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Roy Jenkins

Page 112

by John Campbell

  Richard, Alison, 687

  Richard, Ivor, 334, 392

  Richards, Steve, 723

  Ridley, Nicholas, 470, 669

  Robbins, Lord, 231

  Roberts, Andrew, 729, 731–2

  Roberts, Eirlys, 560

  Robertson, George, 560

  Robinson, Geoffrey, 725n

  Robinson, Kenneth, 185, 267, 314

  Robinson, Mary, 689

  Rockefeller, Nelson, 336n, 435

  Rodger, A.B., 56–7

  Rodgers, Sylvia, 244, 377, 449, 451–2, 465, 504

  Rodgers, William, 7, 41, 182, 194, 201, 212, 214, 225, 226–8, 229, 244, 279, 285, 350, 353, 655n, 674, 683, 701, 706, 708, 724, 737, 738, 747, 749; Jenkinsite, 330–1, 361, 374n, 376, 377, 378, 385, 391–4, 398–9, 414–8, 449, 451–2, 455, 457, 460–1, 465–6, 467, 472, 480, 504; and the SDP, 507–8, 510, 517, 541, 542–4, 548–53, 554, 554n, 555–62, 567–75, 580, 582–3, 586–8, 593–4, 601–3, 608, 610–13, 616–17, 618n, 619–20, 626, 628, 647, 662–6; on Jenkins, 158–9, 194, 459n, 543; Jenkins on, 543

  Rolling Stones, 360

  Rommel, Erwin, 81

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 740–1

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 53, 57, 157, 234, 365–6, 367, 368, 506, 525, 590, 629, 673, 708, 722–3, 740–1

  Roper, John, 385, 386, 387, 460, 558, 601, 618, 619, 626, 702n

  Rose, Kenneth, 239

  Rose, Paul, 417–18, 418n

  Rose, Richard, 201

  Rosebery, Lord, 150, 699n, 742

  Ross, William, 294–5, 296, 296n, 390, 434, 443, 468

  Rothschild, Tess, 290

  Rothschild, Victor, 290, 467, 473, 504, 508

  Rousseau, Douanier, 62

  Rove, Karl, 732

  Rowse, A.L., 40, 633

  Royal Society of Literature, 7, 184, 675

  Ruddock, Joan, 644n

  Ruggiero, Renato, 492

  Runcie, Robert, 655, 686n

  Rusbridger, Alan, 721–2

  Rushdie, Salman, 693

  Rusk, Dean, 233, 313–14

  Russell, Conrad, 657

  Ryrie, William, 353

  Saddam Hussein, 743

  Sainsbury, David, 662

  Saint-Saens, Camille, 697

  Salinger, Pierre, 395

  Salisbury, 3rd Marquess, 98, 335n

  Salter, Sir Arthur, 113

  Sampson, Anthony, 560

  Sandelson, Neville, 385, 386, 558n

  Sandys, Duncan, 277–8

  Sarkozy, Nicholas, 487

  Sarson, Hilary, 160

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 166

  Scarfe, Gerald, 745

  Scargill, Arthur, 644n

  Scarman, Lord, 618n

  school leaving age, 313–5

  Schlesinger, Arthur, 128n, 154, 229, 232, 366, 368, 395, 404, 525, 654, 655n, 738, 740

  Schmidt, Helmut, 456–7, 480, 486, 489, 491, 495, 497–500, 512, 521, 527–35, 538, 563, 630, 690

