Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures Page 29

by Amanda Clover

  Kaiser Hertzog stood up. One of his arms hung limp at his side. His mail was dented in a dozen places and blood and filth covered his face. He had discarded his helmet and his cropped white hair stood out like a flag of surrender. He swayed on his feet as if he might fall over. One of the nearby Junkers rose to assist the Kaiser. The man was sent sprawling on the ground by a backhand blow from one of the orcs.

  "I am here, Black Tooth," said the Kaiser. "My sword is upon the ground. You have won."

  "Yes," grunted Black Tooth. "You fight well. You are fool though. Most would go alive if you give up days ago. Now look at your men."

  "Take off my head," said the Kaiser. "Stick it on a spear. It won't change the fact that your kind are finished. One of my sons will take up the banner of the Kriegsrealm and--"

  "No want your head. Have something else."

  Black Tooth's head swiveled and his red eyes narrowed as he gazed past the Kaiser and directly at Veronika. Her eyes went wide in fear. She turned to flee from behind the wagon's wheel and was caught up in the hands of two powerful orcs. They dragged her, kicking and screaming, out into the open field.

  "Let me go, you brutes!" she cried.

  "Let go of my daughter," shouted the Kaiser.

  Black Tooth seized the Kaiser by his throat and lifted him off the ground with one hand. The Kaiser was choked to silence. Black Tooth looked from him to the squirming princess. His upper lip curled up from his tusks.

  "Humans send daughter to sons of other humans to make treaty. You ignore all treaty with orcs, so we do it human way." Black Tooth dropped the Kaiser onto his feet. "Give me daughter for wife. I will let you go and not burn your villages as you have burned our villages."

  "Never," said the Kaiser.

  "Father, please, help me!" cried Veronika.

  She kicked at the chest of the orc that carried her. The muscular greenskin seemed not to notice.

  "I am fair. We do it human way. Give you money too." Black Tooth motioned and his warriors brought forward two huge chests filled with gold coins. They were stamped with the heads of kings of the Iron Coast. "Other humans lose these on ship. Think orc ship too slow to catch them. I not need gold."

  Kaiser Hertzog swallowed. He was at a loss for words. Veronika gasped as she saw her father's expression change from angry defiance to resignation. She had never felt more angry and afraid. Her heart felt as if it might burst within her chest.

  "No, daddy! You can't!"

  "He is right, Veronika."

  "You are not always fool," said Black Tooth. "We take women of cross wagon. When blood of humans mingles with blood of orcs there will be peace. Go now. Do not come back to these lands."

  "Nooooo!" screamed Veronika.

  The orc warriors snarled with delight as they fell upon the kreuz wagon. The powerful orcs plucked the kicking maidens from their hiding places and chased down those who tried to flee. More than a dozen kreuz maidens were bundled up by the orcs and carried away screaming.

  Veronika fell to her knees and sobbed as she understood her fate. Black Tooth picked the princess up and held her even with his face. She could smell the rotten stink of his breath. The foul sweat of his body. She winced from his red-eyed gaze and the expression on his savage face. Tears dropped down her cheeks.

  "Do not weep. It is not pretty."

  She howled with helpless rage as the orc warlord tossed her easily over his shoulder and carried her away from the battlefield. Her dingy white dress caught the wind and billowed up from her thighs, exposing the slender roundness of her bottom with only her frilly pink underclothes to guard her modesty. Black Tooth chuckled at the sight of Veronika's wriggling bottom on his shoulder.

  "We have much fun, human."

  Receding in the distance, Kaiser Hertzog and his surviving men began to load the chests of gold onto the wagons. Veronika watched, but her father never looked at her again.

  The orcs returned to camp and celebrated their victory with drink and lewd acts forced upon their human captives. Veronika moaned at the cries of the women and the sounds of their ripping dresses. She closed her eyes so that she could not see their naked bodies, colored red by the firelight, as hard orc gristle collided with the soft flesh of the virginal maidens.

  Black Tooth did not give the princess over to his horde. He carried her inside his yurt, ducking his massive shoulders as he tossed her onto the furs of mossbacks and wolves. She rolled onto her back and reached for the nearest weapon she could find. It was an iron fire stick and she wielded it as if it were a sword. The tip glowed with the heat of the fire pit.

