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An Adventurer's Heart

Page 6

by Tao Wong

  The last event happened the night before they arrived at Silverstone. The three senior Adventurers found the two novices at their cooking fire late in the evening with Niko leading the conversation. “We’ll be arriving at Silverstone soon.”

  “Yes,” Daniel said.

  “We were thinking, what with you being Adventurers and all. Would you like to see what an Advanced Dungeon is like?” Niko said.

  Daniel blinked and looked to Asin, part excited, part scared. As he hesitated, Niko added, “We won’t go past the first level. And we’d share out the earnings in four parts, with both of you taking the fourth. It would be good experience for you two, and it’d be good to have a Healer in the party again, even if it is brief.”

  Tevfik added his own growling points directly to Asin, working to convince her. She yowled a little, pushing against the other Catkin playfully with her arm before she looked to Daniel and offered a slight nod.

  “Well, okay. Only the first level right!” Daniel added and the trio nodded, and Iyas clapped Daniel on the shoulder. Once they had received the two novice adventurer’s agreement, the talk turned to what they could expect in the Dungeon they intended to enter, speaking of monsters and dangers as well as the required gear. Most of the gear was common, things that they already owned but some were much more extensive.

  No other major incidents occurred before they finally arrived at Silverstone, the arches of the tall buildings that make up the city coming into view.

  Daniel smiles as they finally arrive, the city spreading out beneath them in the distance as they crest the hill. Three times the size of Karlak, Silverstone is a major trading hub and the second largest city this side of the country, situated as it is on a meeting point for three major roads and the Arq river that flows from the mountains in the North. Most importantly for Daniel and Asin, it also contains two Advanced Dungeons which contribute a significant portion of wealth to the city.

  Like its namesake, Silverstone gleams in the evening sun, as the white walls of the houses and the roofs reflect sunlight and even twinkle ever so slightly to their gaze. The white of the city is not in fact stone but from a unique local clay that when applied helps insulate the houses and gives the city its distinctive look.

  As they begin the descent into the city, Daniel smiles and pulls up his character sheet for a moment. They are nearly there!

  Name: Daniel Chai

  Class: Level 5 Adventurer (6%)

  Sub-classes: Level 7 (Miner) (14%)

  Human (Male)


  Life: 215

  Stamina: 215

  Mana: 160


  Strength: 20

  Agility: 20

  Constitution: 28

  Intelligence: 16

  Willpower: 18

  Luck: 13


  Unarmed Combat: Level 3 (17/100)

  Clubs: Level 8 (84/100)

  Archery: Level 1 (18/100_

  Shield: Level 7 (04/100)

  Dodge: Level 4 (98/100)

  Combat Sense: Level 5 (78/100)

  Perception: Level 5 (66/100)

  Mining: Level 7 (78/100)

  Healing: Level 8 (87/100)

  Herb Lore: Level 3 (31/100)

  Stealth: Level 2 (14/100)

  Cooking: Level 3 (21/100)

  Singing: Level 2 (14/100)

  Skill Proficiencies

  Double Strike

  Shield Bash

  Mapping (II)


  Minor Healing (I)


  Martyr’s Touch - The caster may heal oneself or others by touch and concentration, sacrificing a portion of his life to do so. Cost varies depending on the extent of the injuries healed.

  Chapter 7

  “Right then, you lot,” the wizened old man barks at the Adventurers, waiting for them to gather before Chip passes around small pouches filled with their pay. The wagons having finally arrived at the city, the caravan master had passed the coin pouches to Chip earlier who now did the distribution. Three smaller pouches for the experienced Adventurers, and two larger pouches for Asin and Daniel for their longer journey. Hefting their pay, the Adventurers slide them into their respective belt pouches and take their dismissal with good grace outside the walls of Silverstone.

