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Moving to Love: Rolling Thunder Series, Book 1

Page 3

by Pj Fiala

  “What the hell is going on here?”

  Joci jumped back. Fucking LuAnn! What a buzzkill. All those warm, fuzzy feelings flew right out the window when she was around.

  “Last time I checked, I didn’t have to explain myself to you. Still don’t.” Jeremiah’s snarl caused LuAnn to take a step back.

  “Well…I thought we were supposed to be having a meeting, not making out.”

  Jeremiah looked at Joci, “We’ll talk after the meeting. Yeah?”

  Hesitating briefly, Joci said, “Yeah.” She nodded and turned to walk down the hall to the conference room.

  She stepped through the doorway, fighting the urge to turn her head and see what was happening between Jeremiah and LuAnn. Then she felt someone behind her and felt his lips close to her ear say, “Tonight.” Oh, lordy. Her stomach flipped, and she became instantly wet. Her breathing felt constricted.

  He walked around her and took a seat at the head of the table and looked at her with a smirk on his face. He motioned with his head for her to take the seat next to his and immediately said, “Okay, let’s get started. We have a ton of stuff to cover.”

  Standing to leave, Gunnar looked at his mom. “Mom, you want to ride a little before the meeting tonight? We haven’t ridden for a while. I thought I could take you to eat somewhere and then we’ll ride over here.”

  Joci chanced a quick look at Jeremiah. He grinned and nodded slightly. “That sounds like a great idea. But after the meeting, she’s mine.”

  Gunnar looked at his mom, eyes wide, a broad smile spread across his face. “Yeah? Awesome.”

  Jeremiah’s smile grew, “Yeah. Awesome. I’ll see you two later. I have a few things to get ready before the meeting tonight.”

  Joci’s face flamed bright red as she watched Jeremiah walk out of the room.

  Gunnar snickered. “It’s about time, Mom. He’s a great guy, and he’s been hung up on you for a long time. I’ll swing by your house around four-thirty, and we can ride a little before we eat. Good?”

  She nodded, “Yeah. Good. I’ll see you then, honey.”

  Joci walked out of the conference room in a daze. What just happened in here? First, Jeremiah told her how it was going to be; then he told Gunnar she was his! Holy shit!


  Ride Meeting

  “Mom, what’s taking you so long?”

  Joci looked up to see Gunnar waiting for her at the end of the row. Joci had been daydreaming about Jeremiah again and didn’t even notice she was just standing there looking lost.

  “Sorry. Coming!”

  She quickly walked down the row of bikes to Gunnar and, together, they walked to a group of her friends. Joci’s best friend, Sandi, and Sandi’s husband, Jon, were standing in the group, as well as a few others. Sandi was a beautiful woman, with long, brown hair pulled back in a braid. She was the most vivacious person Joci knew, with a personality that rivaled the sun.

  “Hey, there! How are you guys?” Joci asked as she hugged Sandi.

  “We’re good. I haven’t seen you this week. Busy?”

  Joci nodded. “You know, getting all the items needed for tomorrow and the tickets and such ready, I had to keep at it so I could finish on time and enjoy tonight.”

  Joci hugged Jon. “Hey, big guy. How are you?”

  Jon was a great-looking man, about six feet tall, short dark brown hair, and laughing blue eyes. Sandi was madly in love with Jon and Jon was madly in love with Sandi. Joci envied their relationship. She had always hoped for a relationship like theirs.

  “Doin’ good, Joci, but you have to stop being too busy to have lunch with Sandi. She likes her girl time!”

  Jon leaned in a little closer to Joci. “She drove me crazy wondering where you were and how you were doing.”

  Joci laughed. “Sorry, Jon, I promise to keep in better touch with Sandi.”

  Sandi and Joci had lunch once a week to touch base and catch up. It was something they started doing years ago when the kids were little.

  Joci looked at Sandi and hugged her again. “Everything is fine. I’m fine. Gunnar is fine. But, I do need to talk to you. Jeremiah asked me to leave with him tonight.”

  “Mom…I’m headed over to see the guys.” Joci smiled at Gunnar as he started to walk away. With a wave, he was off.

