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You Could Look It Up: The Reference Shelf From Ancient Babylon to Wikipedia

Page 49

by Jack Lynch

Cawdrey, Robert, here, here, here, here

  Celsus, A. Cornelius, here

  Chambers, Ephraim, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Chemical Rubber Co., here, here

  Children’s and Household Tales (Grimm and Grimm), here


  early dictionaries, here, here

  encyclopedias, here, here, here

  libraries in, here

  Chmielowski, Benedykt, here

  classification. See also alphabetization

  in early dictionaries, here, here, here

  in medicine, here

  in natural sciences, here

  in reference works, here

  Cockeram, Henry, here, here

  Code Napoléon, here

  Code of Hammurabi, here, here, here

  codex, history of, here

  A Collection of Familiar Quotations (Bartlett), here

  Comenius, here

  Comfort, Alex, here

  Commentaire littéral (Calmet), here

  commonplace books, here

  Compendious Dictionary (Webster), here, here

  Complete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures (Cruden), here, here, here

  Comprehensive Pronouncing and Explanatory English Dictionary (Worcester), here

  computers. See also World Wide Web

  and concordances, here

  early uses of, here

  concordances, here

  Confucian Classics, here

  Cooper, Thomas, here, here

  Coote, Edmund, here

  Copernicus, Nicolas, here, here, here, here

  Corneille, Thomas, here

  Coronelli, Vincenzo, here

  Corpus juris civilis, here

  Corréard, Marie-Hélène, here

  Crastoni, Giovanni, here

  CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, here

  Crooke, William, here

  Cruden, Alexander, here, here, here


  influence of reference books on, here, here, here, here, here

  reference books as window into, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  reference books on, here

  Cunningham, Ward, here

  Cyclopædia (Chambers), here, here, here, here

  Cyclopædia (Rees), here

  d’Alembert, Jean le Rond, here, here, here

  Damião, Pedro, here

  damnatio memoriae, here

  Darwin, Charles, here, here

  de Byard, Nicholas, here

  Defoe, Daniel, here

  Delitszch, Friedrich, here

  de Morgan, Jacques, here, here

  De Plinii et aliorum in medicina erroribus (Leoniceno), here

  de Prony, Gaspard C. F. M. R., here

  Derrick, Samuel, here

  Descartes, René, here

  Deutsche Grammatik (Grimm), here

  Deutsches Wörterbuch (Grimm and Grimm), here, here, here, here, here, here

  de Vries, Matthias, here, here, here

  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, here, here, here, here, here

  Diccionario Griego–Español (DGE), here


  abridged, here

  academies sponsoring, here

  bilingual, here

  as business venture, here

  of classical languages, here, here

  early, here

  editorial decisions in, here

  in 18th century, here

  vs. encyclopedias, here

  errors in, here

  ghost words in, here

  historical, here

  and law, here

  of modern languages, here

  national dictionary projects, here

  and nation building, here, here, here

  number of in existence, here

  and plagiarism, here, here

  reading through, here

  as regulation, here, here, here

  societies devoted to, here, here

  Dictionary of Cultural Literacy (Hirsch), here

  Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (Smith), here

  Dictionary of Music and Musicians (Grove), here

  Dictionary of National Biography, here

  Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (Brewer), here

  Dictionary of the English Language (Johnson), here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Dictionary of the Russian Academy, here

  Dictionary Society of North America (DSNA), here

  Dictionnaire de l’Académie françoise, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Dictionnaire des arts et des sciences (Corneille), here

  Dictionnaire historique, critique, chronologique, géographique et littéral de la Bible (Calmet), here

  Dictionnaire historique et critique (Bayle), here, here, here

  Diderot, Denis, here, here, here, here

  Dioscorides, Pedanius, here

  Diseases and Peculiarities of the Negro Race (Cartwright), here

  Dobrovsky, Josef, here

  Dodd, William, here

  Doeff, H., here

  The Domesday Book, here, here

  Draco, here

  Du Bois, W. E. B., here

  Duffy, Richard, here

  Dufu Haruma, here

  Duke of Zhou, here

  Dutch dictionaries, here

  Edo Haruma (Inamura), here

  Elyot, Thomas, here, here

  Encyclopædia Britannica, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Encyclopedia of Classical Knowledge

  (Pauly et al.), here, here


  all-inclusive, as goal, here

  of classical antiquity, here, here

  vs. dictionaries, here

  early, here

  of 18th century, here

  errors in, here

  history of, here, here

  ideology-based, here

  importance to science, here

  number of in existence, here

  selling of, here

  of 17th century, here

  Encyclopédie (D’Alembert and Diderot), here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Encyclopedie methodique (Panckoucke), here

