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Baggage & Buttons

Page 36

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘You really came back for me?’ I asked and he nodded. I sighed and smiled happily, he’d come back for me, he really wanted me and that made me feel so good. ‘I so need to make it worth your while then Gabe. God your eyes are so intense, you’re making me so wet looking at me like that. Do you want to feel how wet you’ve made me?’

  ‘God yes,’ he sighed as he looked into my eyes. ‘But we need to talk Mia.’

  ‘About what?’

  ‘Well your behaviour today for a start, you can’t just cut me off and ignore me when I’m worried about you.

  ‘You started it, being all bossy and grumpy. I didn’t like you very much today.’

  ‘Mia do you have any fucking idea what you put me through today, it was …’ he stopped and blew out and closed his eyes for a minute before looking back at me. ‘I don’t want to argue again baby, but it was unacceptable.’

  ‘I followed your rules Gabe so stop being mad with me.’

  ‘You didn’t Mia, you ignored my request for you to stay in, then when you were out you agreed to let me know where you were at all times and you haven’t texted me once, or replied to any of the texts or calls I made to you. Where’s your bloody phone?’

  ‘Lexi has it,’ I whispered.

  ‘And you wonder why I get bloody mad? Jesus christ, I knew you’d be trouble the minute I met you, but this …’ he pinched the top of his nose.

  ‘You think I’m trouble?’ I objected as I sat upright to glare at him.

  ‘Yes Mia you bloody are,’ he hissed as he locked eyes with me and scowled. ‘I’m not used to women challenging me or ignoring my requests.’

  ‘Well you’d better go out with someone who’s easy then hadn’t you,’ I hissed back and tried to get up. He immediately tightened his grip on me and sighed.

  ‘Stay still Mia,’ he ordered, as I desperately wriggled to get out of his hold. ‘Will you just fucking stop for a second and let me finish. You’re not easy Mia, you’re stubborn, you’re infuriating, you drive me insane sometimes, you’re … a whole bundle of things I never thought I’d want, but in spite of all that I love you, I’m crazily madly in love with you,’ he sighed. I stopped struggling and looked at him, as he looked at me all sincerely. ‘Mia I love you baby, you need to work with me here, I’ve been worried sick and I can’t go through another day like this with you shutting me out, I just can’t. I’ve never cared about someone so much and it hurts.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ I whispered. He looked really upset.

  ‘I know and I don’t want to fight, but this can’t happen again Mia. You go out without me, you stick to our agreement in future.’ He reached up with one hand and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

  ‘Why are you so worried Gabe? I’m fine.’

  ‘You’re not fine Mia. I’m worried about your operation, the risks and what the outcome may be and how it could affect you, us, we need to talk about it baby.’

  ‘Gabe please not tonight. I came out to have fun and forget all about it. Please don’t make me remember it all tonight, we can talk tomorrow. I just want you to make me forget, show me how much you love me.’

  ‘Baby,’ he sighed and messed with his hair again.

  ‘Please Gabe,’ I pleaded and pulled my best pout and big blue eyes. Gerry always used to say I could twist any man around my little finger with my big baby blues. I often got away with murder at home as a youngster as I’d look up at him with tears in them and he’d stick up for me, even when mum was mad with me.

  ‘Mia.’ Gabe sighed again and I saw him relenting. I clutched his hair as I kissed him softly, working my way around his lips before inserting my tongue into his mouth. His arms tightened around my waist as I felt the tingle of my nipples brushing against his chest, his erection firmly nestled in the apex of my thighs. He was driving me crazy, my synapses were firing off pleasure signals to every nerve in my body. I grabbed one of his hands from behind me, brought it forwards and put it between my legs. He groaned as he touched the thin damp material.

  ‘See. I’m so ready for you Gabe, you can’t not be ready for me too. I need to feel you too.’ I ran my hand down his firm chest, caressing his ripped stomach over his shirt and he let out a soft moan. I gripped his solid erection through his jeans and squeezed it. ‘Big boy,’ I groaned with delight in his ear. He gasped and quickly stood, lifting me off him.

  ‘Fuck this,’ he growled. ‘I need you too and I’m not waiting until tomorrow to fuck you again. This discussion’s on hold Mia, it’s not over. Follow me, I’m getting drunk.’

