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The Pirate of the Pacific ds-5

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by Kenneth Robeson

  The Pirate of the Pacific

  ( Doc Savage - 5 )

  Kenneth Robeson

  Not ships but nations are the prey of the sinister Oriental mastermind, Tom Too. Only Doc Savage and his daring crew stand a chance of saving the world from this figure of evil and his lethal legions. On land and on sea, in the weirdest corners of the wide world, Doc and his friends plunge into their wildest adventure — against their most dangerous foe!

  Kenneth Robeson

  The Pirate of the Pacific

  Chapter 1


  THREE laundry trucks stopped in the moonlight near a large commercial airport on Long Island. They made little noise. The machines bore the name of a New York City laundry firm.

  The drivers peered furtively up and down the road. They seemed relieved that no one was in sight. Getting out, they walked slowly around the trucks, eyes probing everywhere, ears straining.

  They were stocky, yellow-skinned, slant-eyed men. Their faces were broad and flat, their hair black and coarse. They looked like half-castes.

  Satisfied, the three exchanged glances. They could see each other distinctly in the moonlight. No word was spoken. One driver lifted an arm — a silent signal.

  Each Mongol dragged a dead man from the cab of his truck. All three victims had been stabbed expertly through the heart. They wore the white uniforms of laundry drivers, and on each uniform was embroidered the same name the trucks bore.

  A roadside ditch received the three bodies.

  Rear doors of the trucks were now opened. Fully a dozen Mongols and half-castes crawled out of the vehicles. They clustered beside the road.

  Their faces were inscrutable; no muscle twitched, not a slant eye wavered. They were like a collection of placid, evil yellow images.

  No weapons were in sight. But their clothing bulged suspiciously.

  The first driver's arm elevated in another noiseless signal. The fellow seemed to lie in charge.

  The whole crowd glided quietly down the side road that led to the airport.

  Plane hangars were an orderly row of fat, drab humps ahead. Faint strains of radio music came from one of them. A high fence of heavy woven wire encircled both hangars and plane runways.

  Near the main gate in the fence, a guard lounged. His only movement was an occasional lusty swing at a night insect.

  "These blasted mosquitoes are bigger'n hawks!" he grumbled, speaking aloud for his own company. "They must be flyin' over from the Jersey marshes."

  The guard discerned a man approaching. He forgot his mosquitoes as he peered into the darkness to see who was approaching. When the man came within a few yards, the guard was able to distinguish his features.

  "Hy'ah, yellow boy!" he grinned. "You can't poke around here at night. This is private property."

  The Mongol replied with a gibberish that was unintelligible to the watchman.

  "No savvy!" said the g"guard. "Splickee English!"

  The Oriental came closer, gesturing earnestly with his hands.

  The unfortunate guard never saw another figure glide up in the moonlight behind him. Moonlight flickered on a thick, heavy object. The weapon struck with a vicious, sidewise swipe.

  The sound, as it hit, was like a loud, heavy thump. The guard piled down on the ground, out in a second.

  * * *

  THE other Mongols and half-castes now came up. They strode past the unconscious guard as though they hadn't seen him, passed through the gate in the high fence, and continued purposefully for the hangars.

  No commands had been spoken. They were functioning like a deadly machine, following a deliberate plan.

  Music from the radio was thumping a more rapid tempo — the musicians were working up to one of those grand slam endings. The radio instrument itself was a midget set, no larger than a shoe box.

  Another night worker of the airport had plugged it into a power outlet on a workbench in a corner of the hangar. He lolled in the cockpit of a plane and listened to the music.

  "Get hot!" he exhorted the radio, and beat time on the taut fuselage fabric with his palms.

  Night traffic at this airport was negligible, and two men were the extent of the airport staff — this man, and the one at the gate.

  The radio music came to an end. The station announcer introduced the next feature — a regular fifteen-minute news broadcast.

  The man scowled and slouched more lazily in the plane cockpit. He was not enthusiastic about this particular news broadcaster. The fellow handled the news in too dignified and con ervative a fashion. He didn't set things afire.

  "Good evening." said the radio commentator. "To-night, somewhere out on long Island Sound, the under-the-polar-ice submarine, Helldiver, is coming. The craft was sighted by an airplane pilot shortly before darkness. She was headed toward New York.

  "Arrival of the Helldiver in New York will bring to a close one of the most weird and mystifying adventures of modern days. The submarine left the United States many weeks ago, and vanished into the arctic regions. Approximately forty persons started the trip. Yet the craft is returning to-night with but six living men aboard, the others having perished in the polar wastes."

  The man listened with more attention. This was quite a change from the news broadcaster's usual routine of foreign and political stuff.

  Another fact made the news interesting and surprising to the listener. This was the first he had heard of the submarine Helldiver, on an expedition into the arctic regions. About forty had started out. and six were coming back!

  Here was something worth listening to! Strange the papers had not carried a lot of ballyhoo about the start of the expedition! Explorers were usually anxious to get their pictures on the front pages.

  The next words from the radio clarified this mystery.

