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Burn in Hell: A Jake Carrington Mystery (Volume 2) (Jake Carrington Mysteries)

Page 26

by Marian Lanouette

  “Mrs. Russell, a Tom Russell has been attacked tonight and he’s seriously injured.”

  “Oh my God! Is my son okay? Is Tom okay? What happened? Where is he?” The questions tumbled from her mouth.

  “Mrs. Russell, can we come in?”

  “Yes.” She opened the door wider to let them in. Jake walked over to her and put his arms around her. Jake nodded to the cops.

  “What happened, Officer Santos?” Jake asked.

  Kyra disengaged herself from Jake’s arms and pushed the door closed. “Officer, answer my question. Is my son okay?”

  “Mr. Russell was alone at the time of the attack.”

  “I don’t understand. Where was he attacked?” The cop ignored her.

  “Where were you tonight between eight-thirty and nine-thirty?”

  “I was right here with Jake,” she answered, looking from one cop to the other.

  “Lieutenant…this is kind of awkward…I also need to know where you were tonight? Same time frame,” Officer Santos said.

  Kyra looked at the officer, her voice dripping with disbelief. “Why? What has that got to do with Tom being attacked?”

  Jake stared hard at the cop before answering. “Because he believes we were behind the attack. Isn’t that correct, Officer?”

  “Mr. Russell said his attacker told him the beating was from Kyra Russell. The attacker also said, and I quote, ‘Jake said the next time the beating would be worse.’ Lieutenant, do you know Mr. Russell?”

  “Yes I do, officer. I’ve had the displeasure of meeting him before. Mrs. Russell and he are in the middle of an ugly divorce and custody battle. I wouldn’t be surprised if he arranged the beating tonight to gain sympathy for the custody battle. In fact, Mr. Russell tried to rape her, a couple of weeks ago, and that’s on record. Here’s my statement for the record. Outside of the incident where he tried to rape Mrs. Russell, I have never laid a hand on him nor have I ordered anyone else to lay a hand on him. I think he’s being vindictive to Mrs. Russell by incriminating her, and me by association.”

  “Thank you, Lieutenant. Mrs. Russell, the attacker, according to Mr. Russell, stood about five feet eight inches tall, with wheat colored hair. He guessed the attacker’s age around thirty-five to forty, with a stocky build. Do you know anyone like that?”

  Kyra thought for a moment. Only one person came to mind—her foreman, Joel Dunn.

  “Mrs. Russell?” The officer prompted.

  “My foreman at work is built like that, but he would never hurt anyone. And Tom knows him. Officer, this doesn’t have anything to do with me. I wouldn’t hurt Tom, for crying outloud. I need to find out where my son is.” Kyra reached for her cell to call Tom.

  “Who are you calling, Mrs. Russell?”

  “I’m calling Tom—where is he?”

  “He’s outside in the cruiser.”

  Kyra started to rush outside. The first officer, who didn’t introduce himself, stepped in front of her, blocking her exit.

  “Really?” She looked up at the officer. “I need to see how he is and where my son is. If I can’t go out there, bring him in here.”

  Jake stepped over to Officer Santos and started speaking low. Kyra couldn’t make out his words and it scared her.


  When he finished, Jake took out his phone and dialed his captain. He was sure it tied back to Stack’s death. He just needed to find the connection. He looked at Kyra while he waited for the captain to answer his phone. When he did, Jake explained everything to him.

  “Why are they questioning you, Jake?” Captain McGuire asked.

  “Because the attacker used my first name.”

  “You’re hardly the only Jake in the city.”

  “I’m the only Jake dating Kyra Russell though.”

  “Innocent or not…” Jake went to interrupt him, but the captain forged on. “I know you’re innocent, but it’s going to put you in front of Internal Affairs. I won’t be able to stop that. Do you know anyone who would want to throw you to them?”

  Crap, life just got more complicated. He continued to stare at Kyra, now more than ever—they needed to finish their conversation. She was in shock. Either that or she was a good actress. Jake needed to do some serious digging into Tom Russell. The captain’s voice pulled him back into the conversation.

  “Jake, are you there?”

