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Devil's Playground

Page 16

by Arianna Hart

“I love how you feel around me. You’re so tight, so hot.” His voice was gruff, low and sexy. It added to the total sensory overload taking over her body, sending her closer to the edge.

  Giving in to the tidal waves of lust swamping her, Caitlyn let go and convulsed in rapture.

  “Yes!” Mac shouted, driving harder into her until he too shivered to completion.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sweat cooled on his back as his breathing slowed to normal. Reality could wait for a few more minutes, couldn’t it? For just a moment, he wanted to enjoy the bone-melting feeling of satisfaction that drifted through him. Caitlyn’s silky skin surrounded him and he could think of no heaven greater than feeling those legs around his waist.

  Her hand lightly drifted up and down his back. “I suppose we should get up and get back to work,” she said, although she didn’t seem too eager to move either.

  “Yeah, I guess. If Tom catches us in bed again, he’ll probably have a heart attack.” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he wished he could call them back. Caitlyn stiffened beneath him and her hand dropped to her side.

  “You’re right. This doesn’t solve anything.”

  “No, but it felt good.” Mac looked down at her and stroked the hair off her face. She wouldn’t meet his gaze.

  “It sure did. But it’s time to get back to business. We have to figure out who’s after your ass, besides me.” She smiled at him, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Something was going on behind those brown eyes of hers. Whatever it was troubled her deeply.

  “Nothing I can’t handle.” She tried to move again, but he held her still.

  “Tell me.” His finger drifted over her lower lip.

  “It’s nothing, really. It just bothers me to think of someone trying to kill you. I—I think my feelings are more involved than I’d planned on.” She shook her head, dislodging his finger. “Look, it’s my issue, okay? It doesn’t have to change anything.”

  Mac let out a deep breath. Was she trying to tell him her feelings went deep? A cold shiver of fear chased down his spine and he rolled off her.

  “It’s not that I don’t care about you too, but I’m not really the ‘happily ever after’ type of guy.” Shit. The last thing he’d wanted to do was hurt her more.

  “I know. Believe me, I can read between the lines.” She sat up and reached for her shirt. “I told you, it’s my problem and I’ll deal with it. When it’s time for you to leave, you can do so with a clear conscience.”

  “It’s not that. It’s just—”

  “It’s just that you have a job to do. An important job and a relationship isn’t part of that.” She stepped into her shorts and faced him. “I told you, it’s my problem and I’ll deal with it. I know how important this job is to you.” She twisted her hair back behind her head. “I’m going to change the laundry over. Let me know if you need any more help on the computer.”

  Mac watched her go and felt a stab of regret that their brief moment of connection was gone. He had to do his job. It was all he had in his life. He’d worked too hard for too long to just give it up. Right?

  Of course he wasn’t going to give up his job. Mac pulled his jeans on roughly. He lived for the danger, the challenge, the adrenaline rush of working undercover. There was no way he could just give it up and work behind some desk somewhere. Yanking his shirt over his head, he pushed those thoughts away. He was a fed and a damn good one. Caitlyn might be the best thing to step into his life in a long time, but that didn’t mean he had to get all crazy about it.

  A little voice in the back of his head snickered, Too late.

  Tom’s voice came from the kitchen. “Where’s Mac?”

  Caitlyn’s voice was louder than necessary. “I think he’s in the office on the computer. He said something about checking out the government websites.”

  Mac tucked in the T-shirt and slid into the chair seconds before he heard Tom’s footfalls outside the room. He jiggled the mouse and cleared off the screen saver a breath before Tom walked in.

  “Find anything good?” Tom asked from the doorway.

  “Maybe.” Mac glanced around to see if they’d left any telltale signs of their activities. Shit. The condom wrapper was half under the bed.

  “Whatcha got?” Tom asked as he moved into the room.

  Mac got out of the chair and held it out for Tom, stepping between him and the wrapper. “Here, take a look. That’s the Chief of Police next to Miguel.”

  “So it is. Coincidence or collusion?”

