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Page 10

by Tielle St Clare

  Pax walked in wearing nothing but leather pants and a mask. The lovely muscles of his bare chest curved perfectly down into the cut lines of his abs.

  Heather licked her lips, imagining running her tongue over those tight ripples.

  “Oh sweet heaven.”

  “Yeah.” Cain put his hand on her ass, nudging her forward. “Not really sure where he got the whip, though.”

  She squeaked, her eyes dropping to the thin black crop in Paxson’s left hand.

  “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” she said, her words strangely breathless.

  But her feet kept moving forward. With the way the other women—and men—were staring at Paxson, they needed to get to him fast and stake their claim.

  As if Paxson sensed their arrival, he turned toward them. The hard line of his lips gave Heather no comfort. She and Cain pulled to a stop in front of Paxson. He looked at them. They were all pretty close in height, especially with Heather wearing her five-inch heels.

  Paxson’s gaze did a slow wander down their bodies, first Cain, in the tight leather shorts and collar. Paxson’s face revealed nothing and Heather could feel Cain tensing.

  The big man’s stare shifted to Heather and she straightened. The movement pushed her breasts forward. Paxson did another slow perusal, his gaze pausing at her chest, her breasts aching as he stared, and again at the place where her skirt met her thighs. She hoped the red from her panties wasn’t visible. Cain had assured her the look was sexy—not trashy—and she really wanted to believe him.

  His eyes didn’t stop. They continued down her legs to the red shoes she wore. Somehow Cain had managed to find a scarlet corset that perfectly matched the color of her shoes and her panties. Her knees trembled. Not because she was worried about how she looked—but concerned about Paxson’s reaction.

  Would he turn around and walk out?

  This had started as a way to break the curse but the truth was, she wanted him. Deny it as much as she wanted, she knew her heart would break a little if he walked away.

  Paxson took a breath. Heather and Cain looked amazing. He didn’t know how Heather could breathe in that top. Her breasts looked squeezed and pushed and just about ready to pop out. The front was so low he was sure with one deep breath, he could see her nipples.

  And Cain—fuck, even Cain looked good. Paxson had never allowed himself to look at another man sexually, but with Cain’s comment last night, he’d had to.

  Pax licked his lips, not sure what to say, not sure where to go next.

  Like he always did in these situations, he looked to Cain.

  Cain’s eyes lit with understanding and maybe just a hint of laughter. But then Cain always seemed to be laughing at someone.

  Still not knowing what to say, Pax crossed his arms over his chest, the riding crop he’d snagged from the “confiscated items” locker clutched in his left hand.

  “Well?” he demanded.

  Cain’s grin grew wider.

  “How may we serve you…Master?”

  Damn, Paxson had never really gotten into this whole bondage-submission thing but his cock twitched when Pax thought about all the ways both of them could serve him.

  He stared for a second then dragged his gaze back to Heather. She hesitated then lifted her chin, tossing her long thick red hair back over her shoulder. The movement strained the top of her corset and Paxson practically drooled, imagining sliding his tongue along the valley between her breasts. She stepped closer and pushed up onto her tiptoes, tilting into him.

  “Yes,” she whispered, her lips brushing against his ear, the sound going straight to Pax’s balls. “We’d love to serve you.”

  His throat tightened and he forced himself to swallow, his mind slowly catching up with his current reality.

  “Why don’t we start with a drink?” Cain suggested, grabbing Paxson by the arm and pulling him toward the dark corner.

  Paxson latched onto the idea. “Yes. A drink would be good.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I don’t care.”

  Cain handed Heather a credit card—though where the hell he’d had space to put it in those shorts Pax didn’t know—and said, “Tami’s working the bar over there.” He pointed to the far side of the ballroom. “Tell her it’s for me. Get us both double shots of tequila and whatever you want.”

  Her lips pursed together and her eyes flared open for just a moment. No, this woman did not like to be told what to do. But finally she nodded, spun around on those wicked heels and stalked away.

