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Diamond in the Rough (Precious Gems)

Page 15

by A. A. King

  “I am Stephanie Burch. Angie spoke very highly of you.”

  “Thank you. I am Cheyenne and I am so excited to meet you. You have no idea what a relief it is to know that this will become your headache. I love the idea of getting married but being pregnant and trying to pull all of this together has proven to be too much for me.” Cheyenne laughed as she sat at the table.

  Cheyenne let Stephanie know what she and Brian wanted for their wedding as they ate. Both had similar taste and only wanted a simple affair with their closest friends and what little family they had. Cheyenne knew that Matthew would not be able to attend but he had promised to visit as soon as he could take leave. She knew that it would be next Christmas before she could see her brother though. The thought saddened her but at the same time, she was very proud of his commitment to his country. Looking back, she knew that she had made the best decision for his future when she allowed Edna to adopt him. It had been a hard decision at the time, but now, she could not have been more proud of herself or him.

  Turning her attention back to Stephanie, she explained that it would truly be an intimate affair. Without going into details, she informed Stephanie that most of the guests would be friends of Brian’s from the HPD. The woman did not question the guest list but did push Cheyenne to go a little over the top.

  “You only get married to the man of your dreams once in your life. Invest in the day.” Stephanie urged.

  “I will tell you what. You have seventy five thousand. Make it as grand as you can for that amount. I am giving you free reign, surprise me.” Cheyenne said with a grin on her face.

  She had never thrown around money but certainly nothing as large as seventy five thousand. It felt good but also irresponsible. Cheyenne had not grown accustomed to having money and still found herself pinching pennies on everything from toothpaste to a cute sweater she had wanted. She would be become used to being wealthy but it would take time.

  Stephanie left with a smile on her face and a check from Cheyenne in her wallet. Cheyenne had all confidence that the wedding would be amazing and Stephanie seemed like a very capable planner. Cheyenne could breathe easy knowing that her involvement was over except for showing up and saying “I do.”

  Brian called Cheyenne around three o’clock and invited her to dinner at their favorite steak house. She gave Margarite the night off and set about getting ready. Taking extra care with her hair and makeup gave her confidence. She could not rely on her body to take center stage for the next few months so she played up her other assets. Leaving the house an hour later, she noticed that she had not been sick all day. I hope the morning sickness is over…she said to herself. The nausea had taken over her life. Every activity she planned was scheduled around when she normally got sick. She had been craving crawfish but was sure that the smell would send her over the edge. If her morning sickness was over, she would be excited to eating whatever she wanted. With her fingers crossed, she drove to the restaurant.

  Brian had already arrived and was sitting at a table in the back. The candle in the center of the table was casting a dim light against his chiseled face making him look more handsome than ever. She walked to the table and Brian stood up and walked around to pull her chair out for her. Before sitting back down, he bent and kissed her soft lips. Breathing deeply he said, “If I live one hundred more years, I would never get enough of your perfume.”

  Cheyenne blushed and pushed her hair off of her forehead. “I love you baby.” She said to Brian.

  He had already ordered an appetizer and the waiter was approaching the table with it now. One dozen oysters on the half shell were placed in the center of the table on a bed of crushed ice. She nervously picked one up and dressed it with cocktail sauce before eating it. It tasted heavenly and she was relieved that the smell had not made her ill.

  “I thought we needed a night out alone, just the two of us, before things get busy. I have missed you the past few weeks.” Brian confessed to her.

  She had missed him too but life had become so busy that she was only just then realizing it. “I have missed you too. I am getting so excited about the wedding. I cannot wait to become Mrs. Brian Russell.” She said eagerly.

  Both ordered steak and enjoyed their meal while they talked. For the first time in over a month Cheyenne felt turned on. She did not know if it was the oysters of Brian or maybe even a combination of both but she wanted him badly.

  “What are the chances of us getting out of here and going home to finish our date? She asked boldly.

  Brian grinned, obviously knowing what Cheyenne wanted. He paid the bill and walked her to her truck. They drove home in separate vehicles but were definitely headed to the same bed. When they arrived at the ranch, each raced for the front door and up to the bedroom. The sexual tension had grown so thick in the air; one could have cut it with a knife. Cheyenne ripped her clothing off and hopped into the bed just as Brian was entering the room. He was not far behind her and when his body landed on the bed beside hers she felt whole. His lean muscular body felt hard and nice against her. She sought his lips and captured his mouth. The kiss began tenderly and soon grew to epic proportions. Without much fanfare, she pulled him close the rolled on top of him. He entered her waiting pussy gently. She pushed harder against him but he would not match her thrust.

