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Diamond in the Rough (Precious Gems)

Page 4

by A. A. King

  Cheyenne did not know what had caused the conflict between Maria and Jason but it seemed to run pretty deep. It sparked her curiosity that Ed never had anything to say when Maria was going after Jason. She mentally chalked it up to him being diplomatic and turned to go to the kitchen.

  “Cheyenne, I have some papers for you to sign,” Ed Crowley motioned her toward him. Cheyenne followed him into the office. Mr. Crowley had a stack of papers for her. His drawn out explanation of each one tried her patience. Just when he seemed to be wrapping it up he produced the final paper.

  “I have a feeling this last and final paper will change your life young lady,” he said as he slid it across the desk in front of her. Cheyenne was stunned. The paper in front of her represented five million dollars. Her father had never given her anything except a last name before today. Now, she was a millionaire several times over. But, no matter what he left her, nothing would ever be able to compete with his message to her in his will. The money and possessions made her happy but the video was touching. She had longed for years to hear the words I love you from her father. Now, she finally had that. It did not make everything better but it went a long way toward healing her hardened heart.

  “Thank you Mr. Crowley for your time and the delicacy with which you handled everything.” she said as she turned to leave the room.

  “Can I ask you a question?” She inquired.

  “Yes you can young lady.”

  “You said earlier this morning that Charles had sent Maria to check in on me after my mother died. Had he ever come himself? Did he ever see me in person?”

  “He came a few times. He was at your high school graduation until your mom saw him and ordered him to leave. That was the last time that he tried. After that, he sent Maria and relied on her to let him know how you were doing.”

  “Why would my mom tell him to leave? Was she afraid of me finding out who he was?”

  “Well, your mom was convinced that he would bring nothing but danger to your life. The way that I always saw it was that she enjoyed getting a monthly check from your dad but did not want to have to answer to him for her lifestyle. She wanted the best of both worlds. Charles always thought that one day she would come back to him but she never did. He was too patient for too long with her. Toward the end, he realized that he should never have left you with her. A few time s that he saw you, he didn’t fell like the money he was sending was being used for you. His greatest disappointment came when he realized that you had never had braces. I know that it sounds funny but he sent six thousand dollars for braces that she told him you needed. When he found out that you had never gotten them he realized that she had been milking him for money. It ate him up to wonder if you had gone without because of her. He spent many sleepless nights worrying about you but by the time that he realized all of this, you were already almost seventeen. That is when he decided that when you turned eighteen that he would come for you. He always tried to keep an eye on you and make sure that you had what you needed but your mom made it very difficult.”

  If anyone had asked her a week before, she would have said that she would go to her grave without forgiving her father. Now, she was not so sure that she had the resolve to continue to hate him the way she had always done. Her resolve was being chipped away. Saying that she loved him was a stretch at this point, but she would at least admit that she did not hate him any longer.

  “I think that I understand what happened Mr. Crowley. I know that my mom was greedy but I had no idea that she was turning me against my dad to hide it. It feels like my entire life has been a lie in one way or another. I know what my mother was; there is no disillusion in my mind where she’s concerned. I did love her though and I wish that things could have been different.”

  Cheyenne went to the kitchen, found a bottle of wine and poured herself a glass. “Is there another where that came from,” asked Jason.

  “You are going to have to stop sneaking up on me,” Cheyenne laughed nervously.

  “Why, it turned out well the last time I did it,” he teased. Cheyenne felt the heat rise to her cheeks. She had hoped he would never mention their earlier encounter. She poured Jason a glass of wine and slid it across the counter. Jason eyed her intently as he turned up the glass and drained the contents in one swallow. She could sense his intentions but had no interest in any type of relationship, not even a one night stand. Her father was not even buried yet and he was hitting on her. His attempt reminded her of an awkward school boy, fumbling for a roll in the hay.

  “I think it’s time for you to go Mr. Turner. You may be joking but it’s disgusting that you are hitting on me.” She said as she downed the last of her wine.

  “I guess I’ll be leaving now.” Jason stated with a knowing smirk on his handsome face.

  Cheyenne decided to go for a ride while she waited for the detective to arrive.

  She saddled the stud from earlier, mounted and set off on a gentle trot. Feeling the pent up energy the horse possessed, she nudged him forward as though giving him permission to get it out of his system. The horse sprang forward as if his tail were on fire. The power this animal astonished Cheyenne. He was surely of good blood. His muscles rippled underneath her body as he stretched out, gaining more ground with each extension of his long legs. The black mane flowed down his neck and gently teased Cheyenne’s hands as she held loosely onto the reins. His burst of power came to an end as she pulled him back into an easy canter. She had not warmed him up and knew it was not smart to let him tear around the pasture. As she eased back in the saddle, she noticed how beautiful the property was.

  Charles must have put a lot of time and energy into this place, she thought out loud. The stables were so nice and organized. Any piece of tack a person could need was hung up neatly in the back room. She guessed that she must have gotten her love of horses from him.

