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The Scene 2

Page 1

by Roxy Sloane



  By Roxy Sloane

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  Copyright © 2015 Roxy Sloane

  Cover Design: Perfect Pear Creative

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Dedication: to the love of my life. Thank you for your never ending strength. Your love is a super power.

  Thank you to my incredible seducers who make me laugh out loud every single day.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter One


  One little word, but it’s just turned my whole world upside down. I reel back, gripping the railing on the luxurious yacht to keep my legs from giving way.

  The calm crystal waters of the Miami bay sparkle in the sun. Around me, the party is still whirling on board: champagne and music, the beautiful people of Miami having the time of their lives. Our host, Eduardo, is welcoming a new arrival onto the yacht, a man I thought I knew so well.

  Xavier. My new lover.

  The man Eduardo just called ‘boss’.

  I can hardly breathe. I came to Miami with one goal: to find out the truth about how my brother died. The cops say he was involved in the drug trade, working for the mysterious crime lord they call El Jefe. I managed to track him as far as Eduardo, now I’ve been infiltrating the party scene, trying to figure out who’s really in charge.

  Xavier? It can’t be.

  I watch in disbelief as Eduardo leans in to Xavier and they hug briefly, clapping each other on the back.

  "Hello, my friend," Xavier says. "Is everyone here?"

  "Yes, and they're waiting for you. Everyone is happy with champagne and entertainment."

  "You do know how to throw a party, Eduardo. Come, let's not keep everyone waiting. They'll want to hear this news."

  I frantically look around for a place to hide. Xavier can't see me here. If I go back up the way I came, I'll run right into him.

  After trying two doors, both locked, the third opens to a bathroom. It's close enough to the living room that I should be able to hear them. If not, I'll just wait for a bit and then leave. It won't take them that long to get down here.

  One look in the mirror tells me that it's a good thing I found a bathroom. I look frazzled and sweaty. I have to keep calm and compose myself. But how am I supposed to do that?

  How am I supposed to deal with this if Xavier is El Jefe? Knowing that I've been letting the man who ordered my brother's murder wine and dine me this whole time? That I let him fuck me? Jesus. This can't be happening.

  It doesn't make any sense. But then again, Xavier does have all kinds of businesses. He's never really told me all the details of what he does. And now that I think about it, his life story sounds an awful lot like something out of a mob movie. The restaurants could be a front set up to launder his money.

  "Oh God," I whisper to the mirror.

  I need to get off the boat, but I'm stuck for another couple hours. I don't know if I can handle being here that long, and I definitely can't dodge Xavier for that long.

  A knock at the bathroom door sends my heart racing. I have to think calm thoughts. Quiet my brain.

  Someone knocks again and tries the door. I have to answer.

  "Just a moment."

  To cool myself down, I run water over a paper towel and wring it out. It feels good on the back of my neck. I was already warm from the humid night, and the stress is making it worse.

  I open the door to find one of the catering employees standing there, a tall blond who looks all of about fifteen, though she must be older to serve alcohol.

  "I hope I didn't rush you,” she apologizes. “It's just… I only have a fifteen minute break."

  "No problem," I say as I move past her.

  I hesitate, not sure which direction to take.

  The waitress behind me asks, "Are you okay?"

  I turn back to her and see concern on her face. "I'm just not feeling very well. Do I look awful?"

  She shakes her head. "No, you’re just a little flushed. Maybe the air on deck will do you some good? And a bottle of water?"

  "Yes, good idea. Thank you."

  She starts into the bathroom, but I stop her.

  “Actually…there’s a guy out there I really don’t want to see. An ex-boyfriend. He’s here with someone else.” The lie rolls off my tongue, but it’s got some truth to it. “Is there any other way to…?” I motion toward the door.

  The girl’s expression is sympathetic. "I totally understand. If you want to get back up to the deck without anyone seeing you, there's a service staircase at the other end of the hall. "

  I give her a grateful smile. "Thank you."


  When I exit onto the deck, I'm in a secluded spot that sits just below the area where everyone is gathered. I can hear them, but I can't see them. Thankfully that means they can't see me either.

  The surface of the water is lit up slightly from the lights all over the ship, but mostly the water is dark with the moonlight reflecting off the surface. No way to tell how deep it is, especially since I have no idea how far out we are. Though it’s not like I can imagine swimming back anyway. I feel like I’m about to collapse.

  I take a deep breath in, letting the humid air fill my lungs.

  "I hope you're not thinking of jumping."

  I freeze. Xavier. He's standing on the stairway coming from the main deck.

  Looking at him now seems like a bad idea, so I stay facing the ocean and try to keep my voice even. "It does look inviting, but I'm afraid the boat might leave me behind. Plus, you never know what's swimming around in water this deep."

  Since I'm not looking at him, I can more easily act like the Nicole of earlier today. Not that it’s actually easy. I don't know how I'll play that role when I have to face him, knowing he may have had my brother killed.

  "Very true. This would not be, for instance, a good place to go skinny dipping."