  Schroeder, Gerhard, 746

  Schuman Plan (1950), 188

  Scotney, Gordon, 69, 75n

  Scotsman, 648

  Scott, Norman, 583n

  Scottish National Party (SNP), 413, 441, 468, 588, 589n, 592

  Scott James, Anne, 332

  Seear, Nancy, 708

  Seldon, Anthony, 700

  Selective Employment Tax (SET), 318–19, 321n, 340

  Seligman, Madron, 28, 30, 31, 33n, 36, 257, 418, 655, 734, 737

  Sex Discrimination Act (1975), 2, 422, 428–9, 440

  Shakespeare, William, 372

  Shanks, Michael, 310

  Shannon, Richard, 633, 691, 693n

  Shawcross, Lord, 395, 631

  Sherlock, Neal, 723

  Shinwell, Emanuel, 139, 195, 248

  Shonfield, Andrew, 196n

  Shore, Peter, 7, 201, 319–20, 329, 347, 351, 390, 415, 435, 443, 462, 552, 579

  Short, Clare, 430

  Short, Edward, 302, 332, 356, 390–1, 394, 394n, 435, 455, 468

  Silkin, John, 294, 298, 389, 443, 552

  Silverman, Sydney, 215

  Simenon, Georges, 474, 484, 525, 633

  Singh, Bahadoor, 49

  Sisman, Adam, 733

  Sissons, Michael, 620, 676, 690, 745

  Skinner, Dennis, 410, 598, 614, 626

  Smallbone, Patricia, 476n

  Smallwood, Christopher, 618, 619

  Smith, Adam, 27

  Smith, Anthony, 655

  Smith, Cyril, 572, 577

  Smith, F.E., (Lord Birkenhead) 16, 287n, 631

  Smith, Jean Kennedy, 738

  Smith, John, 385, 386, 433–4, 560, 680, 700

  Smith, T. Dan, 291

  Smithers, Sir Waldron, 144

  Snowden, Philip, 131, 164, 315n, 340, 342, 673, 728

  Soames, Christopher, 474, 476, 476n

  Soames, Mary, 729

  Social Democratic Alliance (SDA), 542–3

  Social Democratic Party (SDP), 1, 3, 5–7, 39, 41, 58, 138, 140, 212, 214, 245n, 265, 355, 360, 386, 387–8, 392, 418n, 453, 676–8; genesis of, 507–17, 540–68; initial success of, 568–85; later difficulties, 586–627; relations with the Liberals, 541–2, 544, 557, 568, 569, 571–3, 576–7, 582–3, 587, 589, 604–8, 610–12, 620–2, 647–9; leadership, 601–8, 626–7, 570–1, 581–2; merger with the Liberals, 662–7

  Socialist Commentary, 206

  Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP), 452

  Society of Authors, 183, 185, 194

  Solihull, 95–7, 119–20

  Soskice, Frank, 180, 227, 255–6, 260, 262, 268, 296, 300, 742

  Sorrell, S.J., 579–80

  South Wales Argus, 11

  South Wales Miners’ Federation (SWMF), 15–16, 18

  Southwark Central, 106–9, 120

  Southwood, Richard, 686–7

  Soviet Union (USSR), 138, 187, 233–4

  Sparrow, John, 257, 283

  Spectator, 20n, 154, 168, 190, 193, 200, 205–6, 208, 211, 212, 215, 216, 219, 238, 239, 245, 368n, 444, 549, 559, 638, 680, 718, 719, 722

  Spence, Laura, 717–18

  Spender, Stephen, 219n

  Sphere, The, 121

  Stalin, Josef, 30, 35, 41, 171

  Stanley, Venetia, 236–7, 748

  Stead, W.T., 150

  Stechford (Birmingham), 120–3, 145–7, 175–7, 240–2, 266–7, 358–9, 359n, 379, 412–13, 426, 439–40, 441, 470–1, 484, 560, 577, 596, 661

  Steel, David, 384, 407, 444–5, 449–50, 515, 550, 610, 673, 707, 708; and abortion Bill, 294–6; and the Alliance, 571–4, 576–7, 582–3, 587, 587n, 591, 597, 607, 612, 619–24, 645, 648–9, 659, 662–7; relationship with Jenkins, 509, 540–2, 571, 587, 587n, 618, 623–4, 626–7; Jenkins on, 296, 509

  steel industry, 114–5, 127

  Stephens, Philip, 693–4

  sterling, 196, 196n, 303–4, 319–21, 336–9, 342–3, 356, 640–1

  Stevas, Norman St John, 138, 138n, 295, 297

  Stevens, J.B., 359n

  Stevens, Jocelyn, 736n

  Stevens, Liz, 738

  Stevenson, Adlai, 180, 366, 416, 655

  Stevenson, Frances, 239n, 734

  Stevenson, R.L., 117

  Stewart, J.I.M., 525

  Stewart, Michael, 215, 232n, 248, 264, 281, 290, 313, 320, 330, 374, 379

  Stirling, Sir Angus, 736n

  Stockwood, Mervyn, 395

  Stonehouse, John, 245, 245n, 255

  Stonham, Lord, 265

  Stoppard, Tom, 744n

  Strachey, John, 53, 180

  Strachey, Lytton, 525, 634

  Strauss, George, 301, 385n

  Straw, Jack, 703, 709–10, 714–15, 717, 719, 722, 726

  Strong, Roy, 329n

  Stuart, Gisela, 716

  Suez crisis, 186–7, 189, 196, 201, 600, 632, 669, 698

  Summerskill, Edith, 108

  Summerskill, Shirley, 432, 439, 459, 467

  Sun, 252, 252n, 341, 354, 566, 566n, 574, 581

  Sunday Express, 42, 117, 231, 275, 705, 716

  Sunday Te
legraph, 219, 239, 266n, 306, 503, 631, 693, 731–2, 739

  Sunday Times, 207, 212, 219, 285, 286, 289, 306, 324, 364, 380, 447–8, 485, 503, 516, 541, 550n, 566, 577n, 604, 644, 663, 683, 693, 741

