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The Princess's New Year Wedding (The Princess Brides Book 1)

Page 9

by Rebecca Winters

  He rubbed the back of his neck while he gathered his thoughts. There’d been a time when he’d enjoyed Alicia’s company. But even if he hadn’t gotten married and Alicia was now divorced, Stefano knew it had never been an affair of the heart and wouldn’t endure.

  The fact that she hadn’t told him she was still married caused his feelings to undergo a complete change. It wasn’t difficult for him to compose his answer.

  Alicia, if it’s a divorce you want, I hope it’s granted for your sake, so you can be happy. But my circumstances have changed. I’m now a happily married man and won’t be seeing you again. Believe me when I wish you the very best in the future. Stefano.

  He’d promised Lanza no scandal would ever touch their marriage and he’d meant it.

  Once he’d pressed Send, he read through the messages from the managers of his other mines and answered where he needed to. The next meeting in Mexico wouldn’t come until after his visit to Bulgaria.

  When he finally climbed into bed, his mind was on Lanza. He couldn’t wait to spend tomorrow with her. It didn’t matter what they did because on top of the qualities he’d been discovering about her, her mind intrigued him. That distinction made her stand out from all the other women he’d known.

  His last thought before he fell asleep had to do with her and Alberto. If he hadn’t died in that crash, he’d be here on his honeymoon with Lanza right now. When Stefano tried to imagine his brother being married to her now, he no longer felt sorry for him. If anything, it was just the opposite...

  He must have fallen off because the next thing he knew, Lanza was knocking on his door. “Stefano? Are you awake?” She sounded panicked.

  In one bound he was out of bed and pulled on his robe before running over to the door to open it. She stood there wrapped in a stunning peach-colored robe.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Fausto’s gone! I can’t find him. When I went downstairs this morning to see if he needed more water—he’d tipped over the box.”

  “He has to be around here someplace.”

  “I’ve looked everywhere.”

  “Come on. We’ll find him. He couldn’t leave the chalet.”

  Her glorious chestnut hair flounced around her shoulders as they hurried below. The second he flipped on the light at the bottom of the staircase and called out, he heard yapping.

  “Fausto?” She’d heard it, too.

  Stefano headed for the door to the wood bin where he’d taken out some pieces for the tree stand. He opened it and Fausto sprang out. Laughter burst from him as their little pet darted up the stairs.

  At this point she’d started laughing. “Curiosity killed the cat, but not our fox. What do you suppose he came down here for?”

  “Since our doors were closed and he was hungry, he probably went on the hunt for food. He must have been shocked when the door closed on him.”

  “I’ll fill his bowls.” She started up the stairs.

  He followed after her, wanting to put his arms around her and pull her back against him the way he’d done last night. This urge to feel her next to him wasn’t going to go away. For the moment the only thing to do was channel his energy with something physical.

  While they fixed breakfast and fed the fox, he had an idea. “Have you ever skied?”

  “Once in a while.”

  There were many things Stefano still had to find out about her, but her answer pleased him no end. “As long as the good weather is holding, how would you like to go cross-country skiing with me today?”

  “That’s something I’ve never tried. I’d love it!”

  She’d answered without thinking about it. That was easy and excited him. “We’ll take Fausto to the tree with some food and leave him there while we go exploring.”

  “I saw that you have a backpack downstairs. I’ll make some sandwiches for us so we can be gone as long as we want.”

  She seemed indefatigable, another trait he welcomed. But more important, she wanted to be with him. That meant everything. “We’ll take drinks and a pack of biscotti, too.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  “I’ll find an old blanket.”

  Within a half hour they were ready to go. Her figure did wonders for Carla’s ski outfit. She’d fastened her hair at the nape with a band and pulled on the white wool hat that looked sensational on her.

  He wrapped the fox in the blanket. When they were ready to take off, he put Fausto under his arm and they headed across the snow toward the forest of trees. Today they saw signs of animal tracks that delighted Lanza.

  “Maybe Fausto’s family is out here looking for him.”

  “Why not?” he murmured, willing to humor her.

  When they reached the big pine tree, he spread the well-worn blanket on the ground against the trunk and put Fausto down with a pile of food he poured out. “That ought to last him for quite a while.”

  She lifted concerned blue eyes to Stefano. “I’m almost afraid to leave him, but I know we have to do this for his sake.”

  “He’ll be fine. But if he’s unwilling to leave us, we’ll take him to a wildlife shelter after we get to the city so he’ll survive.”

  “That will be the right thing to do.”

  “For the time being, let’s stop worrying about him and blaze a new trail. You never know what we might find on our trek today.”


  FOR LANZA IT was enough to be out in nature and bask in a white, sunlit world with Stefano. Her love for him was brimming to the surface. It was the kind of love you never got over.

  There was no one like him. Since the moment she’d taken vows with him in the cathedral, she’d felt a stirring that had grown into white-hot heat. Being at his fabulous chalet, perched on a mountain as beautiful as this, was her idea of heaven. She couldn’t help staring at him. Stefano was a gorgeous man. When he smiled, Lanza was left breathless.

