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The New Tycoons: Inside the Trillion Dollar Private Equity Industry That Owns Everything (Bloomberg)

Page 26

by Jason Kelly

  commitment to private equity

  Dear as CIO of

  Freescale deal and

  CalPERS. See California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS)

  Cambridge Associates

  Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPP)

  Capmark, KKR’s

  Capstone consulting firm. See also Nelson, Dean

  Bain & Co. and

  as division of KKR

  Dollar General deal and

  management of

  Carey, David

  Carlucci, Frank

  Carlyle Blue Wave hedge fund

  Carlyle Capital Corp. (CCC)

  Carlyle Global Market Strategies (Carlyle GMS)

  Carlyle Group. See also Carlyle Group acquisitions; Conway, Bill; D’Aniello, Daniel; Rubenstein, David

  advisors of

  building credit business

  Carlyle Blue Wave hedge fund

  chief officers of

  expansion and broadening of adviser base

  fund raising prior to IPO

  government relations at

  investors of

  on IPO of

  message to investors

  Mubadala Development Company and

  as public company

  revisit by founders

  role of Mathias in

  roots in Washington

  Service Employees International Union and

  takeovers in 2006 and 2007

  transition of responsibilities

  2012 report on corporate responsibility

  Carlyle Group acquisitions:

  of BDM International

  of Freescale Semiconductor

  of Fresh Fields

  of HD Supply

  of Hertz

  Carper, Thomas

  Carry “Carried interest”

  “Carry pool,” KKR and

  CCC. See Carlyle Capital Corp. (CCC)

  CCMP Capital

  CD & R. See Clayton Dubilier & Rice (CD & R)

  Centerbridge Partners


  Chambers, Raymond

  “Cheap debt”

  Chemical Bank

  Cheyenne Capital

  China Investment Corp.

  Chu, Chinh


  Citigroup Deutsche Bank

  Clare, Pete

  Claremont McKenna

  Claren Road hedge fund, Carlyle Group and

  Clayton Dubilier & Rice (CD & R)

  Clear Channel Communications

  CLOs. See Collateralized loan obligations (CLOs)



  CNW, purchase of

  Cohan, William

  Coleman, Timothy

  Collateralized loan obligations (CLOs)

  Colony Capital

  Columbia Business School

  Combs, Chris

  Competition for deals, returns and

  Conglomerate, notion of the

  Conklin, Deb

  Continental Airlines

  Conway, Bill. See also Carlyle Group

  about BDM

  as dealmaker

  educational background of

  Mathias and

  personal life of

  qualities and focus of

  Rubenstein vs.


  Coslet, Jonathan

  Coulter, Jim


  Boyce and

  changing his path

  on J. Crew board

  of TPG

  TPG culture and

  TPG’s future and

  “Covenant lite” loans

  CPP. See Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPP)

  Credit crisis

  Credit-default swaps

  Credit Suisse

  Cuomo, Andrew

  Dade International

  D’Aniello, Daniel. See also Carlyle Group

  about BDM

  as administrator of Carlyle

  Bill Marriott, Sr. and

  educational background of

  One Carlyle program

  Dasburg, John

  Davis, Kelvin

  Davis, Steven J.

  Dear, Joseph


  during buyout boom

  dividend recap and

  private-equity money and

  use in LBO




  by private-equity companies

  “The Denver Group”

  Deutsche Bank

  DIFC. See Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)

  Dimon, Jamie

  Diversification, Blackstone Group and

  Divestitures, of Freescale

  Dividend recap


  Dodd-Frank legislation

  Dolan, Timothy (Archbishop of New York)

  Dollar General. See also Dreiling, Rick

  Family Dollar and

  headquarters of

  100-day plan

  initial public offering (IPO)

  KKR deal of

  KKR theory after the IPO

  recent history of

  remerchandising plan

  return to Big Board

  Domino’s Pizza

  Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (DLJ)


  Dreiling, Rick. See also Dollar General

  in 2009

  accepting the offer of Dollar General

  career of

  insights of Dollar General

  meeting Dollar General staff

  offer of Dollar General

  to run Dollar General

  Drexler, Mickey

  “Dry powder”

  Duane Reade

  Dubai, Emirate of

  Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)

  Dubilier, Martin

  Durant, Katherine

  “Easy credit”

  Economic net income (ENI)

  Eddie Bauer

  Endowments. See University endowments

  Energy Future

  ENI. See Economic net income (ENI)

  “Enterprise tax”

  Environmental, social and governance (ESG)

  Environmental Defense Fund

  Equity funds size

  Equity Healthcare

  Equity Office Properties, Blackstone Group and

  ESG. See Environmental, social and governance (ESG)



  Fahrenheit 9/11 (documentary)

  Family Dollar

  Fanlo, Saturnino

  Farr, Craig


  Ferrell, Will

  Financial engineering

  Financial Management Group. See also Blackstone Group

  Financial Times

  First Data

  First Interstate Bank

  First Reserve

  Fisher, Todd

  Fleischer, Victor


  Formula One

  Forstmann Little

  Fortress Investment Group


  Fred Meyer

  Freeman & Co.

