Book Read Free

Baggage & Buttons

Page 27

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘You’re not joining me?’

  ‘I don’t want to take my knickers off in front of you at the moment.’

  ‘Why not? I’ll control myself. I still sting a bit.’

  ‘It’s not that,’ I mumbled as I felt my cheeks flush.

  ‘Then what?’

  ‘I’ve a tampon in. You’ll be traumatised if you see the string. I need to stay sexy in your mind.’

  ‘For god’s sake Mia, get undressed and get in the shower, nothing would make me think of you as anything but sexy. If you don’t come in, I’m going to drag you in fully clothed and then undress you myself. Get in, now,’ he ordered. I sighed and I stripped down to my knickers as he watched me and raised an eyebrow. I wriggled them off and walked into the shower embarrassed and watched amazed as he sprung an immediate erection. ‘See, no problem turning me on even with a string,’ he grinned.

  He pushed me up against the tiles and soaped up his hands and ran them over my body. I closed my eyes and enjoyed him touching me, gasping as he gently ran them over my breasts. I tensed up when I realised he was kneeling in front of me washing my stomach and I grasped his hair. He looked up at me and smiled before looking back down, kissing my tattoo and tracing his fingers across it. Some of the raised black edges, where it had started to heal, were flaking off and he carried on cleaning all the bits away before kissing my stomach and rising up again to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as my tongue worked around his mouth, before he groaned and pulled away.

  ‘Ok that’s enough or my cock and I are going to regret it.’

  I grumbled as he refused to keep kissing me and instead undid my hair and handed me the shampoo, before he got washed and dried and headed to my bedroom. I finished up and rubbed plenty of moisturiser into my skin and found him sitting on the bed, already dressed in his jeans and a red t-shirt with a VW Beetle on the front and some red sneakers. It was the most casual I’d seen him other than his sweats.

  ‘Are you ok getting the bus with Lexi? I want to go via the jewellers. I can meet you in class.’

  ‘Of course,’ I looked down at my bangle. I’d not taken it off since he’d given it to me. ‘When will I get it back?’

  ‘If he can do it today I can pick it up on my way into Uni tomorrow for you.’

  ‘If you don’t think it’ll be ready, I’d rather wait until after the weekend.’

  ‘Are you getting all sentimental on me now Mia Page?’

  ‘Maybe,’ I shrugged. If Gabe was going to be away, I wanted to keep it on, so I’d feel like I had part of him with me. God I really must be in love, the old Mia would have heaved at the thought of being like this over a guy.

  ‘Then I’ll insist it’s done today so you’ve got it for tomorrow. So please can have it? I need to go.’ I ran my fingers over it and reluctantly slid it off my wrist and handed it over to him and he kissed my forehead. ‘See you in a while baby.’

  ‘See you later.’

  I changed into my black maxi dress again and black converse high tops and pulled a tight fitting royal blue jumper over the top and decided to straighten my hair for a change, as I was doing it I heard Lexi’s door open.

  ‘Morning Lex.’

  ‘Morning. You ok? You look all happy again,’ she said as she came and sat on my bed.

  ‘I caved. I rang him last night and asked him to come over, he’s only just gone.’

  ‘Wow I didn’t hear him.’

  ‘You had fight club on so loud, I don’t think you’d have even heard the fire alarm. I’m amazed we haven’t had complaints from the neighbours about the TV volume.’

  ‘What about you screaming while you’re shagging? That’s way worse.’

  ‘Am I really that bad?’

  ‘Ummmm yeah! There again something that size going in me, I’d be screaming the house down too. Be like a trying to stick a French baguette through a donut ring.’

  ‘Lex,’ I giggled. ‘I know he’s big, but is he really that big? I’ve not really seen any others to compare.’

  ‘Well I’ve not seen him either, well not properly. Unless you count that photo he sent you bulging in his jeans, or that day I caught him in the kitchen naked and he tried to cover it with a glass of water and failed miserably, but yeah, he’s big. How many inches is he?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ I laughed.

  ‘I reckon you’re looking at over nine you lucky cow,’ she sighed, as she looked at me full of envy. ‘You haven’t asked him?’

  ‘Noooo. Do woman normally ask that?’

  ‘I would for a big one, surprised you’ve not got the ruler out to check.’