  Sandy absently waved at Gunnar, quickly turning back to Joci and said, “Tell me. What did you say? You better have said ‘yes’ this time.”

  “Hello, Joci. You look beautiful.”

  Oh, Gawd! His voice made her shiver. Shit, her body reacted to that man before she could even put a thought to it. Joci slowly turned to see Jeremiah standing next to her and handing her a bottle of water. Taking a deep breath, she looked into his eyes.

  “Hi, Jeremiah. Thank you. How are you?”

  Jeremiah leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “You look beautiful, Joci.”

  She looked at Jeremiah and blushed. He chuckled, and her face flamed a bright red. Great!

  Sandi said, “Hi, Dog. Looks like we’re going to have great weather tomorrow.”

  Jeremiah looked up at the sky. “It sure does. That means more riders, which means more money for the cause. Gotta love that.” They bobbed their heads in agreement.

  Joci undid the cap on her bottle of water and took a long drink as he watched her. God, she was beautiful—stubborn as hell, but so beautiful. She took his breath away.

  He knew he affected her. He watched her when she was near. He could see the muscles in her neck moving with each exaggerated swallow. When he spoke to her, she licked her lips and looked him in the eye, not blinking. God, if she only knew what that did to him. His cock twitched every time he thought about her. And when he saw her, it had a life of its own; his stomach flipped, and his breathing became unsteady. She had been avoiding the inevitable, though.

  This morning, things changed. Jeremiah looked at his watch. He hated walking away from Joci, but he was anxious to get this meeting finished to begin his time with her.

  “We better get this show started. If you’re ready, come on over to the side of the building.”

  He nodded at Sandi and Jon, gave Joci a little wink, and walked away. Joci needed to sit down. God, that man affected her whole body, her whole nervous system. Her knees were weak, and she was lightheaded. Sandi laughed at her.

  “Gawd, Joci, tell me you gave up and decided to go out with that man. He obviously wants you, and you obviously want him.” Sandi leaned in a little. “And just think of all the fun you could be having…after hours.”

  Joci swallowed to moisten her throat. “Sandy, we’re going out tonight.”

  “Finally. For crying out loud, Joci, he’s been circling for almost a year.” Jumping up and down a couple of times, Sandy shrieked, “I’m so excited!”

  Jon shook his head at his lovely wife. Nodding to Joci, he said, “Okay, ladies, let’s go hear what’s up for tomorrow,”

  As they rounded the corner to the side of the building where the pre-ride meeting was being held, there were about one hundred-forty people sitting and standing around waiting for the meeting to start. All the proceeds from tomorrow’s ride would go to area veterans who were in need. Medical assistance, work on their homes to make them more user-friendly to a disabled veteran, educational assistance for returning veterans, or any other sort of need that came up.

  Jeremiah was a veteran of the Gulf War, and both his sons and all his brothers served in the military. It was with love and pride that he held this ride every year. Last year, they had over seven hundred riders and over twelve hundred people who attended. This year, they expected it to be much more.

  Joci loved stuff like this, and she adored this cause. Her own family had served in the military. Both her parents and her sister Jackie’s husband, David, were veterans as well.

  As Joci, Sandi, and Jon rounded the building to the back parking lot; Joci saw that the stage had been constructed for the festivities tomorrow. Some volunteers had been working on it today.
  “Mom, Sandi, Jon…over here!” Gunnar had a spot ready for them at the front table with her sister, Jackie, and brother-in-law, David, and some of their friends. Connor was there as well. Connor was the best friend of Keith, Gunnar’s father. When Keith had left, Connor stepped up and helped Joci with Gunnar.

  As they approached the table, Jackie and David got up and hugged Joci. She waved at their friends.

  “Hi, Connor. How are you? I haven’t seen you in a few days.”

  Connor stood and hugged Joci. “I’m good, Joci. Had a busy few days at work, but everything is fine. You look beautiful as always.”

  Joci smiled at him. Connor swept his hand to the side and offered her a seat where he had been sitting.

