Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures Page 30

by Amanda Clover

  "I'm sure when the orcs were defeating your father's stupid army you saw the Wargs some of the orcs rode." Cindessa pointed beyond the building towards a large pen filled with muck and huge, waddling warthog creatures with gray hides. "They're trained to kill men, you know. Which is why I never go near them. But you are not so lucky, princess. Tonight, you are going to feed the Wargs. Their trough is in the middle of their pen. The slop buckets are over there. Carry them out and don't fall over."

  Cindessa's smile was impossibly cruel.

  "If you fall over among the Wargs, you will be lucky if they only eat you."

  A cold fear came over Veronika. When she did not get up quickly enough, Cindessa kicked her in the legs. The princess cried out, fighting the urge to begin sobbing, and she scrambled to her feet. She scurried over to the slop buckets. They were huge and heavy, filled to the brim with rotten food and foul-smelling liquid. Too heavy for her to carry them both at once, which meant two trips into the Warg pen. She lifted one bucket and carried it, with difficulty, over to the entrance to the pen. She felt her naked body acutely and the cruel gaze of Cindessa.

  She looked at the snorting beasts in the pen. She had seen the Wargs in battle. Many had massive tusks that could gore horses or men and although their teeth were flat, they bit fearsomely, hard enough to crush or even sever a hand.

  Cindessa opened the wooden gate into the pen and gave Veronika a kick on her bare bottom. The princess yelped and nearly toppled over as she staggered into the pen. The Wargs turned from their foraging in the muck and they began to gather around her. They smelled awful. Their rough hides jostled against her thighs and buttocks and the hot breath they snorted wafted foul-smelling over her body. They tried to pull her down into the muck, to prize the slop bucket from her hands. They were not behaving violently, but they were so big and powerful they very nearly succeeded in toppling her over.

  Veronika managed to fight her way through them, even as their snorting snouts pressed against her and they bumped her to and fro. She made it to the trough and quickly upended the slop bucket. A feeding frenzy began and the Wargs lost their interest in the princess. Despite her revulsion, the princess felt a wave of elation at accomplishing the task. Then she looked back across the muck-filled pen at Cindessa, posed lewdly with one foot up on the fence, her loincloth barely covering her sex and her breasts resting on the top of a fence post. The cruel woman was gloating.

  "Better hurry, princess," she said. "Once they have tasted food, they'll want more. And they're quick-eaters."

  Veronika glanced back at the trough and realized the Wargs had already eaten most of the food. Fear surged within her again and she struggled to run out of the pen to fetch the other slop bucket. In her haste, she lost her footing and fell into the disgusting muck. Fortunately, the Wargs were still preoccupied and she was able to pull herself up. Unfortunately, by the time she had the other bucket in her hands, the Wargs were eagerly gathered at the gate awaiting her return. The savage hogs were snorting with excitement, their fat chins covered in slop.

  "Looks like you really worked them into a frenzy, princess," laughed Cindessa. "Good luck."

  Veronika knew that returning through the gate was all but impossible. She simply did not have the strength to force her way through the Wargs again. But she saw another way. Throwing aside all modesty, she clambered up onto the rough-hewn fence and with a grunt she hefted the slop bucket onto her head. Balanced precariously, she began to walk around the perimeter of the fence.

  "You look so foolish!" laughed Cindessa.

  But I'm doing it, thought princess. I can make it around to the side and they'll still be at the gate.

  She almost did make it, but Cindessa had other plans. When the princess was nearly to a spot where she could leap down and make her run for the trough, the big kornasi woman took hold of the fence and began to violently shake it. Her big breasts swung to and fro and she grinned cruelly at Veronika.

  "Ohhh!" cried the princess. Her tummy flipped and flopped and she fought to keep her balance, but it was impossible. She tumbled into the pen, onto her back, and the slop was upended all over her body.

  The Wargs charged the sludge-covered princess like a wounded Junker. They closed in around her and their foul breath and thick, wet tongues assaulted her. There was no escape. She was fighting to stay alive. More than once, she let out a squeal of surprise as their tongues found a sensitive spot on her body and rasped over it. She fought to protect herself as best she could as their big, flat teeth nipped at her arms, legs and even her breasts.