  "You look silly," laughed Black Tooth. "Put down. Don't make me angry."

  But Veronika did not put the fire stick down. She whooped with anger and swung the hot iron at the orc. Black Tooth moved his arm in time to catch the glowing tip against his muscular forearm. His flesh sizzled and smoked. He jerked his arm and knocked the weapon from Veronika's hand.

  "Dumb human!" he shouted.

  He grabbed Veronika by her hands and flung her roughly onto the furs spread out across the floor of the yurt. She tried to scramble back to her feet, but the massive orc fell upon her. His weight crushed the air from her lungs and she could not move. He pinned her arms down with her hands crossed above her head. His brow furrowed with anger, darkening his red eyes as he reached down and tore open the front of the slender princess's dress.

  "No!" she cried.

  The good humor he had showed when he carried her to the camp was gone, replaced by savage fury. He hunched his bulk over her supine body and tore her gown down to her waist. He yanked again and tore it open completely and his warm hand touched her belly. Her skin was smooth and pale against the roughness of his fingers. Her golden hair fell over her face as she turned away from him.

  "Maiden still?" he asked, his voice a deep growl above her.

  "Yes," she sobbed, straining weakly against his powerful grasp.

  The delicate silk of her underclothes was yanked down her trembling thighs as the orc exposed the pale thatch of Veronika's mound. She arched beneath him, trying one last time to throw his oppressive weight off her body. His fingers were between her scissoring thighs. He touched her tender velvet and she cried out in despair.

  "Own you now, human," said Black Tooth, his voice husky with his lust. "I claim your maiden cunt right now if I want."

  "No, please!" She squirmed against his hand. His fingers squeezed her tender flesh.

  "Do you feel my hard cock?" He adjusted his bulk and she felt the hardness within his leathers, a fat snake fighting to be released. "I will tear you open, human. I will fill you with my seed and you will worship orc cock."

  "Never! I hate you! I hate you!" She screamed with helpless anger and kicked her legs.

  "I give you one chance, human. To spare you not forever, but for tonight." His weight suddenly lifted and the huge orc stood with the massive trunks of his legs on either side of her body. Veronika looked up and saw the bulge of Black Tooth's cock in his leathers. It was terrifyingly huge. She saw the ugly, tusky smile on his face. "Satisfy me, daughter of king. Satisfy me in other way and you will be maiden one night longer."

  What the orc brute was proposing was disgusting beyond all reason. Veronika had heard the stories. Orcs without wives or slaves would satisfy themselves with beasts. The orcs were simple creatures. Hardly more than animals. And he was offering her a choice between pillaging her maidenhead and subjecting herself to depravity. She felt her stomach tighten.

  "Choose now, human!"

  Black Tooth stared down expectantly. True, he was a beast, but how much worse could he be than a man? The thought of touching a man was hardly more appealing than this orc. The things a human husband would require of her in the bedroom no less depraved.

  "If you cannot make up your mind then I will claim your--"

  "Yes," said Veronika softly.

  "What's that?"

  "Yes," she repeated, a bit louder. "I will pleasure you."

ck Tooth laughed. His thick, green fingers worked at the laces of his leather trousers and in a moment he had pulled them open. He reached in and dragged out the dark green length of his cockmeat. Veronika gasped. It was as thick, ridged and bumps as a gourd. It was rooted in a thick nest of black hair and the fat bell head was a slightly lighter, almost yellow-green, with a pursed hole in the tip that looked fat enough to take her pinkie finger.

  Black Tooth hefted it in his hand, showing her the thick vein beneath it and pulling until the huge eggs of his testicles dangled free of his leathers.

  "Big orc cock. Does it scare you?"

  Veronika nodded. She was terrified of this huge appendage, being fucked by it was unthinkable and yet...she felt the flush spreading from her face to her pert breasts. She knew that Black Tooth could see her reaction.

  "Do not fear it. If you are good to orc cock then orc cock will be good to you, little human. Now..."