  ‘Seriously? You’re telling me people do that?’

  ‘I have,’ she shrugged, with a naughty grin on her face. ‘Ask him for me, I’d love to know.’

  ‘I’m not asking him for you. You ask if you’re so desperate to know.’

  ‘O yeah that would go down so well. “Hey Gabe, exactly just how big is your dick? Just curious.” Actually you know, I reckon he’d tell me, he’s a bit cocky sometimes. No I take that back, he’s very “cocky” isn’t he,’ she winked.

  ‘What’s got into you?’ I exclaimed, shaking my head in amusement.

  ‘Not cock at the moment that’s for sure. I’m desperate Mia, I’m constantly horny with no end in sight of when I can do it again. You need to give me explicit details, something to keep me going,’ she begged.

  ‘Well it’s been days for me too Lex, but speaking of sex, I’m hoping I won’t be on by the weekend as I’ve some catching up to do of my own, so I could keep you updated then.’

  ‘You need me to clear out?’

  ‘Given the way this discussion just went I’d be thinking yes, I’d be worried we’d be in the middle of it and you’d jump out from under the bed with a camcorder waving a bloody ruler or tape measure.’

  ‘Now there’s an idea,’ she grinned. ‘Or I could just install a cock cam.’

  ‘You’re such a perv Lexi Clarke. Well you don’t need to clear out, you won’t be hearing it, seeing it, or measuring it thank you. Gabe’s away Thursday and Friday night, so he’s asked me to spend the weekend at his. Would you mind?’

  ‘No that’s fine. I guess it wouldn’t be much fun listening to the two of you at it all weekend, in fact I insist on it, you’ll just depress me even more. Anyway I sort of have a thing to do Saturday, so I’ll be out for the day.’

  ‘What thing?’

  ‘Don’t go getting all bloody excited,’ she said flashing me a look.

  ‘O my god, are you having a date with Doug?’

  ‘It’s not a date. There’s a Motorbike show on at the convention centre and he asked if I wanted to go with him, so I said yes.’

  I screamed with excitement and started clapping, making her laugh. ‘O Lex that’s brilliant. I’m so pleased, Doug’s so nice.’

  ‘This is your idea of not getting excited?’ She arched a brow at me and gave me an amused scowl.

  ‘So Doug’s into bikes too?’

  ‘No idea,’ she shrugged.

  ‘Well he’s definitely into you. Maybe it’s just the leather gear he likes, that’s why he suggested going there.’

  ‘Whatever,’ she stood up looking embarrassed. ‘I’m hungry, do we have any milk for my cereal?’

  ‘Yes, but I learned how to make scrambled eggs this morning, would you like me to try out my new skills?’ She eyed me suspiciously. ‘Let me try Lex. If they’re awful you can bin them and have your cereal. Go and get showered and dressed and I’ll finish my hair and go and make them for you.’

  By the time my hair was done it was almost down to my waist, I really needed a decent haircut. I headed to the kitchen and heated up the frying pan with a knob of butter, like I’d seen Gabe do, then whisked up three eggs with a bit of milk and salt and pepper as Lexi came in.

  ‘Wow watch out Nigella Lawson. There’s a new sex goddess in the kitchen,’ she said as she watched me impressed.

  ‘I don’t think she needs to r
etire anytime soon Lex. Put your toast on now, once they’re in the pan they’ll cook really quickly.’

  Within a couple of minutes they were done and she’d wolfed them down.

  ‘Hmmm, you can do those more often, I enjoyed that.’

  ‘Really were they ok?’ I asked, feeling rather proud of myself.

  ‘Really good. Thanks Mia.’

  ‘Ok, well I’m ready so I’ll clear up. Go and get a hustle on.’

  She disappeared while I tidied up. I went to grab my bag and phone and noticed a missed call. I didn’t recognise the number, so I listened to the message. It was Riverdale, Westhampton’s private hospital wanting to arrange my appointment. I called them back and arranged to see a Dr Margaret Wells on Friday at 9 a.m. Why did it have to be when Gabe was away? I decided to order Lexi a surprise present on next day delivery to cheer her up and chuckled to myself as I went to find her. When I realised how late it was, we had to make a run for the bus and we only just caught it.

