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Baggage & Buttons

Page 15

by C. J. Fallowfield

  He pulled up outside a very expensive looking restaurant, with a red carpet and ropes leading up to the doors. He jumped out and as he crossed in front of the headlights I saw him button his jacket again, I wondered if it was his dad or his school that had taught him such etiquette and manners. He opened my door, before I had a chance to grab the handle, offering me his hand to help me get out. I did so rather awkwardly and I heard him gasp. I hadn’t done it intentionally, but I wondered if he’d just realised I’d got no underwear on. One glance at his face confirmed it, his eyes had narrowed and there was a turbulent tempest brewing in them. He shut the passenger car door, quickly crouched and yanked the hem of my dress down, before grabbing my hand.

  ‘I’ve seen longer belts Mia,’ he muttered. ‘You’re seriously not wearing any knickers?’

  ‘They’d show,’ I protested as he strode to the entrance, tightly squeezing my hand as I followed at his side. As he handed his car keys to the valet, I realised I was still holding my two roses next to my clutch bag and smiled, he could be so sweet sometimes. I looked up as smartly dressed older man opened the door to the restaurant for us.

  ‘Good evening Mr Austin, nice to see you again. The table you requested is ready for you, if you’d like to follow me.’

  ‘Thank you Pierre, this is my girlfriend Mia.’

  I smiled at Pierre and registered that he gave me a surprised look. I bit my lip as the thought crossed my mind that maybe I wasn’t the woman he was expecting to see Gabe with. It wasn’t a nice feeling. Pierre led us through the busy restaurant and as he and Gabe made small talk, I looked around impressed at the surroundings. The walls were decorated with panels of dark wood and slate, with a feature solid slate wall with water cascading down it. There were large gold framed antique mirrors and vases of calla lilies and huge crystal chandeliers. I felt the eyes of the other diners on us as we made our way through and I caught sight of ourselves in one of the mirrors and did a double take. We really were an attractive looking couple.

  As Pierre directed us to a staircase, I felt my stomach churn, praying it wouldn’t be an open tread one, not when I’d got a short dress on and no knickers. I breathed a sigh of relief to see it wasn’t. Gabe and I and followed Pierre up and I found myself on a small mezzanine that just had a table for two, beautifully laid out with crystal glasses, flowers and candles. Gabe beat Pierre to it and pulled out a chair for me and flipped out the serviette over my lap as I sat down. I smiled up at him and he took his place, which had been set at a right angle to me, instead of directly across, which seemed unusual.

  ‘Can I show you the wine list Sir?’

  ‘No need thank you Pierre. I’d like a bottle of the Dom Perignon 2003 please and a bottle of still water.’

  ‘Of course, here are the menus. I’ll return shortly.’

  We both thanked him and I looked around again as he left us alone.

  ‘Gabe, it’s so beautiful here, but it looks very expensive.’

  ‘And tonight you’re not paying. I’m taking you out on our first formal date, so I won’t accept any arguments,’ he said firmly.

  ‘Then thank you,’ I conceded. I didn’t want to argue, not tonight.

  ‘Are you seriously not wearing any underwear?’ he muttered again as he looked at his menu.

  ‘I told you I couldn’t or it would show. Are you cross with me?’

  ‘Cross that I can’t do want I really want to do to you, right now.’

  ‘Are you flirting with me? I don’t put on first date for just anyone you know,’ I teased and he looked at me holding my gaze until I broke away. ‘Why are you looking at me like that?’

  ‘You just look so amazing, I can’t believe how lucky I got to have found you,’ he tilted my head around and smiled, planting a kiss on my lips.

  ‘I know the feeling. So how do you know Pierre? Do you come here a lot?’ I asked, really not sure if I wanted to know the answer.

  ‘It’s one of my favourite restaurants so they know me well.’

  ‘You came here with your other girlfriends too?’ It came out before I had a chance to stop myself and I felt myself flush, embarrassed to be so petty.

  ‘Are you jealous?’ he asked, looking surprised.

  ‘Maybe,’ I shrugged.