  He reached down and his thick fingers wrapped in the princess's golden hair. He tightened his grip, yanking her head back and forcing a gasp from her lips. He pulled her face beneath the fat trunk of his cock, lower, until she could smell the rank sweat of his body and the musk of his maleness. His cock flexed from the root and as it fell back into place it slapped against Veronika's lips and nose.


  She instinctively brought her hands up and caught the hot length of Black Tooth's cock. She grasped him and began to stroke. The skin was surprisingly soft, the fat head spongy beneath her sliding fingertips. The big orc grunted and relaxed his hold on Veronika's hair.

  "It's so big," she whispered, marveling at the way her two hands barely touched one another as they shared the diameter of his cock. The thought of this huge, musky appendage invading her tender groove was too much to bear. She would die, she knew it, so she had to do anything she could think of to keep him from attempting such a vile act.

  She leaned up, looking at the snarling orc as she pressed her soft lips against his beastly cock. She tasted the salt of his sweat against her lips. The heat and the weight of him. She trailed kisses down towards his fuzzy thighs and the dangling weight of his bollocks. She heard him grunt with pleasure as she pressed her lips against them.

  "What am I doing?" whispered the princess. "Nuzzling the balls of an orc. This is a vile thing. And yet..."

  And yet tightness in her tummy and the heat between her legs could not be ignored. Could it be some magic, or some innate power, of the orcs to inflame the desire in the human slaves? She parted her lips and tasted his flesh with her tongue. She felt his balls shift in their dangling sack. She caught one with her lips and gently sucked. Her hands squeezed his cock as she stroked him. He twitched in her struggling grasp.


  "Yes," she moaned. The one word seemed so very right to her. Suck. Suck him. Suck this magnificent cock, thick as a horse's, longer than any man. Stretch her lips around the bulging head and take him into her mouth.

  She kissed his cockhead and looked up at him. Her hands tugged his fat cock. Her lips pressed and her mouth opened. She took a last breath and engulfed his cockhead with her mouth. Or she tried. His cock was like trying to stuff a big, green apple into her mouth. It met her teeth and stretched her jaw to its limit. She could not fit him into her mouth, she realized. Black Tooth's member was simply too massive.

  Veronika did not give up. She pressed her lips tight against the fleshy curve of Black Tooth's cockhead and sucked. Her dainty tongue flicked against him and slid along the pursed slit of his hole as her hands tugged him for all she was worth. Her body bounced with the effort, her pert breasts and hard pink nipples jiggling, her hair flopping over her face. Her lips popped with suction. She slurped against his cockhead.

  "Mmmm feel good," groaned Black Tooth. "Lick all over cock."

  She popped her lips free and began to slowly run her tongue all over his obscene cock. She lapped along the ridge and beneath it, tickling that sensitive spot with the tip of her tongue. She dragged her tongue over his slit and even darted the tip into the hole. While she gave Black Tooth's cock a thorough tongue-washing, her hands continued to work at his shaft.

  "Graaaa! My seed boils, princess! Do you dare to drink it?"

  Veronika flashed to sitting in her etiquette class, where the dark-haired tutor in her collared corset taught a young princess how to hold her shoulders, how to lift a teacup, how to smile at a suitor. Veronika remembered how she struggled to memorize the order of the forks. Why was the littlest in the middle? It seemed very important at the time.

  The hot, musky immediacy of Black Tooth's swollen cock snapped her out of her memory. It was drooling a clear, oily liquid. She wet her lips. She milked his cock and pressed her lips around the curve of his cockhead. And she sucked. Hard.

  "GGrraaaaaaa! Taste it!"

  Princess Veronika Hertzog had never considered what the semen of an orc might taste like. She had never even imagined what "seed" truly was, just some ethereal essence that a man carried inside his body and would use to give child to a woman. She understood the basics of sexual pleasure. That much she had been taught to pleasure a husband, but, she wondered at the last possible moment, what was his seed?

  Black Tooth's cock throbbed in Veronika's hands. She felt the fat vein along the bottom pulse beneath her stroking thumbs and she sucked and lashed her tongue against the orc's enormous cockhead. She learned the substance of an orc's seed as it erupted in a great gout against her throat. She winced, nearly choked, and felt the urge to spit it out.