  ‘Lex, I have my appointment at the hospital Friday morning, would you mind coming?’ I asked as sat down.

  ‘Why would I mind coming? Of course I will.’

  ‘I just thought with everything going on with you, you wouldn’t want the added pressure. Haven’t you heard from the clinic yet?’

  ‘No, they were going to send a letter. Nothing’s come in the post has it?’

  ‘Why are you asking me?’ You’re the one on post box duty.’

  ‘No you were.’

  ‘No,’ I fixed her with a glare. ‘I do all the bills and finances, take away shopping and cleaning and you’re supposed to do the laundry, which by the way I’ve been doing since we moved in thanks very much. You were also put on bins and checking the post box duties. Don’t tell me we’ve been here nearly four bloody weeks and you haven’t once checked if we have any post?’ I asked, irritated.

  ‘Well it’s not like you’d noticed,’ she replied sheepishly.

  ‘Jesus Lexi. Do I have to do everything? We need to empty it as soon as we get home. I better not have a red letter for any bills, or you’re so getting it in the neck.’

  We got to English and Gabe hadn’t arrived, so I waited outside for him and spotted Milo arriving. ‘Hey Milo, how was your night with Gabe and Doug?’

  ‘Good, though I got the distinct impression I was being vetted,’ he grinned.

  ‘Yes I got that impression too. Sorry about that,’ I said apologetically. I wasn’t about to tell Milo it was the only reason he’d been asked to join them.

  ‘Well I can’t blame him, no boyfriend’s ever over happy about his girlfriend hanging out with another guy. It was good though, we had a few beers, but they thrashed me, I really need to practice more. Are we still on for tomorrow at 7?’

  ‘Yes, but can I ask you a huge favour?’


  ‘I want to go with Lexi to a strip club tomorrow night and I’m worried that they won’t let two girls in on their own. Would you come with us?’

  ‘Are you serious?’ He looked at me completely amazed.

  ‘Yes,’ I nodded, slightly embarrassed.

  ‘We are talking women strippers right?’ he asked, suddenly looking concerned.

  ‘O yes, sorry, definitely women. Too much to ask?’

  ‘Not at all,’ he said with a wide grin, his face lighting up. ‘I don’t need asking twice. Accompanying two hot girls to see more hot girls stripping? You’re the best non girlfriend I’ve ever had.’

  ‘Great, you’d better bring a change of clothes to the gym then and we can get a taxi and pick up Lexi on the way.’

  ‘Not that I want to discourage our little outing in any way, but why do you want to go and see female strippers?’

  ‘Just curious that’s all,’ I shrugged and felt myself blush again.

  ‘Well I for one am very grateful for your curiosity. We’d better go in or we’ll be late.’

  I checked the corridor each way, still no sign of Gabe, where was he? We went in and separated as we found our seats. Lexi had her head in her book ignoring Andrew. I was going to have to talk to her about handling things better with Doug, if it got to that. No way did I want any awkwardness with the four of us. I texted Gabe.

  Hey where are you? Not like you to be late x

  The door swung open as I pressed send and I looked up to see him enter looking a bit flustered. Mr Jenkins was still sorting out the papers on his desk. As Gabe sat down he caught my eye and winked making me shiver. I saw him checking his phone and quickly made sure my ringer was on mute before his message came in.

  Phew just made it in time. I hate being late. Arguing with the jeweller about getting your bracelet done for tomorrow. You look amazing x

  Thanks. I had a call from the hospital, they’ve booked me in at 9 on Friday, so as you’re not here I’ve asked Lexi to come with me x

  I smiled over at him and he looked at me and frowned before tapping on his phone again.

  Shit Mia, I really wanted to come with you. Listen we don’t start the competition until 11. Promise me you’ll call and update me. I’ll ring the hospital today and give them my card details, so don’t worry about any bills, just get done whatever needs doing to sort you out x

  I smiled over at him again before replying. Touched he was so invested in me.

  Thank you, I’m really grateful. I’m going to show you just how grateful later :-) x

  Much as I’d love that, I’m not sure if I’m ready :-( x

  I looked back over and caught his eye and gave him a scowl before replying.