  A lump forms in my throat, but I manage to squeak out a response. "No, it wouldn't."

  Oh, God. There's no way I can go out with him tomorrow. I can't be around him at all until I know the truth.

  "Nothing good on Netflix tonight, I guess?"

  I swallow and grip the railing. "My friends convinced me that staying in was lame."

  He laughs that sexy as hell laugh of his, and I want to scream. "Yes, well when I heard you were here, I had to at least say hello."

  I turn in surprise, remembering too late that I'm trying not to look at him. "You heard I was here?" Is he having me followed? Does he know why I’m in Miami?

  "It's okay, Nicole." He crosses to me and gently places his hands on either side of my arms.

  I barely control my face when he touches me. Showing revulsion right now would be dangerous. His hands that normally set my insides on fire now feel like iron clamps.

  "I'm not spying on you. One of my business partners saw us at the restaurant last night and recognized you when he saw you here. That's all."

  Business partners. Drug dealers and traffickers? A chill goes through me, sending goosebum
ps to my arms, and my stomach twists.

  Xavier thinks I'm cold and rubs my arms up and down. The urge to bolt is overwhelming, and my heart is pounding like I’m already running a marathon, but I have nowhere to go.

  "Are you feeling okay, Nicole? You look a little ill. Is it the boat?"

  I shake my head, trying to force out a smile. "I'm fine. But I could use some water." I begin to walk towards the party. I could definitely use more people around, because I can't handle a make-out session with him right now. Those lips might have betrayed Eli. Those hands might have shaken his hand and then sent him to his death.

  "Of course. I'd love to show you off, and I'm sure your friends are missing you." He brushes back a stray piece of hair and leans in to kiss my cheek. My stomach lurches again.

  It's much easier to fake things once we're back with everyone else and his eyes aren't trained on me. I know the girls must have been worried about me, but showing up with Xavier and me looking flushed was more than enough to stop their questions.

  "So, how are those bedrooms downstairs, Nikki?" Kayla asks with a wink when Xavier walks off to talk to someone.

  "Nikki, you are one lucky bitch. That boy is pure sex appeal." Myka watches him for a second then turns to me. "Where did you even meet him?"

  I give her a tight smile, trying to keep it together. "Fisher Island. I work there."

  "Nice! I need to get a job there so I can find my own billionaire." Sasha winks at me.

  "Of course with Sasha's luck, he'll be 70 and impotent." Myka smacks her on the arm and everyone laughs.

  "Seriously, Nikki. Xavier's a great guy," Kayla says. "You're lucky you snagged him, and he seems super into you."

  Yeah, a great guy who might be a murderer. I close my eyes for the time it takes to inhale a slow, deep breath. If I don’t calm down, everyone will figure out that something is going on. I can’t let anyone, especially Xavier, get suspicious.

  Could he really be El Jefe? And if he is, does he know that I know? Suddenly, I realize that I might not make it off this boat.

  Stop it, Nikki. He knows nothing, and right now neither do you.

  I need to keep calm, take this one step at a time, and get more information before I jump to any conclusions.

  The breathing helps, and I force myself to take in a few more, slowing down my racing thoughts. As the girls talk, I try to put things in perspective. Maybe I’m completely off track with this. Xavier couldn’t be that guy. It doesn’t add up.

  Even with everything else swimming in my brain, I haven’t completely tuned out the conversation and continue to nod and smile like I’m paying attention. When the talk turns to gossip about the party guests, it occurs to me that maybe I can get some solid information out of it.

  "Kayla, you seem to know everyone so well. How long have you been hanging out with these guys?" I’m grateful my voice sounds more solid than I feel.

  "Two years, I think? On and off."

  "Mostly off, unfortunately," Myka chimes in. "The busier she gets with the modeling, the less we get to hang out at these fantastic parties."

  "Modeling?" I ask. She definitely looks like a model, but I didn't realize she actually is one.

  "Runway. It's been going really well lately. The downside is that I'm traveling a lot, so sometimes my schedule is pretty crazy."

  "But you always spend time with these guys? Xavier, Eduardo, and all?"

  "Well, it's not like we hang out alone or call each other to chat, but they text me when there's a party or when they'll be at the club. If I'm in town, I go." She takes a sip of her drink, and I think about what to ask next, but then she continues.

  "It's mostly Eduardo though. Xavier travels a lot. He's generally not in Miami for that long. Maybe you'll change that?" She elbows me in the side. "Has he taken you to any of his restaurants? There are three or four here."

  "Um, yeah. Last night we went to one. Really fancy."

  Hailey jumps in. "Anything I need to worry about, as Nicole's best friend? Because if he's married or lying to her, he and I will have some words." Hailey scrunches up her face and puts up her fists in her best imitation of a fierce boxer. She fails at fierce but succeeds in making everyone laugh. I pretend to laugh too.