  “At this point I think we go with collusion. One of us needs to follow the Chief and the other needs to keep an eye on Miguel.” Mac eased back and stepped on the foil wrapper.

  “I’ll follow Miguel. He’s not familiar with what I look like and the Chief is.”

  “But you don’t know the territory like I do.”

  Tom looked at him incredulously. “Are you kidding me? I grew up in this city. I know it better than half the punks in that gang. You worry about staying out of sight with the Chief, I’ll take care of Miguel.”

  “When do we start?”

  “As soon as Liam gets back and can watch Caitlyn.”

  “Caitlyn can watch herself,” she called from the doorway. “I promise not to go out of the apartment or talk to strangers, but I refuse to be baby-sat any longer. The mission is more important than my safety.”

  “Nothing is more important than your safety,” Mac said. “A few more hours either way won’t make a difference.”

  Tom looked at him curiously, but Mac ignored him.

  “It will to me. I need some privacy, and if I can’t leave here to get it, the least you can do is get out of my hair for a little while.”

  He looked at Tom. It was his call. Mac had given up any right to offer protection when he told her he wasn’t around for the long haul.

  Tom slapped his hand against his thigh. “I don’t like it.”

  “What else is new? Do you think I love being stuck in a house with four men constantly underfoot? I’m used to living on my own and I need time for—girl things.”

  Oh boy, she was pulling out the big guns. The mere mention of mysterious “girl things” was sure to make Tom uncomfortable. Bravo. Tom shifted his weight.

  “You won’t go out of the apartment? And you won’t open the door at all?”

  “Scout’s honor.” She held up her hand, palm outward.

  “You were never a Girl Scout.”

  “Tom, don’t be difficult. It’s only for a few hours and I promise not to even stand near the window, okay?”

  “I still don’t like it.”

  “You don’t have to like it. You just have to do it. Please. I’m going crazy here. I’ve never looked forward to going to work so much in my life, just to get out of the house.”

  Tom muttered something under his breath, but didn’t continue to fight. “All right, but I’m calling Liam and telling him to get his ass home as soon as possible.”

  “I’d expect nothing less. Now grab something to eat before you go.” She stepped out of the way so Tom could leave.

  “If my presence here is going to cause you problems, I can find somewhere else to stay,” Mac said to her when Tom left the room.

  “I know you might find this hard to believe, but surprisingly enough, my entire being isn’t focused on you. I don’t care if you stay here or not. Right now I just want some peace and quiet—without testosterone.” She wouldn’t look at him, but instead glanced down at her fingernails. “You need to be out there chasing down the connections between the gangs and the chief, not baby-sitting me. I’ll be fine for the few hours Liam will be gone.”

  “Will you?” Just because he didn’t want the picket fence with her didn’t mean he didn’t care about her. Couldn’t she see that?

  “Yes. I’m tough. Now go on before Tom gets antsy.”

  “I heard that,” Tom called from the hallway.

  * * *

  Caitlyn locked
the door behind her brother and Mac and put the chain lock on for good measure. Alone at last. Good, now no one would see her cry.

  No. She wouldn’t shed a single tear over her own stupidity. It was her choice to give into her hormones. So she only had herself to blame if her dumb feelings got hurt. What did she expect? That just because she and Mac had great sex he would declare his undying love for her and vow to leave the undercover life he’d chosen?

  Yeah, right. Idiot. Why couldn’t she look at things the same way a guy did? She had a need and he filled it. Quite well. Why did she have to let her feelings get involved?

  Could she be mistaking infatuation and lust for deeper feelings?

  No, she’d been infatuated before and had been in lust before too. This was different. Mac was different. She’d never felt this intensity of emotion before and it scared and thrilled her at once.

  Just thinking about him gave her a flutter in her tummy. Remembering his taste and his touch sent waves of excitement through her. But it was more than that. And it was that “more” that she needed to think about without Mac and her brothers around.

  Pulling clothes out of the dryer, she absently paired up the socks and folded them. Too bad it wasn’t as easy to organize her thoughts. The way she saw it, she had two choices. She could keep her feelings to herself and put up a brave front when Mac left. That had been her original plan.