  As she disappeared into the crowd, Cain turned his back to the wall, grabbed Paxson by the belt loops and pulled him close. Pax slammed his hands against the wall, stopping his forward momentum, and effectively cutting them off from the rest of the room.

  He stared down at his friend. Cain was only a couple inches shorter than Pax but for some reason, he felt like he towered over the guy right now.

  “You okay?” Cain asked. It was a normal Cain voice. There was no seduction or sex in it. But Cain hadn’t released him either. His thumbs held onto the belt loops while his fingers rested on Paxson’s hips.

  Pax took a deep breath and analyzed the sensation of Cain touching him. It didn’t make him squirm. Kind of made him wonder what those fingers would feel like around his cock.

  “I think so.”

  “Well, Heather’s a little freaked out, so be nice to her.”

  Heather’s a little freaked out? Paxson managed to keep the words in his throat. After all, she’d been the one to suggest the threesome in the first place.

  At least he thought it was Heather. Maybe Cain had brought up the idea.

  Maybe it didn’t matter. Maybe he should just get this done. Cain would leave him alone. Heather would go home and Paxson could move on. That sounded good.


  “You’re not okay.” There was no question in Cain’s words.

  “No. I am. I just want to get this over with.”

  Cain laughed. “Oh, babe, that’s not the way to look at it. It will be fun.” His hand left Paxson’s hip and slipped up his bare chest, those hard fingertips skimming across Pax’s nipples. “It’s supposed to be fun. We won’t do anything that will freak you out.”

  “Too late.”

  Cain looked at his own hand, splayed wide on Paxson’s chest. “Too much?”


  “Come on.” Another brush across his nipple. A tiny zing flowed into his cock. “Don’t tell me that doesn’t feel good.”

  Paxson didn’t open his mouth because he couldn’t tell Cain that.

  He glanced over his shoulder.

  “No one is looking,” Cain assured him, sliding one hand down to snag the top of Pax’s trousers.

  Heat raced into his groin and his fingernails dug into the walls and fuck, he hoped Cain was right.

  “Even if they are, they can’t see anything.” Cain leaned forward until his forehead pressed against Paxson’s lowered brow. “You know I love you, man, right?” There was nothing romantic in his friend’s tone. It sounded, well, like a guy telling another guy. Cain had said it before but he’d usually been drunk at the time. “I would never do anything to hurt you.”

  Paxson nodded. He believed that. If nothing else, he could believe that.

  “But I think that you and Heather would be incredible and damn, all three of us? That would make for one wild, wicked night.”

  Cain tipped his head back and met Paxson with a serious stare. “But if you want me to leave, I will. You and Heather can spend the night—party, have fun. I give you complete permission for whatever the night brings.”

  “But why? You like her. I know you do.”

  “Yeah.” Cain shrugged but Paxson wasn’t buying it.

  “No, you like her more than your two-week tramps.” That’s about how long Cain’s women lasted before the guy was ready to move on.

  “I do but I’m looking at the universal good.”

  Paxson laughed. Truly? Cou
ld there be any other response?

  “The universal good?”


  “It’s in the universe’s best interest if I sleep with Heather.” He didn’t even bother to phrase it as a question.

  “I believe so.” Cain looked almost bland as he made the pronouncement.

  Then Cain’s hand slipped off the waistband of Pax’s trousers and moved down, sliding over the fly, his palm cupping Paxson’s cock.

  “I think it would be in your best interest as well.”

  The fingers encasing his cock tightened for just a moment and Pax hissed in a breath—not because Cain squeezed too tight but because it felt so damn good.

  “I can just imagine how she’ll scream when you shove this monster into her cunt.”

  Pax couldn’t stop his hips from rocking forward, pumping his cock deeper into Cain’s hand.