  Freescale Semiconductor

  Fresh Fields

  Friedman, Adena

  Gallogly, Mark

  GCC. See Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

  General Electric

  General Instrument

  General Motors

  General partners (GPs)

  Gephardt, Richard

  Gerstner, Louis

  Gibson Greetings

  Gilhuly, Edward “Ned”

  Gingrich, Newt

  Giving Pledge

  Glucksman, Lew

  GNC, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan and

  Gogel, Don

  Golden Gate Capital

  Goldman Sachs

  Blankfein to run

  as private bank

  private-equity fund

  as provider of debt for LBO
  Romney funds management

  Taibbi description of

  Goltz, Frederick

  Goodman, Bennett

  Gottschalg, Oliver

  GPs. See General partners (GPs)

  Grady, Robert

  Grand Canyon Trust

  Grand Central Terminal

  Grassley, Chuck

  Gray, Jonathan

  Grayken, John

  Green Portfolio

  GRR. See Roberts, George

  GSO Capital Partners

  Blackstone deal of

  James proposal of acquisition of

  Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)

  Hackel, Ken

  “Hall of Values”

  Haltiwanger, John

  Hance, James

  Harper, Neil

  Harris, Britt

  Harris, Joshua

  Harris, Robert


  HD Supply

  Hedge Fund Solutions (Tom Hill’s group)

  Helyar, John

  Henry R. Kravis Prize for Leadership


  High-yield debt market


  Hilex Poly

  Hill, J. Tomilson

  Hill, Tom:

  on Blackstone board

  Hedge Fund Solutions

  to run Alternative Asset Management business

  Hilton Hotels

  Blackstone and

  deal, in mid-2007

  Gray and deal of

  Nassetta to run

  outside the U.S. in

  Hoffa, James

  Holt, Allan

  Home Depot

  Homestead Studio Suites

  Host Marriott

  Houlihan Lokey

  Howard, Bob

  HRK. See Kravis, Henry

  Huffington Post


  IHS Global Insight


  ILPA Private Equity Principles


  Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA). See ILPA


  InterFinancial Ltd.

  Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

  International Mining Machinery


  Investment banks

  IRR. See Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

  J. Crew

  James, Tony. See also Blackstone Group

  appointing Blitzer

  cutting the deal with Oregon

  hiring people from DLJ

  on maturity of investments

  meeting with Oregonians

  proposal for acquisition of GSO

  on refinery reopening occasion

  role of

  work habits and drive

  Jarmin, Ron S.

  Jenkinson, Tim

  Jenrette, Richard

  Jeramaz-Larson, Kathy

  Job creation

  Job destruction/loss

  Johnson, Magic

  Johnson, Randy

  Jordan, Jay

  The Jordan Company


  JPMorgan Chase

  Juma Ventures

  Jumper, John

  Junk bond funds

  Kaplan, Steven

  Kaye, Charles

  KB Toys


  Kennedy, Edward

  KFN. See KKR Financial

  Kiggen, Jamie

  King of Capital (Carey and Morris)

  KKR. See also Capstone consulting firm; Dollar General; KKR acquisitions; KKR takeovers; Kravis, Henry; Roberts, George; TXU

  annual revenues in


  changes at

  in Dubai

  Farr and

  filing S-1 on July

  gaining and loosing money

  Green Portfolio and

  headquarters of

  Hoffa on

  Knowlton advice about

  LeBlanc Teachers’ money commitment to

  Menlo Park office

  Nelson at

  number of workers

  on NYSE

  private equity of

  Teachers’ Retirement System of Texas and

  TPG and

  report on ESG issues

  KKR acquisitions:

  deals from 2005 to

  deals in

  Dollar General deal

  of HCA

  Regal Cinemas deal

  Safeway deal

  KKR Capital Markets

  KKR Financial

  KKR Millennium Fund

  KKR Private Equity Investors

  KKR takeovers:

  of RJR Nabisco

  of Samson Investment Co.

  Knowlton, David

  Kohlberg, Jerome (Jerry)

  Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. See KKR

  KPE. See KKR Private Equity Investors

  Krause, William

  Kravis, Henry. See also KKR

  business changes and opportunities

  on culture of KKR

  elevation of Fisher

  interviews with KKR executives

  Knowlton and

  last day at the firm

  meeting with Roberts

  multi-faceted approach

  pension and

  philanthropy and

  relationship with Roberts

  selling shares in Europe

  startup of KKR

  vetting of Dreiling

  Kravis, Marie-Josée

  Labor unions

  Lafley, A. G.