  Without notice, the horse spooked. He broke to the right and side stepped as though he were an experience barrel horse. His body went rigid underneath her and his gentle gate was replace with break neck speed that shocked her. Even when she had let him run earlier, he had not been this fast. She was not sure what was happening but was alarmed to say the least. Knowing that she shouldn’t panic, she tried her hardest to remain composed and in control. Cheyenne held on and shifted in the saddle to accommodate for the sudden change in direction. Then, she heard it. At first, it seemed like she was imagining the dreaded sound, but after the second loud pop she knew that someone was shooting at her. Ducking low, she hunkered in the saddle and cursed the stiff leather horn that was poking her in the chest. Grabbing the horse’s mane, she hugged her body to his as he darted for the stable. It was at least a half mile ride and the shooter had fired three more times.

  Worrying that she would not make it to the stable, she nudged him sharply, urging him forward. Another bullet whizzed by but this time it passed too close for comfort. She looked down and noticed blood dripping down her leg into her riding boot.

  Have I been shot and just don’t feel it yet? She wondered as the horse brought her to safety inside the confines of the stable walls. She hopped down and ran her hand up her leg. Cheyenne found no wound. A sick feeling swept her body. Looking up, she saw the source of the blood. The brave horse that saved her had taken a bullet to the neck. She had no time to find out how deep it had entered as she led him up the walk to the house and hopefully to safety. He didn’t seem to be in any discomfort but she knew that he needed vet care. Barging into the houses entryway she yelled for Maria but Detective Russell appeared first.

  “What in the world….” He said as he took in the sight in front of him. “Are you hurt?”

  “I was in the back pasture and someone was taking shots at me from the tree line. They missed but one of the bullets hit the stud I was riding. I don’t know how bad he is hurt but I need to get a vet out here.”

  Before Cheyenne knew what was happening, Brian darted past her through the door and pulled his weapon. As he ran to his truck, Che
yenne heard him calling for backup. He started the vehicle and drove quickly down the driveway.

  Just then, Maria walked into the room. “I could not help but hear. I called Doc West. He will be here in a few minutes. Which horse was it?” She inquired.

  “He’s right here.” Cheyenne said as she held the door open and the horse nudged his head over her shoulder. Maria gasped.

  “Cheyenne, you were riding this horse?”

  “Yes, I was. Is there a problem?” Cheyenne asked.

  “You are lucky that he didn’t kill you. He has not been ridden in over three years and was a rodeo horse that Charles bought to breed. It is not safe to ride him.” Maria explained.

  “Did you hear what I said? I was shot at and he saved my life. I don’t care how long it has been since he has been ridden. He did wonderful with me. I would say that I am lucky that whoever was shooting at me did not kill me. How long will it be until the vet gets here?’ Cheyenne demanded.

  Before Maria could respond, a large Ford truck pulled into the drive way. A stocky older man jumped from the driver’s door and ran to the wounded horse. As he began to work he said, “I am Doc West. Maria said this horse was shot. How did it happen?”

  Cheyenne explained what had transpired as Doc began to work on the animal. Shaking his head, he filled the gash with salve, before giving him an injection and began stitching the wound.

  “We are lucky, the bullet just grazed him. Flesh wounds on a horse bleed pretty badly though. We just need to watch him for infection for the next week.”

  “Doc, aren’t you going to say something to her for riding him?” Maria asked with a knowing look.

  “I figure that she is a grown woman and can ride just about anything that she sets her mind to. If she was able to ride him, then I guess he is good with her.” The doctor shot back.

  “Thank you Doc.” Cheyenne said gratefully as she rolled her eyes in Maria’s direction.

  Maria walked back into the house and shut the door behind her. Cheyenne led the injured horse back to the stall and put the salve Doc had left with her into the tack room.

  “That woman is spiteful. Charles was too old to try and ride Blaze, but that did not make the horse unable to be ridden. She pushed him to put the horse down many times. It was almost as if she was jealous of him.” He said.

  “Charles fell just short of moving him into the house when he first bought him.” Doc laughed as he ran his hand down the muscular flank, admiring the animal. “He sure is a fine horse.”

  After Cheyenne got the horse settled, she changed pants and sat at the table to eat lunch. She was clearly shaken up but was determined to keep her composure. She wouldn’t tolerate another break down like she had earlier. Cold cuts and cheese were laid out but Maria was nowhere in sight. Just as she was taking a bite of sandwich there was a knock at the front door.

  “Come in!” Cheyenne screamed from the table. Detective Brian Russell entered the room looking as handsome as he had the night before. Today, he wore starched jeans and a button up western shirt. Cheyenne had not had time to notice his appearance earlier during all of the commotion.

  “I was just about to have lunch if you would like to join me…” Cheyenne asked hopefully. Brian was stunned, but the thought of sharing a meal with her brightened his day.

  “Yea, that’s sounds great.”

  “Did you find anything?” she asked hopefully. The look on his face told her that he had not.

  “Patrolmen are still searching the tree line, but I think that whoever shot at you is long gone. Has anything weird or out of place happened today?” He asked.

  “You mean something weirder than someone shooting at me?” Cheyenne exclaimed. The sarcasm was not intended for Brian but his face flinched none the less.

  “Every since the will reading this morning I have had an uneasy feeling. I can’t explain it but it is overpowering.”