  Except she didn’t suffer in silence very well.

  The other choice was she could fight for what she wanted and try to make Mac see that he was throwing out the best thing that ever happened to him. That was more her style, but took moxie she didn’t know if she had. She’d have to convince her brothers and Mac that they could work things out with his job and still have a life together.

  Because she wasn’t settling for anything less.

  Her heart suddenly felt lighter. Now she had to develop a plan of action to nab her man. Hopefully it would be less dangerous than the one the guys were involved in. Mac would get his man and she’d get him.

  Still chuckling over her own wit, she almost jumped out of her skin when there was a banging on the door.

  Caitlyn’s heart pounded in her chest. The guys had left half an hour ago and Liam had a key. Who could be at the door? The hammering continued. What should she do? She didn’t have a weapon and she couldn’t call the police. Crap. Why had she told them she didn’t need anyone watching over her?

  “Damn it, Jim. I know you’re in there, open up!”


  Caitlyn scurried to the door and peered through the peephole. The redhead stared back at her with a furious expression on her face and hands on her hips. “I don’t care if your brother knows about us, I’m talking to you even if I have to shout through this damn door.”

  “Cripes Maggie, hold on.” Caitlyn undid the locks and opened the door. Quickly looking up and down the hallway, she didn’t see anyone so she pulled Maggie inside.

  “Caitlyn? What are you doing here? Where’s Jim?”

  “He’s working twelve to twelve today. What’s going on?”

  “You tell me.” She stepped into the apartment and dropped her purse on the table. “Everything was going great, then your brother shows up out of the blue and suddenly Jim doesn’t have time for me. The occasional phone call is it. What? Am I not good enough for the high and mighty Thomas O’Toole or something? I’m good enough to screw, but not to meet the whole family?” She stormed furiously into the kitchen and helped herself to a can of soda.

  “If he doesn’t want me, than he should have the balls to cut me loose instead of stringing me along.” Her furious face began to crumple and tears fell from her eyes.

  “Oh, Mags, don’t cry. Jim’s crazy about you.”

  “He…has…a…funny…way…of…showing…it,” she sobbed.

  “Come here.” Caitlyn pulled her friend into her arms and hugged her tightly until the storm of weeping slowed somewhat. “Sit down and I’ll try to explain things a bit.”

  Maggie grabbed a napkin and blew her nose. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve never been a cryer. I don’t do it well you know. My face gets all blotchy and my eyes get red and puffy. I’m too vain to cry in public.” She offered a watery smile and took a sip of soda. “But lately, I can’t seem to help myself. I thought what Jim and I had was real, you know?”

  “I think it is. I know Jim is head over heels for you.”

  “Then why cut me off? Why hasn’t he introduced me to his brother? The way he talks about Tom, it seems like he values his opinion an awful lot. Is he worried that I won’t cut the mustard?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s just—complicated.” How much to tell? “Let me see if I can make you understand without breaking confidences.”

  Caitlyn took a deep breath to gather her thoughts.

  “Okay, you know Tom works for the FBI, right?” At Maggie’s nod, she continued. “Tom is involved with a case up here and needs all our help to solve it. It, ah, it’s gotten a little dicier than we ever expected. I’m sure when it’s all over, Jim will be knocking on your door and apologizing profusely.” She’d make sure he did it with roses and jewelry too.

  “But why couldn’t he just come out and tell me that instead of blowing me off? I would have understood if he had things he had to do instead of hanging out at my place watching movies.”

  “I don’t know. He’s a man, why do they do anything?” Caitlyn stood and grabbed a quart of ice cream out of the fridge and two spoons.

  “Men, you can’t live with them and you can’t shoot them.”

  “Tell me about it.” Caitlyn scooped out a big glob of chocolate and popped it in her mouth.

  “Oh really?” A sly grin crossed Maggie’s face. “And what man are you contemplating shooting? Jim never mentioned anything about a man in your life.”

