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Diamond in the Rough (Precious Gems)

Page 6

by A. A. King

  Her father’s funeral would be the next day. Not looking forward to the proceedings or the hoopla that surrounded events such as this, dread had overtaken her body. Cheyenne dreaded many things about the next day but there was one thing she was looking forward to.

  Although, to most, it would have seemed morbid, she would finally get to see her father in person, even if it was in death. If she could bring herself to, she may even touch his hand. In all of her daydreams this had not been how the encounter was supposed to happen. She had always dreamed of being a daddy’s girl but finally she had to tuck those hopes away as now she knew it would never happen. Cheyenne knew that she would feel self conscious around everyone in attendance almost as though she was an interloper.

  Throughout her life, she had suffered from a lack of confidence. Upon entering a room of people, there was a likely chance that Cheyenne Wingate would exit quickly, unable to breathe and crying with no explanation. Her mother had always been infuriated by this quality but despite all of Cheyenne’s attempts, she had never discovered how to control that particular emotion.

  “Cheyenne, we need to talk,” boomed Brian’s deep baritone voice. The tone in his voice told her that the conversation wouldn’t be good. In the short time they had been pushed together, she had come to learn his moods and tone of voice. Her intimate knowledge had not been intentional but had innocently happened. Seated at the table, she braced herself for the news.

  “Charles’s toxicology report came back today. He had a minimal amount of alcohol in his system and a few other things that gave the coroner cause for concern. He had a large amount of an over the counter sleeping aid and Xanax in his system. I have checked with his doctor and he said that he had never prescribed Xanax for Charles.”

  “Brian, wasn’t that the pills that Maria was searching for? The ones that she claimed Jason stole?”

  “What does this all mean? “ Cheyenne questioned. “Well, we have a theory but I’m not sure that you want to hear it,” he said.

  “I don’t want to, but I need to,” Cheyenne stated, near tears.

  “We believe that he was working late at the office when someone he was familiar with came in. We know he was drugged at the office shortly before his death because the medical examiner found an undigested, partially dissolved pill in his stomach contents.” He said as Cheyenne interrupted.

  “Why would anyone drug him if they were going to shoot him?” she asked apparently confused by the theory.

  “Whoever killed him, drugged him first to make him more manageable. His filing cabinet was ransacked and at the time we could not tell if he had done it or the murderer. Our theory is that they needed to be in control of him for one reason or another. We really haven’t figured that part out completely yet. When they were finished or had given up, they shot him once in the temple.”

  Cheyenne’s mind was spinning. “Could Jason really be that dangerous,” she questioned herself.

  “Do you still think that Jason is the murderer?”

  Brian face tensed. “Yes, we suspect it but we are having a hard time tying up the loose ends. All we have right now is circumstantial evidence,” he confessed.

  “Do you think that you will ever be able to prove that Jason killed my father?” Cheyenne asked, catching Brian off guard.

  “Cheyenne, I’m not sure, but with you as my witness I will not stop trying.”

  Cheyenne knew that he spoke the truth. He would continue to try but what worried her was whether he would be trying to convict an innocent man. She tried to put the conversation out of her mind and decided to check on Blaze. Cheyenne had finally gotten the courage to go to the stable alone. Before she could approach the stall she was grabbed from behind. A strong hand went over her mouth and held her tightly. She was against a hard muscular body and could not move.

  Into her ear the man whispered,” Cheyenne, it’s me, Jason. Don’t scream and I’ll let you go. Slowly, as though testing the waters, he removed his hand from her mouth. She stood still but realized that she was not afraid.

  Spinning around to face him she whispered, “How did you get here?”

  He looked worried and tired as he answered,” I snuck in through the pasture. I need your help Cheyenne”

  “Just tell me what you need,” she said as she took a step away from him.

  “I’m being framed by someone and what is even worse is I think I’m being followed. My attorney told me that I’m days away from being arrested for Charles’s murder and I promise you that I didn’t hurt him. I couldn’t have ever murdered him. He was my friend. I need to find out who did this and I need to know quickly,” Jason exclaimed.