  “It’s way too early to have a will reading. The autopsy isn’t even complete. What are these people thinking? Anyway, what happened at the reading?” he asked, full of concern. Cheyenne recounted the video to Brian as he sat, hanging on her every word.

  “Five million?” he questioned.

  “That doesn’t sound right. Charles was worth far more than that. Were there any provisions for the rest of the money?” he asked as he pursed his lips together.

  “No, but that was not what made me feel on edge,” she explained. “I went to the stable after a confrontation with Jason and he followed me there. I completely lost my composure and he comforted me but I still had the feeling I was being watched,” she stated, making sure to avoid the details of her breakdown. It made her feel weak and vulnerable and that did not set well with her.

  “Now that I think about it though, I had the same feeling last night when we spoke on the patio. It was like someone was watching every move I made. I confronted Maria after you left. She actually told me that she felt it was part of her job to eavesdrop. It was bizarre behavior, but I did let her know that I expected privacy.”

  “Well, to be honest with you, the chief asked me if I thought you needed a guard. At the time, I told him no, but now, I know that I was wrong. Whoever killed your father is still out there and we don’t know why he was murdered; now you’ve been shot at.” He explained. As he spoke, Cheyenne was mesmerized by his full pink lips. With every word he formed the shape of his lips changed making them pucker occasionally and her imagination ran wild. Realizing what she was doing, she looked away, embarrassed but full of lust.

  “If you like, I can take the assignment but it would need to start no later than tomorrow morning.” The thought did not completely throw Cheyenne off. She knew that something about this place gave her the creeps and she would rather be protected than not. The idea of having Brian around for a while was comforting and even a bit exciting. She had only known him for a little over twenty four hours but she already felt like she had known him a lifetime. The ease with which she could talk to him amazed her. If anyone would have to babysit her she would rather that it be him.

  “I think your right Brian and I would prefer if you were assigned to do it.”

  “For the night, I will post guards at your door and I will move in tomorrow morning.”

  “The results are back from the autopsy. The toxicology report will not be back for a week or so but the physical exam states that the cause of death is from a single gunshot wound to the temple. At least we know that is was from a nine millimeter.”

  She took all the information in. Sitting silently, she stared into his eyes. “Do you have any leads?” she inquired.

  “None that I am at liberty to discuss at this point, but as soon as I can talk freely about it, you will be the first to know,” he informed her.

  Both sat making small talk as they ate their lunch. She enjoyed hearing about his career. Cheyenne noticed how his eyes brightened when he talked about it and she knew that he truly loved it. It was refreshing to see someone enjoy their profession so much. She had never loved her job and it had become a place she was forced to go in order to pay the bills. Now that she had five million dollars, she had not thought much about what she would do for a living. Knowing that the corporate world was not her cup of tea, she was sure that she would not be stepping into her father’s company. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by someone coming into the room.

  “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” Ed Crowley said as he shuffled to the table.

  “Where have you been Ed?” Cheyenne asked.

  “I took a nap in one of the guest rooms. I wanted to speak with you before I left but when I looked up, you were gone.” Ed explained.

  “Mr. Crowley, I am Detective Brian Russell with the HPD. Can you have a seat and answer a few questions for me?”

  Ed Crowley sat at the dining table and reached for a slice of cheese to snack on as the detective withdrew a worn notepad from his breast pocket.

  “Mr. Crowley, what was the purpose of having the will read
ing so quickly?”

  Ed Crowley sat silent for a moment. A look of deep reflection crossed his face as his eyes drew almost shut, squinting at the young detective.

  “Charles would have wanted it that way. There was no sense in delaying the proceedings once Cheyenne arrived anyway. Her lack of attendance would have been the only reason to postpone.”

  “It just seems rather sudden considering that his autopsy is not even complete.” The detective quipped.

  “Charles was an impulsive man Detective Russell. He would have had it no other way.”

  Cheyenne contemplated his statement for a while. This man seemed to have known her father well. She felt a fondness for this gentleman even though she had only just met, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was still so much more to find out.

  “Can you get me a copy of the video?” The seasoned detective inquired of the Ed.

  “I will have my secretary forward one to the precinct as soon as possible.”

  “You can just messenger it here. I will be staying for the foreseeable future. Someone shot at Cheyenne today while she was riding in the front pasture.”

  “Oh, my dear,” Charles began as he reached out for her hand. “Are you okay?”

  “I am fine Mr. Crowley, just a little shook up. They hit Blaze though. He was just grazed, but he’ll be down for a while.”

  “I can’t imagine who would do such a thing. Detective, I hope you catch the person.” Ed said compassionately.

  “Cheyenne, I will schedule lunch with you at another time. We can sit and talk and get to know each other properly.” He bent and kissed her cheek as he left.

  Brian was staring at her when she returned her attention to him. There was no price she could put on the sense of wellbeing she felt when she learned he would be staying with her. Cheyenne knew that Brian was a special man. She had never encountered someone who could put her at ease as quickly as Brian did. Not wanting to be a tired cliché she did not try to convince herself that he was her soul mate, but defiantly someone she was interested in getting to know better.


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