  “If I could have your attention, please. I’d like to get this meeting started so we can relax and enjoy the rest of the night. We’ll all be working hard tomorrow,” Jeremiah spoke into the microphone.

  She loved the deep timbre of his voice as it floated over her whole body, covering her like her favorite sweater. It revved up her senses like nothing else in the world. She could almost imagine him whispering in her ear as he made love to her.

  She looked up at Jeremiah as he stood at the edge of the stage with a microphone in his hand. He looked perfect up there. He was confident, strong, in control, and sexy, sexy, sexy! He was wearing tight jeans and a black sleeveless shirt that showed off his perfect arms. Both his upper biceps were tattooed in beautiful scroll designs. And in the same scroll pattern, he had dates tattooed on the back of each of his wrists. God, she could look at him all day. He glanced down at her, but he was scowling.

  “First of all, I want to thank a few people before we get down to the nitty-gritty. Deacon, once again, the hard work and effort you give to this cause each year astound me. Thank you for so much dedication and time on your part to keep this ball rolling.”

  Deacon stood up and gave a thumbs up to Dog as the crowd clapped and cheered.

  “Gunnar…you have really impressed me with your organizational skills and your ability to think outside of the box. You’ve helped us solve so many of our issues with space and parking. Thanks, man; we all appreciate it.”

  Gunnar had a smile from ear to ear. David slapped him on the back, and Joci smiled proudly at her son. He had his dark hair pulled back into a ponytail and his bright, blue eyes twinkled. Gunnar looked over at his mom; she could tell he was very proud of himself. Joci winked at him and clapped louder than anyone else in the crowd. Jackie let out a loud whistle for Gunnar.

  “Joci. Thank you for designing the best logo we’ve ever had and putting together the marketing plan of the century along with the website. In the eight years we’ve been doing this ride, nothing has come together like it did this year due to your designs and marketing ideas. Because of you, this ride will be the biggest ride we’ve had to date. Thank you, baby.”

  The crowd cheered. Joci did a double take. Had she heard right over the cheering? Did he call her ’baby?’ God, he had. He called her baby! Joci felt someone bump her shoulder and looked at Sandi, whose smile was spread across her face as she gave Joci a thumbs up.

  Oh. My. God. Joci thought she would like to just spontaneously combust right now. As she looked around at everyone, she saw Gunnar look at her with a smirk on his face and Jackie looked at her with a smile and a wink. Jon was grinning as well. Connor was frowning at her. Then Joci saw LuAnn.

  LuAnn was looking at her like she wanted to kill her. Joci was plain by LuAnn’s standards. The men always commented on LuAnn. They positively drooled when she walked by. Over this past year, as Joci was working with the crew on this ride, she heard so many guys saying very crude and rude things about what they would like to do to LuAnn.

  As Jeremiah continued to give accolades and started explaining how things would work tomorrow, Joci brought her attention back to him. “Finally, the sign-up crew will sign the bikers and riders in when they get here in the morning. Janice, Ricky, and Joci, you’ll be with me at the sign-in table. Break into your crews and organize yourselves for tomorrow. Sign-up crew, meet with me in the store, please.”

  Joci stood up to start walking into the store, and Sandi swatted Joci on the ass. “Go get him, Joci.”

  Joci shook her head at her friend and opened the service door in the back by the garage. The store was in the front, but Joci was used to walking through the back. When she came here, she usually walked through the back way so she could say hello to Gunnar and the guys. As soon as Joci walked into the shop, she could smell Jeremiah’s aftershave. It was the most delicious spicy scent that had teased her nostrils for the past few months. He was leaning against a wall waiting for her. His arms were crossed over his chest.

  Joci stopped in her tracks at the sight of him. Jesus, he was breathtaking. He smiled at her then pushed himself off the wall with his shoulder and walked toward her. With each step, Joci could feel her heart beating faster.

  When he stood right in front of her, he reached his hand out and touched her hair. He slid his fingers in her hair at the temple and back until he was cupping her head.