  “Yes, Cap, sorry I was thinking.”

  “I said we’ll meet the first thing tomorrow morning, around seven, okay?”

  “Yes, I’ll see you then.” Jake hung up, walked back over to Kyra.

  “I’m going outside to talk to Tom, you stay here Kyra.”

  “Ah…Lieutenant…I can’t let you talk to the victim yet.” Officer Santos looked uncomfortable.

  “Jose, have you ever known me to hurt a suspect or victim?”

  “No, sir, but I have my orders.”

  Of course he did. Jake and Jose’s boss didn’t get along, not since Jake cost him a promotion and got his brother thrown off the force. Jake was the investigating officer on a police brutality case five years ago. The officer was found guilty of excessive force and, instead of being fired, he was demoted and later promoted. His brother, the captain at the time, who encouraged excessive force, was fired and lost his pension. Sergeant Ralph Miller had been gunning for Jake ever since.

  “Very well. If Mr. Russell is seriously hurt, why isn’t he at the hospital?”

  “He requested a visit with Mrs. Russell.”

  “That’s quite unusual, Officer. If you allow it, make sure she’s not alone. There’s a restraining order against him. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Santos was a good cop. Jake liked him. Too bad he was caught in the middle of this. Sergeant Miller would throw him under the bus the minute this scenario played out wrong. The only thing this was going to do to Jake was inconvenience him for a while—having to deal with IA was a pain in the butt—but it never scared Jake like it did other officers. He knew he was clean and he’d prove it. The real questions were who beat up Tom Russell and why?

  Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang again. This time Officer Santos answered the door. Standing there was Captain Shamus McGuire and Sergeant Miller. Miller walked over to Santos, the captain walked over to Jake.

  “Cap, why are you here?”

  “I looked up to see who was running the investigation and thought it best that I be here to control the BS.”

  “Ah!” Jake replied. Watched Miller approach them.

  “Jake, I’m sorry to inform you that you have an appointment tomorrow morning at nine o’clock with Internal Affairs.” Sorry my ass. Miller could hardly contain his smile.

  “Not a problem, Miller. IA isn’t a problem. But I see you still haven’t developed proper investigative procedures…” Captain McGuire put his hand on Jake’s shoulder to stop him.

  “This isn’t the place for either of you to air your dirty laundry. Sergeant Miller, there should have been a more involved investigation into this matter before you notified Internal Affairs. Your treatment of a decorated officer is deplorable. Your personal likes and dislikes don’t belong at a crime scene nor on the job and will be noted in your file.” McGuire walked over to Officer Santos and spoke to him quietly.

  “Payback is a bitch,” Miller whispered to Jake before he turned away and went over to Santos and McGuire. Jake held his tongue. He walked over to Kyra.

  “Are you okay?”

  “No, Jake, I’m not. I still don’t know where my son is, and I don’t know how Tom is.”

  Jake walked Kyra over to the four cops. “Cap, Mrs. Russell has asked several times about the location of her son and has yet to receive an answer. She has also inquired about Mr. Russell. Would it be okay for her to go outside and talk to Mr. Russell?”

  “No, she can’t speak—” McGuire interrupted Miller’s answer.

  “Mrs. Russell, I will personally take you outside. Why isn’t your son with you tonight?”

��My husband…ex-husband…has temporary custody,” Kyra stated. Jake saw her embarrassment.

  McGuire escorted Kyra out of the condo to the cruiser, leaving Jake and Miller alone with the two officers that worked directly under Miller.

  “This isn’t over, Carrington.” He stormed out of the condo without another word.

  “I’d watch your back, Lieutenant. Miller’s one mean son of a bitch,” Santos whispered to Jake so the other officer couldn’t hear. Jake nodded to him, staring at the door Miller had slammed shut.

  A half hour later after the uniforms left, Jake sat on the couch with an exhausted Kyra. She was drained of emotions and tears, he thought.

  “Trevor’s okay?”

  “Yes, he’s with my in-laws again. Poor Trevor. He can’t stand my mother-in-law. He thinks she’s mean, and the kid’s correct in his assessment.”