  Sunday trading, 182, 192

  Sutherland, Graham, 239

  Sutherland, Joan, 683

  Suzman, Janet, 560

  Swann, Michael, 657

  Swift, Mr Justice,

  Swinburne, Algernon, 27

  Synge, J.M., 522

  Tatchell, Peter, 616

  Taverne, Dick, 41, 201, 212, 265, 275n, 318n, 331, 333, 350, 700, 702n, 738; Jenkinsite, 361, 363, 380, 385–6, 392; and Lincoln by-election, 400–1, 401n, 413, 451, 471; and the SDP, 506, 509, 541–3, 544, 560–1, 572, 616, 617, 618n

  Tawney, R.H., 646

  taxation, 124–7, 208, 317–19, 321–2, 340–1, 638, 644–5, 667

  Taylor, A.J.P., 40, 148, 151, 161, 239, 239n

  Taylor, Sir Charles, 297–8

  Taylor, Matthew, 723

  Tebbit, Norman, 299–300, 349, 429, 470, 586–7, 685, 707

  Terry, Walter, 247, 257

  Tester, Major Ralph, 81

  Thackeray, W.M., 634n

  Thatcher, Denis, 527–8

  Thatcher, Margaret, 2, 5, 6, 8, 115, 255, 260, 270, 299–300, 312, 313n, 329, 334, 349, 424n, 443–5, 449, 450, 451, 459–60, 475, 478, 487, 491, 495, 500–1, 503n, 507, 545–6, 551, 566–7, 568n, 570, 578, 580, 582, 586, 598–601, 605, 609, 615, 617, 621, 624, 624n, 630, 637, 638–45, 650–1, 652n, 659, 661, 690, 697, 720, 738, 742, 745; and Europe, 526–38, 669–70; Jenkins condemns, 564, 578, 580, 600–1, 615, 638–45, 667–71

  That Was The Week That Was, 301

  theatre censorship, 300–1

  Thomas, George, 265, 291, 598

  Thomas, Hugh, 257, 450, 473

  Thomas, Keith, 687

  Thomas, Mike, 558, 563–4, 567, 573–4, 580, 597, 611–12, 613

  Thomson, George, 87, 207n, 284, 313, 314, 357, 361, 370, 374, 379, 380, 383n, 389, 390–2, 396, 397, 422, 474, 478

  Thorn, Gaston, 466, 489, 555

  Thorneycroft, Lord, 192, 568, 568n

  Thorpe, D.R., 632, 632n

  Thorpe, Jeremy, 277, 384, 413, 444, 445, 448, 583n

  Tickell, Crispin, 475, 481, 482–3, 486, 488, 491, 495, 497, 519, 528, 530, 532, 630–1, 707, 738

  Time, 206, 257

  Time and Tide, 126n

  The Times, 7, 15, 29n, 118, 168, 184, 188, 194n, 205, 230, 239, 252, 253, 256, 264, 267, 270, 278, 285, 287, 302, 306, 310, 317, 323, 341, 344, 353, 364–6, 368, 371, 389–90, 395, 397, 399, 402, 404, 409, 422, 423–4, 438, 440, 447n, 458, 466, 477, 479, 483, 490, 494–5, 505, 516, 537–8, 540, 543, 549, 551, 566–7, 577–8, 581, 594, 594n, 598, 601, 607, 622, 630, 633, 635n, 636, 641, 643, 665, 667, 682n, 688–9, 690, 693, 701, 721, 722, 729, 731, 744, 745

  The Times Educational Supplement, 680

  The Times Literary Supplement, 141–2, 368n, 634, 680, 693n

  Tindemans, Leo, 477, 536n

  Tiné, Helena, 168, 481, 518

  Tiné, Jacques, 168, 481

  Tomlinson, Eric (‘Ricky’), 432–3, 433n

  Tomney, Frank, 119

  Torrey Canyon, 304

  Tosh, Murray, 626

  Town Crier (Birmingham), 125, 131

  Townsend, Peter, 152

  Toynbee, Polly, 560, 601, 723

  Trades Union Congress (TUC), 252n, 272, 348–9, 433, 547, 639

  trades unions, 209–10, 345–9, 434, 546, 586–7

  Transport and General Workers’ Union (TGWU), 149, 209–10

  Tree, Marietta, 257, 310, 377, 609, 654, 655, 655n, 748

  Tree, Ronald, 377

  Trend, Sir Burke, 248

  Trethowan, Ian, 285, 508

  Tribune, 43, 106, 115, 118, 125–6, 131, 134, 136, 152, 180, 181, 215, 380, 444, 505