  ‘I don’t mind if you are, I like knowing you care, but the answer’s no. I told you it was all about me, I didn’t do romance with anyone before you. This is one of dad’s favourite places, mine too, we eat out a lot when he’s home, so Pierre’s pretty much a family friend.’

  ‘I’m sorry, it’s just hard knowing you have a past and here in this city too.’

  ‘I’m sorry baby, I know how I’d feel if it was the other way around, I’d hate it.’ He cupped my chin and kissed me quickly and rubbed his nose on mine. ‘I love you Mia, you’re the first girl I’ve ever loved and I plan on you being the last. You’re mine now and I’m never letting you go baby.’ I closed my eyes and inhaled quickly, and he let me go and sat up straight as I reopened them to look at him. ‘Sorry too much?’ he whispered. ‘I don’t want to scare you off.’

  ‘It’s just still hard for me to hear, but I’m not going anywhere Gabe.’

  ‘Why’s it hard? I don’t understand.’

  ‘Gabe we’re on a date, that’s a bit of a heavy question. Can’t we just enjoy ourselves? I’ve really been looking forward to us coming out and it’s so lovely here. Let’s just enjoy it, no deep emotional discussions tonight. Please?’

  He looked at me and sighed, then nodded, ‘Ok.’

  ‘Did you specifically ask to be up here, just the two of us? It looks like they could fit another couple of small tables.’

  ‘I did,’ he smiled. ‘I also asked for them to make sure I was sitting next to you, I didn’t want the table between us.’

  ‘You’re very sweet,’ I smiled, hoping that meant he had plans to make the most of us being up here alone, what with me being knickerless and all. Just seeing him in a suit had already bump started my libido.

  ‘I’ve been called many things Mia, but sweet has never been one of them,’ he winked, flashing me one of his dazzling smiles making me moan softly, which didn’t go unnoticed as I saw his nostrils flare. ‘You’d better look at the menu rather than me, it’s seven courses, but if you don’t want them all you don’t have to. Have as many as you like.’

  ‘Thanks,’ I planted a soft kiss on his lips. ‘Nice makeup by the way.’ Lexi’d done a good job, his bruise didn’t show at all.

  ‘You bloody tell anyone I’ll be so mad,’ he hissed with an annoyed scowl.

  ‘You could’ve just said no,’ I laughed.

  ‘This is Lexi we’re talking about Mia.’

  ‘Played the guilt card on you did she?’

  ‘Hmmm, but there’s a limit to how many times I’ll let her get away with it. I only agreed as I didn’t think it was appropriate to come here with you, not with my face looking like that.’

  ‘Whatever you need to tell yourself pretty boy,’ I said with a wink.

  ‘You’re so on for a spanking later,’ he murmured, shaking his head in amusement as he picked up my menu and handed it to me. As I opened it I hoped he wasn’t joking about the spanks. I ran my eyes down the list in front of me, noticing there were no prices, a sure sign that it was seriously expensive. There was no way I was going to manage seven courses and I didn’t want to take advantage of his generosity either, so I narrowed it down to two savoury dishes and possibly a pudding. Our champagne arrived in its own ice bucket and the cork was popped with a flourish and two flutes were filled. A separate ice bucket containing our bottle of still water was set down, our water glasses were filled then a basket of fresh warm bread was placed on the table and I was asked to place my order first.

  ‘Please can I have the Parma ham with figs, asparagus and white truffle oil, followed by the lobster thermidore with a side order of pommes puree and French beans?’

  ‘Certainly, is that all madam?’

  ‘Yes thank yo

  ‘And for you Sir?’

  ‘I’ll have the same please,’ smiled Gabe.

  We were left alone again and Gabe leaned over and stood my roses in the water bucket.

  ‘Gabe I can’t drink a whole bottle of champagne after last night,’ I said apologetically, as I broke up some bread and applied butter to the pieces.

  ‘Then only drink as much as you want, I’ll only have one glass as I’m driving.’

  ‘But it’s such a waste.’

  ‘Nothing’s a waste with you.’ He took a swig of champagne and pulled my face to his and kissed me, transferring the crisp wet bubbles to my mouth, pulling away as I tried to kiss him properly after.