  Kyra blew her nose into the tissue Jake supplied during her crying jag. Jake got up, grabbed the box this time, and handed it to her.

  “Kyra, I know you’re going to get mad at me—I need to ask. Did you have anything to do with Tom getting beaten tonight?”

  “Oh my God, Jake, no. I’d never do anything like that to anyone, especially Trevor’s father.”

  Jake believed her. “Okay, asked and answered. Can you think of anyone who would want to hurt him?”


  “Could it be Phil Lucci?”

  Jake saw the shock on her face, but more, he saw anger. “What is your Goddamn fixation with Phil Lucci, Jake?” she screamed.

  “Calm down, Kyra.” He rubbed his hand up and down her arm. “I’m not fixated on Phil Lucci. I don’t believe in coincidences. Today someone tried to grab you from a garage and later in the day someone attacks your husband.” Jake stared into Kyra’s eyes, trying to judge her reaction to his logic.

  “Let’s get something straight here. Tom is no longer my husband. Joe didn’t try to grab me. He was simply leaning on my car. And yes, he was insistent that I join him though you could hardly call that a grab.”

  “This is why we have homicides. People read situations wrong all the time. That man would’ve forced you into the car today. Who knows what else he would’ve done to you, if you weren’t on the phone with me? Why don’t you get that?”

  “For what reason, Jake? I have nothing he wants.”

  Shaking his head in disgust, Jake couldn’t believe Kyra’s inability to comprehend the situation. Or the danger it presented.

  “Kyra, someone has a hard-on for either you or Tom. I guessing it’s you. No, don’t interrupt. I’m also guessing that whoever did this is sitting back laughing at this very moment, knowing he threw me into the mix too. That points to one person in my opinion, whether you like it or not. What does Phil Lucci have on you, Kyra?”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Speechless, her mouth gaped open. Kyra stared at Jake and knew he was waiting for her answer. She tried to speak, but nothing came out. Could she trust him? If he arrested her, how much time would she have to spend in jail? If Phil beat up Tom, would she be an accessory after the fact? Or worse, would she be an accessory to murder after the fact? The questions swirled in her head, making her dizzy.

  “What do you mean, ‘have on me’? Christ, Jake, this isn’t the movies. I don’t work for Phil Lucci. I have nothing Phil Lucci wants and I’m tired of answering these questions. Is this how you’re justifying dumping me?”


  Tears in her eyes, she turned away from him and pushed off the couch. She started to turn back, not realizing he’d come up behind her, and bumped into him. Kyra never heard him rise. Jake’s arms came around her, holding her close to his body. She loved the feel of them. Relaxing into the embrace, guilt overtook her, she pushed away from him. He tightened his arms around her. He ran his hands up and down her arms, resting on her wrists.

  “Kyra, look at me.”

  She raised her head. Looked into his beautiful green eyes, and lied. “He has nothing on me, Jake. What stupid person would beat up Tom to get back at me? Tom and I are finished. Maybe it’s you that someone’s trying to incriminate. Have you thought about that? Why mention you, if this was payback at me?”

  “It’s not me, Kyra,” he said, never breaking eye contact with her.

  “The only person I can think of is Joe Dillon after today’s incident, Jake.” Throw Joe under the bus Kyra, great thought. She almost laughed.

  “Okay, I’ll mention it to the investigating officer.”

  Jake released her, walked back to the couch, and sat down. Kyra was lying. Her pulse jumped when he held her wrists. He needed answers and it looked like she wasn’t going to supply them. He made a decision.

  “I’m going to get my answers, Kyra. Whether they come from you or someone else, I will get them.” He pushed off the couch and stood. “I’m leaving.” Jake started to walk to the door grabbed the knob and stopped when she called to him.

  “I don’t know what you want me to tell you, Jake. I don’t have any answers,” she whispered.

  He opened the door and started out. He turned at the last moment to give her another chance to speak.

  “Jake, please listen…”

  “Do you know a Detective Stack?” Changing tactics, he watched her carefully.

  “No, should I?”

  “How about a Saul Church?” She told the truth. That was something, he thought.

  “Same answer, Jake.”

  He believed her. “Who beat up Tom Russell tonight?” he asked again.