  “Remember, the Wandering Rooster in two days!” Niko waggles his finger at the two novices who nod quickly. The Rooster was located near the center of town, next to the Adventurer’s Guild and nearly directly between the two Dungeons. It was perfectly located and well known to provide high-quality food, comfortable and clean beds and thus cost significantly more than the two novice adventurers could afford. As such, they would be taking rooms closer to the outside walls where cheaper accommodation could be found. While many other inns and buildings lay outside the city’s walls, those were often more run down and significantly less comfortable.

  The group had already agreed that they would meet in two days to run the Advanced Dungeon. Asin and Daniel first needed to make arrangements for their fetch quest as well as locate and purchase some of the recommended items. It also would allow the two time to tour the city itself, uninjured.

  Entrance to the city was a simple affair. The pair had to only showcase their Adventurers seals to be allowed in without paying the entrance fee to the city. Daniel and Asin sighed, wishing that this courtesy was extended to them everywhere else. Of course, this tactic was one that the City of Silverstone had adopted to attract and encourage Adventurers to visit their city over others. After depositing their bags at an inn recommended by Gabriel, the two Adventurers get directions from the innkeeper to the merchant they needed to meet for Max.

  As they walk through the city, the two Adventurers unconsciously move closer to one another, unused to the press of humanity. Asin constantly wrinkles her nose, the never-ending stench of civilization pressing on her expanded senses while the constant shouts, rumbling of passing wagons and just the patter of feet assault her ears. Daniel, in turn, finds the sight of so many inhabitants slightly unnerving, and he unconsciously keeps a hand next to his mace, glad to have taken Gabriel’s earlier advice to keep the majority of his coins in a pouch hidden inside his shirt.

  Most of the inhabitants of Silverstone were dressed like those in Karlak, wearing simple tunics and pants. However, even Daniel noted that many of these tunics were made of higher quality material than those in Karlak. Asin prods Daniel who follows her gaze, and they step into a nearby clothing store to make some quick purchases. They leave in short order, Daniel stalking out with Asin following after, the pair of them growling softly as the proprietor refuses to serve the Catkin. Still, Daniel makes a mental note to go shopping for both himself and Kh’yra before he leaves, preferably in a store that encouraged purchases from a variety of customers.

  As he stalks forwards in anger, Asin has to tug on Daniel’s arm to get him to go in the right direction as he misses a turn, the little Catkin’s tail lashing out behind her. Fortunately, an irate Adventurer who was as broad as Daniel generated a significant amount of space around his body, ensuring that neither Adventurer had to deal with any further casual bumps.

  It takes them nearly an hour and a half to find the correct building. Asking for directions often resulted in confusing and sometimes contradictory instructions - the sprawling, winding streets and numerous alleyways meant that the ‘fastest’ way to a location would differ depending on the particular pedestrian. Finally, at their destination, the pair stare up at the larger warehouse. They tug on the rope situated outside the door, listening to the bell ringing inside as they wait to be let in. They are greeted by a large, tattooed bald man whose skin is nearly as dark as Asin’s fur when the door opens. “What?”

  Daniel fishes out the letter of introduction, offering it to the man, “We’re Adventurers completing a Quest.”

  The tattooed man grunts, closing the door on the two Adventurers, leaving them on the street. Daniel and Asin
look at each other before shrugging their shoulders, setting themselves to wait in the busy street. Ten minutes later the door opens, and the door warden waves them in, looking past them to ensure no others follow. Once he bars the door again, he leads the two Adventurers through the warehouse which surprisingly is sparsely filled with wooden crates shelved with great care. Neither of the Adventurers remarks at the state of the warehouse as neither has ever been in one before, unable to realize that the meticulous and spotless nature of the warehouse was unusual.

  At an office in the back, their guide knocks and then opens the door before waving them in. The dark giant steps in soon after the two, taking station behind the pair. Asin automatically shifts, putting herself to the side so that she can watch the larger enforcer, her actions eliciting a narrowing of eyes. Daniel, however, steps forward, his gaze fixed on the merchant before them. At first, he assumes it is a woman due to the delicate features and the makeup, but after a moment he realizes he is mistaken. The gentleman before him has rouged his cheeks, mascaraed his eyes and painted his long, delicate fingers but is still very much a man. Fingers gently glide along the edges of their letter, delicately tracing the words before their owner finally deigns to acknowledge their presence.