  I squealed happily as he grabbed my hand and virtually made me run to keep up with him as he strode to the far end of the VIP bar, which he pushed me up against. He pressed in behind me, his fingers splayed on my hip bone and he licked the back of my neck. I was melting, my body was on fire for him and my heart was racing. I heard him order a double Jack Daniels and coke and a water.

  ‘I want a drink Gabe.’

  ‘If we’re going to fuck, I need to get drunk and you need to sober up and meet me somewhere in the middle baby,’ he whispered in my ear.

  ‘If you promise to fuck me, I’ll do whatever you tell me to Gabe, you’re in charge. You’re the headmaster and I’m the naughty school girl who needs to be punished for showing her bottom in public.’

  ‘You may infuriate me, but you’re so hot baby, how did I get so lucky?’ He picked up his drink and downed it and asked for another and nuzzled my ear.

  ‘I am hot Gabe, I’m hot and dirty,’ I whispered. ‘But only for you, only ever for you Gabe.’

  ‘Damn right only for me,’ he growled possessively. I felt his hand move from my hip and slide into my skirt and knickers and I gasped. ‘Don’t worry, the bartender can’t see, the bar’s too high,’ he whispered in my ear.

  ‘I trust you,’ I whimpered, ecstatic to have him so close and touching me at last. His hand moved lower and we both groaned as his fingers slid down my cleft to find my wet, swollen pulsating clit. I heard a clink and looked at the bar and another JD and coke had been put in front of us. I let out a sigh as Gabe started rubbing me with one hand as he picked up his drink and knocked it back with the other.

  ‘Cheers, can you line up another for me,’ he asked as his fingers circled me and he started to grind his pelvis into my bottom. His lips found the side of my neck and ran a trail of kisses up it.

  ‘Gabe?’ I said breathlessly as I relaxed into him, lightheaded from joy.

  ‘Hmmmm,’ he groaned sexily.

  ‘Can you keep it up if you’re drunk?’

  ‘O baby, the problem I have is getting it down when I’m drunk. You better be ready for me after all this teasing.’ I had to put my palms on the bar counter top to steady myself at the thought of it and shuddered as he slid a finger into me.

  ‘Do I feel ready for you Gabe?’

  ‘God yes, no one’s ever been as ready for me. I love that I turn you on so much,’ he groaned as he kissed my ear.

  ‘There you are dude, been looking everywhere for you.’ I looked to my left and Doug was smiling leaning up against the bar.

  ‘Doug, you came back with Gabe. Owwww,’ I protested as Gabe slipped another finger inside me.

  ‘You ok Mia?’

  ‘Yes, just Gabe’s buttons digging into my lower back.’ I tightened myself around his fingers and heard him grunt.

  ‘He was so desperate to get back here to you Mia. You should’ve seen his face when he saw you up there on the podium, priceless. Typical my bloody camera’s at home,’ he sighed, shaking his head. I gently circled my pelvis as Gabe continued to gently thrust his fingers in and out of me.

  ‘Was it a happy face or cross face Doug?’

  ‘Disbelief and total raging lust face. Then when the crowd started cheering at you shaking your bottom, it turned to seriously pissed off face.’

  ‘Ahhhh Gabe, were you jealous?’ I asked as I leaned my head back on his shoulder.

  ‘Yes,’ he growled in my ear. ‘All those guys are
going to be wanking off thinking of you tonight.’

  ‘And there’s my cue to pretend I heard nothing sexual, leave you both alone and go and find Lexi,’ said Doug quickly straightening up with crimson cheeks.

  ‘Lexi, where is she? She’s my degsitanated person.’

  ‘Designated person? She was up on the other podium when I last saw her,’ said Doug as Gabe pressed his thumb on my clit and rubbed.

  ‘Gabe,’ I groaned.

  ‘Shit Gabe, give the poor girl some space, you’ll bruise her pressing her up against the bar like that. I’ll go and find Lexi, see you in a minute.’ I watched him walk away as Gabe’s fingers gently stroked the dense bundle of nerves that made up my g-spot.

  ‘You’re so good at sex stuff Gabe,’ I sighed. ‘I’m going to come right here if you carry on.’

  ‘That’s the plan,’ he whispered as he kissed my neck again. He drank his drink and sucked up an ice cube, tilted my head back and transferred it into my mouth as I rode his hand. I sucked it and enjoyed the taste of the JD mixed with the melting ice. ‘Mia drink some of the water I got you please.’