  At this high altitude she felt light-headed just looking into those dark eyes that seemed to swallow her alive. Last night he’d kissed her into a new realm of existence. Incredible to think she was so happy today when on the morning of her marriage, it had felt like the end of the world.

  Being married to him opened her up to a world of intimacy. Every day with Stefano was turning into an adventure. Lanza hadn’t had brothers and had never lived around a man. It made her realize what a sheltered life she’d led as a betrothed royal princess with two sisters and a doting mother. The duties of her father running the country didn’t allow a lot of quality time with him.

  Today she was so excited to be alive, she wanted to shout it to the world. But it might set off another avalanche. Being up here she was able to put the princess part of herself away and just be Stefano’s wife and soon...his lover. She was living for that.

  He put on his ski goggles and they started off in another direction. She used her ski poles to swoosh herself along. His long, powerful legs meant she had to work harder to keep up, but it was fun. He had great legs.

  “Thank you for not taking us to the Caribbean. Being here is a dream vacation for me. Obviously, you never intended to take us there. I love it that no one knows where we are.”

  He eyed her through the amber lenses. “I didn’t want to have to fly clear across the world after our marathon wedding day.”

  “With all the travel you do, it doesn’t surprise me you would dread a long flight that had nothing to do with business. I was dreading it like the plague.”

  She thought she heard a chuckle. “You don’t enjoy a beach vacation?”

  “They’re all right, but in my mind you need to be with your soul mate to enjoy a tropical setting.”

  “You sound like a true romantic.”

  Lanza nodded. “That’s what comes from reading romantic fiction at a very young age.”

  “You’re talking Pride and Prejudic

  “One of them.”

  “I guess I’m going to have to read it.”

  She laughed. “You might like it.”

  He slowed his pace. “Did you bring a copy with you?”

  “No. While I was preparing for our wedding, I packed that book and others in a box with a few childhood treasures. What about you?”

  “My childhood things are still in my bedroom at the palace.”

  “I envy you to have been given your freedom for as long as it lasted. To think you had this chalet where you could escape! You’ve been a very lucky man.”

  There was a pause before he spoke again. “I felt sorry for you the moment you agreed to be my wife. I’m a poor substitute for my outstanding brother, who was already prepared to be a devoted husband.”

  Except she’d never loved Alberto, had never desired him or wanted to feel his mouth on hers. Stefano could have no idea how she longed to lie with him all night, knowing his kisses and caresses. Just thinking about being in his arms made her shiver with excitement. Maybe tonight.

  “I’m afraid that experience wasn’t meant to be. But I do realize his death was tragic when I know you two were so close. How terribly you must miss him. Losing him brought changes to all our lives, turning our worlds upside down.”

  “That they were,” he muttered.

  “Odd, isn’t it, that in surrendering your freedom, you’ve given me mine? Even though I’m a royal and always will be, for the first time I feel free with a husband like you. I love your rules of engagement that are giving us time to get to know each other.”

  Except that in her heart of hearts, she had real feelings for her new husband and wanted him to love her. She couldn’t bear the thought that after they got home, he would leave on business without her.

  His dark brows furrowed. “More and more I regret the harshness of that message I had sent to you.”

  “Let’s forget that. My father wasn’t kidding when he told me I wouldn’t regret marrying you. He was right.”

  In that regard, her father had been right. Overnight she’d fallen for Stefano, who had no idea how her heart was aching to win his love.

  On that note she took off, wanting to beat him to a tree-lined ridge she could see in the distance. With his athleticism, he could overtake her in seconds, but curiously enough he took his time and reached the ridge long after she’d arrived to view the next breathtaking range of mountains beyond.

  She turned to him. “Would you mind opening the backpack? I’m hungry for a sandwich and some water.”

  “The way you move so fast burning energy, that doesn’t surprise me. When I think back on my friends who do cross country with me, I’m sure they would have trouble keeping up with you.”

  “This has been the exercise I’ve needed. But considering your expertise at sports, I would imagine your friends are no different and could outski anyone.”

  “Enzo is the real pro.”

  Stefano was modest, too. He removed the pack from his shoulders and opened the flap so she could pull out what she wanted. Lanza noticed he was hungry, too. She relished this moment with him as they ate their fill and finished off their meal with some biscotti.

  “Mmm, that tasted good.”

  Stefano looked around. “We’ve come a long way and the afternoon wind has started to pick up. It might be smart to head back.”

  She squinted at him. “You wouldn’t be worried about Fausto?” she teased.

  “Would you be surprised if I admitted I was?”

  Lanza put her empty water bottle back in the pack. “Like I told you a little while ago, I don’t regret marrying you and this is one of the reasons why.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “You should. Not everyone would care that a larger predator could come along and snatch him for prey.” There was a goodness and tenderness in Stefano that made her love him all the more.