  “Adventurer’s Chai and Asin I presume?” Receiving nods from both he smiles, gesturing for them to take a seat, reaching out to pour glasses of tea for them both. “Come, come. Join me in a drink. Please.”

  Daniel nods and sits down while Asin shakes her head, preferring to stand and watch the tattooed man. The giant flashes her a grin and is given one in return while the merchant looks at the byplay with a resigned expression.

  “I am Leonard Regus. Please, relax and drink. You are guests, honored guests here,” Leonard says.

  Daniel picks up the glass, sipping at the tea, and is pleasantly surprised at the light and fruity flavor.

  “It’s good, isn’t it? It’s a blend we import. If I do say so myself, it is very good. If you want, at the end of this, I’ll sell you a bagful. Now, did you just arrive from Karlak?”

  “Yes, we did,” Daniel answers. Leonard proceeds to ask questions about their journey, disguising his search for information on the condition of the roads in idle chatter. Daniel replies, enjoying the tea and after a while, even Asin relaxes and joins him on sipping the beverage and snacking on the expensive and rare treats that Leonard offers. It is only after fifteen minutes that the conversation turns back to their initial reason for coming, Leonard having pulled sufficient information from the pair to satisfy himself.

  “Well, you two have been a delight, a true delight. Your employer’s purchases, they are all here. Would you care to inspect them?” Leonard asks, and at their nods of confirmation, he stands and struts to the door to lead them to the appropriate crate. His guard proceeds to pick up the crate from its shelf, placing it on the ground for the two Adventurers to review the items within, checking against the list they were provided. Satisfied, the two nod at Leonard and the guard who proceeds to set the items back on the shelf.

  “Now, I understand you need to transport these to Karlak?” Daniel and Asin both nod again and Leonard offers them a regretful smile, “How unfortunate, how unfortunate. There is no caravan leaving for a few weeks, and I must say, it’s really sad, but I must say, that one will be traveling to Kyris first. As you know, I’m sure you do, that’ll lengthen your trip.”

  Seeing the crestfallen faces of the duo, Leonard continues, “However, there is a smaller merchant who will be leaving in four days who will be headed to Karlak directly. He usually does not take passengers but if I were to make the introduction…”

  “What would you want for this?” Daniel asks bluntly, eyes narrowing. This seemed just a little too convenient.

  “Nothing much, nothing at all. Just a little favor that a pair of young, strong Adventurers would find simple to complete,” Leonard replies immediately, smiling. “I have a small matter, a small problem, with a competitor and it’d be quite, quite useful if you could perhaps have a word with him. Just a small thing, so very small.”

  “Guild,” Asin speaks up, pointing at him.

  “Mmmm… How quaint. How very quaint. Unfortunately, I cannot. I truly cannot speak with the Guild about this. It’d make a private matter public. I really wouldn’t want that, and it’s such a small favor.” Daniel frowns and looks at Asin who shakes her head. Daniel nods back to her and then turns to turn down Leonard again but is cut-off. “Oh, that’s so sad. Well, if you do change your mind, do tell me. I could always use your help. Really I could.”

  The moment he falls silent, the guard has moved up to the pair, indicating for them to leave. Leonard is already heading away, bidding them goodbye and the pair are whisked out in a moment, the goods left in Leonard’s hands for now. Standing on the doorstep of the warehouse, the pair frown at each other.

  “That was… different,” Daniel says and Asin nods, rubbing her nose.

  “No trust. Bad,” Asin replies and Daniel nods, tapping his mace in thought. Still, the merchant was not going to steal their goods. It would ruin his reputation. After a moment, he shrugs at his partner.

  “Well, let’s check in with the Guild shall we?” Daniel says, and after getting their directions, the two begin the long hike into the center of town.

