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Maddie's Bet: Sex With a Stranger

Page 2

by Libby Cercasa

  “Sorry, Jake…I wasn’t poaching on your territory. I was just making sure none of this riffraff here bothered the lady.” Having said that, Rocky slowly rises and walks away with his tail between his legs.

  He must be at least fifty pounds heavier than Jake. I feel like I can call the man dressed in black that now, even though there have been no introductions as of yet. And even if some are made, only limited information is going to be limited given. He may have come to my rescue, but I still have my reservations, and I think now is a really good time to leave.

  So I start to rise. Jake has retaken his seat and is staring at me as if I’ve slapped him in the face. “You were right, okay! I was an idiot to come here. I need to go!”

  “So that’s the thanks I get for rescuing you? You just get up and walk out?”

  Oh, now he’s done it! “Rescue me? You’re the one who deserted me! Left me alone to prove a point: to prove I needed protecting. Well, I don’t! Not from you or anyone else here! I’m out of here!”

  Again he stops me from rising out of my seat. His hand gently grabs my wrist. “I’m sorry. Please stay for a while. At least let me buy you another drink.” Geez…a hot body and a sensitive side; I don’t stand a chance.

  “I don’t know. I should go. I’m not comfortable here. I don’t usually come to bars like this. I’m just making a fool of myself.” He’s staring at me, I can feel it, but I can’t look at him. If I do, the tears I can feel coming are going to fall and I’ll look like an even bigger fool. So much for my free holiday—I knew it was too good to be true! And where is Sherry anyway?

  “She’ll be a while yet.” Great, he’s inside my head again! “So you might as well stay here. I’ll behave, I promise. Well, mostly!” This last statement earns him a slight grin. “There you go! I knew you could do it!”

  “Do what?” It doesn’t really matter what the answer is. I’ve weakened and looked into those eyes, and now I’m lowering myself back down into the chair. I don’t remember it being this close to his, though. I’m sure that our thighs weren’t touching before. The tingling is so much more intense. And yes…it’s in all the right places! Oh boy! What would it feel like to be naked and…no, no, no! Not going there! This isn’t me, remember! But I suppose it won’t do any harm to catalogue the feeling for later use with my battery-operated friend.

  “You smiled; it lights up your face and makes me want to kiss it.” Oh, here we go. Doesn’t he know I own a mirror? But that’s right; he can’t see that under all this makeup, and the dim lighting helps. The real me is hidden. The real, plain, nondescript me. Great! Now my self-pity session has the tears threatening again. “You don’t believe me,” he says in puzzlement.

  Before I know it his hand is in the back of my neck, fisting my hair, and I’m being devoured. Oh, and what a devouring it is. His lips are soft but commanding. I’ve lost all control. His tongue has already entered my mouth and is tangling with my own. When did that happen? When did I become so easy? Where is my self-control? I’m kissing him back like I won’t survive if I don’t! When did my arms wrap themselves around his neck? I can’t ever remember a kiss feeling like this. I feel like I’m going to self-combust. I can’t breathe, but I don’t need to—this kiss is life! His head tilts slightly to the side, giving him greater access. That’s it, I’m gone—I’m his for the taking! Oh no! Stop! I start pushing on his shoulders. I don’t have the strength, but somehow he knows and breaks the kiss.

  “Believe me now?” He’s looking at me like I’m the next meal of a starving man. But it’s all an act. It has to be. I’ve been burned before; I know the signs. My head is lowering, but is stopped by his fingers under my chin. “Wow! Someone really did a number on you, didn’t he? I’m not lying. I’ve wanted to do that from the first moment I saw you.”

  I know I’m blushing, but hopefully he can’t tell with all this foundation on my face. “Look, don’t get me wrong—I’m flattered, really! But what you see isn’t me. This is just what my friend made me up to be. I knew it was a mistake.” I’m starting to rise, and again his hand holds my wrist. Why does everything about him have to be sexy? Even the veins in his hands are turning me on. But I have to be true to myself. I really can’t do casual stranger sex. Besides, the fact that my mother would be horrified and so disappointed should be enough to stop me, not to mention the possible dangers. Yeah right, like she would ever have to know. But she would. One look at me and she would be able to tell. Why is it that everyone seems to be able to tell what is going on in my head better than I can?