  “Are you worried about the baby?” She asked knowing in her heart that the answer was yes. Cheyenne decided to lay back and enjoy his gentle lovemaking. He pushed in and out of her, his cock gliding like silk within her cunt. As he made love to her, he bent and kissed her neck, feather light kisses were rained on her body as she moaned and writhed in ecstasy. Pressure was building in her body and she knew that it would not be long before she exploded. Her nails dug into the tender, tan flesh of Brian’s back. He moaned loudly as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Needing him more than ever she looked deep into his eyes and said, “I love you more than you’ll ever know.” Just then she spasmed on his hard cock. Her cunt tightened around him like a vise and he responded by shooting his hot come deep into her. His body went rigid and he held his breath. As his climax came to an end, he rolled onto his side and kissed her on the cheek.

  “You mean the world to me Cheyenne. I am so excited about marrying you and even more excited about becoming a father. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I do not want you to ever think that I’m not grateful that you saved my life. If I ever had any doubt that you loved me, it was erased at that moment. I will love you until the day that I die and I owe you my life.”

  “I love you too baby, but what has gotten into you?” Cheyenne asked.

  “Tonight was a celebration of sorts. After Maria’s trial is over, I will be promoted to Captain. No more daily danger for me and no more sleepless nights for you.” He said happily.

  “Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I knew that you would run the place someday.” She laughed.

  Cheyenne was so happy as she fell asleep in Brian’s protective arms. Brian had been right about his job taking its toll on her. She worried constantly about his safety and could not exhale until he walked through the door in the evening. Cheyenne had never imagined that she would be one of those women. But, she had turned out to be. One thing she prided herself on was that she never once nagged him to change careers. She knew from the start how important his job was to him and never dreamed of making him choose. Of course she would have won but she did not have the heart to put him through that. His announcement of the promotion meant the world to her. She truly felt free and happy. No reservations and nothing making her unhappy. Even the thought of Maria did not carry the same negative weight that it used to.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Cheyenne’s thoughts had not been on Maria lately. Her life had become so fulfilling that her thoughts rarely ventured to the dark side of her past. The case had busted wide open when Cheyenne killed Ed and Jason. The full story had come out and if they had lived, all three would have realized that they had each betrayed e
ach other. They had proven that there was no honor among thieves. The entire situation had been sad but some parts were still unbelievable. Their level of deceit was immeasurable and most who heard the story, could not believe that they had gotten away with so much for so long. They had proven that evil come with a price and sometimes that price is too high to pay.

  Maria’s trial would start the following Monday but Cheyenne would not have to attend. Maria had pleaded guilty which made that portion short and sweet. No one would have to testify or speak until her sentencing hearing. The district attorney originally wanted to seek the death penalty but he soon found that doing that would serve no one except Maria. Cheyenne wanted her to have to wake up every morning and live with what she had done. She still thought of her mother and father often. Everywhere she turned she had reminders of her dad. She was not sure if she wanted to raise her baby in the house at Wingate Ranch. So many bad things had happened there but she felt very close to her father while she was living at the ranch.

  Maria had recently asked for a visit from Cheyenne but she could not bring herself to accommodate the request. Having no idea what the maid could have wanted had plagued Cheyenne from time to time, but she knew that in order to begin healing, she would need to put it all behind her. Maria had brought nothing but pain and misery to her and she refused to let her add anymore. Her life would now be happy and she would let nothing interfere with that happiness. Anything that brought stress or unrest to her simply needed to go. That is why Cheyenne decided to sell Wingate Drilling. After being on the market for only two weeks, the company sold for two billion dollars. She knew that she would never want for anything in her life and owed it all to her father. His lifetime of hard work would now give her family a type of security that most could only dream of. Her father’s dream had been for the drilling company to stay in the family and be successful but Cheyenne was not cut out for that life nor the business aspect of it. So many things in her life had changed but she was still true to herself. She began the journey as a lump of unmolded coal. Cheyenne Wingate knew that she was a work in progress but now felt like a diamond in the rough.


  Cheyenne was miserable. At almost nine months pregnant, Brain had begged her to stay home but she would not hear of it. With her husband by her side, she would watch the women who had taken so much from her, be handed her punishment. Seeing Maria sentenced to prison would not bring her father or mother back but it was a small victory for Cheyenne.