  To her surprise, though, as terrifying as the experience was, the Wargs were not attempting to eat her. They just wanted the food covering her body and they did an embarrassingly thorough job of getting to it. By the time they had lost interest, the princess was unrecognizable, covered in Warg spit and feeling very very ashamed of some of the sensations she had experienced as their brutish tongues had bathed her body.

  Cindessa reached down into the pit and easily hefted up the slender princess. She tossed Veronika over her shoulder and gave the princess a smack on her bottom.

  "You stink like a Warg!" laughed Cindessa. "Time to clean you up."

  The big kornasi woman brought the princess to a steamy yurt erected over a hot spring. The blue, mineral rich waters beckoned, but Cindessa had other plans.

  "You're far too filthy to put into the water. Sit down here and I'll bathe you like a whelp."

  Cindessa dropped the princess onto the humid rocks surrounding the pool. Despite the heat, Veronika trembled and tried to conceal her shame. Cindessa returned with a steaming bucket that she overturned onto the princess. The water was almost scalding hot, but the weight of it pulled away the majority of the muck. She was still filthy and Cindessa filled the bucket again and added a wedge of gray soap. She had a cloth of rough cotton that she soaked in the soapy water and she began to scrub and lave the shivering princess.

  "You're too small and tender for this life, princess." Cindessa wrung the hot water out over Veronika's shoulder. "I give it a month at most before you break. You'll be one of those poor girls they tie up to the posts or put in the stocks. Just a hole for the warriors with the head switched off."

  Cindessa leaned the warm weight of her soapy breasts against Veronika's back. The big woman reached around and gently washed Veronika's pert breasts. Her big fingers paid particular attention to the pink pebbles of Veronika's nipples.

  "But we'll have some fun first, won't we, princess?"

  When Veronika did not answer, Cindessa brought her hand up to Veronika's throat and crushed it with her fingers, squeezing and releasing as she asked the question again. Veronika was reminded that pain was her reward for the slightest disobedience.

  "Yes, mistress," gasped Veronika.

  "Good. Now stand up. Yes, like that, don't try to cover yourself." Cindessa ran her hands and the soapy cloth over the firm bubble of Veronika's backside. The princess gasped as the kornasi woman spread her cheeks and scrubbed into her crack. The pressure on her virginal anus made her wince in surprise. Cindessa turned her round and admired Veronika's pretty golden flower, still blushing and aching from her contact with the Wargs.

  "Yes, very nice, but the orcs prefer their slaves without hair," said Cindessa as she washed between the princess's legs. "Sit back down on the rocks and spread your legs wide. I'll remove it."

  "Remove it?"

  "Yes, silly girl, do you prefer my knife or the shaman's cream?"

  Veronika's eyes went wide. The thought of Cindessa menacing her tender flower with a knife was terrifying.

  "The...shaman's cream, mistress!"

  Cindessa's laugh sent an icicle of fear down Veronika's back. The big woman fetched a red pot with a bone-handled brush. The white, foamy concoction in the pot had an unpleasant smell that burned Veronika's nose. Cindessa sat Veronika on a stool-sized rock and pushed the princess's legs wide apart. Veronika resisted the urge to cover her shame. It felt so humiliating to have Cin
dessa looking at her flower so closely.

  "Stay silent and I will give you a reward." Cindessa dipped the brush into the pot and brought out a foamy dollop of the cream. "But scream and I will punish you worse than you can imagine."

  The brush tickled against the princess's tender quim. The cream felt cool as Cindessa began to delicately paint it onto the princess's golden fringe of fur. She coated every spot where there was any hair at all and even dabbed the brush lower. Veronika bit her lower lip to fight the urge to cry out as the cool cream saturated her anus. Finally, Veronika's quim were completely painted with the foamy cream and Cindessa put aside the pot and brush.

  "It feels nice, doesn't it?"

  "Yes, mistress," said Veronika.

  Cindessa's smile sent another one of those cold icicles down the princess's back. The cream was beginning to tingle.

  "What-what happens now, mistress?"

  "We wait."