  “We’ll have to hope the last dumpling I fed him last night has made him strong enough to ward off his enemies.”

  She laughed. “You gave him one?” When he told her things like that, she was touched by his words, but tried to hide it.

  “You never saw anything disappear so fast. He has good taste.”

  Stop, Stefano. Every word and gesture enamored her. Already it was killing her that he planned to live part of his life away from her when he left for his various mines. “When you’re starving, any morsel will do. By the way, what kind of meat do you have in the freezer?”

  “As I recall, there are several salmon steaks and a couple of lamb roasts.”

  “What sounds best to you and I’ll fix it for dinner.”

  “Whatever is easiest.”

  She smiled. “The steaks will thaw faster. That settles it. Now I’m ready to take off and have to admit I’d like to find out what Fausto has been up to all day.”

  “First, I want this.” He wrapped her in his arms and gave her a long, hungry kiss that robbed her of breath. Finally, he let her go. “You taste so good I never want to stop.”

  His words caused her to blush before they started across the snow, avoiding their old tracks. It took less energy to make new ones. They spotted some chamois and watched a golden eagle make its way to a peak. Eventually, they reached their destination and skied in through the trees to the one where they’d first found the dying fox.

  The sight of the blanket with no food and no Fausto caused her spirits to plummet. “It looks like our plan worked,” she murmured, trying to keep the disappointment out of her voice.

  “That blanket should have been thrown out long ago. We’ll leave it here.”

  Lanza felt tears sting her eyelids. “He won’t be back, which is the way it should be.” She shoved on, not wanting to dwell on where he was or what might have happened to him. There’d been no sign of a struggle or blood. That was a good thing.

  They kept going without looking back. She hated that this day was almost over. The joy of skiing with Stefano, of watching and loving him in this private world, was almost too much for her. Though the sun was close to falling behind the mountains, she wasn’t ready to call it a day. She’d never forget today, but her legs would pay the price in the morning for trying to keep up with him.

  Once they reached the chalet, she undid her skis and carried them inside with the poles. Next, she got out of her ski clothes and removed her hat, putting them in the closet. Not waiting for Stefano, she hurried up the stairs to her bedroom. Though she was worried about the fox, her mind and heart were centered on Stefano and how he made her feel.

  A hot shower was exactly what she needed; after which she dressed in black wool pants and a tan pullover. Later tonight she’d wash and dry her hair, but right now she needed to thaw the fish in the microwave and get the pasta started for their dinner. He would be hungry and she was eager to fix food he liked. She’d seen boxes of fettuccine noodles on the shelf.

  On her way to the kitchen, she stopped in her tracks to glimpse Stefano hunkered down by the box in front of the fireplace he’d turned on...feeding Fausto!

  “What on earth...?” She rushed over and knelt down next to him.

  “Our little fox followed us home. I was just walking inside the chalet with my gear when I heard yipping and saw him coming running toward me.”

  “All the way across in the deep snow? I don’t believe it!”

  “I let him inside and brought up the box.”

  This time the tears overflowed her lashes. “Oh, Stefano—”

  Before she could take another breath, he slid an arm around her shoulders and looked into her eyes with an expression she hadn’t seen before, suffusing her with heat. “Somehow he knows he’s loved.”

  Before she realized what was happening, Stefano’s dark head descended and he covered her mouth with his own the way she’d been aching for all day. This
kiss was transforming her.

  Suddenly, he was coaxing her mouth open to take their kiss deeper and longer. The divine sensation stopped her from thinking. She went where he led, never wanting him to stop.

  Alberto had kissed her each time he’d been with her, but it was nothing like this. With all the reading she’d done, all the films she’d seen and accounts she’d heard from friends, nothing in this world had prepared her for the experience of being kissed by her exciting husband.

  Little did he know he was changing her whole world as he pulled her so close she could hardly breathe. Helpless against such pleasure, she slid her hands up his chest and around his neck.

  His hands roaming over her back and hips lit a fire inside her. It was real and not a part of her imagination. Anything she’d felt with Alberto bore no resemblance to the rapture Stefano was creating with the slightest touch of his hands and mouth. His enticing scent and the slight rasp of his dark beard against her skin drove her growing desire for him to a wild pitch.

  The sensual part of her nature had come alive in his arms and she didn’t want to bring it to an end. Lanza was embarrassed for being such a vulnerable mark. It bothered her that the virginal princess was easier prey than Fausto would ever have been if he hadn’t followed them back to the chalet before dark because he sensed danger.

  The way Stefano kissed and held her, she was reeling out of control. Her wholehearted response to his lovemaking meant that he could be in no doubt what he was doing to her. She cried out his name as her body throbbed with desire for him.

  But at that moment he unexpectedly relinquished her mouth and put her away from him in a gentle gesture. It produced a protesting moan from her.

  “I’m sorry for crossing a line with you, Lanza,” he murmured and got to his feet.

  “But you didn’t.” She rose to her feet. “I could have stopped it and you know it.”


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