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Talk of the Town

Page 22

by Suzanne Macpherson

  Chapter 17

  The next morning she found herself tucked into a twin bed covered with clean Toy Story sheets. She hardly remembered how she got here. She opened her eyes to discover three small people staring at her as if she were Goldilocks. She had Fran Brody’s nightgown on. Thank heavens it was some modest flannel thing.

  “What’s your name anyway?”

  “I let you sleep in my bed. Didja find Stinky in there?”

  “Mommy says we aren’t s’pose to bother you until you’re awake. Are you awake now?”

  So this was what Kelly was in for. She smiled big at them, and they stared even more.

  “Children, get your little selves in here for breakfast before the dog eats it all.” Fran Brody shooed her little brood out of the room. “I’m so sorry about that, dear. They’ll be gone to school in a half hour. Let me know if you need anything.”

  “A hacksaw?” Kelly managed a joke, even though she could feel morning sickness creeping up on her.

  “Good one, dear. You look a little green. How about some dry toast, a handful of saltines, and a cup of tea before you try and get up? I could hardly manage the first few hours without that.” Fran tidied up the room all around her as they talked, picking up stray cartoon underwear and legions of tiny Lego pieces.

  “I’d like that. Thank you so much for taking me in.”

  “My Peter is a good judge of character, and Sam is an old friend. They’re both in the den plotting away like mystery writers. I’ll tell Sam you’re awake…after the crackers. We need to spare the little dears all we can, don’t we?”

  Kelly gave a laugh at the thought of Sam witnessing her green-to-the-gills morning behavior. “I say let’s give the little dears the full dose. It might sharpen their appreciation of us,” Kelly replied.

  Fran laughed. “You’re right. I’ll send him in with the tea and saltines. You have to start their training early.” Fran started out the door. “Oh, Sam’s mother left some clean clothes. Looks like Mrs. Grayson knows how to shop in L.A. I think you’ll be quite pleased. They’re hanging in there.” She pointed to the kids’ closet on her way out.

  Kelly made an attempt to rise, and so did her nausea. She decided to wait for the crackers. Fran brought her a tray in a few minutes, saying the men were too deep into it to disturb, and were on the phone. After a couple of dry crunchy moments washed down with warm tea, she managed to get herself up and going.

  The kid’s room had a connecting bathroom. She showered, cursing her ankle bracelet all the time. Damn thing must be waterproof.

  Wrapped in a large towel Fran had graciously laid out for her, she went to check out the clothes. They were indeed amazing. Hanging in Fran’s son’s closet she found an elegant cream and beige skirt, a pair of slacks, several matching cashmere sweater sets, socks, a wonderful jacket just in case she ever went outside again, and two pairs of Charles Jordan shoes, just her size. Evelyn must have consulted Myrtle.

  Kelly rubbed the baby-soft leather shoes and remembered her days in the garment district. Cashmere and leather always took the sting away, then and now. Along with all of that was a soft gray cashmere wrap robe, a pair of man-style gray silk pajamas, seven pairs of lovely panties, and several matching bras. She must have consulted Sam for that one. Good thing Sam overestimated, because her bustline seemed to be expanding daily.

  Man, her mother-in-law-to-be was a woman of infinite taste and wisdom. No wonder Sam was so special. Kelly dropped the towel over a tiny chair and slipped naked into the cashmere robe, just for the sake of pleasure. She needed some.

  She heard the Brody children heading out the door, with Fran yelling goodbye to Sam and Peter. Fran must be on car pool duty. There was a knock at the bedroom door. Sam stuck his head in.

  “Are you decent?”


  “Good.” He shut the door behind him and came over to her. His embrace was better than cashmere. Warm and delicious. He slipped his hands under the robe and ran his hands from the top of her back, down and over her bottom. He pulled her into him, burying his face in her hair with a deep groan.

  “Ohhh, Sam. Not here. Don’t stop, though.”

  “Peter is a wise man, and Fran just took the kids out to school. He says we have a good hour and a half.” He ran his mouth down her neck and up again.