  ‘Don’t need it, feed me more ice cubes like that,’ I begged. He sucked up another, passing it to me working his tongue around my mouth as it melted. I felt my insides start to tighten. ‘Gabe I’m on the verge,’ I groaned.

  ‘Good, I want you really ready for me later, I want to take you hard and fast, to punish you for making me angry today,’ he murmured as he bit my neck.

  ‘O god,’ I groaned, the thought of it started my ascent and I widened the circling of my hips and felt his fingers go deeper and as his thumb swept over clit again. He moved his other hand to my throat and tipped my head back and slipped his fingers into my mouth. He’d dipped them in his drink and I sucked off the sticky strong alcohol as I started to shudder. I whimpered as I bit his fingers and gripped the edge of the bar as my orgasm hit me, feeling myself get wetter.

  I heard him groan as my muscles pulsated and held his one set of fingers tightly, while my teeth gripped his others, trying to quell my desire to scream his name out loud. As my body went limp, I released my bite and he pulled his hand out of my mouth as I gasped for air. He pressed even tighter behind me to hold me up and removed his hand from my skirt. I heard him suck his fingers, before he gripped my stomach to support me as I leaned on the bar. He finished his drink and kissed my ear.

  ‘You’re so dirty, letting me finger you in public again,’ he whispered.

  ‘I’m so horny, you could fuck me right now and I don’t think I’d care who was watching. Are you drunk enough yet? I want you inside me.’

  ‘I’m nearly there baby, I’ll just have one more and we can go, but you need to drink your water for me please, you promised.’

  I nodded and picked up the bottle and started swigging as Lexi and Doug arrived. Gabe ordered another double JD and coke and got Lexi a coke and Doug a beer.

  ‘You’re drinking hard stuff dude, what’s that all about? You haven’t drunk JD for ages.’

  ‘You want the honest answer?’

  ‘Well yeah.’

  ‘Well Doug, I didn’t want to take advantage of Mia as she’s drunk, so she suggested I get drunk, so we can fuck all night without guilt, as we’re so desperate for each other. It’s been so damn long that I need her right now,’ he growled and squeezed me tightly, making me squeal happily.

  ‘I had to bloody ask didn’t I?’ groaned Doug.

  ‘You two could set a world record for sexual chemistry,’ said Lexi shaking her head at me. ‘Please tell me you’re going back to Gabe’s tonight? I don’t want to hear it again.’

  ‘Yes she’s coming home with me, the sooner the better.’ Gabe pulled my head back and started kissing me hard and I responded, groaning loudly into his mouth.

  ‘You ought to have been in the hotel room last night Lex, first she rings up and tries to seduce him over the phone with me in the room. Then he wakes me up really early as he moans his head off dreaming about her. Sounded like a bloody good dream as well.’

  ‘Bloody hell look at them eating each other Doug, they really don’t give a shit. Let’s get them back to his place before they’re at in on the bar.’

  ‘Gabe, hey mate, come on we’re getting you two back to yours so you can continue this little display in private.’

  I felt Gabe move away and cold air on my back and turned around to see Lexi had her arm in Gabe’s and Doug grabbed my hand and they started walking us towards the exit.

  ‘Doug you’re really very nice, but I’d much rather hold Gabe’s hand.’

  ‘Fine, Lexi hand him over to her, I’ll go ahead and get us a taxi.’

  I interlinked my fingers with Gabe’s as Doug disappeared outside and Lexi held the door open for us and the cold air rushed in to great us. I turned to face Gabe as we waited, putting my arms around his waist as he draped his over my shoulders.

  ‘God you look sexy as hell,’ he murmured against my lips.

  ‘And you look so hot. Are you drunk enough to take advantage of me now?’

  ‘Yes and I’m going to fuck you all weekend and you’re going to come so hard, so many times baby.’

  ‘Seriously could you just leave the sex talk until I’m out of earshot guys please, it’s just too much,’ groaned Lexi.

  ‘Lexi it’s so hard, he’s just so hot. Just look at him. Isn’t he like the hottest guy you’ve ever seen?’

  ‘You’re the hottest girl I’ve ever seen,’ he murmured as he slipped his tongue back in my mouth and I sagged against him.

  ‘O for fucks sake I give up. Thank god. Doug has a taxi, move it guys.’

