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Cam Jansen and the Wedding Cake Mystery

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by David Adler

  Chapter Eight

  Officer Davis took out her cell phone. She called the police station and reported the information Cam had given her about Mr. Fancy’s truck.

  “I’m sure we’ll find him,” Officer Oppen said. “If he stole your desserts, we’ll find those, too.”

  “I’ll call if I have any news,” Officer Davis told Ken. “I have your cell phone number.”

  The two police officers walked to their car. They got in and drove off.

  “I’m going to the wedding,” Lucy Lane said. “It’s almost time for me to start taking pictures.”

  “What about me?” Ken asked. “The bride and groom will want to see their cake.”

  Ken took out his cell phone.

  “Oh, please,” he told his phone. “Ring now. Ring with good news.”

  “I’ll take my pictures,” Lucy said. “That will keep everyone busy for a while. When I’m done, I’ll call you. Maybe by then you’ll have good news. If not, you’ll have to come and tell the bride and groom about their cake.”

  Lucy Lane got in her car and drove off.

  Ken stood by his truck. He held his cell phone and waited.

  “We should go back inside,” Mr. Jansen told Cam, Eric, Danny, Beth, and Bob. “We should finish the talent show.”

  “I want to see you juggle,” Old Bob told Eric and Beth.

  Cam, her father, her friends, and Bob went into the senior center. The seniors were in the main hall. Many were sitting and talking. Others were standing by the tables eating cake and fruit and drinking ice tea and water.

  Mr. Jansen got up on the stage. He tapped on the microphone.

  “Hello again,” he said. “I’ m sure you’ll be happy to know that my daughter Jennifer may have found the thief. Hopefully, Ken will soon have his wedding cake. Now, if you will all be seated, we will continue with the Fall talent show.”

  Seniors standing by the tables found seats.

  Cam sat by the window and watched Ken.

  Danny stood by the stage.

  “I can tell more jokes,” he whispered to Mr. Jansen.

  “I’m sorry, Danny,” Mr. Jansen said, “but you had your turn.”

  “Here’s a good joke,” Danny said. “What would you do if you broke your leg in two places?”

  “I’m happy once again,” Mr. Jansen said into the microphone, “to call up two great jugglers, Eric Shelton and Beth Kane.”

  “If I broke my leg in two places,” Danny told Mr. Jansen, “I would just stop going to those places.”

  “Please, sit down,” Mr. Jansen told him.

  Eric and Beth walked toward the stage. Danny walked to an empty seat. He sat down.


  “Oh, no!” Danny called out. “I sat on the cookies in my pockets.”

  Danny reached into his back pocket. He took out a handful of cookie crumbs and chocolate chips. As he ate them, lots of the crumbs stuck to his cheeks and chin.

  “Look,” Cam said, and pointed out the window. “Ken is talking on his cell phone. I’ll bet the police called him. I’ll bet they found Mr. Fancy.”

  Cam ran outside. Lots of people followed her.

  “They found Mr. Fancy!” Ken told them. “All the desserts were still in his truck. They’re coming here. I’ll be able to get to the wedding before it starts.”

  Ken looked at Cam.

  “You did it. You saved my cake.”

  “Bob, my dad, and Eric helped,” Cam said.

  “As a reward,” Ken told her, “I’m going to bake a wedding cake just for you and your friends.”

  “I’m only ten,” Cam said, laughing. “I’m too young to get married.”

  Ken laughed. “I meant I’ll bake you a birthday cake.”

  “Cam’s birthday is May fourth,” Mr. Jansen said.

  “That’s not for a long time. Why don’t you just come to my bakery? I’ll give you lots of delicious breads, muffins, and cookies.”

  Bob said, “I’ll also give you a reward. You and your friends can come to my store, Old Bob’s Mystery Bookshop. Each of you can pick out a book.”

  A police car drove up. Behind it were a yellow truck and another police car. Officer Oppen got out of the yellow truck. He opened the two back doors of the truck. Ken looked in.

  “There they are,” Ken said. “The wedding cake and the trays of pastries and cookies.”

  Officer Davis got out of her car. She opened the back door and a man got out. His hands were locked in handcuffs. Two other police officers got out of the second car.

  “This is Mr. Fancy,” Officer Davis told Ken. “His real name is Mr. Bailor and he took your cakes.”

  Mr. Bailor’s head was down.

  “I’m sorry,” he mumbled.

  “We have to hurry,” Ken said. “We have to move the cake into my truck and get it to the wedding.”

  “Why do you have to move the cake?” Mr. Jansen asked. “Why don’t you just take it to the wedding in Mr. Fancy’s truck?”

  “I’ll drive,” Officer Oppen said.

  “We’ll follow you,” Officer Davis and the two other police officers said.

  “Wow!” Ken said. “My cake will get a police escort to the wedding. I bet the bride and groom and all their guests will be surprised when I drive up.”

  Everyone watched as the yellow truck, the two police cars, and Ken’s truck drove off.

  Bob said, “That was so exciting.”

  “Let’s go back in,” Mr. Jansen said. “Maybe now Eric and Beth can finally do their juggling act.”

  “Yeah,” Danny said. “And I can finally eat some cookies that aren’t broken.”

  “Wait,” Cam said. “Let me take one more picture of all my friends.”

  Everyone stopped. They turned and faced Cam.

  “Wipe your face,” Beth whispered to Danny. “It’s covered with cookie crumbs.”

  Danny wiped the crumbs off.

  Mr. Jansen smiled. He was so proud of his daughter. The others smiled, too.

  Cam blinked her eyes and said, “Click!”

  A Cam Jansen Memory Game

  Take another look at the picture opposite page 1. Study it. Blink your eyes and say, “Click!” Then turn back here and answer the questions at the bottom of the page. Please, first study the picture, then look at the questions.

  1. Who are the two people sitting in the front seat of the car?

  2. Is Cam wearing a seatbelt?

  3. How many children are sitting in the backseat?

  4. How many cars are in the picture?

  5. How many houses are in the picture?

  6. Does Mr. Jansen have both his hands on the steering wheel?




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