  “Sam, I’ve missed you so much.” The robe dropped to the floor. “Are you all right with this baby thing? I mean it was a surprise…ummmmm,”—she lost her train of thought—“of sorts.” His mouth covered hers with an intense kiss, full of his desire for her.

  “Kelly, I have never wanted any woman I know to carry my child, until you. Nothing happens by accident.” He picked her up in his arms. Her ankle bracelet clunked him in the thigh. “Oww.”


  Sam only answered by kissing her left breast as he carried her over to the tiny bed. He lowered her onto the Toy Story sheets. She watched him undress. He unbuttoned his white shirt and peeled it off, revealing his wonderful muscled swimmer’s chest. He unzipped his jeans and pushed them down slowly. His magnificent erection made her crazy.

  She squirmed and locked her legs around his knees, whacking him with the bracelet again, pulling him onto her. He seemed to be beyond any pain she might have inflicted on him.

  He held her so he could look into her eyes as he entered her. He could feel his emotion blend into their lovemaking, until their bodies melted into each other, lost in the heat of their passion. All the time he made love to her, he watched her. It excited him beyond endurance to see the pleasure she was experiencing with him. He touched her full, tender breasts lightly with the tip of his thumbs.

  He moved gently and slowly in her until she reached her climax, arched against him, dug her fingers into his hips, pulling him deeper. He held back and she went wild under him, coming once more, even stronger. His entire body seemed to be on fire as he finally let go. She opened her eyes to meet his as he gave himself to her.

  Afterward, he saw a few tears in the corner of her eyes, and brought his hand up to her temple to wipe them away. He cupped her against him, cradling her. He knew this was the moment he had waited for all his life. To really love a woman, to be loved in return, and to create a new life between them.

  Sam held her for another hour, smoothing out the skin on her belly, talking to it. They tried to find a slight bulge there, but decided it was way too early.

  She sighed, and snuggled up to him, covering him with the corners of her cashmere robe. Which was a good thing, because just about then Peter Brody knocked wildly on the door, then opened it.

  “Pete. Say, bud, at least I’m not in the act, but don’t mind if I don’t get up.” Sam pulled a sheet over Kelly’s naked body.

  “I’m sorry, you two, but it’s ten-thirty, and this is great news. Seems those two guys you bumped into in the hall that day were put in jail last night. Guess where? Paradise.”

  “Sam, that means they almost found me. If Lynnette hadn’t had me arrested, who knows what would have happened?” Kelly said.

  “I guess we owe Lynnette a thank-you,” Sam said sarcastically.

  “Tom Blackwell stopped them for speeding and just looking suspicious—last night, and when he ran a make on them they had priors, of course. I guess he and his deputy brought them in single-handedly. They found a gun in the car, and it turns out that gun was the one that shot Raymond. Forensics had a type on it already thanks to Sam’s efforts getting all the physical evidence lined up.

  “Your local sheriff got them to confess to Raymond’s murder this morning. He said it was easy with some crazy girl named Lynnette being in the next cell, yelling all night. Congratulations, you have been cleared completely. I’m here to deactivate you, Kelly.”

  Sam jumped up naked, whooped, slugged Peter in the arm, and shook his hand repeatedly. Kelly had enough of a moment to grab her robe and tie it up before Sam pulled her up and danced her around the room. They stepped on a few squeaky toys, and almost fell over a
large Tickle-me Elmo.

  “I’ll let you get some clothes on before we get to the unlocking ceremony.” Pete whistled a lively tune as he left the room.

  Sam got on his knees in front of Kelly and held on to her robe ties. “Will you marry me again?

  “Of course I will. I do, I do! See?” She squealed and pulled him up. “Now let me get dressed and get this thing off of me. Better yet, let’s get it off me now so I can get dressed.

  “I know a good locksmith,” he replied as he pulled his jeans and underwear back on and searched for his shirt. She admired his long, lean, muscular body as he stretched to pull the T-shirt over his head. My, my. That would keep her warm on winter nights.

  Sam caught her staring, then came over and caressed her, running his hands under her robe.

  “Cut that out, Grayson, I’ve got a date with key master Pete.”

  “We’ve got a honeymoon to plan,” he said, nuzzling her neck again.