  Encyclopedie nouvelle, here

  Entick, John, here

  Entsiklopedicheskii Slovar, here

  Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae (Kepler), here

  Erasmus, Desiderius, here, here, here, here

  Eratosthenes, here

  errors in reference works, here

  Erya (Erh-ya), here, here

  Estienne, Henri (H. Stephanus), here, here

  Estienne, Robert, here, here

  Etiquette (Post), here, here

  etymologies, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Etymologies (Isidore), here, here

  Explanation of Names (Liu Xi), here

  The Female Encyclopedia (Sears), here

  Fihrist (Ibn al-Nadim), here

  Flaccus, Verrius, here

  Flaubert, Gustave, here

  Friend, Joseph, here

  Frisius, John, here

  Fügner, Franz, here

  Furetière, Antoine, here

  Furnivall, Frederick, here

  games, reference works on, here

  Garden of Delights (Herrad of Landsberg), here

  Geographike (Eratosthenes), here

  Geographike hyphegesis (Ptolemy), here, here, here, here

  German Grammar (Grimm), here

  Germany, 19th century nation-building efforts in, here, here, here

  Gesner, Conrad, here

  ghost words, here

  Gibson [Gybson], Thomas, here

  Glossarium suiogothicum, here

  Glossographia (Blount), here

  Google, here, here, here

  Grammatical Institute of the
English Language (Webster), here

  Grammatisch-kritisches Worterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart (Adelung), here

  Grand Larousse gastronomique, here

  Gray, Henry, here, here, here

  Gray’s Anatomy, here, here

  Great Soviet Encyclopedia, here, here

  Greece, ancient

  cartography in, here, here

  dictionaries in, here, here

  law in, here

  natural science works in, here

  A Greek English Lexicon (Liddell and Scott), here, here, here

  Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl, here, here, here, here, here

  Grimm, Wilhelm Carl, here, here, here, here, here

  Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon (Zedler), here

  Grove, George, here

  Grundy, Valerie, here

  Guiness Book of World Records, here, here

  Gutenberg, Johannes, here, here, here, here

  Halakhah, here

  Halma, François, here, here

  Hammurabi, here, here, here

  Hammurabi’s Code, here, here

  Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, here

  Handbooks and Tables in Science and Technology, here

  Handbuch der römischen Alterthümer (Mommsen), here

  Handwörterbuch der griechischen Sprache (Passow), here, here

  Handy Tables (Ptolemy), here

  Harley, Edward, here

  Harris, Jack, here

  Harris, John, here, here

  Harris’s List of Covent-Garden Ladies, here

  Harris’s Pocket Journal, here

  Haruma-wage (Inamura), here

  Hebermann, Charles G., here

  Herrad of Landsberg, here, here

  Hesychius, here

  Hildebrand, Rudolf, here

  Hirsch, E. D., Jr., here

  Historia naturalis (History of Plants; Pliny the Elder), here, here, here

  History of Plants (Theophrastus), here

  Hobson-Jobson (Yule and Burnell), here

  Hofmann, Johann Jacob, here

  Horne Tooke, John, here

  Hortus deliciarum (Herrad of Landsberg), here, here

  Hoyle, Edmond, here

  Huang Ian, here

  Hughes, Robert, here

  Human Genome Project, here

  Ibn al-Nadim, here

  imperialism, and bilingual dictionaries, here

  Inamura Sampaku, here

  indexes, here, here

  Index librorum prohibitorum, here, here, here

  Indo-European languages, here

  information fatigue, here, here

  Inquisition, Congregation of, here

  Institut International de Bibliographie, here

  Institutiones divinarum et sæcularium litterarum (Cassiodorus), here, here

  Instruction (Amenemope), here

  International Statistical Classification of Diseases, here

  Internet. See World Wide Web

  Ishii Shosuke, here

  Isidore, here, here, here

  Islam, Encyclopedia Britannica on, here

  Islamic world

  cartography in, here, here

  early medical texts, here

  libraries in, here

  Jacobs, A. J., here, here, here

  James, Robert, here, here

  Jamieson, John, here, here


  isolation from West, here

  Japanese-Dutch dictionaries, here

  Japanese Explanations of Dutch Botany (Noro), here

  Jewett, Charles Coffin, here

  Jewish Encyclopedia, here

  Jiao zhou luo (Zheng Qiao), here

  Johnson, Samuel, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Jones, Henry Stuart, here

  Jones, William, here

  The Joy of Sex (Comfort), here

  Judaism, reference books in, here

  Jungmann, Josef, here

  Kama Sutra, here

  Kepler, Johannes, here, here, here

  Kersey, John, here

  al-Khwarizmi, Muhammad ibn Musa, here

  K’iche’-Spanish Vocabulary, here

  Kinder- und Hausmärchen (Grimm and Grimm), here

  Kipling, Rudyard, here

  Kitab al-Qanun fi al-tibb (Avicenna), here

  Knight, W. H., here

  Krafft-Ebing, Richard Freiherr von, here

  Kritisches griechisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch (Schneider), here

