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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

Page 79

by Amanda Clover

  There was no friendliness to his smile.

  “I am one of the glorious empress’s chief strategists, little warrior emira. I am exalted by my service to her.”

  “She could not come herself?”

  “She is dealing with the centaurs in the western erg and trusted me to assist Lord Ferrok.”

  “Lord Ferrok?” Zaina laughed with disgust. “She gives this orc the title of royalty.”

  “Do I not seem worthy of such a title?”

  Ferrok’s voice was incredibly loud and deep and shook in Zaina’s chest. His words were enunciated clearly in a manner uncommon to orcs. The emira sputtered and took a step back from his intimidating presence. She backed into the immovable object of Grenk.

  “Your army is in full retreat, emira. The greatest force Shaddobar could muster against the empress has been defeated by savage orcs and lizardmen.”

  “Treachery,” said Zaina.

  “The Kornasi?” Ferrok’s voice vibrated against Zaina. She stifled a moan as he spoke. “Yes, their neutrality was bought with the empress’s gold.”

  “So for some coin and a meaningless title, the mighty orc warlord, serves this… worm,” she cast her gaze at Taliun. “A minder to ensure you do not—“

  Zaina’s windpip constricted painfully. Taliun held his hands in a casting posture as he cut off her flow of air. The emira choked and grabbed at her through, exposing her naked body in the process.

  “Make no mistake, emira,” said Taliun, spittle flying from his lips, “Ferrok understands my power the authority invested in me by the empress. The only reason that you are not being loaded into a carriage to be taken to the capital is that Ferrok was deemed worthy of a reward for this great victory.”

  Taliun released the spell and allowed Zaina to suck in a desperate gasp of air. He lifted her chin with two fingers and forced her to look into his black eyes through her tears.

  “You are his reward, emira. You belong to Ferrok now.” His fingers dropped from her chin and Taliun stepped behind the towering orc.

  Ferrok studied the emira. His red eyes seemed to crawl over her flesh. He began to circle slowly around her, taking in her naked body from every angle. He had a scent to him that was sharp in her nostrils, but not unpleasant. Like sword oil and old leather and strong sweat. His muscles seemed sculpted from pale green stone. His loincloth bulged with the threat of his manhood.

  “I wish I had seen you fight today,” he growled and lifted her black braid with his fingers.

  “You could see it still,” she murmured and forced herself to look into Ferrok’s red eyes. “Give me a blade and I will show you firsthand how I fight.”

  This made the huge orc break into a smile.

  “Grenk,” said Ferrok, “give her your sword.”

  The orc guarding the entrance of the tent drew his long blade. It was extremely heavy and not weighted for two-handed fighting. Despite this awkwardness, and her nudity, she felt her confidence return as she hefted the blade in her hands. She smiled at Ferrok. Taliun alone seemed to sense that she was dangerous and he backed out of reach, practically hiding behind the orc commanders.

  “You will regret giving me this chance,” she promised Ferrok.

  “You are beautiful with a blade in your hand, princess,” said Ferrok. “Come then. Strike me down.”

  “I am no princess of the north,” she said. “I am an emira. I fight for Shaddobar!”

  She launched herself at the enormous orc. He watched her come, his arms at ease and his sword still on his hip. She swung the blade in a wide arc to compensate for the weight of the weapon. It was a powerful blow aimed to strike the orc in his kidney and mortally wound him. His arm moved with unnerving speed and caught the blow on his forearm.

  The blade bit through his leather forearm guard and struck against hidden iron with enough force to shock her. Ferrok rocked back from the force of the impact and then calmly twisted the blade out of the emira’s grasp. She fell back on the floor of the tent, her plump breasts jiggling with the fall.

  “Grenk,” said Ferrok as he stared at the emira with his amused red eyes, “take her to my tent while I finish here. Tell Vaeri to prepare her for me.”

  “Yes, Ferrok.” Grenk grabbed Zaina by her wrists and hefted her up. He slung her over his massive shoulder, her shapely bottom and furry quim exposed for all to see. As the big orc carried her out of the tent, he smacked her ass and said, “Vaeri take good care of you.”

  Grenk carried Zaina back through the encampment to a large personal tent reinforced with timbers. An orc guard outside stiffened up as Grenk approached.

  “Vaeri inside?” grunted Grenk.

  “Daboo,” affirmed the orc sentry.