  Kayla pauses, seeming to pick her words carefully. "Nah, he's harmless. Nothing at all to worry about except how we're ever going to see Nikki here now that she's dating a super-hot billionaire." She smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.


  I've been doing a good job hiding how freaked out I am…or at least I thought I was. Hailey has been giving me concerned looks but hasn't said anything yet. Then again, she's getting used to me hiding things. She's probably figured out that this party has more significance to me than another fun night out. But Xavier is too observant not to notice something going on with me. It doesn’t help that my internal war over whether he could be El Jefe or not has me watching him like a hawk for a sign one way or the other.

  "Hey gorgeous," he says as he slides his arm around me and plants a kiss on my temple. "You still look like you're not feeling well."

  I flinch a little at the touch but take the opening he gives me. "I'm really not. I think you were right. I don't have much experience on boats, and I think all the sun earlier is making it worse."

  It’s hard to believe that just yesterday I was begging for him to put his hands all over my body, and now I can’t even stand to be near him. Yet I still can’t help but feel a jolt of longing. Despite my worrying, I can sense my body responding to his nearness, his smell. Even as I want to pull away, I want to lean against him and run my hands down his chest, across his abs, and lower.

  "You feel warm,” he murmurs against my forehead. “Are you nauseous at all?"

  I pull away. "Yes. I've been sipping ginger ale since we left shore, but it doesn’t seem to be helping." That part isn't a lie at least, and hopefully it will keep him from touching me too much. I can’t bear it right now. "I just have to hang in there until we get back."

  "Not necessarily." Xavier grins, but it feels like a stab in the heart. "We can take the speedboat back, so you won’t have to wait it out. I don't want you to suffer. Let me go downstairs and make my apologies. I can meet with them tomorrow."

  The last thing I want is for Xavier to take me home. I need distance, time to think. I don’t trust my judgment when it comes to him, and I can’t lose my head until I’m sure who he really is. No matter how good he makes me feel, it’s too dangerous. And if it turns out that he is El Jefe…the idea fills me with disgust.

  "Wait," I place a hand on his arm, hoping I can keep it steady. "Stay. Keep your meetings. I'm going to be lousy company, anyway. To be honest, I just want to curl up in a ball under a high-speed fan." It takes every bit of strength in me to act like the Nikki who got on the boat earlier, but I give him a sweet smile to seal it. "This is important for you, and I can get home from the marina."

  He studies me for a moment with a slight frown on his face and then brushes my dirty blond hair back off my neck. "Well, only if you're sure you don't need me to take care of you."

  My stomach flutters. Even now, the thought of him taking care of me is enough to give me butterflies. How can this man be The Boss? This man who cares for me so completely. What if he’s been the enemy this entire time, and I’ve been sleeping with him? Did I betray my brother by falling for the man who murdered him?

  The thought of it makes the butterflies stop in their tracks, but I manage to give him what I hope comes across as a flirty smile.

  “I think it’s best if I’m on my own tonight. Hailey will check on me when she gets home." He searches my eyes so intensely that I have to look away. He knows something is up. I know if I don’t get away from Xavier soon, I might give away everything I’m thinking—or worse, I might give in to my body’s impulses and do something I’ll really regret.

  Xavier finally nods and kisses me on the forehead. "Okay. Let's get you home."

  He leads me to the steps and
we descend toward his speedboat. The driver crosses to meet him, and up ahead of me they have a whispered conversation. Xavier turns back afterward and beams as he holds out his hand to me. I’m shaking a little as he helps me onboard, but I play it off as my seasickness and quickly wrap my arms around myself.

  “Jorge will get you home safely,” he tells me.

  I’m nodding my thanks when a harsh wave slaps against the speedboat, and I stumble back. Xavier quickly grabs me and pulls me close so my entire body is pressed to his, and I reach up to steady my hands against the hard lines of his chest. He looks down into my eyes, the rough waves rocking our hips together, and the lust I see in his gaze, the electricity between us, nearly makes me forget everything else. It’s all I can do to force myself to let go of him.

  “You saved me,” I say, a little breathless after the close contact.

  “Nothing’s going to happen to you while I’m around, Nicole.” His voice is husky in my ear, and his face serious. “Let me know when you’re back home in bed.”

  Before I can read too much into the comment, he gives me a quick kiss and climbs back up the stairs onto the yacht. The relief I thought I’d feel to get away from him doesn’t come. Instead, I’m left with a hollow feeling, like I just lost something important.

  As the speedboat pulls away, he stands on the edge of the yacht’s deck with a hand in the air and a worried look on his face. Can someone who has that much concern for me really be a cold-blooded killer? An even better question is, what the hell will I do if he is?

  Chapter Two

  Two days post-party, and I'm not any closer to figuring out what to do. Xavier has been calling a lot, and I've just been ignoring him. I finally responded this morning with "Still not feeling well. Call soon."

  I've spent a lot of time with him over the last couple of weeks. Could he really be a drug lord? It just seems so impossible. He's charming and fun and so polished. Not at all what I'd imagine a trafficker to be like.


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