  “Jason, what do you want me to do? I don’t see how I can be of any help to you. There are plenty of people convinced that you committed this murder and that you may have been responsible for trying to kill me. ” she said.

  He looked defeated. She felt such empathy for him but truly didn’t know what she could do for him.

  “I need for you to help me prove I’m innocent. I don’t know how just yet but when I do, I need to know that you’ll be there for me. I didn’t try to kill you. Until today, I was not aware that anyone had.” He said, full of concern. Cheyenne nodded her head in agreement just as she heard footsteps coming up the walk. She turned to see who was coming and when she turned back, Jason was gone.

  The footsteps turned out to be Brian. She’d been gone a while and hadn’t realized it. She didn’t share his belief that Jason had killed her father but she also knew that she would never convince him that he didn’t. When he did finally make an arrest, she wanted to make sure it would be the right person. She was a good judge of character and just didn’t see Jason committing such a heartless act although she had admitted to herself that she didn’t know him well enough to make that judgment unilaterally. Of course she knew that there was room for error in her judgment but her gut told her that she was right. Confusion sat in when she began to contemplate what she could do to help Jason. Cheyenne had only just arrived on the scene. Not knowing the people involved nor her father would prove to make his request difficult to say the least.

  “Cheyenne, I heard voices when I walked up, who were you talking to?” Brian asked, already knowing the answer. She paused for a moment before blurting out the truth, “It was Jason. He said that he needed my help to prove his innocence.”

  Brian stood, stone faced in front of her for what felt like an eternity but soon he started to grow red with anger.

  “There are a few things you need to know about Jason Turner. Cheyenne, I interviewed him a few days ago. As convinced as you are of his innocence, I am equally as convinced of his guilt. You think that he is some sort of a gentleman and I know for a fact that he is not. He bragged to me about having sex with you in the stable on the day of your father’s will reading.”

  “What!!!” Cheyenne exclaimed, furious. “He hasn’t had sex with me. He held me when I cried and I view that as just one person comforting another. I’m not cheap enough to have sex with someone after just meeting them. Have I rolled in the hay with you? NO! I have not. That should answer your questions regarding my virtue,” she steamed with tears in her eyes.

  “I could make the mistake of thinking you are crying, but I know that you are pissed. I’m sorry for repeating that, but I felt you needed to know what he has said. I personally think that he has played on your sympathy and used your grief to further his agenda,” Brian stated.

  He stepped close to her and gently took her face in his hands as he wiped the tears away from her cheeks with the pad of his thumb. She tried to turn her head away but he held her firmly.

  “I’m sorry,” he mouthed. She wasn’t sure that she wanted to accept his apology, but she did realize that she had to give him credit for trying. Nodding her head, Cheyenne acknowledged his attempt and vowed to herself to confront Jason sooner or later.

  Chapter Eight

  The walk back to the house was quiet. Neither trusted themselves to say a w
ord. Cheyenne was especially upset but knew that she should not take her frustrations out on Brian. After washing her hands and drying them, she turned to find Brian standing at the door. He was looking at her as if he had just seen her for the first time. She blushed under the intensity of his stare as he turned and walked back to the living room. Cheyenne was not sure if she could handle what was developing between her and Brian. She knew that she wanted him but also knew that once he had a chance to think things through, he would realize that his career had to come first. If she was going to allow him into her heart, there would have to be room in his life for her and his career and she wasn’t sure that would ever be the case. Brian had made it crystal clear that his career would never be derailed by a relationship and she would not accept anything less than a relationship from him. If she could not have that, then she wanted nothing at all.

  She decided to go for a cool swim to put some distance between her and Brian. After changing, she walked down to the pool and stepped in. The water felt refreshing to her overwhelmed body. Cheyenne languished in the water until her fingers began to prune. As she walked up the steps of the pool the water cascaded from her body. She got out, dried off and decided to lie in a lounge chair and take a nap. Cheyenne used her towel as a makeshift pillow, enjoying the sun warming her body. Soon, she settled into the overstuffed cushion and fell asleep.