  Trollope, Anthony, 62, 72, 634, 693, 695n

  Truman, Harry S., 114, 133, 154, 234, 506, 629–30

  TSR-2 (aircraft), 251–3, 255, 316

  Tugendhat, Christopher, 478, 481, 483, 488, 495, 526, 531

  Turing, Alan, 81

  Turnbull, Andrew, 704

  Tuttle, Kathleen, 14

  Twigg, Stephen, 716, 723

  Underhill, Reg, 401

  unemployment, 144, 144n, 195, 446, 578, 584, 586, 591, 615, 618, 638–9

  United Nations, 109, 187, 468, 558, 600–1

  United States of America (USA), 114, 118, 138, 153–5

  Universities’ Labour Federation (ULF) 34–36, 39

  Vance, Cyrus, 488

  Varley, Eric, 443, 551, 560

  Vaughan Morgan, Sir John, 302

  Veil, Simone, 536n

  Verdi, Giuseppe, 697

  Victoria, Queen, 692n, 702

  Vietnam war, 260, 316, 319, 336, 357

  Voltaire, 474

  Wainwright, Richard, 618n

  Walden, Brian, 146n, 212, 620

  Waldheim, Kurt, 631

  Walpole, Sir Robert, 679

  Walston, Lord, 415, 457

  Warnock, Mary, 730n

  Warren, Des, 432–3, 452

  Warrington, 574–81, 584, 586–9, 591, 593–4, 606, 608, 611, 619, 647n

  Wass, Sir Douglas, 353

  Watkins, Alan, 17, 190, 231, 287, 305, 604, 655n, 746

  Watson, Sam, 214

  Watt, David, 378, 465, 566

  Waugh, Evelyn, 67, 147, 163, 218, 634, 695, 695n, 735

  Way, Sir Richard, 245

  Webb, Beatrice and Sydney, 80, 181

  Wedgwood, D.J., 413n, 441

  Wedgwood Benn – See Benn, Tony

  Weekend World, 620

  Weidenfeld, George, 149, 165, 167

  Wheldon, Huw, 508

  West, Granville, 87, 104

  Westland crisis (1985), 642, 645

  Whale, John, 447–8

  What the Papers Say, 219

  Wheatcroft, Geoffrey, 559

  Which?, 289

  Whistler, Rex, 520

  Whitaker, Ben, 412

  Whitehead, Phillip, 385–6, 458, 465, 544, 560

  Whitehorn, Katharine, 190

  Whitehouse, Mary, 260, 593

  Whitelaw, A., 661

  Whitelaw, William, 421, 426, 429, 443–5, 449–50, 470, 503n, 528, 628

  Whitlam, Gough, 368

  Who’s Who, 23, 153, 697, 728

  Wigg, George, 281

  Wilkinson, Clive, 560

  Wilkinson, Ellen, 48, 101

  Williams, Alwyn, 654

  Williams, Bernard, 687, 744

  Williams, Marcia (later Lady Falkender), 281, 305, 327, 327n, 329, 414, 421, 733n

  Williams, Philip, 37, 39, 80, 204, 212, 229–30, 230n, 560

  Williams, Shirley, 41, 212, 252, 393n, 407, 408, 409–10, 416, 418, 430, 434, 450, 451–2, 453, 459, 461, 506, 507–8, 701, 706–7, 738, 747–9; and Europe, 374, 379, 383n, 390, 392, 440, 442–3; and the SDP, 541–5, 548–9, 550–64, 566–74, 581–2, 586–7, 593, 599, 608, 618n, 619, 620, 621–3, 628, 660, 662–7; and SDP leadership, 570–1, 597, 601–3; declines Warrington, 574–6; wins Crosby, 584–5; relationship with Jenkins, 544–5, 549, 603, 627; Jenkins on, 545