  The tingling became a pleasant warmth that spread as a flush across Veronika's body. It made her desire to be touched, but she kept her hands on the rocks. The warmth began to grow. A prickling heat at first, like a hot sun, but then it became intense, like a pepper burning her tongue, only in an area even more sensitive than that.

  "Does it hurt?"

  Veronika bit her lip and nodded, afraid that her answer might come out as a cry of pain. The peppery feeling grew worse. It seemed to be seeping into her body and making the whole region throb with agony. It became hotter and hotter. She squirmed on the spot. It was like coals. Hot cinders on her cunt, on her tender anus, searing her flesh. She could close her eyes and see them scorching her flesh like a pork loin. Tears fell from the corners of her eyes. It was an agony. It was a burning branch pressed between her legs.

  "You can scream if you have to, princess. Most girls do." Cindessa stroked the princess's thighs and looked closely at Veronika's foamy quim. "I could describe it to you. Describe how it's acid, melting away your flesh or fire that will boil your blood. I know it feels like it. But it's not. It's just a bit of magic and...there...That should be enough."

  Cindessa seemed to take an eternity to douse Veronika's quim in water from the spring. It took three full buckets to wash away every trace of the cream, leaving behind a blushing, shockingly bare mound and her unharmed pink. The pain receded gradually, moment by moment, like a fading echo. Until, finally, Veronika felt the cool air on her quim and a sweet sense of relief.

  "Very good. Not a whisper form you." Cindessa stood over the princess and began to unbind her loincloth. The leather dropped down her thick thighs and onto the floor. She exposed her plump mound and the womanly velvet of her lips. She ran her fingers over her mound and spread herself open, showing Veronika the glistening pink. "Here is your reward, princess."

  Veronika felt a strange rush of excitement and terror. She did not know what to do or what to say and then Cindessa grabbed her head with both hands. Suddenly, Veronika was falling backwards onto the rocks, and Cindessa's powerful thighs were wrapped around her head. The intense musk and heat of the Kornasi woman's cunt smothered her as she fell onto her back. She could hardly breathe and when she inhaled it was the aroused scent of the big woman.

  "If you can't figure out what to do, little princess, then I'll just have to use you as my saddle!"

  With that, Cindessa's weight fell fully upon Veronika's face. Her nose was pressed against the smooth mound of Cindessa's pussy. Her lips and chin were covered by the hot, juicy trench. She immediately tasted the salty-sweetness of the woman's juices. She struggled to breathe in the hot enclosure of Cindessa's thighs. The voluptuous kornasi woman began to bounce against Veronika's mouth, forcing her swollen folds against Veronika's lips and drowning her in the steamy scent of her trench.

  Veronika's hands were left free and Cindessa made no move to pin them down even as Veronika brought them up and found the soft curves of the kornasi woman sitting on her face. She resisted the urge to try to push Cindessa off of her, knowing that it would be futile.

  "Open your mouth and taste it, little princess. Taste a real woman's cunt and clean it with your tongue." Cindessa accompanied her lewd words by bouncing her plump bottom and cunt against Veronika's face.

  Although what was happening was shameful and being forced upon her, the princess harbored a secret enjoyment of the moment. For more than once had she watched her older servants bathing, their bodies plump and womanly, their curves somehow inflaming her desires as much or more than any suitor. At first she had been afraid of such feelings. She had denied them. But the more she watched, the more her desires grew. She wanted to touch them, to kiss and caress their bodies and press her lips to theirs.

  It was a desire she could never indulge as a princess, but here, as an orc slave, smothered beneath the excited body of Cindessa, Veronika could act upon her urges. She was free to find her desire.

  She filled her hands with the soft roundness of Cindessa's bottom, her fingers against the warm inner curve of the kornasi woman's crack, and she squeezed. She pulled Cindessa against her face and stuck out her tongue to taste the kornasi woman's churning groove.

  "Yesss, what a good bitch you are," moaned Cindessa. "A dirty little princess. Do you feel my clit. Lick it. Lick it. Ohhhhh...just like that."

