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Bedded by Her Bodyguard (Billionaire Bodyguard Series)

Page 7

by Kristi Avalon

  I want to fall in love with you.

  As he gazed at her, his chest squeezed with the silent admission. How he’d come to his conclusion already, he wasn’t sure. Maybe because everything about her fit the missing pieces in him he’d never realized he’d been living without. Until the day she’d arrived on his path with a bright shining light when he’d stood at a crossroads, showing him the way to a better, more fulfilling existence.

  When it came to bargaining his patience for the ultimate prize, he had settled in to win. He was so close to tasting the sweetness of victory. But the moment had to be right. He hadn’t waited this long to suddenly rush to the finish line and grab his trophy. This finale deserved all the planning and patience he possessed. Though the delayed gratification was hell at times, she was worth it. Worth every minute of the wait.

  The car pulled up to a set of ornate twelve-foot-high wrought iron gates adorned with bright gold flourishes. Beyond them rose the blue, white-pillared edifice of a three story sprawling mansion.

  No, sprawling wasn’t the word for it. Massive or endless better described the marvel of architecture that could’ve sprung from her childhood princess dreams. One year for Christmas, her father had built her a dollhouse against her mother’s wishes. Helen had believed girls shouldn’t be slaves to society’s traditional expectations of female roles and that playing with dolls and little houses trapped girls in a mindset of subservience. But at six years old, all Mindy had wanted was a dollhouse. Before her stood the real life version.

  “What is this place?”

  Isaac exited the car and came around to open her door. Taking her hand, he guided her out onto the sidewalk with him. “Welcome to the Romanov’s Tsarskoe Selo estates. This is the Catherine Palace.”

  “As in Catherine the Great?”

  He grinned. “The one and only.”

  “Oh, my gosh. This is going to be amazing.” In her enthusiasm she threw her arms around him. For a moment she wondered if she felt his lips press against her neck, but he lifted his head before she could be certain.

  “Look, the gates are opening. Let’s go in and check out the courtyard.”

  They wandered the impressive grounds, taking in the statues, the whimsical swirling patterns of grass and colored stones, and the tranquil lake. Though the lawns were well kept, autumn leaves layered one of the paths they took like a stream of pure gold. Gold seemed to be a common theme. The precious metal encased the decorative moldings around every window and the scrollwork of every pillar, up to the onion-shaped domes topping the tallest spires of the palace.

  The vision took her breath away. “It’s impossibly stunning.”

  “I’ve learned nothing is impossible. Or too stunning.”

  When she glanced up at him, his dark eyes absorbed her for a long moment. Then he suggested they meet up with the tour group and the babushka guiding the tour. Sounded good to her, she couldn’t wait to see the inside of the palace.

  As expected, the interior held remarkable splendor. In the Amber Room, gold leaf touched every nook and cranny, spellbinding. A sage green dining room couldn’t have been more magnificent with Grecian themed moldings spanning the walls. The grand ballroom deserved its title, with patterned floors, dozens of windows, plus a large ceramic structure used to heat the palace in winter. They must’ve employed hundreds of artisans to paint the elaborate murals across the ceiling.

  Unfathomable opulence with no expense spared.

  Then the babushka led them into a smaller ballroom with more paintings and mirrors. Mindy strolled through, stopping at each painting, absorbed and enthralled. Midway through the tour she realized her travel companion had left her side. “Isaac?”

  He poked his dark head out from the annex room behind her. “Psst.”

  “What are you—?”

  Holding a finger to his lips, he beckoned her with his other hand. She retraced her steps and joined him out of sight behind a half wall.

  “What did you find?” she asked in a conspiratorial whisper.

  “A doorway.” His eyes glittered. “One that leads to some pretty interesting back rooms.”

  When he gestured to a partly open but roped off door, her eyes widened. “We can’t go in there.”

  “Who’s going to know?”

  “Um, the tour guide, and the twenty other people on the tour with us.”