  Gabe Austin, if you think I’m sending you away for two nights horny and frustrated to be surrounded by scantily clad female swimmers, one of whom happens to be your ex, think again. I’m going to make sure you’re satisfied more than once. For the next 24 hours I’m the boss of you. End of argument x

  Now who’s domineering :-) <3 xx

  We grinned at each other across the room and quickly refocused when Mr Jenkins started his lecture.

  We finished just after five and I waited outside with Lexi as Gabe had a word with him.

  ‘Sorry about that,’ Gabe said as he came out to find us both leaning on the wall. ‘Just advising him about missing tomorrow. Hey Lex how you doing?’

  ‘Ok cheers. You?’ I noticed her gaze flashed down to his crotch and I felt my jaw drop as I looked at her in disbelief. She realised I’d spotted it and went slightly red.

  ‘I’m great thanks. Do you mind me staying over tonight again?’

  ‘No that’s fine, but I’ve already told Mia if you two are planning a world record shagathon, then please take her back to your house for the weekend, out of my earshot. I’ve never been so long without, it’s driving me bloody insane listening to you two at it all the time. You joining us for a coffee in the cafeteria?’

  ‘I can’t sorry, need to get some extra swim time in.’

  ‘Ok, see you later,’ she smiled and turned without looking at me and started walking towards the cafeteria. I gave her daggers in the back, she was trying to make a run for it.

  ‘Gabe, I fancy Chinese tonight, do you want me to order you something and wait until you come over?’ I asked.

  ‘You really have no idea about fitness and nutrition do you?’ he sighed shaking his head. ‘I’ll cook myself something at home and get my bags packed before coming over, so it won’t be until about ten. Enjoy your stodge without me. See you later baby.’

  We had a quick kiss and he ran off down the corridor and I ran in the opposite direction to catch up with Lexi.

  ‘Oi Clarke, stop right there. What the hell was that?’ I asked as I poked her in the shoulder.

  ‘What?’ she asked, trying to look all innocent and failing miserably.

  ‘Don’t “what?” me. I saw you checking out Gabe’s penis.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she groaned. ‘Just all that talk of inches this morning has me really curious. Mia you’ve no idea how difficult this is, I’ve never gone so long without sex sin
ce I was 15 and I’m getting days where it’s all I can think about. If it’s any consolation I’m checking out the crotch of every guy I see, even the fuglies.’

  ‘Fine, look at as many as you want, but please leave Gabe’s out of it. It’s weirded me out seeing you salivating over him like that.’

  ‘It was only a glance, I wasn’t salivating.’

  ‘Please,’ I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. ‘I’ve seen you look at Pizza with less enthusiasm and it’s only like your favourite food. You were virtually drooling Lexi.’

  ‘O god I’m sorry, I need help,’ she groaned, as she stopped and covered her eyes. ‘Did he notice? I’ll be so embarrassed if he did.’

  ‘I think he’s used to woman checking him out, especially down there, probably didn’t give it a second thought if he did see. Come on, keep walking I need caffeine.’

  ‘What’s wrong with me?’ she sighed as we headed off again.

  ‘I think you need sex. I’ve heard pregnancy can affect women’s sex drives. Why can’t you just have a one night stand like normal? You’re not even showing yet, no one needs to know.’

  ‘I’d know and it just seems wrong. I think it should be illegal to have sex when you’re pregnant anyway.’


  ‘Well no wonder so many kids are screwed up. You’re nestled in your mum’s tummy, all warm and cosy in bed fast asleep, then all of a sudden this giant one eyed sausage bursts through the door and scares the shit out of you. If that’s not bad enough, he lulls you into a false sense of security by leaving and then “Ta Da” he’s back, then he’s gone, over and over until he completely terrifies you by spraying you with something sticky. Babies have to be fucked up for life from that.’

  ‘Lexi,’ I laughed. ‘You’re off your head at the moment.’

  ‘Seriously Mia, it must traumatise them? Right?’ she asked as she looked at me. I tried to pull myself together when I realised she was actually being serious.

  ‘I seriously doubt it would Lex, a penis wouldn’t make it into the womb and at the stage you’re at they aren’t fully formed so they wouldn’t have a clue. Millions of women have sex while they’re pregnant, I’m sure if anything conclusive had come out that it was bad for the baby we’d know about it. Just go and get laid for god’s sake, it’s your hormones making you all crazy.’


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