  Williamson, Sir Tom, 134

  Willis, Lord, 301

  Wilson, Angus, 525

  Wilson, Charles, 275, 655n

  Wilson, Des, 658, 660

  Wilson, Harold, 1, 7, 26, 94, 120, 125, 130, 132, 136, 169, 194–5, 196n, 207, 211, 220, 504–5, 507n, 509, 577, 670, 676, 684, 739, 742; wins Labour leadership, 226–9; as Leader of the Opposition, 230–1, 232, 239–41, 296, 361, 369, 397–8, 400, 403, 407, 410–13; Jenkins distrust of, 179, 211, 225, 228; as Prime Minister (1964–70), 243–4, 248, 253, 255–6, 259, 264, 266, 276, 285n, 290, 291, 298, 300–1, 303–7, 311–13, 315–16, 319–20, 322, 324, 326, 327, 327n, 329, 330–5, 337, 342, 350, 353, 370, 370n, 490, 526, 708, 718; relationship with Jenkins, 230–1, 248–9, 255–6, 304–6, 316–17, 329–30, 330n, 408n, 733; and devaluation, 280–3, 303–4; and In Place of Strife, 345–9; in 1970 election, 355–9; and Europe,
284–5, 370–96, 399–400, 722; Prime Minister (1974–76) 414–19, 420–1, 423–4, 427, 433–6, 438–9, 440–3, 445, 447, 449–50, 454n, 455–6, 464, 534; resignation, 455–8, 457n, 461; Jenkins on, 211, 249, 450–1, 505, 643

  Wilson, Mary, 507n

  Wilson, Richard, 704

  Wilson, Robin, 76–7

  Wilson, Woodrow, 116

  Winant, John, 62

  Windle, Dick, 89

  Wintour, Charles, 160

  Wiseman, David, 592, 594

  Wolfenden Report, 296

  Wood, David, 402

  Wood, Sir Kingsley, 69, 309, 728n

  Woolf, Leonard, 148

  Woolf, Virginia, 634, 695

  Woolton, Lord, 205n

  Wordsworth, William, 163

  Workers’ Revolutionary Party (WRP), 452

  World This Weekend, The, 388

  Worsthorne, Peregrine, 266n

  Wright, Peter, 642–3

  Wrigglesworth, Ian, 457, 467, 558, 563, 572–4, 618n, 624, 660

  Wyatt, Verushka, 504

  Wyatt, Woodrow, 88–9, 94, 126, 128–9, 130–2, 134–6, 144, 146, 160, 162, 173–4, 175, 177, 201, 203, 217, 241, 473, 504, 527, 633, 649n, 661, 733, 739

  XYZ Club, 135, 164, 221

  Yates, Victor, 146

  Yeats, W.B., 510, 514–15

  Yeltsin, Boris, 633

  Yes, Minister, 243, 262

  York, Susannah, 290

  Yorkshire Post, 131

  Young, Hugo, 550n, 566–7, 604, 670, 701, 706, 707

  Young, Lord, 637

  Young, Michael, 156, 214, 214n, 560

  Younger, Kenneth, 160, 261–2

  Yutang, Lin, 47–8

  Ziegler, Philip, 7, 408n, 733, 733n, 739

  Zuckerman, Joan, 160, 202n, 440, 525

  Zuckerman, Solly, 160, 202n, 280, 440, 524, 656, 683, 734


  My greatest debt is to Dame Jennifer Jenkins for inviting me to write her husband’s biography and allowing me the exclusive use of his papers, then still held at East Hendred, in order to do so. It was an enormous privilege to be able to stay in the house while working on them. I am grateful for her generous hospitality over several extended visits, and for many wide-ranging and candid conversations about her life with Roy. I am also grateful to Charles and Ivana Jenkins, Cynthia Jenkins and Edward and Sally Jenkins for their help, hospitality and input, setting me right on a number of points. It cannot be easy having a biographer probing your family life but, as the children of a biographer themselves, they were understanding and very tolerant.

  I am also indebted to Patricia Williams for her help and valuable advice at various stages of the work; and to Andrew Adonis for sharing with me some of the work he had done towards the biography before he had to give it up, notably his notes of an interview with John Harris.

  I am grateful to Rosie Alison for making available to me Roy Jenkins’ letters to her aunt, Barley Alison; Leslie Bonham Carter for lending me her collection of press cuttings and allowing me to quote her letters; Craig Brown for Jenkins’ last postcard enjoying his parody of Twelve Cities; Sir David Butler for allowing me to quote from his invaluable collection of contemporary interviews with all the leading politicians over many decades; Ruth O’Neill and Graham C. Greene for permission to quote Tony Crosland’s letters; David Gilmour for allowing me to quote his mother’s letters; Patricia Grigg for letting me see her husband John’s letter written after visiting Brussels in 1978; and Bill Rodgers for letting me see extracts of his diary and correspondence with Roy Jenkins.


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