  He reached for my hand under the table and held it as he started asking me about my school years, while I filled up on the delicious bread. I wasn’t surprised to find out that he’d been to boarding school too. Our similar experiences and discussions of subjects we’d taken pretty much fuelled the conversation throughout the two courses, which were simply amazing, in a completely separate league to anything I’d ever eaten before. He fed me the last of the French beans from his fork.

  ‘Are you ok Gabe?’ I asked, feeling slightly nervous. He seemed a little tense, not his usual relaxed self.

  ‘Yes of course I am. How can I not be? I’m having a great meal with my stunning girlfriend,’ he swept a strand of hair away from my cheek smiling.

  ‘You know I’ve got no underwear on and you haven’t once tried to touch me up.’

  He laughed out loud and I looked at him surprised. ‘Believe me Mia I really want to, My cock’s been stiff since you stepped out of your front door, but this date was important to you and I didn’t want to ruin it by making it all about sex.’

  ‘I’m fine you making it all about sex.’

  ‘Well I’m not.’ He ran a thumb over my lower lip. ‘We never got to go on a normal first date with you insisting it be all about sex, so I’m trying to treat you respectfully and I’m going to resist the urge to touch you up until I get you home and into bed, if you’re feeling well enough.’

  ‘I’m fine now thank you Gabe, but I’m a done deal, you don’t need to resist and be polite.’ That was why he was tense, he was sexually frustrated, just like me.

  ‘Well I’m going to. So what dessert would you like baby?’

  I sighed as I could see I wasn’t likely to win in here, it was too classy for him to try anything on, plus he had his resolve face on. It was incredibly unfair though, he’d had one arm casually slung over the back of my chair caressing my bare back with his fingertips for the last ten minutes. It was like he had a direct hotline to my clit, I was so aroused.

  ‘I’m not sure I can manage dessert now,’ I said looking at the extensive menu, as I tried to ignore the throbbing between my thighs.

  ‘What would you have had if you could manage it?’

  ‘Probably the Sicilian lemon cheesecake, with fresh raspberry sorbet.’

  ‘Are you turned on baby?’ Gabe asked, with a hint of amusement in his voice.

  ‘Yes,’ I whispered.

  ‘Hmmm, I can tell. You’re flushed, your big nipples have stiffened and you keep squirming in your chair. How badly do you want me to fuck you?’

  ‘So badly. You’ve no idea what that suit and your fingers are doing to me,’ I murmured as I looked at him through my lashes.

  ‘I know exactly what my fingers will be doing to you later, in bed,’ he said in a low sexy tone as he kissed the side of my neck.

  ‘O god,’ I groaned. ‘Is that a promise, because it’s been almost 48 hours Gabe and I’m desperate.’

  ‘For sex or for me?’

  ‘Sex with you, I’m so wet, just from looking at you Gabe.’

  I heard him make a strangled noise in the back of his throat as he closed his eyes for a second, when he opened them, full of desire, he leaned in towards me and I inhaled sharply as his lips approached mine. He suddenly pulled back as someone came to clear our table, while Pierre asked if we’d like dessert. Gabe ordered one cheesecake and asked for two spoons as I impatiently shook my foot under the table. He’d been so close to kissing me properly, and touching me, I’d seen it in his eyes.

  ‘Where were we?’ he asked when we were finally left alone.

  ‘You were about to make me even happier.’

  ‘Hmmm yes, you were up to your old tricks again, trying to tempt me into breaking. We were interrupted just in time,’ he smiled.

  Despite my protests he refused to pick up where he left off and I scowled and pouted. Wasn’t this even hard for him? When I tried to sneak my hand up his thigh he grabbed it firmly and put it on the table, clenching it in his so I couldn’t move it. I sighed and accepted he was in control in here and I was just going to have to wait, but once we were in the car I decided all bets were off, I was going to have my way. He steered the conversation around to our love of literature and favourite books, agreeing on some not on others and we got in quite a passionate debate over some of them. We shared the pudding when it came and Gabe reached over and wiped some of the sugar dusting off my lips with his thumb and then reached around and caressed the back of my neck.

  ‘I think it is time to go baby.’

  ‘What time is it?’