  “If you’re referring to the clothes and makeup, then you’re right. They aren’t you, but that’s not what I’m seeing. There’s something in your eyes that tells me you have a brain and that you know how to use it.” Oh, here we go! I bet that line has gotten him into bed before. Very original – not!

  “No, I’m not giving you a line to get you between the sheets. I’d love to have you in that position, but I won’t lie to you to get you there.” Why does he have to look so sincere? Oh, he’s good at this! Those “come to bed” eyes of his know exactly what they are doing to me. It doesn’t matter how hard I try—I can’t stop looking into them. I’m sitting again, but this time I’m on his lap. Have I lost complete control of myself? Who it this guy? Why can he do this to me?

  One hand is caressing the side of my face. “Shhh, baby. Just relax and enjoy how I can make you feel.” His other hand is lightly running up and down between my hip and ribs. “Don’t think, just feel. Turn off that pretty brain of yours for a little while.” I should be running—slapping his face and running away as fast as I can—but I can’t make myself do it. He’s cast a spell over me. His hands are magical, stroking, caressing, and crumbling my defenses. He’s smiling. He knows. My nipples are hard and aching, begging for him to caress them, suck them. My pants are… “Oh yeah, you like that, don’t you? I can tell. Your wetness is soaking through to my thigh. Beautiful. Just the response I want.” Oh my god! It must be the makeover—I’m turning into a slut! Here I am, sitting on a stranger’s knee, and I don’t care. But I should, shouldn’t I? Hold on a minute—what does he mean I’m wetting his thigh? He’s wearing leather! Oh god, I’ve never been this wet, even with Steve, never ever before. I need this to stop, but he’s taken all my willpower away. His eyes haven’t left mine and I can’t look away. My body isn’t tingling anymore; it’s on full current…

  “Ah…hmm! Sorry to interrupt, Maddie! But thought I’d better tell you that I’m leaving now. Looks like you’re in good hands though, so to speak. Hi! I’m Sherry, Maddie’s best friend, and if you hurt her I’ll hurt you.” This is said with a wink and a smirk at both of us and then she’s gone.

  Two hands grab my waist and stand me up. “Come on. This place is too public. We need some privacy.” My hand is in his and I’m being pulled along.

  “Wait! My bag!” Before I know it the bag is in my hand and we’re pushing our way through the crowd towards the bar.

  “I need to talk to the barman for a minute. I brought my bike but I only have one helmet, so we’ll take a cab.” Quick words and a set of keys are exchanged with the barman, and then we are moving again. How I stay upright on my heels I will never know. But I do, and we make it safely to the exit, ankles and pride intact.

  Chapter 4

  “Where are we going?” I manage while navigating the uneven pavement.

  “My place, unless you’d rather go to yours? I don’t suppose you brought a car?” At this point we have stopped, and my feet will be eternally grateful for the respite.

  “No, I didn’t; we came by cab.” The street is empty, no cabs in sight. It must be after midnight now, or very close to it. Even if I were wearing a watch I wouldn’t be able to tell. The lack of adequate lighting means that we can hardly see each other, let alone the time. But I am less concerned than when I entered the bar. The man at my side, although little more than a stranger, makes me feel safe.

  “I don’t know how long it will take a cab t
o pass by, so I better call one.”

  Still holding my hand, he reaches into his vest pocket with his other hand and pulls out his phone. He instantly presses a number and starts talking.

  Other people exit the bar and distract me. I’m turned quickly and am surrounded by a strong embrace, tight enough to reassure but not hurt. “The cab should be here soon, so until then…” The dull lighting from the bar allows me to see his eyes lower to my mouth. His head lowers, slowly. My breathing is laboring in my chest, making my breasts rise towards him. His gaze lowers for a second and then returns to my mouth. The anticipation is building until I feel I’m going to burst. Then his lips very softly touch my own. He’s rubbing his gently along mine, teasing and promising more. I’m not disappointed. His tongue runs lightly along the seam of my lips. Oh yes! I gasp, and he takes the opportunity to reacquaint our tongues. Oh what a reunion it is. The gentleness is gone; he’s once again in control, and I know it’s exactly what I want. He owns my breath, my tongue, my everything. A horn blast sounds. If not for that I would gladly drop to the pavement with him and let him do anything he wants, but at least one of us still has a little control.

