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Passionate Yearning_A Zodiac Shifter Romance_Libra

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by Solease M Barner

  “Who the hell is banging on my door this early in the morning?” I say climbing out of the bed. I walk over to my drawer and grab my 38 pistol, because whoever is banging on the door better be the police or they might get shot tonight.

  As I’m walking to the door, I feel a little weird, like something is wrong. I’ve always had a sense of when something was not right, and I have that feeling right now.

  “WHO IS IT?!” I yell, standing far away from the door. It could be more than one person.

  “Dr. Raina Peters, I met you earlier, please I need to talk with you.”

  HOLY SHIT! It’s the guy from the hospital and why do I remember his voice. I’m not responding to a crazy guy and how did he know where I live. I knew something was strange about him at the hospital with the cryptic I know you questions.

  I take the safety off the gun and stand as still as I could. If he bursts through the door, I’m going to blow him away.

  “Raina, I’m not your enemy, but others are, and you’re not safe, open the door please.” The stranger pleads.

  I can’t believe how sincere he sounds, but all killers play on their victims. I thought this was a safe neighborhood. I’m not opening my door for a stranger; it’s not going to happen.

  I stand, listening to him outside my door. I need to call the police because he obviously doesn’t want to leave.

  “I’m calling the police mister.”

  “Raina, I have already stopped a couple of them outside, they will only send more. Damn you, human woman, don’t you feel like something is wrong?”

  “Yeah, you are the danger and why would the police not come?”

  “They have interfered with your cell tower over here, and you won’t get a signal, come I can keep you safe.”


  I tip toe to the counter and pick up my cell, and it says no signal, so I tried my hospital cell, and it says the same thing, shit he’s trying to kill me.

  I stand there feeling a fear wash over me. I look out my back window and contemplate leaving through said window until I see a wolf perched right outside of it. I take a step back, and the wolf looks and seems like it’s smiling at me, then bursts through my window.

  A few things start happening all at once. The wolf attacks me, and I start shooting, then I take notice that the wolf is bigger than it should be, and most importantly, the strange guy from the hospital bursts through my door. The last thing I remember before letting the darkness take me is the stranger snapping the head of the wolf clean off.

  Then everything goes dark.

  Chapter 3

  I have a human in my bed sleeping, and I brought her here on purpose. Even though it was a stupid idea, I don’t want her to die. Someone at the hospital must be a wolf or work with them because the only reason I can think of is they were trying to get to Raina because they think her and I have a connection. The problem with their theory is its wrong, until now. After it’s reported back to them that I killed wolves and took the human, she’s going to become a very important piece.

  I’m curious as to why she doesn’t smell all the way human, but none of that matters now. She’s in danger because of me. I will make it safe for her again and then return her back to her human life.

  I look as she sleeps and her beauty is incomparable. I’ve never seen such a beautiful woman. Her porcelain skin looks amazing on my bed. I’ve not allowed myself the time to build a relationship with a female in over two hundred years, basically since I’ve been assigned the law keeper of this region.

  She starts to wake, and I watch from the corner, wondering what her reaction will be. She stretches ,and it’s like watching an angel come to life. A huge smile comes across her face, and I wonder what she’s thinking. I hope her smile remains once she realizes she’s in a dragon’s home.

  “I feel so good.” She says to know one.

  I sit observing her, taking in her smell, still wondering why she doesn’t smell all the way human to me. Then her eyes fully open and in an instant, all the joy slips away. She looks around the room and finally her eyes land on me, and she pulls the covers closer and tighter to her body.

  “It wasn’t a crazy dream. What are you going to do to me?” She whispers.

  I stand slowly, trying not to scare her more, but with being who I am, it comes with the job, others fear me.

  “It wasn’t a dream. I’m going to protect you until it’s safe for you.” I reply.

  “What are you and who are you?” Raina asks.

  I stand at the foot of the bed and really look at her. I know once I tell her who I am she’s going to be scared and possibly start screaming, which I’m not looking forward to.

  “My name is Jonathan Justice, and I keep the order among the supernatural in my region.” I reply leaving out the most important part, but I know I’m going to have to tell her who I am.

  “Keep order for the supernatural? What are you some kind of weird supernatural chaser?”

  “So you believe in supernaturals?” I ask frowning, trying to understand her more.

  “Well, I don’t believe humans are the only thing on Earth, I mean if God created all the animals and us, yeah I believe in other beings, but…” She looks at me in horror. “So those wolves last night were trying to kill me because of what?” She asks.

  “Look, there’s a rebellion happening, but don’t worry, I will take care of it, but in the mean time, you have to stay here with me…Plus you need to know, that those wolves are half human and I’m more than human.”