  Her dreams were vivid during her poolside nap. In her vision, Brian approached her, drinking in her outstretch body like a wolf on the prowl. He could see her nipples though her top and silently untied the top and bottoms. She was naked in all of her glory. The sun warmed her bare flesh and heated her intimate places. Brian hesitated a moment and then gently smoothed his hand from her stomach to her waiting breasts. Rubbing her nipples lightly, he kissed her full, waiting lips. With his free hand he ran down her silky tan legs until he reached the V and back to her stomach. His lips were so soft and she welcomed his advances. The intensity that came from their bodies touching had exhilarated Cheyenne’s senses. She could feel her breathing becoming shallower and her pulse was racing. His lips traced a path down to her belly button and back up to her collar bone. He nibbled gently and drove Cheyenne wild. A familiar stir became intense between her legs as he reined kisses onto her supple body. She squirmed as she lay in the lounge chair, hoping for relief any way possible. Brian placed his knee between her legs and pushed them apart. He moved down onto her waiting body. His hard penis came into contact with her heated crotch and sent waves of pleasure through her quivering body. She ground herself into him, slowly at first but soon, she was humping him through his clothes. Cheyenne found his lips again and kissed him deeply. Her level of arousal was increasing with each passing moment. Unable to control her urge any longer, she reached down and pulled his shorts until his throbbing cock was exposed. Guiding him into her waiting hole, she gasped when his engorged head touched her velvety lips. He pushed through and entered her, claiming her as his own. Both of their bodies were sweating and clammy as they pumped against each other. She arched upward and met him in the middle of each stroke. The hard guttural way they sought each others’ bodies seemed to only fuel their desire. She needed him and wanted more than anything to savor his lean muscular body. Never wanting to forget this image, she mentally took note, drinking the site in. Cheyenne knew that she would never be the same after this encounter and wanted to bask in the glow of their lovemaking. She arched her back as he trust into her one final time. Both bodies came crashing down together as the moisture grew between them. A cry escaped her lips as her orgasm washed over her body. Brian held her tightly as she shook with passion. He kissed lightly as he held her close to his trembling body.

  “Cheyenne! Cheyenne!” he called. Suddenly, she woke to him shaking her gently by the shoulders.

  “Brian is something wrong?” she asked huskily.

  “You have been asleep for an hour and when I came to check, you were moaning loudly,” he said.

  She blushed, remembering her dream. She looked quickly to make sure that her suit was still intact and where it should be. The dream had been so vivid. Feeling self conscious she decided to get back in the pool. As she stepped in, Cheyenne ducked underwater and swam to the other side. She reached the side and held onto it to steady herself. Even in the water she was clearly shaken.

  “Cheyenne, let’s get you inside. I think you have had too much sun for the day.” He said tenderly. He walked to the side of the pool and helped her out of the water.

  She was appreciative for the assistance, although she was in need of it for much different reasons than he thought.

  Chapter Nine

  After her vivid poolside dream, Brian suggested that she take a warm bath. He helped her to her room and shut the door behind himself. Cheyenne undressed and laid out a towel for her bath. The hot bubble’s embraced her tired body. It had been such a long day for her and now she could finally relax. She stretched her legs out in the large Jacuzzi tub, enjoying the jets pulsating in all the right places. Laying her head back on the rim of the tub, she closed her eyes and contemplated her present situation. Just a month ago she had been content with her life. It wasn’t perfect but it was simple. Now, her life was full of stress and turmoil. The father she had never known was murdered and no one knew who did it or why. Yes, her life was upside down and no one knew that better than Cheyenne Wingate. She soaked for a while longer and then toweled off and stepped out of the oversized tub. As she did her foot slipped and she hitthe hard tile floor. As she fell, she reached out to try and stop herself. A shelf near the tub spilled into the floor with a crash. Cheyenne heard banging on the bathroom door. All she could think of was Brian coming in and finding her sprawled in the floor naked. She managed to reach overhead and pull her used towel off of the rack.