  “I told you, I don’t know,” she screamed.

  He walked out the door without saying another word.

  How did tonight turn so bad? She needed Jake in her life. Why would the police accuse her? She didn’t have anything to do with Tom getting beat up. Why was Jake accusing her? Who were those other people he asked about? Would this be the last she’d hear from him? She didn’t think so and collapsed in tears on the living room floor. How was she going to get out of this mess? Kyra tried to push up off the floor, but her legs were shaking so badly she couldn’t stand.

  She reached up, grabbed the phone off the table and dialed Tom’s number without thinking. He answered on the third ring.

  “What do you want, Kyra?”

  “I wanted to make sure you got treated. Are you okay?”

  “What a stupid question. Of course I’m not okay…You didn’t have anything to do with this, did you?”

  “No. How could you even ask that? I told you before, by the car, that I didn’t have anything to do with your beating.”

  “I’m confused. Life has gotten really crazy lately. Are you serious with that cop?”

  “No. This is the last week I’m seeing him. He’s going back to his last girlfriend.”

  Kyra listened, but Tom didn’t reply. “Tom?”

  “He’s a fool.”

  “Thanks. Do you need anything?”

  “Just our family back together…”

  “I don’t think it can be fixed, Tom. Do you need me to pick up Trevor? Or food for you while you recover?”

  “No, thanks. Maybe Trevor, tomorrow. They said I need to check in with my doctor, at the hospital…maybe afterward we can go out to dinner.”

  “Tom…” She couldn’t hide the annoyance in her voice.

  “I meant with Trevor, Kyra, don’t go freaking out on me now.”

  She hung up and an idea started cooking in her brain. Tomorrow, she’d pack up all the money she got from Phil, pick up Trevor from school, and take off for parts unknown. It could work. All she needed to do was a little research tonight. Pick the perfect place for Trevor and her to settle down. Tomorrow she’d buy a new car. Trevor had clothes here, she thought, running through the inventory at her house. She’d buy whatever else he needed on the road. Somewhere warm, she thought.

  Walking into the kitchen she opened the door that led to the garage. Kyra grabbed her GPS from the car then returned to the living room and opened her computer. The more she r
esearched, the more excited she got. Men were a complication she didn’t need or want. Goodbye Jake and good riddance Phil. It would just be her and Trevor. There’d be no stress in her life. With her destination chosen, Kyra poured herself a drink, put her feet up on the coffee table, and closed her eyes.

  The only person or thing she’d miss was Jake. Her parents also, if she was being honest though they’d been a pain in her ass lately. They were still her parents, and they loved Trevor. Maybe after a year she’d contact them, but first she had to make sure she disappeared without a trace. The Midwest was probably best, though she didn’t like their winters. No, don’t second guess your choice, Kyra. Arizona it is!


  Angry, Jake pulled into his garage a little too fast. Determined to find out what was going on with Kyra, he headed directly to his home office and turned on the computer. He ran searches on Kyra’s, Tom’s, and Phil’s finances. While that was running, he made phone calls to a couple of snitches and a friend at the FBI. He wanted to know if they ever looked at Stack with an eye to the underworld. He also wanted everything they’d collected over the course of their surveillance on Phil Lucci. With those fires stoked, he went into his kitchen, mixed a drink, and took it into the living room to relax.

  Contemplating the outcome of his searches, he thought of Dina. Wasn’t she the one who introduced him to Kyra in the first place? Without thinking, he reached for his cellphone and punched in her number.

  “Dina, it’s Jake Carrington,” he said, before she could speak.

  “Jake, is something wrong?”


  “Well, it’s after midnight…”

  “I’m so sorry, Dina. I didn’t look at the time, but it’s important.”

  “Okay, go ahead,” she said, her voice heavy with sleep.

  “Dina, Kyra’s husband got attacked tonight. I need to know all you know about Kyra.” Listening intently, he heard her intake of breath, but nothing else. “Dina?”

  “You can’t possibly think she was behind that?”

  “No, I don’t. How long have you known them?”

  “I’ve known Kyra for about five years and Tom about the same. The divorce didn’t surprise me.”


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