  “Come on.” Again I’m being led by the hand and quickly pulled into the cab. He speaks to the driver, but I’m too busy trying to gather my breath to listen. It’s as if he still has control of me. All I can feel is his lips and tongue. I’m high on him alone. He leans across me and, after giving me a quick peck on the lips, pulls the seatbelt around me and locks it into place. I know there is another person in the car, but that person has ceased to exist. The taxi can drive itself for all I care, as long as it’s fast. I’d ask where we are going, but again I don’t care, as long as we are going to be alone and it’s going to be soon.

  Once again he’s in my head. Why am I so readable? “It’s not far. It’ll only take about ten minutes to get there.” No sooner does he utter the words than I’m thinking that it’s ten minutes too long. Again he’s smirking at me and staring at my mouth. The passing streetlights allow me scattered glimpses of the passion in his eyes. I haven’t spoken a word. I’m in awe, and I’m not sure that I’m pleased. Shouldn’t I be scared? This barely known person is taking me to who knows where, and I’m putting my trust in him. I tell myself that Sherry wouldn’t have left if she hadn’t asked about him. Maybe he is friends with “Donga” and he vouched for this guy. She wouldn’t have left me otherwise, surely? Oh god, maybe I’m too trusting! I feel a slight pressure on my hand and it’s his hand, gently squeezing and reassuring me. “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you. I know we don’t know each other yet, but I’ll keep you safe. I promise.” So that’s it; I’m lost again. His eyes are holding me prisoner, and I’m feeling the current start to surge again throughout my body.

  “I trust you,” I tell him. That earns me a bone-melting smile. He’s too far away to kiss, but I’m staring at his mouth and reliving the last one. I’m sure I’ll never need food again. His kisses are all I need to survive.

  “Nearly there. It’s just around the corner.” Corner? What corner? I haven’t even looked out of the window. My eyes have been locked on him. I have no idea where we are. “Here we are.” The cab has come to a stop and he’s paying the driver. He releases his seatbelt and mine. Why am I unable to move? Then he’s at my door and opening it. His hand gently reaches for my elbow and I’m helped out of the cab. It’s then that I look around. I can hear the ocean and I can see houses—large, extravagant houses on both sides of the street.

  I find my voice. I don’t know how, but I find it. “You live here?” The house in front of me is a mansion in comparison to my own. He swipes a key card into a box beside double wrought iron gates and they slowly open.

  “No, this belongs to a friend of mine. I stay here when I’m in town.” We are walking along a slightly curved driveway. I can’t see the details of the house yet, but I know that I can probably fit at least six of mine into this one.

  “So you don’t live here?”

  “No. Not yet. But I plan to shortly. I’ve got something in the works business-wise, so if all goes well then I’ll relocate to here.” So that answers one question for me. This is probably a one-night stand with very little potential for anything else. But what did I really expect? Whatever happens now, I’ve decided to enjoy myself.

  Chapter 5

  Our hands are still locked together as we get closer to the house. I can hear the waves crashing on the shore, so I know we are on the edge of the ocean. The gardens are thick and lush, blocking the view; but with what now stands before me, I’m willing to wait to see it.

  “So what do you think? It’s a bit over the top for my tastes, but it’s home, at least for the moment.” What faces me can only be described as a miniature castle. It looks as if someone has copied something out of a medieval romance novel, only on a smaller scale. I can see two towers with turrets, their arched windows giving visions of damsels in distress in need of rescuing. All the windows appear to be lit, making me think that the owner has too much money. The accountant in me begs to comment on the unnecessary expenditure. We’re approaching the entry now, and again I am in awe of the authenticity. Large wooden arched doors are before us and appear much too heavy to be opened by one person. Again Jake produces a key card and swipes it through a box to the right of the large doors. They open, and hand in hand we walk through them into the most opulent entryway I have ever seen. Gaudy would probably be a better description! There are ornaments and artefacts everywhere. Most are medieval in nature and obviously worth more than my yearly income. I’m just admiring what I assume is a genuine suit of armor when Jake gently pulls me towards a beautiful wooden staircase. It rises for about twenty feet and then splits off to both sides, continuing to rise until both sides reach either side of a landing above.