  Lambert Inc.

  Landy, Joseph

  Lasry, Marc

  Latham & Watkins

  Lazard Ltd.

  LBO. See Leverage buyout (LBO)

  Leahy, Terence

  Leary, Marty

  LeBlanc, Steve

  Lee, Jimmy

  at Chemical Bank

  debt stack and

  purchase of CNW

  relationship with private equity

  Leech, Jim

  Lehman Brothers


  Lerner, Josh

  Lerner, Stephen


  Leverage buyout (LBO)

  in 2007 and

  boom of 2005 to

  debt committed to

  default rates of

  Equity Office Properties

  global credit crisis and

  HCA deal

  job destruction and

  providers of debts for

  returns in 1990s

  Levin, Sander

  Levine, Adam

  Levitt, Arthur

  Lewis, Kenneth


  Liddy, Edward

  Light, Jay

  Limited Partners (LPs)

  Linens ‘n’ Things

  Lipschultz, Marc

  Lister, Thomas

  Loews Corporation

  Lone Star Capital


  LPs. See Limited Partners (LPs)

  LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton

  Madison Dearborn

  Major, John

  Manor Care

  Marchick, David

  Mark, Joncarlo

  Markell, Jack

  Marriott, Bill, Jr.

  Marriott, Bill, Sr.

  Mathias, Ed:

  Carlyle Group and

  on Conway and D’Aniello

  Mayer, Michael

  McKillickan, Rebecca

  McKinsey & Co.

  Mehlman, Kenneth

  Mergers and Acquisitions (M & A) activity

  Merrill Lynch

  Metropolitan Museum of Art

  Meyer, Andre

  Mezzanine loans

  Michelson, Michael

  Milken, Michael

  Miller, Bill

  Miranda, Javier

  Moelis & Company

  MOIC. See Multiple of invested capital (MOIC)

  Monaghan, Thomas

  Monitoring fees

  Moore, Michael

  Moran, Garrett

  Morelli, Vin

  Morgan Stanley

  Morris, John


  Mount Sinai Hospital

  Moynihan, Brian

  Mubadala Development Company

  Mulroney, Brian

  Multiple of invested capital (MOIC)

  Murray, Steve

  Nassetta, Chris

  National Venture Capital Association

  Nature Conservancy

  Navab, Alexander

  Nelson, Dean:

  as head of Capstone

  KKR recruitment of

  Regal Cinemas deal

  New Jersey, commitment to Blackstone

  New Jersey Investment Council

  New Jersey pension plan

  Newman, Arthur

  Newman, Howard


  New York City Investment Fund

  New Yorker

  New York’s Museum of Modern Art

  New York Times

  New York University Law Review


  Noninvestment-grade bonds (junk bonds)

  Norris, Steven

  Norton, Ed

  Novy-Marx, Robert

  Nunnelly, Mark

  Nuttall, Scott

  Obama Administration

  Occupy Wall Street movement

  OMG. See Operations Management Group (OMG)

  Ontario Teachers Pension Plan:

  on BCE purchase

  hybrid model of

  private equity industry and

  Operations Management Group (OMG)

  Ops function

  Oregon, state of:

  Blackstone and

  KKR at

  Pension fund investment

  Oregon Treasurers office

  Ostrover, Doug

  “Out of the Storm but Not out of the Woods” (2012 conference)

  Parrett, William

  Partnership for New York City

  PBF Energy

  PCRI. See Private Capital Research Institute (PCRI)

  Peltz, Nelson

  Pension fund investment (Oregon)

  Pensions, internal rate of return and

  Pensions, limited partners and

  Perdue, David


  Perry, Rick

  Peterson, Pete

  Peterson, Peter G.. See also Blackstone Group

  benefits of Blackstone IPO

  as co-founder of Blackstone

  positions at Lehman Brothers

  retirement from Blackstone

  Petrick, Mitch

  Petroff, Neil

  Pincus, Lionel

  Pine Brook Partners


  Plumeri, Joseph

  PNC Bank

  Portfolio Operations Group

  Premira, purchase of Freescale


  Pressler, Paul

  Price, Bill

  Primack, Dan

  Prime AmeriSuites hotels

  Prime Hospitality

  Private Capital Research Institute (PCRI)

  Private-equity. See also Private-equity firms; Private-equity industry; Private-equity managers

  in 2006 and

  in 2010 and

  banks and

  Blackstone and

  California Public Employees Retirement System commitment to

  internal rate of return and

  M & A deals and

  protests and

  in the public eye

  Service Employees International Union criticism of

  “Private Equity and Employment” (Davis, Haltiwanger, Jarmin, Lerner, and Miranda)

  Private-equity backers

  Private Equity Council

  Private-equity deals

  Private-equity executives


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