  She barely had herself covered when Brian pushed the door open. He immediately cursed under his breath and bent down to pick her up. The towel slipped off and she was completely exposed when he lifted her body, but quickly he pressed her against himself to offer a bit of modesty. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he carried her to her room and placed her on the bed. This was the first time they had such intense physical contact and she was definitely enjoying it. He grabbed her robe and tried his best to wrap her in it. He was so tender with her.

  “Are you okay, Cheyenne?” Brian asked with concern. He frantically checked her to make sure there were no hidden injuries.

  “I’m fine Brian, my pride is the only thing hurt,” Cheyenne conceded.

  He felt like a complete ass for the thoughts that were going through his head. He had seen her completely naked. His expression said that he thought she had the most perfect body he had ever seen but he wished that he had gotten to see it under different circumstances.

  Brian asked,” Is there anything that I can get you?”

  Cheyenne shook her head no. He pulled the covers back and brought her a nightshirt from the nearby dresser. He helped her into it while she tried in vain to retain her modesty.

  Once she was dressed she crawled into bed and as Brian tucked her in, Cheyenne asked, “Will you please stay with me tonight? I just don’t feel like being alone.”

  Without saying a word, Brian sat down in the dressing chair beside the bed. His chivalry was impressive but wasn’t exactly what she had been looking for. Cheyenne lay in bed and watched him as he tipped his head back and closed his eyes. A sigh escaped his parted lips as he settled in. She could not imagine him trying to sleep in the uncomfortable chair and knew that she wanted him beside her in the bed.

  “Brian, if you want, you can sleep in the bed. You can’t possibly get any rest in that chair.”

  He thought for a moment.

  “I appreciate that. Thank you.” He crawled into the bed and lay beside her. His breathing was even and deep but strangely it was in sync with hers. Both minds were spinning wildly with desire but neither would admit or act upon it. It was a dance that neither would win. Eventually, sleep visited and two mi
nds rested. Cheyenne awoke a few hours later to find Brian curled up next to her with his head on her pillow. It felt so right for him to be next to her, clinging to her like he was. His arm was wrapped around her waist, pulling her into him as though she were his. She instinctively ground into him, wanting to elicit a response but he only pulled her closer and snuggled deeper into her body.

  “How are you feeling,” he whispered.

  “Good,” she replied, groggily.

  She lay still for a moment, taking in her surroundings. Brian’s body felt so good against hers. Their lengths were pressed together as though the universe had created them just for each other. Cheyenne raised her head and looked at Brian’s chiseled face in the moonlight. His strong arms held her protectively as she studied him. His eyes were mesmerizing and she was lost in them. She rolled over and put her head on his shoulder as she threw a leg over his waist. Her knee made contact with his swollen cock but she didn’t move it. Instead, she moved a few more times to maximize the chances that he knew what she wanted. He appeared to be oblivious; all except for his cock which jerk and spasmed against her knee. After a few movements, she decided to go back to sleep. His arms were curled protectively over her shoulders with his hand coming to rest on her rib cage. He pulled her tight and moaned slightly as she settled in to go back to sleep. Yes, she could have pushed it and forced him to respond, but she wouldn’t have felt right about it. When he made her his, she wanted him to be fully awake and aware of his surroundings.

  The next morning found Cheyenne sore. Her head ached but she was still clinging to Brian just as she had been the night before. She felt rested and secure. He had not fared so well. Brian was quiet at the breakfast table. He was deep in thought about the night before.

  Cheyenne was as well, but she was better at hiding it. She walked to the sink to put her cereal bowl in as he stood at the counter. When she turned around she was entirely to close and bumped into him. He caught her as she smashed into his body. He held onto her and didn’t let her go. He couldn’t take any more. He wrapped her small body in his strong arms and held her close. Cheyenne did not try to get away. She moved into his body and raised her chin upward for his to capture her mouth with his. He kissed her delicately, savoring her taste. Her lips felt like satin pillows against his. She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and lavished it with attention. A moan escaped his mouth as he tried desperately to devour her. She had not set out to kiss him but now that she was doing it, she realized that she enjoyed it. It felt like she was kissing her soul mate, as though their lips were made for each other. Brian took a step back and held her at arm’s length.


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