  “Come on. I want to show you something.” This is said as he’s trying to pull me up the stairs.

  “Hey! You’re very bossy you know, and I’m wearing heels here. You try running up stairs with them!” Now he has stopped and is looking at my feet.

  “Hmm! Yes, very sexy! I don’t want you to take them off. We might want them for later.” That’s it: Now I’m standing my ground. I’m not going to walk another step in these heels. I’ll be lucky if I can walk in the morning as it is.

  Hands on hips, I stare at him and try to give him the most defiant look I can.

  “Okay. Here we go.” Now I’m being lifted and he begins running up the stairs as if I weigh nothing, but I know that I do and it’s going to hurt if he drops me.

  “Put me down! I’m too heavy!”

  “Nonsense! Relax, I won’t drop you.” No sooner is this said than we are at the top and he’s lowering me to my feet on the landing.

  “Here, come and look at this. It’s the only part of the décor here that hasn’t been spoiled.” In front of me is the most amazing view of the ocean I have ever seen. Very large floor-to-ceiling windows offer a large panoramic view of the shore. The moon is nearly full and high in the sky, allowing us this magnificent view. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” His arm is now around my shoulder, pulling me close to his side. I can feel his breath lightly stirring my hair, giving a sample of things to come.

  “Yes, it is.” He looks down at me and our eyes meet. I am talking about the view, but I can see in his expression that he knows I’m also talking about him. He appears to be pleased and leans down until his lips touch mine. Lightly caressing and seducing. Brushing back and forth, asking permission to enter. Oh god, yes! Permission granted. The kiss deepens. Our breaths become one. Our tongues are dueling to an age-old rhythm. I’m floating, flying slowly through the air. Then I realize that once again he is carrying me. The kiss goes on, deeper, harder. He’s taken all my control away. I’m drowning in this kiss, in him. I don’t know where he’s taking me. I can guess, but I don’t care. All I want right now is to be naked, skin to skin, and I don’t care where we do it. Now I’m being lowered, sliding down his body. My feet touch the f
loor, but the kiss continues. Suddenly I need to breathe. I apply pressure to his shoulders. The kiss ends. Both our chests are rising and falling as we struggle for breath. His eyes are devouring me, traveling from my head to my toes. Mine are doing the same to him. I can’t hear his thoughts, but if his facial expression is any indication, then he likes what he sees. I know I do. My mouth is watering at the thought of what undressing him will reveal. What I have felt pressed against me is very pleasing indeed, and I’m sure I’m not going to be disappointed.

  He says in a low voice, “I really do like that outfit on you. It gives me teasing glimpses of what it hides, but I’d much rather see it lying on the floor.”

  I have the same in mind for his clothing, so I decide that maybe I should make the first move. After all, it’s been a long time since anyone has looked at me like this. I raise hands to his shoulders and slowly lower them towards his biceps, taking his vest with them. It slides slowly off his arms and quietly hits the floor. All the time I maintain eye contact, showing him my hunger.

  “My turn,” he says as he starts to lift the sides of my top. I raise both arms to help speed up the process. Before I know it it’s over my head and has joined his vest on the floor. “Beautiful.” He’s staring at my breasts. They are rising and falling in invitation. “I can’t wait to taste them.” Then that’s it, there is no more hesitation. He once again takes possession of my mouth. Our hands are everywhere. The sound of the ocean in the background is now accompanied by the sound of zippers being lowered. My skirt is skimming down my legs and his pants are traveling down his. We step out of the respective items together. Only my underwear and shoes remain. I can’t remember him taking off the rest of his clothing. He stands before me, gloriously naked. He’s my fantasy in the flesh. Then I’m being backed up until my legs come into contact with what I suspect is the bed. I haven’t really paid any attention to the room or the furnishings yet. I only have eyes for him.


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