  “Not if we meet up with them before the tour is over.”

  Nervous, she glanced around. “I don’t think we should—”

  “Are you saying you’re not up for a little adventure?”

  Nibbling her lower lip, she debated for a second. “Okay, but if we get into trouble…”

  He shrugged innocently. “My fault. I was looking for the bathroom.”

  She nudged him. “You’re terrible.”

  “In a good way,” he said with a devilish grin.

  She smiled back. “In the best way.”

  “Come on.” He took her hand, threading his fingers through hers.

  Electric awareness prickled her palm. Did he feel it too? Like a sparkler had been lit between their hands? He didn’t let on to recognizing the chemistry, but he didn’t let go. She reveled in the sensation of his large hand engulfing hers and clung to him as he led her down a narrow passageway.

  “Check this out.” He ducked into a small anteroom with her.

  She’d recalled walking by several large mirrors along the smaller ballroom wall. From this vantage point they held a fascinating secret. Large circles had been rubbed into the backs of the mirrors, spaced evenly along the narrow hidden room.

  Tracing her fingertips along the distressed surface, she felt as though she’d stepped into a giant Faberge egg, and she was peeking through the clear hole revealing the wonders within. “This is like a two way mirror.”

  “That’s exactly what it is,” he confirmed.

  “Who knew nineteenth century Russians were so clever?”

  Wearing a proud expression, he gestured to himself as if to say, A m I not proof of Russian genius?

  “Yeah, yeah,” she snorted. In all seriousness, the two way mirrors were an intriguing revelation. “I can just imagine well titled families hiding back here, observing events unfolding in the ballroom. Social engineering at its finest, plotting romances and marriages to carry on illustrious lineages.”

  When she caught his eye, she found him staring at her. “Has anyone ever told you that you were born in the wrong era?”

  Blushing, she shrugged. “I read a lot of regency romances.”

  He smoothed a strand of hair back from her face. “It’s more than that. You have a timeless grace about you. Does that sound lame?”

  “No,” she said with a soft smile. “Thanks for noticing.”

  The tip of his finger traced her cheek. “I probably notice a lot more than you want me to.”

  The electricity returned and crackled in the air. He blinked and the magical pulses faded. “Let’s see what other secrets we can find before we get kicked out for snooping.”

  Hands still attached, he took her back the way they’d come and then climbed a wooden staircase that spiraled upward. The oddest little door greeted them at the top, so short the average person needed to bend low to enter. Rather medieval in design, unlike the rest of the palace, it had iron strap hinges and round metal knocker. He picked it up and let the circular ring thump against the aged wood. “Anyone home?”

  Obviously not expecting an answer, he shoved hard. The hinges puffed a cloud of rust in protest but the small door creaked open.

  The dim room smelled of unaired linens removed from of an old trunk. She hesitated on the threshold. “You know we’re crazy even doing this.”

  He winked at her. “I like a little crazy now and then. Keeps life interesting.”

  Their hands parted as they stepped inside to explore. The place probably hadn’t been breached in decades, if not centuries. A time capsule frozen in history.

  “Could Catherine the Great have had
this palace constructed around an old castle?” she asked, excited by the sense of wonder and discovery.

  “No idea. What do you think this space was used for?”

  Taking her time to respond, she wandered the perimeter. A thick layer of dust settled between the folds of fabric hung from rods. A series of wooden nooks lay behind each set of drapes and appeared to be cushioned like settees—or beds.

  Without meaning to she giggled.

  He peered at her. “What?”

  “My best guess? This was a secret room for lovers to retreat from the prying eyes of ‘proper’ society. Eligible ladies and gentlemen weren’t allowed to show or share their affections. An adult chaperoned their every move, especially the girls. I suppose Russian peerage might’ve had different rules about fraternization than the English aristocracy, which is what I’m basing my guess on, but I’ll bet arranged marriages were common here, too, during that time. Men and women may have escaped here to meet with the person they were attracted to versus the mate their families chose for them.”