  Grenk brushed past the orc and into the perfumed furs and warm hearthfire of the tent. The huge orc flung the emira down onto the pelts strewn about the floor.

  “Vaeri! Wake! Ferrok have new slave. This one is important.”


  The soft, feminine voice came from a shifting mound of furs. Zaina sat up and watched as a gorgeous, woman emerged from the pelts. There was no mistaking her golden eyes, pale orange hair and knife-like ears for anything other than a sand elf’s. Her large, tanned breasts were similarly common among the desert elf women. These plump mounds were bare, but decorated with spiraling tattoos and her brown nipples were pierced with golden barbells. The elf rose to her feet, her shapely hips and large round ass covered by a dangling fur loincloth.

  “This one called emira,” said Grenk. “Get ready for Ferrok.”

  “Get her ready?”

  Grenk stalked out of the tent without answering the question. The elf looked slowly at Zaina and smiled sympathetically.

  “You must be Emira Zaina Nassar.” The elf’s hips swung as she walked over to where Zaina still sprawled atop the furs.

  “You… you know me?” Zaina felt a dangerous prick of hope. Could this comely elf be an ally?

  “Ferrok spoke of you sometimes when I pleasured him.” Vaeri settled onto the furs beside Zaina. The elf helped the emira to sit up and pulled Zaina into her sweet-smelling arms. “You are unusual. Warrior women are common among my people, but not among humans. Ferrok said you were very skilled in battle.”

  “Not skilled enough,” said Zaina bitterly. “Now I am the slave to an orc brute. He will rape me and claim my chastity.”

  “You are a virgin?” Vaeri raised an eyebrow. “No wonder he sent you to me to prepare you. An orc so big as Ferrok as your first… it could be difficult.”

  “I will kill myself before I give my body to that monster.”

  “I thought the same,” said Vaeri. She stood up and walked over to a small wooden chest. “Let me make you some tea. You will feel better.”

  Zaina watched the elf brewing the tea in a small cast iron pot. This Vaeri woman was disarmingly beautiful and friendly, but Zaina was suspicious. A woman held in captivity could be broken and turned. Her large breasts dangled and her pierced nipples were a reminder that she was a slave. She served Ferrok. She was not a potential ally for Zaina at all.

  “Cherro root is not common in these parts,” said Vaeri pouring some tea into a wooden cup, “but I keep some stashed with Mema Ooroo, the tribe’s herbalist. She gives me Stirwik as well. Do you know it?”

  Vaeri handed the steaming cup of tea to Zaina. The amera drew her knees up against her breasts and inhaled the scent of the strong-smelling brew.

  “I do not know it,” said Zaina. “Is it a healing herb?”

  “Of a sort,” said Vaeri.

  The elf poured a steaming cup of the tea and began to drink. Zaina waited to be certain the elf was really swallowing the brew before tasting her own cup. It tasted surprisingly good and the warmth that spread down her throat and into her belly centered her in reality. The more she drank, the more she liked it. Vaeri saw that Zaina’s cup was empty. She brought over the tea pot and poured out the last of the dark brew.

  “I haven’t had anything to dr
ink in hours.” Zaina managed a laugh. “Goat’s milk, of all things. I… ooohhh… I feel warm.”

  The heat came over her in a wave. Had she been poisoned? No, it felt good. The aches and scrapes of battle faded away and the shame she felt to be naked receded to irrelevance. She smiled at Vaeri and found the elf returned her smile.

  “It is good,” said Vaeri, putting aside the teapot and sitting next to the emira. The elf touched Zaina’s shoulder. Her hand slipped onto the emira’s back and deftly began to stroke Zaina’s strained muscles. “Let yourself relax, emira. I will massage you.”

  “Yes,” moaned Zaina.

  She was unable to resist the pleasure. She felt strangely giddy as she turned her back to Vaeri. The elf woman’s fingers pressed deep, alleviating the tension and aching in Zaina’s back muscles. The emira’s breath escaped her parted lips in a long, satisfied exhalation. She knew she was slipping into the effects of something in the tea, but the euphoria prevented her from caring about much of anything at all.

  “That feels nice,” murmured Zaina.

  The elf slid her hands up to Zaina’s neck and leaned her soft breasts against the emira’s back. Vaeri pressed her lips to Zaina’s ear.