  He slowly bent his head down and kissed her lightly on the lips. She moaned at the feel of his lips on hers. A shiver ran through her body, her breathing erratic. He slid his free hand around her waist and pulled her close. That was the undoing of Joci James. She grabbed his shirt on each side of his waist and fisted it in her hands. She hung on, trying not to fall, trying not to let this man consume her. That wasn’t going to be easy.

  Jeremiah groaned into her mouth and pulled her closer. She smelled amazing, a scent unique to only Joci, fresh and clean with a hint of spice. And she was aroused by him; he could feel her body responding to him. He couldn’t wait anymore. He had to take this chance and make her see they could be amazing together.

  He slid his hand down to the top of her sweet, little ass and pulled her into the hardness behind his zipper. She let out a little sob at the feel of him pushed against her. He deepened the kiss, his hold on her head kept her in place while he seduced her mouth with his lips and his tongue.

  Every time she whimpered or moaned, it spurred him on. He could imagine how she would moan and mewl while he was fucking her. That thought alone almost made him blow in his pants.

  Jeremiah broke the kiss and put his forehead against Joci’s. Their breathing was ragged and raspy. They were both shaking and hanging on to each other.

  Jeremiah said, “We’ll go over things with Ricky and Janice so that tomorrow will run smooth. Then, we’re leaving…together…and tonight we’re going to be together. No more of you avoiding me. I want you, Joci, and you want me.”

  Jeremiah lifted his head and looked into her eyes. She saw the determination there.

  She took a deep breath. “Then what, Jeremiah? We go our separate ways? You fuck me, so I’m out of your system and move on? Is that what?”

  Jeremiah’s brows furrowed and his eyes became little slits.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean? What kind of man do you think I am? I wouldn’t…fuck. Joci, what the hell?”

  He took a deep breath to steady himself. He couldn’t scare her away. He could feel how close he was to getting her to come home with him.

  Lowering his voice, he whispered close to her ear. “I’ve wanted you since the first minute I saw you. I still remember what you were wearing, what you looked like when you walked in that door. You were wearing jeans with little shiny things on the back pockets that moved around and sparkled when you walked. You were wearing a gray t-shirt with rhinestone hearts on it. I remembered thinking how the gray in the shirt matched your eyes. God, your eyes. I think about looking into them while I’m in you. I think about it over and over. I have feelings for you, Joci. What happens tomorrow is we ride, enjoy the day, meet and greet, and come home.”

  She took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Jeremiah. I’m…I…you…” Joci swallowed. “What I’m trying to say is I didn’t mean to make you mad.”

  Joci took
another breath and pulled away. Her voice was small and shaky. “I’m scared,” she managed to squeak out.

  It was so soft Jeremiah could barely hear it, but he did. He let out a deep breath, not even realizing he had been holding it. He closed his eyes a moment and opened them to see her looking at the ground. He put two fingers under her chin and gently raised it so he could see her eyes. His breath caught in his throat when he saw the tears.

  He placed both of his hands on either side of her face and brushed the tears away with his thumbs. He very gently kissed each tear track on her cheek.

  “I know this is hard for you. I won’t hurt you.”

  “Hey, there you guys are. Are you ready?”

  Ricky and Janice stood in the doorway to the store. Ricky worked at Rolling Thunder in parts sales. His short, spiky, blond hair suited him. He had tattoos on both arms, full sleeves, and a set of red lips tattooed on his neck. His blue eyes sparkled, taking in the scene before him.

  Jeremiah looked over his shoulder. “Yeah, we’ll be right there. Why don’t you make sure the computers are booted up so we can run through the software with Joci?”

  Ricky looked at Janice and smirked. They turned and walked over to the computers behind the sales counter.

  Jeremiah looked back at Joci. “Are you okay?”

  Joci gave a weak smile and wiped her eyes with her fingers. Jeremiah grabbed her and hugged her tight. He needed the contact with her. Poor thing, she was scared out of her wits. Those bastards in her past had done a number on her.

  “All we can do is try, Joci. Not trying is worse than failing. If we don’t try to see if we have something together, we’ll never know.”

  He could feel her shaking and tightened his arms around her, holding her in place so she would feel protected. After a few moments, he loosened his hold on her and whispered, “Ready?”


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