  "From the beginning. this polar submarine expedition has been a strangely secret affair," continued the commentator. "Not a newspaper carried a word of the sailing. Indeed, the world might still know nothing of the amazing feat, had several radio operators not tipped newspaper reporters that messages were being sent and received which disclosed the submarine was in the vicinity of the north pole. This information was something of a shock to the newspapermen. It meant they were losing out on one of the big news stories of the year. They had not even known the expedition was under way.

  "During the last few days, there has been a great rush among newspapers striving to be first to carry a story of the expedition. They seem to be up against a blank wall. The men aboard the underseas boat sent word by radio that they wanted no publicity and that no story of the trip would be given out.

  "Only two facts have been learned. The first is that but six men out of approximately forty are returning. The second bit of information was that the expedition is commanded by one of the most mysterious and remarkable men living in this day.

  "That man is Doc Savage!"

  * * *

  THE news broadcaster paused to give emphasis to the name he had just pronounced.

  The listening man was leaning over the cockpit edge, all interest. He did not see the yellow murder mask of a face framed in a small, open side door of the hangar. Nor did he see hands like bundles of yellowed bones as they silently lifted a strange death instrument and trained it on him.

  "Doc Savage!" grunted the man. "Never heard of the guy!"

  The voice from the radio continued. "Doc Savage is a man practically unknown to the public. Yet in scientific circles, he has a fame that is priceless. His name is something to conjure with.

  "Last night, I was fortunate enough to attend a banquet given by scientific men here in New York. Many learned men attended In the course of the evening, I h
eard references to important discoveries made by Doc Savage. The really bewildering thing about these discoveries was that they were made in widely different fields, ranging from surgery, chemistry, and electricity to the perfecting of a new, quick-growing species of lumber tree.

  "Amazement seized me as I listened to eminent scientists discuss Doc Savage, the man of mystery, in the most glowing words. It seemed impossible they could speak in such terms of one man without exaggerating. Yet these were men certainly not given to exaggeration. I am going to give you a word picture of this man of mystery of whom they talked.

  "Doc Savage is, despite his amazing accomplishments, a young man. He is a striking bronze giant of a figure. His physical strength, my informants assured me, is on a par with his mental ability. That means he is a marvel of muscular development. One of the scientists at the banquet told me in entire seriousness that, were Savage to enter athletic competition, his name would leap to the headlines of every paper in the country.

  "This man of mystery has been trained from the cradle, until now he is almost a super being. This training, given by his father, was to fit Doc Savage for a definite purpose in life.

  "That purpose is to travel from one end of the world to the other, striving to help those who need help, punishing those who deserve punishment.

  "Associated with Doc Savage are five men who love excitement and adventure, and who have dedicated themselves to their leader's creed of benefiting humanity.

  "A strange and mysterious group of men. this! So unusual that the hare facts I am telling you now cannot but sound unreal and far-fetched. Yet I can assure you my information came from the most conservative and reliable sources."

  The listening man blinked as he digested the words that came to his ears. "This Doc Savage must be quite a guy," he grunted.

  Then the sneaking face was near. As unknowing as the watchman's companion at the gate, the man in the plane fell before the blow of the weapon, crumpled in his seat, unconscious or dead — the attacker did not look to see.

  * * *

  SLANT-EYED men poured into the hangar. No orders were uttered. The half-caste Orientals were still following their plan. Their efficiency was terrible, deadly. The whole group worked as one unit, an expert killing machine.

  Two opened the hangar doors. Others busied themselves making four pursuit planes ready for the air. These ships were the most modern craft. yet the sinister men showed familiarity with the mechanism.

  Three yellow raiders rushed up to the planes. carrying guns and bombs. The guns were quickly attached. the bombs were racked in clips on the undersides of the planes.

  More men secured four parachutes from a locker room. No time was wasted in scampering about the airport hunting for things. They knew exactly where everyt hing was located.

  The planes were strong-armed out of the hangars. Four Orientals dug goggles and helmets out of their clothing. The helmets were a brilliant red color.

  The men cinched on the parachutes, then plugged into the cockpits. The scarlet helmets made them resemble a quartet of red-headed woodpeckers.

  Exhaust thunder galloped across the tarmac as the motors started. Prop-streams tore dust from under the ships and pushed it away in squirming masses.

  The planes flung along the runway, vaulted off, and slanted up into the now moon-whitened sky.

  The Orientals who had been left behind lost no time in quitting the airport. Racing to the three laundry trucks, they entered, and drove hastily away.

  Three or four minutes after the planes departed, no one was left at the airport. The two watchmen lay where they had dropped, still unconscious. In the ditch beside the road sprawled the three slain drivers of the laundry trucks.

  The adjacent countryside slept on peacefully. The four planes booming overhead attracted no attention, since night flying was not unusual even at this quiet port.

  Within ten minutes, Long Island Sound was crawling under the craft. The surface of the Sound was like a faintly pitted silver plate, shimmering in the brilliant moonlight.