  “Oh Sam, we can go on a trip later. Let’s just stay home in Paradise.”

  “Home in Paradise. That sounds good.” He turned her and kissed her a forever kiss.

  Myrtle was waiting for her at Cora’s to plan wedding number two. Well, three, if you count Raymond. How could a girl get married so many times in one year? She and Sam and the rest of the family had decided to have a December wedding, considering her condition.

  As she walked down the sidewalk, the shopkeepers came out to wave or shake her hand. She took in the details of the town with even more gratitude than before. What a wonderful place to raise her children. She still wasn’t showing, but she could feel the stirrings of her child within her.

  Cora was behind the counter. “Hey, there, Kelly, welcome home, honey! Did you see the paper?”

  “Over here, Kelly,” Myrtle called.

  Kelly walked over to the booth and slid in. “Hi, Myrtle, what’s in the paper this time?”

  Myrtle held up the front page of the Paradise Pioneer for her to see:




  Boy, Christine at the Pioneer was feeling creative. Kelly smiled.

  “Yep, it’s pretty excitin’. Most excitement we’ve had around here since Willard robbed his own bank.”

  “What? And he still runs it?”

  “He said he was testing his own security. I think he just always wanted to put a nylon stocking over his head and point a gun at his clerks.” Myrtle stirred her coffee calmly.

  “I guess everyone in town has some kind of past.”

  “Yup, we all do.”

  Cora came over and gave Kelly a booth-hug. Kelly ordered a pot of peppermint tea. Her nausea was still nasty. Cora said that wasn’t enough, and she’d bring her a decent breakfast.

  “Hey, you two.” Evelyn Grayson came in the door looking like a fashion model from the fifties. Slim gray wool slacks, a matching sweater, and one tied over her shoulders. Kelly smiled at her warmly, and waved her over. Cora added lemon tea for Evelyn and gave her a hug, too, before heading for her kitchen.

  “Honey, I’m so glad this is all over.”

  “Me, too. Your whole family was wonderful. And Christine at the Pioneer printed up all the details of the case for the whole town to read. She made me sound even more innocent than I was,” Kelly said.

  “You were completely innocent, and we knew it all along. Thank the stars Tom was on the ball and spotted those two crooks that were after our gal. ’Course they were going sixty down Main Street, and we just don’t tolerate that sort of thing around here, but that good description you gave him really helped, Kelly. It’s just a good thing he stuck them next to crazy Lynnette’s cell. I hear she helped get a confession out of those thugs—she kept ’em up all night yammerin’ and hollerin’ for Tom to let her out. When the news came in about the gun the next mornin’, Tom had ’em right where he wanted ’em. Weakened.” Myrtle snorted a laugh.

  “I call that the best luck I’ve ever had besides getting on the bus and meeting you, Myrtle; and Sam, of course. And think about this. If Lynnette hadn’t had me arrested, those two crooks would have tracked me down for sure.”

  “We would have protected you.” Evelyn patted her hand.

  “I know. Of course I now have the most beautiful clothes I’ve ever owned as a jailbird bonus. What did you do, Evelyn, buy out Bergdorf’s? Those shoes were to die for.”

  “I learned it all from Myrtle, you know—a woman needs the right shoes for the occasion.” Kelly looked around at Myrtle in her purple spandex leggings, sparkly sweater, and purple half boots, then back to Evelyn in her country club elegance. She laughed so hard Myrtle had to pat her on the back. Cora brought the tea, and she sipped some to stop herself.

  “Now eat this up. You’re eating for two now.” Cora put a plate of hash browns and a glass of root beer in front of her. “This here’s the only thing I could tolerate in my first months—potatoes and root beer. Give it a try.”

  “Cora, I’ve been eating for two since I got here, and look where it’s gotten me. I’m going to put on fifty pounds with this baby. But this looks great, so thanks.”

  “We’ll help you work it off,” Evelyn said. “Yoga class, and lots of long walks with that grandbaby of mine. We’ll get one of those buggies and roll him down Main Street every day.”

  “I better get married first,” Kelly managed between bites. Suddenly she was starving.