  Vernoka lapped at Cindessa's velvet folds and her tongue found the fat bud of the kornasi woman's clit. It was huge compared to the tiny pebble hidden atop the princess's delicate opening, hard and fat as a musket's bullet against the princess's tongue. She lashed it mercilessly and delighted in the muffled moans of Cindess above her. She did not even care that she was pouring sweat and barely able to breathe. She drank in the honey-sweet cum pouring out of Cindessa and held tightly to her plump ass.

  "Yesss! You wicked little bitch! Yes, I'm cumming for you! Cumming!"

  Cindessa rode hard against Veronika's face and unleashed a clenching flow of her cum into the young princess's mouth. Veronika eagerly drank and licked and enjoyed the slippery juice that poured down her chin and coated her lips.

  "Oh, gods above and below, I have to taste you!" cried Cindessa.

  Her weight suddenly shifted and she turned atop Veronika. The princess had a good breath of air and then her view was eclipsed by the plump roundness of Cindessa ass dropping against her face. Her nose was thrust into the voluptuous woman's crack and her mouth once again pressed against Cindessa's velvet opening. But now the kornasi woman had turned and she flopped her weight against the princess, her heavy breasts squishing against Veronika's flat tummy.

  Her experience with the rough tongues of the Wargs and Cindessa's fingers were no preparation for the soft, insistent delight of the kornasi woman's tongue. Veronika forgot to lick her mistress as Cindessa began lapping at her slick flower.

  "So sweet," murmured Cindessa. "Like honey and spice. You're pure, there can be no doubt."

  "Thank you, mistress," cried the princess and she thrust her clit against Cindessa's hungry mouth.

  The kornasi woman's mouth clamped over Veronika's clit and Cindessa began to suck, gently at first, but soon applying an exquisite suction and lashing her tongue against Veronika's clit. The princess cried out, her pleasure so overwhelming that all she could think to do was lift her face to Cindessa's ass and begin to wildly lap at her mistress's cunt.

  Her tongue pressed inside Cindessa's slick folds as the kornasi woman sucked mercilessly, triggering a series of powerful orgasmic contractions in the princess. Veronika bucked and thrust herself against Cindessa's mouth. They created a wanton ring of pleasure, communicating their ecstasy back and forth until both women lay exhausted and drenched in sweat on the slick rocks beside the spring. Their legs intertwined and their breasts heaved as they gasped for breath.

  "Thank you, mistress," whimpered Veronika.

  "Don't think this means I'll go easy on you," warned Cindessa. "Your training resumes tomorrow. For now..."

  The big woman rolled onto her side, her breasts rearranged by gravity, and she reached out and
dragged Veronika closer. Cindessa's kiss was smothering, her tongue forceful, and her hands, exploring, promised more delights in the night to come.

  If Veronika had hoped her eager coupling - multiple times throughout the night - would convince the kornasi woman to go easy, she was sorely disappointed. Either way, she was sore by morning, when she was awakened by a bucket of water.

  "Today, we train your body for pleasing your master. Now, on your feet!"

  "Yes, mistress," groaned Veronika. The fair-haired beauty sported many new bruises from abuse and from pleasure. Her muscles ached. But Cindessa began the day with a rough surprise. A wooden cone that was nearly a foot in width at the base and two feet in length.

  "This will train your body to accommodate an orc as large as Black Tooth. Of course, you must remain a virgin, which leaves only two places."

  Cindessa's hand caressed Veronika's bare bottom and then slid up to her mouth. She tapped her fingers at Veronika's lips.

  "I think here is as good a place to begin as any."

  "My mouth?"

  Cindessa slapped her across the face.

  "On your knees, whore princess, and learn to suck an orc's cock!"

  The cone, in combination with a shamanic lubricant, stretched Veronika's mouth wider and wider. Of course she could not take the cone to its base, which Cindessa told her was "ogre's width" but her jaws opened until the cone was buried more than halfway into her magically numbed throat. They spent most of the morning and the practice was excruciating. Several times, the poor princess heaved out the contents of her stomach.

  "Again!" snapped Cindessa, demanding the princess wipe the tears from her eyes, clean her chin and start over.

  "I think you will find that the real thing is comfortable compared to this cone," said Cindessa.

  "Yes, mistress," said Veronika. She could not imagine much worse.

  "I am glad you agree. I have asked several of the largest orc warriors to come over and test your abilities."


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