  The planes spread out widely and flew low. Each Oriental pilot had high-magnification binoculars jammed to his eyes. With the same machine thoroughness which bad stamped their bloody actions at the airport, they searched the Sound surface.

  It was not long before they found what they sought — a narrow craft trailing across the Sound at the head of a long wedge of foaming wake.

  The planes headed purposefully for this vessel.

  Chapter 2


  THE quarry came rapidly closer. More details of the craft were discernible. The half-caste Mongol pilots continued to use their binoculars. They tilted their planes down in steep dives toward the unusual vessel below.

  It was a submarine. It resembled a lean-flanked, razorback whale several hundred feet long. Big steel runners extended from bow to stern, sled fashion. Amidships, a sort of collapsible conning tower reared.

  The underseas craft floated high. On the bows, a lettered name was readable:


  It was this submarine which had been the subject of the radio news commentator's broadcast.

  With deadly precision, the four planes roared down at the submersible. The Orientals had discarded their binoculars, and had their eyes pasted to the bomb sights. Yellow hands were poised, muscles drawn wire-hard, on bomb trips.

  A naval bombing expert, knowing all the facts, would have sworn the submarine didn't have a chance of escaping. It would be blown out of the water by the bombs.

  The Mongol pilots were hot-eyed, snarling — yellow faces no longer inscrutable. They were about to accomplish the purpose of their bloody plot — the death of every one aboard the under-the-polar-ice submarine.

  They got a shock.

  From a dozen spots, the sub hull spewed smoke as black as drawing ink. Heaving, squirming, the dense smudge spread. It blotted the underseas boat from view, and blanketed the surface of the Sound for hundreds of feet in every direction.

  With desperate haste, the Orientals deposited bombs in the center of the smoke mushroom. These explosions drove up treelike columns from the black body of the smoke mass. It was impossible to tell whether the sub had been damaged.

  The four planes might have been angry, metallic bees droning over some gigantic. strange, black blossom. as they hovered watchfully. They did not waste more bombs, since the smoke cloud was now half a mile across. In it, the sub was like a needle in a haystack.

  Several minutes passed. Suddenly, as one unit, the four planes dived for the western edge of the heavy smoke screen.

  Their sharp eyes had detected a long, slender mass moving some feet beneath the surface. This was leaving a creamy wake.

  In quick succession, the war planes struck downward at the object under the water. Four bombs dropped. The half-caste Mongols knew their business. Each bomb scored an almost perfect hit.

  Water rushed high. The sea heaved and boiled. The concussions tossed the planes about like leaves.

  Swinging in a wide circle, the planes came back. The commotion in the water had subsided. The pilots made hissing sounds of delight.

  The long, slender mass was no longer to be seen. Oil filmed the surface. Oil such as would come from the ruptured entrails of a submarine.

  * * *

  THE pursuit planes whirled a half dozen lazy spirals. Convinced the deadly work was done, the leader of the quartet angled for the shore, four or five miles distant. Once over land, he dived out of the cockpit. fell a hundred feet, and opened his parachute. The plane boomed away. Eventually, it would crash somewhere.

  Two other pilots followed their leader's example.

  The third lingered a bit above the grisly smear of oil on the Sound surface.

  He chanced to notice a small object near the cloud of black smoke. This seemed nothing more than a floating box. It bobbed lightly on the choppy waves.

  The flyer ignored the box. It looked harmless — a piece of wreckage. A few moments later, he
winged to shore and quitted his plane by parachute, as the others had done.

  The man might have saved himself a lot of trouble had he taken time to investigate the floating box he had 'noted. Close scrutiny would have shown the top and sides of the box were fitted with what resembled large camera lenses.

  Inside the box were other lenses, spinning disks perforated with small holes, sensitive photo-electric cells — a compact television transmitter. Waterproofed electric wires led from this down into the water.

  Long Island Sound was not deep at this point. The under-the-polar-ice submarine, Helldiver, rested on the bottom. The wires from the television box entered the undersea boat.

  Before the scanning disk of the television receiver in the sub, six men stood. They were a remarkable group.i. Six more unusual men than these probably had never assembled. Each possessed a world-wide reputation in his chosen p profession.

  There was "Renny," a hulking six feet four and two hundred and fifty pounds of him — with possibly fifty pounds of that weight concentrated in a pair of monster fists. Renny had a sober, puritanical face. About the only entertainment he permitted himself was knocking panels out of doors with his huge fists — a stunt he pulled at the most unexpected moments. As Colonel John Renwick, the engineer, Renny was known in many nations, and drew down fabulous fees when he worked.

  There was "Long Tom," pale and none too healthy— looking, the weakling of the crowd in appearance. His looks were deceptive, though, as more than one big man had discovered. As Major Thomas G. Roberts, the electrical wizard, he had worked with the greatest electrical minds of his day.

  "Johnny" — William Harper Littlejohn — was tall, gaunt, studious and bespectacled. He seemed half starved, with shoulders as bony as a coat hanger. Once he bad headed the Natural Science department of a famous university. His knowledge of geology and archaeology was profound. His books on these subjects were in every worthwhile library.


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