  “I have other ways to make you feel nice,” Vaeri whispered and sent a thrill through Zaina. “Lie down on the furs and I will take you to heaven.”

  “Heaven?” Zaina looked at the comely elf with confusion. “I did not know elves knew the way there.”

  Vaeri stretched the drugged emira onto the furs and began to press her lips to Zaina’s neck. The emira giggled. She had never felt something like this before and it took her a moment more to realize the elf was kissing her. Face down on the furs, she moaned and tried faintly to push the elf away. Vaeri pushed her down more forcefully and began to kiss and lick at her shoulder.

  “Do not fight it, emira.” The elf’s voice was husky with desire. “Let me show you pleasures you have only dreamt.”

  “F-forbidden,” moaned Zaina.

  “Yes, yes, everything is forbidden for you puritanical humans.”

  Vaeri kissed between Zaina’s shoulder blades. To the emira, the elf’s lips were burning hot. They moved down her spine towards the bare mounds of her bottom. Zaina moaned and squirmed, Vaeri held her hips and began to kiss the firm roundness of the emira’s buttocks.

  “Stop it,” moaned Zaina. “Not there, please.”

  “Oh, yes,” chuckled Vaeri, gently spreading Zaina’s bottom. “Right here.”

  The emira was shocked from the depths of the tea-induced stupor by the sensation of the elf’s tongue licking at her anus. Even among the depravities forbidden in the holy texts, nothing like this was mentioned. It was strange and warm and wet and, gods help her, it felt good.

  “You are so tense, emira,” murmured Vaeri. “Relax. Let my tongue inside you.”

  Zaina was powerless to either surrender or resist Vaeri’s tongue at her tender clenching ass. She could only experience the hot swirl against her intimate flesh, wondering if this was a normal thing that lovers did, if it was forbidden, and if not, why it felt so strangely wrong. Her wondering ceased when the elf thrust her nimble tongue past the point of Zaina’s squeezing hole. It slithered into her and in that same moment, she felt the elf’s fingers begin to dance against the furrow of her virgin sex.

  “Oh!” Zaina’s head jerked up from the furs. “Oh, Vaeri, that is… ohhh… your fingers…”

  The elf could only manage a long, vibrating vowel sound of amusement with her tongue pillaging the emira’s virgin ass. Her fingertips found a spot at the cusp of Zaina’s sex that the young emira knew from baths and horseback rides was the bud of her pleasure. The elf must have known as well, for her fingers focused their efforts on that particularly spot and began to drive hot waves of pleasure through Zaina’s body.

  Zaina arched and thrust her firm bottom against Vaeri’s face. The elf clapped her free hand against Zaina’s cheek, slightly jiggling the firm flesh and spreading her crack wider. The elf’s tongue only dug deeper into the emira’s clutching asshole and her devilish fingers drove Zaina over the edge.

  “Aaaahhhhh! Gods! It’s so good!”

  Zaina’s fingers curled into the furs as if she might somehow fall because of the intensity of her pleasure. The tightening coil of lust released in a sudden, intense spasm of pleasure. The ring of her tan hole clenched against Vaeri’s tongue and her juices spilled over the elf’s fingers and against her chin. Zaina bucked twice. She had never felt so out of control with pleasure and at peace with it.

  Vaeri slipped her tongue out of the emira’s ass and gave the tender tan wrinkle a few final licks. The elf’s fingers slowed their devilish stroking.

  “Oh, gods, what was that?” moaned Zaina.

  “That was just the beginning. If you turn over, I will show you—“

  The tent flap swung loudly open with a snap and Ferrok entered the tent. He began to untie his loincloth without even looking at Vaeri.

  “Have you prepared her?” demanded the orc.

  “Master, I have begun, but I did not realize you would “

  He looked at Vaeri and Zaina and a frown turned the corners of his mouth.

  “You drugged her,” he said.

  “Just a little Stirwik in her tea,” said Vaeri as she crawled across the furs towards the immense orc. “Here, permit me undress you, master. I will suck you.”

  Zaina pushed herself up on her elbows, enjoying the way the soft pelts tickled against her dangling nipples. She had forgotten her hatred of the orc. She thought he looked handsome in the firelight as Vaeri knelt before him and finished untying his loincloth. The elf pulled the pelt down his muscular legs and exposed his manhood. Though still partially flaccid, it was immense. The emira estimated that it was at least as thick as her slender wrist and as long as her forearm.