  She gave me a gentle push and I smiled as Gabe tugged my hand and led me to the taxi. He got in the back and pulled me in beside him, with Lexi the other side and Doug in the front. Lexi asked the driver to drop her at our apartment and Gabe and I kissed all the way there. God it was so good, men had this thing about snogging, it never lasted long as they were too horny and always wanted to get laid. We had a fifteen minute ride so I made the most of it, until we pulled up outside my building and I broke away giddy and breathless as Lexi hopped out.

  ‘Can you wait a minute?’ Lexi asked the driver. ‘I need to run up and grab a bag.’ Gabe put his arm around me as she disappeared.

  ‘I love you Miss Page, though I think you may have got me a little drunk,’ he sighed as he ran a finger around my lips.

  ‘You got you drunk, I didn’t buy you any drinks. Shit speaking of bags, where are yours from your trip?’

  ‘We stopped at our houses and dumped them before coming onto the club.’

  ‘How did you know I was in the club? I didn’t tell you.’

  ‘I tracked your GPS,’ he shrugged.

  ‘When did you set that up?’ I frowned.

  ‘Doug did it when you gave him your phone on Sunday.’

  ‘Doug we’ll be having words about that,’ I scolded as I tapped him on the shoulder.

  ‘Have words with Gabe, he made me do it.’

  ‘Gabe, that’s so naughty.’

  ‘Mia you agreed to it. It was one of my conditions for you going out. We didn’t agree on you going out tonight, let alone virtually naked, flirting with other guys and shaking your ass on a podium, or you not texting me like you promised, then ignoring all of my calls. So as agreed earlier I’ll be having words with you about that in the morning.’

  I sighed, tomorrow was not going to be an easy day. My door opened and Lexi put my bag on my lap.

  ‘Here, I made sure your phone, tablets and toiletries were in there as well. Have a great weekend and enjoy your hangovers tomorrow you two. Doug see you in the morning?’

  ‘Pick you up at ten Lex?’

  ‘Great. See you all.’

  ‘Night. I love you Lexi, have fun all alone with Orgie. Remember in apartment five tonight no one can hear you scream,’ I called.

  ‘Love you too pisshead,’ she narrowed her eyes at me and blushed, making me giggle.

  ‘Night Lex, thanks for not letting my girl get into too much trouble.’

  ‘She’s all yours now Gabe, look after her.’ She shut the door and I waved out of the back window as we headed off and Doug directed him to King Street and Gabe and I started kissing again. I was going to die if I didn’t have him inside me soon, my body was screaming for him.

  We broke apart as the taxi pulled up outside his closed gates. Doug jumped out and opened my door, taking my bag and putting it on the pavement. He held out his hand to help me out and pulled me up next to him.

  ‘Doug we’re the same height,’ I exclaimed.

  ‘That’s because you’ve ridiculously, dangerously high shoes on Mia.’

  ‘Sexy shoes Doug,’ I giggled, correcting him.

  ‘Yes, they are sexy shoes Mia,’ he nodded as he looked down at them.

  ‘I like you Doug, you’re a nice friend to Gabe, thank you for texting me today and coming home with him. Can I give you a thank you hug?’

  ‘Sure,’ he laughed. I put my arms around his neck and as I wobbled, he put an arm around my waist to hold me up, so I rested my head on his shoulder.

  ‘Are you trying to steal my girl Doug?’

  ‘No one’s stealing her mate, not the way she looks at you. Here take her off my hands and get going. Have a great weekend, I’ll see you Monday.’ He released me and Gabe stood behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.

  ‘See you Doug, thanks for coming back with me tonight.’

  ‘No problem, beats being stuck on that bloody death trap of a coach early tomorrow morning.’

  ‘Bye Doug, have fun with Lexi tomorrow.’

  We waved him off and Gabe squeezed me tightly.

  ‘At last, I have you all to myself,’ he sighed as he nibbled my shoulder.

  ‘Hmmm, for three days and two whole nights.’

  ‘Three nights and two whole days. God knows what bloody state you’d have been in if I’d not come when I did.’

  ‘I’d still have wanted you desperately Gabe.’

  ‘Come on then, I want you desperately too.’ He picked up my bag and held my hand and we went through the passenger gate and he fiddled with a combination lock to fix it shut. I giggled as I tried to walk up the gravel drive in my heels. ‘Here hold your bag,’ he said thrusting it at me.


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