  She could now do anything she put her mind to. Never in her life had she been happier. In a matter of days she would get to meet her baby for the first time and life was as good as it could possibly get. Cheyenne Wingate Russell had a loving husband who would move heaven and earth for her. She had never felt love like his before. Reveling in her new life, she almost missed the bailiff calling the court to order. As the judge took the bench he began reading Maria’s charges. Cheyenne felt a sharp pain in her stomach.

  Breath deep, she chanted to herself as it passed. Finally the judge called for her to approach the podium and deliver her victims impact statement. She rose to walk to the front when another pain came. She could not hide this one. It was so intense she doubled over as it hit. The entire courtroom gasped. Brian was at her side in a flash.

  “Mrs. Russell, are you able to deliver your statement?” the judge asked concerned.

  “Your honor, I would like to continue,” she said bravely. Another few steps found her in agony as her water broke.

  “I have to do this Brian. I don’t want our baby born without this chapter of my life being over,” she pleaded with tears in her pleading eyes. Brian helped her to the waiting podium and stood steadfast by her side. Maria sat, stone face, oblivious to the agony Cheyenne was in.

  “Maria, before I even knew you existed; you began to dismantle my life. You had my mother killed and you single handedly murdered my father. You are an evil person and death is too good for you. I hope that you wake up every day, behind bars and feel like the animal that you are. From this day forward, I will not think about you. You will not have that kind of power over me. I came to Houston thinking that you had been an asset to my father and would be one to me. I was wrong and so was he. The level of scheming you have done throughout your life is astonishing and the only think I can be grateful for standing here before you is that you never had children. No one deserves to have you on their mind day to day.”

  The judge looked upon Cheyenne from the large bench. His glasses sat perched on the tip of his narrow nose. “Young lady, you have shown significant restraint today. I commend you for your composure and wish you the best in your future endeavors. Now, as for you,” he said as he glared at Maria. “Maria Garza, I sentence you to life in prison without the possibility of parole. You have committed two heinous crimes and it is my hope that you will never be released back into society. Bailiff, can you please remove this defendant from my site?” The gavel thundered as he struck the bench.

  Maria stood, showing no emotion and placed her arms behind her back. Cheyenne could not feel empathy for her but she also found it hard to feel hate. This woman was obviously deranged and it was the whole family’s bad luck that Charles had been acquainted with her. As they led her away in handcuffs, Cheyenne was sure that this would be the last day of her life tainted with an image of Maria Garza. From this day forward, she would never see this woman again and hopefully she would become a distant memory that would completely fade with time.

  Cheyenne felt another contraction coming and gripped the podium for stability. Brian picked her up and carried her to a gurney where paramedics were waiting to take her to the hospital. “Detective Russell, follow behind us. She is in good hands.” They said as Cheyenne was wheeled down the corridor. The ride to the hospital was unbearable. Cheyenne hated needles and the paramedic who had placed her IV was not the most skilled she had ever encountered. The pains came quicker and more intense. She wanted Brian by her side but knew that it was just a matter of time before he would be. As they arrived at the emergency room bay, the doors to the ambulance were flung open and Brian stood nervously peering in to see Cheyenne. She stifled a giggle at seeing her strong, masculine husband reduced to a nervous expectant father. The man who was immune to most human emotions was brought to his knees by a baby. She sympathized because she felt the same way, but he made a point to be tougher than most and she was excited to know that he had a kryptonite other than herself. As she was wheeled into the bay doors, she hoped it would not be long before she got to see her baby.

  Ten long hours later, Detective and Mrs. Brian Russell waited in the delivery room for the time to come. Brian paced between contractions, worry evident upon his face. But, only an hour later, they welcomed Charles Wingate Russell into the world. With all ten fingers and toes they could not have asked for a healthier baby. “I have all I could ever want,” Brian said as he held his son. His pride was evident in his eyes. She knew that both had not had a family to speak of and now they were a family. They would all have somewhere to be on holidays and there would always be someone to wish them happy birthday. Cheyenne smiled up at both of them as she looked into her future. Her life now felt complete and whole. Brian bent and kissed her forehead as he held their baby securely in his arms.

  “I love you. And I love you too little man.”

  Cheyenne knew as she gazed at her family that her life was now complete. She had simply existed before she found her husband and now their beautiful baby boy would bind them together forever. The love she knew at that moment was more than she could have ever hoped and she knew that it was all she would ever need.

  The End



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