  “A secret sex room. Nice.”

  “Desire can’t be denied, no matter what stands in the way.” She lifted a shoulder. “We’re only human, right?”

  “Right.” The potency of his one word reply made her turn and face him.

  He strode to her, his eyes midnight black and glistening with seduction. He slid his arm around her waist and clasped her against him.


  He branded her lips with his searing kiss, his mouth capturing hers in a hot taking.

  When she gasped his tongue dipped inside to touch hers, the briefest contact, before he withdrew and his lips closed, brushing and coaxing. A sensual massage. A sigh escaped her, or maybe a moan, she wasn’t sure.

  Finally. Her lashes slid closed and the pressure of his mouth intensified in increments. He licked her upper lip, a request to enter again. She parted for him. As his tongue swept into her mouth, her head fell back into his palm.

  Eager to learn his taste, she parried his thrusts, sliding onto tiptoe to get closer to him. He smelled as if he’d walked out of the Garden of Eden at midnight, earthy, mysterious, and compelling. Or maybe that’s where she imagined herself with him as he seduced her mouth.

  There was something edgy about his taste, seductive and forbidden, like the depths of the ocean. His nautical cologne tingled in her nose, sweeping her into another place and time, where moonbeams danced on ocean waves that pulled her under with their hypnotic rhythm.

  A toe curling rhythm of thrusting, sweeping, then withdrawing to tempt her again. He repeated the sensual motions until she grew dizzy, overwhelmed by so many sensations all at once.

  Warmth poured through her, at last on the receiving end of those amazing lips that whispered sexy, naughty things to her in her fantasies. She hoped he wouldn’t come to his senses and stop.

  He angled her face for deeper access, and tingles fanned out from every place his fingertips touched her. She felt so desired, so wanted. It had been so long.

  Everything seemed new and different with him, as if she’d never been kissed, truly kissed, before Isaac. An eternity of desire unleashed.

  Silky and intoxicating, his mouth demanded complete surrender. With a moan she gave in to him, completely. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she combed her fingers through his glossy black hair, his skin hot against her wrists.

  Giving a low guttural groan, he backed her against the wall. Her leg brushed against the curtain shielding one of the nooks. That’s where she wanted to end up, embracing his muscular weight on top of her. Though he seemed to be enjoying this just fine in the upright position.

  While he kissed her, his hands molded to her shape. He swept his palms down her sides. Then one hand slid up to cup her breast, tracing her nipple with his thumb. She offered a moan of encouragement. His other hand dropped to her backside and hauled her against his hips. His impressive erection strained between them.

  The potency of his body’s response sent arrows of desire shooting through her.

  “See what you do to me?” He ground against her, the pressure intense and building fast. “You do this to me. You, Mindy.”

  Her body shook with unfulfilled lust. In her most seductive voice, she whispered, “I want to be with you, Isaac.”

  To prove her point, she slid her hand between them and cupped his girth, stroking him. He gave an involuntary thrust against her hands as if his body were slave to her touch. Awed by the notion, she stroked him again firmly.

  Turning serious, he cupped her face in his hands. “Are you sure that’s what you want? Because if we go there, there’s no going back.”

  Without a trace of concern, she stared into his fathomless dark eyes. “Yes.”

  Chapter 6

  The woman Isaac needed completely, totally, exclusively, had just told him she wanted him. Wanted him to take her right here, right now.

  Except, no matter how desperately he wanted to act on his pounding lust, this wasn’t the place. Damn it, he didn’t want a fast fuck in this sex room. He needed to take his time with her—needed more than the orgasm she was a few strokes away from giving him. She deserved so much better. Hell, yes, he wanted her to give herself to him, but not in the heat of the moment. He had to be sure she knew what she was getting into. That he wasn’t interested in a fling. She was it for him, and if they screwed each other’s brains out, that would make his body happy, but not his heart.