  “He didn’t know about him,” Caitlyn said around a mouthful of ice cream.

  “Do tell. At least I can count on you to fill me in on all the juicy details.”

  Caitlyn hesitated a minute. How much should she reveal? Screw it, she needed to talk to someone, a girl someone.

  “He’s Tom’s partner and he’s involved in the case too. I’ve known him, sort of, for a while, but only recently has it gotten more intense.”

  “How intense?” Maggie leaned forward, anticipation lighting her eyes.

  Caitlyn’s breath hitched. “Real intense. Like, keep you up at night tossing and turning intense.”

  “Oh my God! I know just what you mean.” Maggie put her hand over her heart then dug into the rapidly dwindling ice cream.

  “The only problem is, he doesn’t want a relationship.”

  “Bastard. He just wants sex?”

  “No. I mean, yes. Well, not really.”

  “It’s a yes or no question, you can’t pick all of the above.”

  “Yes, we had sex, and it was incredible. But no, he’s the one warning me off. I’m the one trying to get him in bed.”

  “So you’re just after him for sex?” Maggie looked at her in surprise.

  “No. Although that’s what I told myself in the beginning. I was going to just live for the moment and enjoy whatever pleasure he could give me.”

  “Then your feelings got involved.”

  “Yup.” The spoon dipped again.

  “But his didn’t?”

  “I don’t know. He says he’s not the ‘happily ever after’ type, and his job certainly doesn’t lend itself to dinner at five every night, but I can’t help but think there’s something there.”

  Maggie sat back in her chair. “Aren’t we a pair? You’ve got it as bad as I do.”

  Caitlyn didn’t even have to ask what. “That’s what I’m afraid of. And I don’t know what to do about it. Part of me feels like I should just suck it up and when he goes, I’ll smile bravely and wave goodbye.”

  “And the other part?”

  “Wants to fight like hell for him, so if he leaves anyway he’s miserable a
bout it for the rest of his life.” Caitlyn stood and put the spoons in the sink.

  “I’d go with Plan B myself, but I’m a fighter.”

  “I was leaning that way when you pounded on the door.”

  “You just have to be prepared for the worst. He might not feel the same way you do.” Maggie looked at her in sympathy.

  “I know, but if I don’t try and find out, I’ll always wonder if it could have worked out.”

  “True. Either way you stand the chance of getting hurt. I’d rather go down swinging.” Maggie wiped her mouth with a napkin and stood. “Well, since Jim isn’t coming back any time soon, I think I’ll head home. I only stopped by because I was on my way home from the mall and had worked up a good case of mad.”

  “I hear you. I’d be pissed too.” Caitlyn walked her to the door. “What’d ya get at the mall? Anything good?”

  “The bath store was having a sale, so I picked up a bunch of stuff there. Then I hit the candy store and bought a pound of fudge. I figured I’d hit the liquor store on the way home and buy a bottle of wine, take a bubble bath, then eat myself into a chocolate coma.”

  “Oh man, I’m jealous. I’d love a bubble bath. Something frilly and totally girlie.” She let out a wistful sigh. “Thank God you came over when you did. I’ve been surrounded by men all week. I’m going into testosterone overload.”

  “If Tom looks anything like Liam or Jim then I’d say you were living every woman’s dream.”

  “Ha! Not when you’re related to them and they treat you like either a maid or a baby.”

  “You’re right, that sucks. You deserve the bath more than I do. I’ll even split the fudge.”

  Caitlyn’s eyes lit up at the thought of such a luxury. “Really? You’d do that?”

  “Sure. I bought more bath gel than I’ll ever use. Besides, now that I know Jim’s just an idiot and not dumping me, I can afford to be generous.” She laughed and slung her purse over her shoulder.

  “Good, then I don’t feel guilty for taking it. Thank you.” She hugged Maggie.

  “No, thank you. I’m glad you were here instead of Jim. I’d have felt like a fool if I barged in here screaming with his brothers looking on. I guess I wasn’t thinking. I swear these men suck your brain cells out of your head.”


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