  ‘12.30 p.m.’

  ‘Already?’ I gasped. I couldn’t believe we’d just spent that long together without having sex, touching each other up, or even without having an argument. It had been an amazing date, my best date ever.

  ‘Yes, it seems to have gone really fast doesn’t it? I really enjoyed it,’ he said, sounding surprised as he stood up and pulled my chair out.

  I smiled a thank you at him and wondered if he really hadn’t done this kind of thing before, dates and romance and wooing. He reached for my hand, after adjusting my dress again, and we walked slowly down the stairs. The restaurant was still busy, a sure sign it was good and I dreaded to think what it had cost him to secure that mezzanine just for the two of us. As we stood at the desk and Gabe handed over his card, I studied his handsome reflection in the mirror opposite and he caught me looking and smiled, making me go all school girl giggly and pink, which really seemed to amuse him. His car was waiting with the engine running when we got outside and he opened the door for me again before climbing in and driving off.

  I started my seduction by shuffling down in my seat, so my dress rose up even higher and when I crossed my legs I noticed his eyes flick over to look and his tongue dart across his lips. I placed my hand on his thigh and started running my fingers up and down it, he needed his hands on the steering wheel or gearstick, so he didn’t remove it, but kept shifting in his seat every now and then and his breathing sounded more laboured. I smiled, I was breaking him down. The closer to mine we got, the wetter I got at the thought of him finally fucking me. I’d already decided before we left the apartment tonight that I wanted to do it in his car. I directed him to our private car park at the back of the building and could feel my heart rate picking up.

  He helped me out of the car again, so this time I made sure I didn’t put my knees together and I saw his chest expand, eyes burn and penis surge as he caught another glimpse of my nakedness. I stood level with him and reached up to touch his face and gently kiss him and he responded more forcefully this time. I undid his jacket button and slid my hands underneath and gripped his slim waist as our tongues entwined. When a hand went to my bare back, slid down inside my dress to grasp my buttock and I heard him groan into my mouth, I knew I’d got him hooked. I pulled away from our kiss leaving him looking confused.

  ‘Get in the passenger seat for me Gabe.’

  ‘Mia?’ he questioned, surprised.

  ‘You heard me, climb into the passenger seat, I’m a naughty girl who goes all the way on a first date and I’m going to fuck you here, in your car.’

  ‘But baby, it’s very public,’ he protested, but the movement I spotted in his trousers told me how much he liked the idea.

  ‘No more pu
blic than the back of that nightclub. I’m not going to tell you again, get in the passenger seat Gabe.’

  He shrugged off his jacket, tossing it over to the driver’s seat and did as he was told and looked up at me like he couldn’t believe I was initiating this. I checked that there was no one watching and carefully climbed in. I had to hitch up my dress to straddle his lap and pulled the door closed behind me, it was a seriously tight fit. I leaned forwards into him and could hear his breathing coming hard and fast, before I even reached down to unzip him. As I slipped my hand into his boxers and ran my index finger over his wet tip, he grunted and thrust his hips up towards me.

  ‘How much do you want to fuck me, right here, right now, in a public place in the front seat of your car?’ I murmured in his ear as I wrestled him free.

  ‘God you’ve no idea how much,’ he groaned hoarsely. ‘I’ve wanted to fuck you since I saw you in that bar last night and it’s all I could think about over dinner. You’re wrecking me baby.’ He grabbed the hem of my dress and pushed it up further, to leave my bottom exposed for him to caress, which sent tingles throughout my body, it just responded instinctively to his touch. I managed to pull both of my arms out of my sleeves and let the dress fall to my waist, my breasts tantalisingly close to his mouth and he was straight on one, aggressively sucking and pulling at my nipple until I squealed with pleasure. I firmly took him in my hand and started to stroke him as I nibbled on his ear lobe and neck. He brought his right hand forwards and slid it between my thighs, groaning to find me so wet for him.

  ‘Spread your legs further,’ he ordered and I tried to.

  ‘Owwww shit, the gear knob’s sticking in my thigh,’ I moaned. I went to sit up and banged my head on the roof. ‘Owwww. Bugger that hurt.’


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