  When they finally arrive at the Guild hours later, after getting lost a few times, the sun has begun to set. The Guild Hall in Silverstone makes both Adventurers stand in shock as they gaze on the large, three story building that makes up the Hall. It takes up two lots with two separate entrances and a gated yard for training. Late as it is, Adventurers stream out from the entrances at a rapid pace, barely even looking at the two who stand there in shock. Many of the Adventurers split almost immediately to the East and West, headed for the respective Dungeons that lie in those directions.

  Asin is the first to get over her shock, prodding her partner to get him moving. Daniel grimaces, hanging his head slightly as he realizes how much of a rube he is looking like and starts walking to the nearest entrance. A few minutes later, both Adventurers hurry back out and enter the other entrance, Daniel flushed with shame. How were they to know that there was a separate entrance for the more senior Adventurers? It wasn’t as if there was a sign like the wooden, painted one hanging right outside the door…

  In the quest hall, the two Adventurers stare around the large room which is both familiar with its desks and attendants and also so much larger than any other hall they have been to before. The sheer hum of business, of Adventurers and attendants moving in an orderly fashion makes them pause at the doorway again as they attempt to get their bearings. At the loud clearing of a voice behind them, the two scurry to the side and out of the way. Movement to their right catches their attention as they spot an entire room that is set aside for quest notifications through the doorway.

  “Wow…” Daniel murmurs and Asin wordlessly agrees with him. Such a difference from Karlak. After a moment more, Daniel shakes his head to clear it and walks to the quest room. They needed to see if there were caravan guard jobs available back to Karlak, preferably earlier. Perhaps the merchant had been wrong?

  “Asin Chetan and Daniel Chai? Yes, I’ve got confirmation of your caravan quest here. Well done. As for your other question, the board is correct. The earliest guard job to Karlak is in two weeks. In fact, we have four jobs from caravans available - though I understand you are looking for the fastest to return to Karlak? That would be Elijah’s group in two and a half weeks then,” the attendant replies, rubbing at the ink stain on his finger as he scans down the list he has in front of him. Daniel and Asin both sigh, their faint hopes dashed.

  “Problem?” the attendant asks and the pair shrug.

  “We’d like to sign up for the caravan then. And there’s no problem, it’s just a little expensive living here,” Daniel adds, already thinking of how expensive their inn was. They probably would have to move outside the city gates.

  “Don’t worry. W
e’ve got a lot of work for those of your level. Most of our Adventurers refuse to do the low-level quests we receive, so there’s always a backlog.” The attendant leans forward, his eyes gleaming. “In fact, if you are willing to get started now, I’ve got a few quests…”

  “Uhh…” Daniel opens his mouth to say no as picking up quests today was not part of the plan. It was getting pretty late, but Asin elbows him aside, nodding firmly to the attendant whose grin widens.

  “Perfect! Well, being from Karlak, I have the perfect job for you.” The attendant grins, pushing forward a small stack of quest markers. Asin’s nose wrinkles as she quickly flicks through them, letting out a low distressed growl.

  “I know, I know. Sewers, but these have been piling up so much,” the attendant replies and then leans forward conspiringly. “I’ll tell you what, if you’re willing to take them all, I’ll even waive the deposit for all but the top one.”

  Daniel pushes himself up, and Asin hands him the quest notes which Daniel frowns at, reading them over. Rat extermination. Rat extermination. Pest extermination. Rat extermination. On and on, the sheets continue. “So many…”

  “Tell me about it! The guards sweep the sewers every few weeks, but they only ever do the main lines regularly and the rest on rotation,” the attendant grumbles, shaking his head. “Of course, that doesn’t work if you’ve got an infestation in your neighborhood.”

  Asin nods absently, her eyes locked on the bottom of each quest notification, mentally toting up their potential earnings. Her grin widens, coins dancing in her eyes as she considers just how much they could earn.

  “I don’t know; I mean sewers…” Daniel frowns, glancing over at Asin. The Catkin would suffer even more than he would from the smells.


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