll hang out at the bar, out of sight. That way I’ll know you and Trevor are safe.”

  “Thanks for breakfast, especially the coffee.”

  He walked over to her and bent down, kissed her, and straightened. She stood, grabbed his shirt, and kissed him back. No peck—a kiss filled with promises of more.

  “I’ll call you later. And Kyra, I had a great time last night.”

  “Me too, I’d love a repeat performance,” she chanced.

  “Oh, most definitely. How about right after work?”

  “You’re on.” Boy, she was becoming a hussy.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kyra walked into work smiling. “What’s up with you, looking all happy first thing in the morning?” Dina asked.

  “Nothing, I had a great night.”

  “With anyone I know?” Dina smiled.

  “As a matter of fact, yes.” Kyra turned to go into her office. Dina grabbed her arm.

  “Hey, wait a minute. You can’t just walk away. Give.”

  “Give what?”

  “You bitch.” Dina laughed. “Jake spent the night, didn’t he? I told you he was great.”

  Kyra turned away, hurt to think she could be just a distraction to Jake. She’d forgotten Dina had dated him.

  Dina must have realized her error because she stepped in front of Kyra. “I’m sorry, Kyra. I didn’t mean to be crude.”

  “No, I knew you dated him and yes, it was incredible, but I need to get to work.”

  “Okay, if you need anything, buzz me.”

  Kyra went into her office, debated, then decided to buy Dina lunch by way of an apology. Her phone rang. She answered before checking the caller ID.


  Shit. “Hi, Phil.”

  “Are we all set for this afternoon?”

  “Yes.” Phil had changed since their talk. Kyra wondered if that was good or bad for her.

  “You can expect them around three-thirty. Angelo will be with the funeral director.”

  “Sounds good, Phil. How are you?”

  “I’m fine, Kyra. Why do you ask?”

  Why did I ask? “I’m being polite and I care.”

  “I’ll speak to you soon.” He hung up without another word. What a strange man, she thought.


  Angelo, along with the same funeral director from the previous cremation, showed up at three-thirty on the dot. She directed them into the garage and had them unload the body. Around three forty-five her laborers started coming in to clock out for the day and stow the equipment they’d used.

  The foreman, Dunn, walked into the cremation room and eyeballed Angelo and the funeral director.

  “You need a hand, Kyra?”

  “No thanks, Joel, I’m all set here.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Kyra noticed he hadn’t moved. She walked over to her office, sat at her desk, and started processing the paperwork for the legitimate cremation. She’d yet to put the body in the chamber. The air stirred as Joel entered her office and closed the door.

  “What can I do for you?”

  “You sure you’re okay here by yourself?”

  “Yes, Joel. They’ve been here before. I think last year, if I’m correct.”

  “Okay, but you have my cell number?” Bless his soul. Joel had a crush on her.

  He thought he was her protector. He’d made a pass at her when he heard she was getting a divorce. She shot him down gently, using the whole work/dating thing not being a good idea, since she was his boss. Since then, he’d stop by if he saw a strange car outside the office, to make sure she was okay.

  “I’ll be fine, Joel. Thanks for your concern. Go home, have a beer, relax. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He turned, walked to the door, stopped, turned back to face her. “Bye.”

  Carelessly, Kyra waved good-bye to Joel. She wondered what Angelo was up to when she turned and watched him walk into the hall. Was he eavesdropping? He came back with a cup of coffee. She got up from her desk and headed back into the chamber room. The oven’s thermometer showed it had reached the right temperature to load the body.

  Angelo walked in. “Do you need an extra hand?”

  “Sure, help me guide it in.”

  Christ, there definitely had to be two bodies in the coffin. It was extremely heavy. She hoped to God she never crossed Phil and disappeared from the face of this earth. Once they had the body in the chamber, Kyra hit the close-door button and ignited the oven. She walked out of the chamber room to the break room to grab a cup of coffee. The pot’s contents reminded her of sludge. Angelo followed her into the room with the cup he’d poured minutes ago. Kyra could smell the heavy, burned aroma of it. She wondered how he could even think to drink it.

  “Why don’t you dump that cup? I’ll make a fresh pot.”

  “It’s okay, I’ve had worse.”

  “I’m making a new one anyway.” Gracious, Kyra, she thought.

  He dumped the coffee into the sink and rinsed his cup. Someone had taught him well. She approved. The smell of the brewing coffee filled the air. Angelo didn’t seem in a talkative mood today.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, why do you ask?”

  “I spoke with Phil earlier today. He was quite short with me. No social ‘how are you.’ I thought it was odd. Is he pissed at me?”

  “I would say yes. He doesn’t like to be shot down. Are you still seeing the cop?”

  “Yes.” Inwardly, she smiled. Yes I am, all of him.

  “That bothers Phil, and, if truth be told, me too.”

  “Why? One doesn’t have anything to do with the other.”

  “You can’t be that naïve. The world is interconnected.” Second person in a week that mention her naiveness. It really didn’t connect in her opinion.

  “I can keep my business life separate from m
y personal life. Phil shouldn’t worry about it,” she said, annoyed.

  “He’s been burned before, so he’s cautious. Excuse the pun.”

  “I won’t betray him. I made a deal.”

  “In our line of work, it’s good to be careful. It keeps you alive.”

  She understood the veiled threat. Nodding, she changed the subject. “How was traffic coming down here?”

  “Same as always this time of day. Hartford’s a parking lot.”

  They lapsed into silence. Angelo stood at attention in front of the chamber, same as the last time. The funeral director sat in his car. Kyra processed paperwork on the burials and cremations she’d performed so far this week. Pulled from her thoughts when she heard a car drive up outside the building, Kyra looked out the window.

  Angelo left his post, walked over to the window also. Reaching it at the same time as Kyra, he bumped her out of the way. She moved to the next window. Jake stood outside, studying the building. Shit, what did he want?

  “It’s the guy I’m dating. We have plans for tonight. I don’t know why he’s here now. I’ll go check it out,” she said nervously. Angelo gripped her upper arm tightly.

  “I’m going to send Stan back here while I wait in the car. Don’t take long to get rid of him. I don’t want any trouble. Understood?”

  She understood perfectly. “Yes.” Knees shaking, Kyra went to the door and unlocked it.

  “I’m glad to see you lock yourself in.” Jake bent down, kissed her on the lips.

  “Precaution, Jake. It’s part of the job. To what do I owe this surprise?”

  “I was in the area and thought I’d stop by instead of calling.”

  “I’m glad you did.” She folded her hands together to keep them from shaking.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I mean no. I’m nervous about seeing Tom tonight.” Excellent recovery, Kyra, she thought.

  “I’ll be there, but I’ll be late. Do not leave with him, okay?”


  “Where are you meeting them?”

  “The Burger Joint, Trevor’s favorite.”

  “No bar.”

  “Nope. You’ll have to have a milk shake.” She laughed.

  “Poison, I never touch the stuff.”

  “Try it, you’ll enjoy it. Hey, I’ll see you tonight. I’ve got one going. The funeral director is in the back waiting for me. I need to go. I’ll see you tonight.”


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