  “Nice. Think about it.” Cain’s voice hummed through his head. “Think about that tight, slick pussy, taking your hard—”

  Movement flickered at the edge of his vision and Paxson jerked back, instinct pulling him away. He snapped his head to the side. Heather stood there, two tumblers gripped firmly in her hands, her eyes wide, lips open.

  “Sorry to interrupt.” Her arms straightened and she shoved the glasses toward them.

  Pax took the one pointed at him. “You didn’t get any for yourself?”

  Heather grimaced then grinned. “I downed mine at the bar.”

  Cain reached out, tapped his glass against Paxson’s then tossed back the clear liquid. Pax hesitated for one heartbeat then did the same. The tequila burned his throat but he savored the brutal sensation, needing it to regain his center.

  He lowered the glass and Cain snatched it out of his hand. “I’ll return these and let you two chat for a bit.”

  Cain winked at him then looked at Heather and damn, if Paxson wasn’t sure Cain had winked at her too.

  Heather stepped forward, her fingers fussing with the lower edge of her corset. It so didn’t look like Heather. Every time he’d met her, she’d been bold, assertive. Ready to take him on.

  Now, she looked almost shy.

  The insecurity lasted only a moment and the strong female attitude returned. She tossed her head back and met his stare, her gaze sexy, daring. Challenging.

  “So.” Her chin rose a fraction of an inch higher. “You walked away last night. Are you going to do that again?”

  The words locked in his throat as his gaze did another slow scan of her body.

  “I don’t know,” he whispered. Finally, he dragged his stare up and met hers. “I’m not like Cain.”

  “What? You’re not a slut?”

  His first reaction was to defend his friend but she said it with such a spark in her eye, Paxson couldn’t stop his smile. “Not much of one, no.”

  “Well…” She placed her hand on his chest, her fingers tapping against his nipple, matching where Cain had touched. The fluttering caress seemed to have a direct line to his cock. She smiled up at him. “We’ll just have some fun and see where the night goes.”

  The night was going to go right to hell if she didn’t stop touching him like that but he couldn’t bring himself to remove her hand. For a few moments, he thought she was doing it unconsciously, but then he noticed a faint pattern developing. She would tease his nipple, then brush her fingers across his pec, then return, another whispered caress.

  “People really get into this,” she murmured, glancing at the crowd. The volume level had doubled in the short time he’d been there. He knew from experience the party could get wild and a little weird.

  He tried to focus on her words. “What about you?” he asked.

  “What? Do I like a big party? Or am I into all the leather?”

  “Both. Either.”

  “I like a good party. The leather—” She shrugged, her breasts rising with the movement. The corset did not and he swore he could see the rosy pink of one nipple. “Not really my thing.”

  “No.” He was only vaguely aware of responding. He shifted, turning, his eyes still locked on her chest. He realized he’d trapped her against the wall but the soft glow in her eyes and the way she licked her lips told him she didn’t mind.

  The hand on his chest slid down, fingers tripping across his stomach. He tightened his abs, wanting her to see him at his best.

  In those shoes, she stood almost as tall as him so he didn’t have to bend much to lean in and place a kiss on her bare shoulder. She tipped her head, giving him space.

  Unable to resist touching, he rested his hands on her waist. The thick material of the corset made it impossible to feel much except the curve of her hips.

  “How hard is it to get you out of that thing?” he asked, his lips brushing her skin.

  He felt her smile against his cheek. “Not hard at all. A couple of snaps and poof, I’m topless.”

  “And I know I can get that—” He scoffed. “Skirt off you in a matter of seconds.”

  She tilted her head until she met his eyes. “Wanna try?”

  The hint of challenge, the boldness—damn, not something he ever would have expected to find fascinating—just about made him come in his pants. Fuck, she was sexy.