  Instead, she swallowed, and a sticky, hot broth washed down her throat. But Black Tooth had only just begun and for several seconds his cock jerked in her hands and he pumped her mouth to overflowing with his salty seed. The white orc cum dripped from the princess's chin. The strand jiggled, lengthened and dropped warmly onto her breasts. Her belly was filled by the orc's seed. Her throat had become tacky with his gooey eruption.

  She finally lifted her mouth from his cock to gasp for air. She released her hold on the orcs cock as it slowly began to flag. She wiped her tears from her eyes, unsure if they were caused by despair of physical distress.

  "Are you..."

  Her voice was froggy from the orc's cum. She swallowed and tried again.

  "Are you satisfied?" she asked, looking up at the massive orc.

  Black Tooth grunted and stuffed the fat hose of his cock into his leathers. He walked out of the yurt without another word to Veronika. The princess stared at the flap as it closed behind the huge orc. She could not stop herself. She slid her hand between her thighs and touched the dewy crease of her royal quim. She was no stranger to her own body, but it was the lingering taste of the orc that drove her lust. She fucked against her strumming fingers and collapsed forward, ass raised, as she rode her fingers along her slick groove.

  Her orgasm rolled through her virginal body like a storm tide. Her juices soaked her fingers. Her delicate channel throbbed and her tiny anus clenched and released with each powerful wave that broke through her. She slumped forward onto the scraps of her torn gown. She was naked, ashamed and completely at the mercy of the woman who walked through the door.

  She was voluptuous and uncouth, a large human woman almost as terrifying as an orc with her wild violet-streaked black hair and her numerous crude tattoos and piercings. Her fat breasts were bare, her thick nipples pierced and she wore only a leather loincloth to hide her cunt and some small fraction of her round ass. She grabbed the exhausted princess by the hair and yanked up her head.

  "You don't look much like a princess," said the woman.

  "Who...who are you?" moaned Veronika, sitting up onto her knees and trying to hide her shame with her hands.

  "I've never met a princess before." The woman began to walk in a slow circle around Veronika, her eyes appraising the princess. "It's so exciting. I feel so honored to be in your royal presence."

  "Um, thank you..."

  The woman lunged and took hold of Veronika's hair with one hand. Sh
e yanked Veronika's head back, exposing the slender paleness of the princess's throat. Before Veronika could even cry out, the savage woman had produced a knife and was holding the blade against Veronika's throat.

  "Understand one thing," said the woman, her pretty face twisting into a mask of ugly hatred. "You are nothing now. Black Tooth may call you 'wife' but you are a slave just like every other human in this camp. And all the slaves bow to me."

  "Wh-who are you?"

  The woman growled and Veronika felt the bite of the edge of the knife blade as it pricked at her flesh. A warm trickle of blood spilled down to her shoulder.

  "I am your worst nightmare, little bitch. I am the woman who is going to teach you how to be a slave." The woman eased the pressure of the knife. "My name is Cindessa, once of the horse clans of the Kornasi, now the harem mistress of Black Tooth's tribe. Mistress is what you will call me or you will be punished. You will do exactly as I say or you will be punished. If you fail to please one of your orc masters, you will be punished."

  Cindessa released Veronika's golden hair.

  "Sometimes when you have not done anything wrong at all and you have been a good little bitch slave, you will still be punished. Do you understand?"

  "Y-yes," said Veronika.

  Cindessa slapped Veronika so hard across the face that it dazed her for a moment. Tears fell from the princess's blue eyes. Cindessa gave her a hard look.

  "Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Mistress," cried Veronika.

  "Good. Your training begins now."

  Cindessa grabbed Veronika's hair again, this time wrapping it tight around her hand as she began to drag the princess out of the yurt and into the night. The princess kicked and screamed in pain. In response, she thought she heard laughter from a group of orc warriors drinking and celebrating nearby.

  She was dragged into a foul-smelling structure of wood with a thatched roof over it. Cindessa shoved Veronika down onto the ground. Her legs and arms were smeared with mud. She had painful scrapes on her knees.


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