  Krünitz, Johann Georg, here

  The Ladies Dictionary, here

  Landau, Sidney, here, here, here, here


  of ancient world, here

  reference works in, here, here, here, here

  Leechbook (Bald), here, here

  Le Maire, Louis, here

  Leoniceno, Niccolò, here

  Leonine Index, here

  Leroux, Pierre, here

  Lexeis Homerikai (Apollonius the Sophist), here

  Lexicon Livianum (Fügner), here

  Lexicon Technicum (Harris), here, here

  Lexikon der gesamten Technik (Lueger), here

  lex talionis, here


  catalogs of, here

  history of, here

  Library of Congress, here, here, here

  Liddell, Henry George, here, here

  Li Fang, here

  Linguae Bohemicae thesaurus (Comenius), here

  Littré, Émile, here

  Liu Xi, here

  Logarithmorum chilias prima (Briggs), here

  logarithms, here

  logarithm tables, here, here

  Lounger’s Common-Place Book (Newman), here

  Lueger, Otto, here

  Macfarquhar, Colin, here

  Mallanaga, Vatsyayana, here

  maps and cartography

  in age of discovery, here

  celestial maps, here

  early works, here

  history of, here, here, here, here, here

  modern societies promoting, here

  and plagiarism, here

  Marbecke, John, here

  Marinos of Tyre, here

  Mathematical Tables Project (WPA), here

  Mayne, John, here

  McKenzie, Roderick, here

  McWhirter, Norris and A. Ross, here, here


  early works, here

  insurance and, here, here, here

  reference works, here

  Mercator, Gerardus, here, here, here, here, here

  Merck & Co., here

  Merck Index, here, here, here, here

  Merriam-Webster Company, here, here

  Merriam-Webster dictionaries, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Minamoto no Shitago, here

  Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio (Napier), here

  Miscellaneous Glosses (Philetas of Cos), here

  Mommsen, Theodor, here

  Montagné, Prosper, here

  mountweazels, here

  Mundaneum, here

  Muratorian fragment, here

  Murray, James A. H., here, here, here, here

  music reference books, here, here

  Nagasaki Haruma, here

  Nâmalingânusâsana. See Amarakosha

  Napier, John, here, here

  National Union Catalog, here

  natural history, early works in, here

  De Nederlandsche taalkunde (de Vries), here, here

  Neusner, Jacob, here

  New Characters, here

  New Columbia Encyclopedia, here

  New English Dictionary on Historical Principles. See Oxford English Dictionary

  New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, here

  New International Encyclopedia, here

  Newman, Jeremiah Whitaker, here

  Nighantu, here

  Niina, here

  Nippo jisho, here

  Nishi Zenzaburo, here

  Noro Genjo, here

  Nosologia methodica (Sauvages), here

  number tables, here, here. See also logarithm_tables

  Oekonomische Encyclopädie (Krünitz), here

  Online College Library Center (OCLC), here

  On Some Deficiencies in Our English Dictionaries (Trench), here

  Oranda honso wage (Noro), here

  Origines (Isidore), here, here

  Ortelius, Abraham, here, here

  Oudin, César, here

  Oughtred, William, here

  Our Great Books of Song (Li Fang), here

  Overholt, John, here

  Oxford English Dictionary, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Panckoucke, Charles Joseph, here

  Panizzi, Antonio, here

  Passow, Franz, here, here, here, here, here

  Patterson, Austin M., here

  Pauline Index, here

  Pauly, August Friedrich, here

  Peiwen yunfu, here

  Peter the Great, here

  Philitas of Cos, here, here

  Phillips, Edward, here, here, here

  phone books, here

  Physician’s Desk Reference, here

  Pinakes (Callimachus), here

  plagiarism, here, here

  Plantijn, Christophe, here

  Plato, here, here, here

  The Pleasaunt and Wittie Playe of the Cheasts Renewed (Damião), here

  Pliny the Elder, here, here, here, here

  Poole, Joshua, here

  Post, Emily, here, here

  Prokheiroi kanones (Ptolemy), here

  prostitute directories, here

  Protestant Reformation, here, here

  Proto-Indo-European languages, here

  Pseudodoxia Epidemica (Browne), here

  Psychopathia Sexualis (Krafft-Ebing), here

  Ptolemy, Claudius, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Qinding Gujin tushu jicheng, here

  quotation collections, here

  Ratcliffe, Susan, here

  The Ready Guide. See Erya (Erh-ya)

  Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (Pauly et al.), here, here

  Rees, Abraham, here

  reference books. See also culture

  abandoned projects, here

  as business venture, here, here

  definition of, here

  editions of, here

  editorial decisions in, here

  home libraries of, here

  and information science, here

  intellectual dangers of, here

  lost, here

  number of in existence, here

  prank entries in, here

  public image of, here

  removal of persons from, here

  single-author vs. team works, here

  time required to create, here

  on unusual topics, here

  wide range of types, here


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