  The three women sat in lively conversation for another hour. By the time they were through, the wedding of the year had been set in stone. Evelyn Grayson was going to have a crack at this one, and nobody could stop her.

  “It’s settled, then. I have more money than I can figure what to do with. You and Myrtle already spent bunches on the last wedding, so this one is mine. Just show up at the church. Better yet, we’ll have you picked up.” Evelyn looked secretive and excited. Kelly cried a little, laughed more, and let her almost mother-in-law take charge. She also decided potatoes and root beer were her favorite combination from now on.

  Chapter 18

  Christmas Eve morning was like a picture postcard in Paradise. A layer of snow covered all the lawns and rooftops, and more was falling.

  Kelly couldn’t sleep without Sam next to her. She looked out of the penthouse bedroom window over the entire town. Her town. It was her wedding day, again.

  Her figure had rounded out quite a bit, and even though she said she’d be happy to squeeze into her November dress, Evelyn had found her another wedding dress anyhow. Something about the master plan and overall theme. If it made Evelyn happy, that was fine with Kelly.

  She went in the walk-in closet and opened the protective fabric bag to look at the gown. The waist was high just in case her waistline had expanded. Tiny pearls and crystal beads sparkled on the beautiful pleated silk lace skirt. It was supple, and flowed around her like shimmering water.

  The bodice was silk-velvet—it felt like heaven. Around the low neck and sleeve cuffs ran an edging of white feathers that made her look like the snow queen in a storybook she’d once read. For her hair there was a crown of crystals and pearls, with flows of netting all around.

  She supposed that white wasn’t too appropriate at this point, but no one seemed to mind. There was a white velvet cape with matching feathers—all to keep her warm on her mysterious trip to the church.

  The wedding wasn’t until four. Ten hours away. Nothing was going to stop this wedding. That was for sure. Not this time.

  Sam must be sleeping peacefully at his parents’ house—they came to the penthouse and took him captive last night. Sam’s mother insisted he not see his bride until the wedding. They said it was about putting the suspense back in, and they both laughed while Sam patted her belly, and claimed, “I’ve had enough surprises.”

  But they insisted and told Kelly to be ready by two o’clock to be picked up for the wedding.

  Kelly ran her hands over the two beautiful qu
ilts that she and Sam had unwrapped yesterday. One from Dottie with crazy blue stars all over it, and one from the Grant County Fair and Rodeo they’d seen together. Sam had surprised her with that one. There were gifts all over the penthouse. Some had been waiting for them since the last wedding. Last night was the best Christmas she’d ever had, two days early. She was overwhelmed with the generosity of her friends.

  By twelve o’clock, she had showered, eaten breakfast, eaten lunch—she was ravenously hungry these days—and was pacing in her formal maternity lingerie.

  Myrtle was coming over to help dress her. The snow was wild outside, wind drifted it up against the sidewalks and cars, and she hadn’t seen a car drive down the street for two hours. At least a foot of snow must have fallen in the last three hours.

  She pressed her cheek against the windowpane and thought about crying. No one had called. The power had flickered a few times, and here she was a good two miles from the church.

  Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a lone figure in the distance, trudging slowly through the storm. Great, it was probably Lynnette Stivers escaped from jail, coming to get her. No, it couldn’t be her.

  It made her smile thinking how funny it was that Tom Blackwell was keeping Lynnette locked up in the town jail. He’d had her cell done over and brought in a psychologist from Vancouver for twice-weekly sessions. He figured that was the only way Lynnette would get a clue.

  As the figure got closer, she saw a bright orange hooded parka take form. Myrtle! Kelly threw on her wonderful cashmere robe and a pair of snow boots, then ran to the elevator. On the first floor she stuck her head out the building door and yelled, “Myrtle! This way!”

  Myrtle’s head popped up from her trudge, and she crossed the street, heading for the sound. Safely in the entryway, she stomped the snow off her boots and shook.

  “Merciful Snow Goddess, we have a blizzard. Look at you, you’re practically nekked. Get upstairs, right now.”

  Myrtle had a colorful backpack they dusted the snow off of, then hopped in the elevator.


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