  Damn, it was tempting—but it wasn’t right. It wasn’t good enough for her.

  He held her chin firmly. “Tell me something.”

  Her lashes fluttered. “Okay.”

  “Do you want to do this here? Or would you wait for me to do this with you the right way?”

  “Oh.” A dreamy expression drifted into her eyes. Then she frowned. “Ah…both?”

  He shook his head. “Do you want me to fuck you or make love to you?” Because either one would tell him how she felt, where they stood. A moan lifted from her chest and he almost lost hold of his restraint. “Tell me which one you want more.”

  She swayed in his arms. “Make love,” came her barely audible whisper.

  Possessive satisfaction took root in his soul. “Good answer.”

  As he delivered a long, slow, lingering kiss, the sound of voices carried up to them through the dusty window. “Mmm.” He dropped another kiss to her lips, then another, before he forced himself to pull back. “I could stand here and kiss you all damn day, but the babushka might send a search party after us.” He laced his fingers with hers. “Let’s get back to the group before we catch hell from the schoolmarm.”

  Mindy laughed. “She does come across pretty uptight.”

  “Forget pretty. Just uptight.” As he led her to the door, he said, “When I’m with you, all other women pale in comparison.”

  She snorted. “Is that your cheesy pickup line?”

  He feigned offense. “One of my better ones.” Then he grinned. “Is it working?”

  “Isaac, you could stand there silent looking gorgeous. You don’t need pickup lines.”

  “My ego appreciates the flattery,” he said, giving the door a hard tug to close it. “But I’m the one who’s supposed to be giving the compliments.”

  “It’s not flattery when it’s the truth.” She sounded a little wounded that he didn’t believe her sincerity.

  “Hey.” He tugged her to him on the stairs, their eyes level with him standing two steps below her. He gave her a swift kiss. “As long as those beautiful lips are mine, you won’t hear me complaining about anything you say.”

  A loud clang startled him, followed by three more deafening rings. Which confirmed her theory that this might’ve been a tower in the past. The bell still worked, a little too well. And with that bell tolling four times, they needed to wrap up this tour.

  Cringing and covering her ears, she followed him as they descended the staircase. He took her hand again and raced with her through the ballroom, into a parlo
r and out a row of glass paneled doors. They stepped onto an elaborate patio where leaves rustled in the brisk wind. They turned the corner and found the others. Their tour group was milling around an expansive gardenscape at the rear of the palace, with more marble statues and trimmed foliage.

  “I’ll bet this garden is stunning in the peak of summer,” she said in a wistful tone, her eyes soft and dreamy. He wanted to see that same expression on her face when she was in his bed under him.

  “Indeed, it is,” said a brittle voice behind them. They both turned to find themselves face to face with the schoolmarm, a sharply disapproving look on her features. She would’ve made an excellent Catholic nun. “And where have you two been? Hmm?”

  Theme music from The Wizard of Oz hummed in his mind and a line of dialogue followed, I’ll get you, my pretty.

  “I had to stop and tie my shoe,” he said with a veneer of innocence. Never mind he wasn’t wearing shoes with laces.

  The babushka folded her arms. “For twenty minutes?” She gave them the evil eye. “These are sacred grounds that must be respected. From now on, stay with your tour.”

  When the woman left, Isaac said, “I think I’m done with this tour.”

  Mindy nodded. “Me, too.”

  “Our driver’s waiting. Let’s ditch this dog and pony show and go back to the hotel.”

  Her eyes lit up temptingly. “Great idea.”

  It would’ve been—especially for his super-charged libido—except they got stuck in traffic. When he caught Mindy glancing at his watch nervously, he ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. In more ways than one.

  Her fingers twined in her lap. “I guess we won’t have time to—”

  “Change,” he said, aware their driver could hear every word. “Not much time, anyway. The concierge better have my suit dry cleaned and waiting for me at the front desk.”


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