  “What do you mean half human? And you are more than human, what the hell are you saying?” She says, with wide eyes. I look to see if I can tell if she’s afraid, but she’s waiting for my response.

  “I’m a dragon and shift in human form, but you don’t need to worry I’m not going to harm you.”

  She looks around the room and back at me then at the door. It seems like she could be contemplating on making a run for it, but she still couldn’t leave without permission.

  “You need help, and I won’t hold it against you that I’m here at your place, but you must allow me to check you in the…”

  The thought of her thinking I’m crazy, lying or weird, but it makes me upset. I hide my annoyance, deciding doing something drastic is the only way to convince her. I allow my eyes to change to beast and to my surprise my beast let out a loud growl. It shakes the room, and I see Raina hold on to the bed pole looking frightened. It’s not my intention to scare her, but she needs to know the truth.

  “Take me home, I have work to do. And how do I know you’re not a bad creature yourself.” She snaps.

  “Don’t call me a creature Raina Peters and you can’t go home, they will take you as soon as they get a chance. Now I have a question for you. Where’s your fear? You seem really calm for this being thrown at you so fast unless you’re hiding something.”

  Raina looks at me, and I can see tears forming in her eyes.

  “I’m scared shitless right now, and because I’m in a place against my will, that frightens me even more. Do I know or believe everything you have told me? I’m not sure, but I will believe it if you let me go home.”

  I turn and walk to the window and look out at my land. It’s well taken care of, but secure. There will never be danger here because it’s made so that only way you can enter is if I invite you in.

  After a few seconds, I decide to leave Raina alone, her pleading to leave is wasted air. I can’t let her leave because I saved her from a super. I must ensure she’s safe before I allow her to leave and that’s going to make me the bad guy, even though I’m really the good guy.

  “I’ll leave you now. There’s a bathroom to your right, and I’ll have food sent to you.” I say, walking to the door to leave. She jumps out the bed and runs over to me.

  “Please let me go home. I’m a doctor. I save lives. I can’t stay here.” She begs.

  “I’m saving your life so you can save lives, Dr. Peters.” I reply a
nd walk out, closing the door behind me. I can hear her crying and banging on the door.

  I need to make it safe, so I can return her back to her life and before this human gets under my skin. After opening my secret door to my holding cell underground, I find Harold sleeping on the floor snoring.

  “Wake up you criminal.” I say.

  He stays asleep, and it only angers me more that he’s resting when I have a human female crying her eyes out because of some silly takeover that will never happen.

  “HAROLD!” I yell. The walls tremble.

  Harold jumps up, a little uneasy on his feet. Then he rubs his eyes and sits back down on the ground.

  “Oh Jonathan, you know you’re not to wake a sleeping wolf.”

  “I’m the dragon that could eat the wolf if I so choose.” I snap.

  I don’t have time for Harolds games. I need to know more about this rebellion.

  “Harold, no more games. I went into the human mind at the hospital, and though I found out some useful information, I need more.”

  “I’m not going to tell you any more, that could not only get me killed but also my pack could be in danger.”

  “The leader, is he dragon?”

  “Yes and a nasty mean one, but promises freedom for us supers.”

  I look at him, and I know that he’s telling the truth, he can’t lie to me, the keeper of the law, when he stands before me.

  “What is this dragon’s name that tries to defy me?” I demand.

  “If I tell you, it will be my head.”

  “If you don’t I will take it as you volunteering to offer your head as payment for your disrespect.”

  Harold stands and starts pacing in the cell, every few seconds he looks at me and shakes his head. From his reaction, it looks like he’s still debating on whether or not it’s a good idea to tell me, I give him encouragement.

  Using all my strength, I growl, allowing my dragon to come forth in sound and in fire. Harold runs and tries to hide from me in the corner, but my eyesight is beyond excellent.

  “Ok, ok you don’t have to do that, but you’re not going to like the name.”

  “Give me the name.” I command.

  “Nathan! It’s Nathan, your brother!” He says.

  “You lie! My brother is not even anywhere near this region. Last I’d known, he is in our native land.” I snap.

  “Nathan is here and gathering a following you would not believe.”

  I look at Harold, and my eyes and ears are not lying to me, he speaks the truth.

  “Nathan has always been good at talking, but why?” I ask to no one, but Harold responds.

  “He says we should be able to rule over the humans, not be afraid of them finding out about us, speaking of humans I smell one near.”

  I walk towards the way out, thinking about what I should do with my brother. He is someone I have always looked up to and to know he’s working against me breaks my heart.