  Her question disappeared into the ether as he tightened his hands around her waist and lifted her, drawing her up those last few inches until their lips met. He told himself to go slow but at the first touch of her mouth, the desire to overwhelm her consumed him. He drove his tongue between her lips. His hands slid down, beneath that weak excuse for a skirt and cupped her backside. Her ass fit perfectly in his palms.

  A sweet moan filled his mouth as he gripped her and pulled her close. Heather moved into him, seeming to trust his strength as he picked her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist.

  The kisses went on—an on—until his brain started to spin.

  Paxson yanked his head away and stared down at the beautiful, sexual woman in his arms. Her chest rose and fell in fast, harsh breaths that matched his own.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “Except for the fact that my cock is about to tear through these stupid leather pants to get to you, yeah.”

  “I think the pants are sexy,” she said. At least he thought that’s what she said. As she spoke, she rolled her hips in a circle, rubbing her wet cunt over the hard line of his dick and he pretty much lost the ability to process language.

  He grabbed the back of her head with one hand, keeping a firm grip on her ass with the other, and pulled her mouth back to his. He had to taste her. Had to be inside her in some way.

  She moaned and her fingernails dug into his shoulders. The tiny bites helped keep him from coming with a few short thrusts against her pussy.

  The rest of the room disappeared. All that mattered was this woman—the heat of her body, the sexy press of her breasts and that corset against his bare chest.

  Needing to go deeper, needing to be inside her, he ground his hips against her barely covered pussy, her heat flowing through the leather trousers he wore. It would be so easy to pull that little scrap of material to the side, yank down his zipper and he could be inside her.

  Except he was the head of security and it would be an amazingly bad idea.

  But he couldn’t pull away. His hips rocked forward and she moaned in his ear, her heels digging into his lower back.

  Fuck, he could have done this last night if he hadn’t left. The memory snapped into his mind and he had to know the truth.

  He lifted his head and met her eyes. She blinked and looked at him like he was a little out of focus. He gave her a moment for her eyes to clear, wanting a straight, reasonably coherent answer to his question. After a second, she blinked again and peered at him.

  He could tell she was listening.

  “Be honest—it won’t stop me from fucking you tonight if that’s what you really want—but are you doing this just because your cursed wedding dress told you to?”

  It sounded crazy when he said it but
hell, it was a little insane. Still, Heather seemed to believe it.

  The right corner of her mouth pulled up in a little smile. “That’s not exactly how it works and no, not really.” He started to pull back but her nails dug into his bare shoulders, holding him in place. “That’s how it started out but, I really want this. I mean, I’ve thought you were gorgeous since the beginning, but then I got together with Cain and it really is tacky to try to seduce a man’s best friend.”

  “But you still want Cain?”

  Her legs unlocked from around his waist and she slid down, standing once again on her own feet. Pax crushed the sigh that threatened. He’d totally killed the mood. Damn it, why couldn’t he just go with the flow? Cain was going to come back, pissed.


  “And you really want to go to bed with both of us? At the same time?”

  The little quirk of a smile pulled up into a full-fledged grin. “Are you kidding? This is every woman’s fantasy.”

  It was Paxson’s turn to blush.

  “Seriously. You and Cain? Fun and flirty combined with dark and brooding?” The twinkle in her eye dimmed just a little. Heather pressed up on those insanely high heels and placed a kiss on his lips. “But we won’t do anything you don’t want or be pissed if you say no.”

  He’d been a cop and in security for a lot of years. He could tell when someone was lying. He’d gotten in trouble more often than not because when arrested, many people saw the error of their ways and he’d believed them when they said they wanted to change. It was only out in the real world that they fell back into old habits.

  Looking at Heather, he believed she was sincere. If he said no, she’d back off.

  Fuck, was he actually considering this? Given the way his cock was digging into the zipper of these stupid leather pants, yeah, he was.

  Pax shrugged.


  Chapter Eight

  Dear Diary,

  I’ve often wondered about being with two men at the same time. Is it really as good as I read about? Some day, I’m going to have to explore this more.


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