  “Oh, master,” moaned Vaeri, taking hold of the orc’s gray-green root and cradling it against her upturned face. “Your cock is glorious.”

  Ferrok’s red eyes stared at Zaina lying naked on the furs while his cock responded to the stroking hands and loud kisses from his elf slave.

  “That is so beautiful,” said Zaina, feeling warm all over.

  She watched intently as Vaeri began to lap at the bulbous glans of Ferrok’s penis. The elf’s slender hand worked his shaft as she began to suck at his cock, moaning around his lip-stretching width. Her other hand fondled his bollocks. She rubbed her soft breasts against him between loud slurps. She writhed with lust and popped her lips free of his cock.

  “Come here, emira. Taste the cock of the most powerful orc in all the realms.”

  “Mmmm,” grumbled the orc.

  It seemed like a fine idea to Zaina. Why had her family and friends always said such terrible things about orcs? Ferrok was so handsome, his cock so big and glistening with Vaeri’s saliva. She ached between her thighs. She craved to touch him and taste him.

  “Yessss,” she hissed and she pushed herself up on her hands and knees. Her ass swung from side to side as she crawled across the furs and knelt beside Vaeri. She looked up at the massive orc. His cock was so enormous. She stroked up his muscular thighs and her fingers touched the hot, sweaty weight of his bollocks. She hefted them in her hands, marveling at their size as she leaned up and rubbed her face against his spit-shined cock. “Oh, yes, it is so wonderful. It is like a sculpture.”

  “Yes, it is,” giggled Vaeri as she stroked up his length and licked at Ferrok’s cockslit. The elf stretched her full lips around the bulging tip and suckled at him hard enough to hollow her cheeks. She moaned and touched herself with her hand.

  Zaina could not resist. She kissed Ferrok’s shaft and ran her tongue over his salty flesh. She met Vaeri at the tip and when the elf popped her lips free they shared a hot, wet kiss against his tip. Their tongues traded flicks against his sensitive tip. Zaina looked up and into the orc’s red eyes as she took him into her mouth for the first time.

  He was so big that it hurt the
corners of her mouth being stretched so wide. It was a minor pain, one she could ignore in her burning desire to fit as much of his throbbing meat into her mouth as possible.

  “Mmmmmmmm!” she cried as she stroked his shaft with both hands and began to lick and suck at him.

  “You are a natural, emira,” purred Vaeri as she stroked the silky blackness of Zaina’s hair. “Do you taste the honey that leaks from his tip?”

  “Mmmhm!” replied Zaina with her mouth full of orc cock.

  Ferrok’s huge right hand came down and rested on the emira’s head. She felt his power and sucked urgently at him, tasting the honey that Vaeri mentioned as a salty-sweet liquid began to flow onto her tongue from Ferrok’s cock. Her spit began to soak down his shaft and wet her chin. She stroked him with both hands.

  Vaeri began to kiss Zaina’s shoulder and stroke the emira’s plump breasts and hard, dark tan nipples. Zaina moaned as she was fondled and caressed, but the princess only worked harder to please the massive orc. Her lips popped free, only for a moment, and she gasped and filled her mouth once more with Ferrok’s cockflesh.

  “Your ferocity turns so easily to your desire,” growled the orc. “I saw the hatred in your eyes, emira. Now I see you crave my seed.”

  “Oh, yes,” giggled Vaeri. “Feed her your delicious cum, master. She’ll become as addicted as me.”

  “Quiet, elf,” growled Ferrok. “Put your tongue to work elsewhere.”

  “Mmmmm, yes,” moaned Vaeri as she began to kiss her way down Zaina’s back.

  The elf’s hands guided the emira to raise her bottom. A moment later, Zaina felt the elf’s hot tongue trail down her crack and find, lower, to delve into the dewy furrow of her virgin pussy. Zaina moaned around Ferrok’s huge cock, pausing only momentarily before her pleasure propelled her desire to resume sucking the orc.

  Zaina had taken an oath of chastity and so had never given much thought to sucking the cock of a man, let alone a hated brute like an orc. Yet it all came so naturally to her. She bobbed her head and slurped on the gray-green flesh that filled her mouth and stretched her lips. The more she tasted of Ferrok’s salty-sweet sap, the hungrier she became for his seed.


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