  “The human, why is she here.” Harold asks.

  “I saved her from wolves trying to kill her. I can only assume they thought she meant something to me as I spoke with her at the hospital.”

  “So you have a human in your home, I knew you wasn’t all bad. Did you bed her?” Harold asks with glee.

  “No, I didn’t bed her, but I got her into this mess, so I’ll get her out. I need to locate my brother first.”

  “You will never find him; he’s using a witch to hide his location.”

  “Oh, I can find him, not even a witch can get in between our bond, we are brothers and dragons.”

  As I left Harold screaming for me to let him free, I go to my study, where there are things from my native land that will help me contact my brother. Maybe he has a reason for trying to take over my region. He knows the consequences would be death trying to over throw a keeper of the law.

  I pick up the small gold horn that fits perfectly in my hand. There were only two made; one for me and one for my brother. Once I blow this horn we will be able to talk, but not see each other. He will hear me and I can hear him no matter the distance. I’m hoping that my brother is in our native land enjoying the company of a female, eating food, drinking wine, not in my region causing havoc.

  I lift the horn to my mouth and blow as hard as I can. I only blow once, for that will be all it will take.

  “Jonathan, you rang.” Nathan asks calmly.

  “Yes brother, I would like to know if what I hear is true.” I say, getting right to the point.

  “I assume you mean that I’m in your region and will free the people of being subjected to your rules.”

  “Those rules have been around for thousands of years brother, please don’t try to come against me, you will lose.” I reply.

  “You think because you are the keeper of the law that you can try to control me? I do not reside in this region, I’m merely a visitor, so your laws don’t apply to me.” He chuckles.

  “The law applies to all those who step their foot in my region. Now give up this rebellion Nathan and leave the human alone, she needs to go back home, but I need your word.”

  “If she means something to you I will not leave this human female alone, besides I think she could be a great pet for me, she’s extremely beautiful wouldn’t you say?” Nathan taunts.

  “You stay away from the human female, Nathan, or you will make me angry and you can’t beat me.”

  “I think you know what I intend to do, there is no need to talk, Brother. I have lived in your shadow for many years, now I will step forth and create my own laws.”

  “Then I guess I’ll have to stop you from making a big mistake.” I say confidently.

  “May the best dragon win.”

  With that our connection is gone and I’m left trying to understand how my brother has decided that it would be a good idea to come against me.

  I’m the keeper of the law, and now my brother is breaking laws purposely. There’s not much I can say that will change his mind, Nathan has always thought of everything as a competition. Now that I know it’s my brother, I still need to do what’s required by law, I only hope that I can be fair with it being my brother. I do hope he sees this is a huge mistake and makes it right!

  Chapter 4

  The trying to relate to this guy is not working. He clearly needs to be in a hospital, in a padded room. He truly believes he’s protecting me by kidnapping me.

  I look around the room for a way to escape, but there is not one in sight. Even the beautiful window has some kind of device that will only allow it to open so much, but there’s nothing outside but trees and fields, no sign of help nearby.

  Food was delivered like he promised, but he must have forgotten to tell them I’m only one person. There is enough food here to feed an entire team.

  I shower and put on the clothes he has for me. Then my mind wonders about all the things I’ve seen and heard about wolves, dragons and God knows what else. I do believe that there are other beings on earth, or in the universe, but I never thought I would be encountering them.

  Jonathan Justice seems like he’s the good guy, but he’s taken me by force, and that’s not a good thing. He’s nice to look at though. Jonathan is tall and built like a mix between a boxer and a pro basketball player. He has amazing dark gray eyes, and he has dimples that are to die for. I will not allow his looks to distract me from getting away from him.

  I’m eating an apple when Jonathan comes walking through the door.

  “I hope you’re going to eat more than an apple, Raina.” Jonathan speaks, walking over to the table on wheels full of food.

  “It’s hard to eat when you don’t know what the future holds.” I reply.

  Jonathan turns and looks at me, and if I’m not mistaken, his gray eyes glowed for a second then went back to normal.

  “You’re a doctor, eating properly is something you know is good for you, and as for the future, you shall have one. I’m not your enemy.”

  Even though I can hear the words comin
g out of his mouth, his dimples are so sexy that I’m focused around his mouth.

  Then I pull myself together and really start to plead my case.

  “Jonathan, you have to know keeping me locked up in a room is wrong. I’m not the one who has done anything, and humans don’t run and hide from a bully, we take them on.”

  “The fact that you think that you could win with human ways is amazing, this fight can only be handled and won by me. I found out who’s behind wanting to take you and it’s more serious than I thought. My brother Nathan has…”


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