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In Time (Play On Book 2)

Page 11

by Cd Brennan

  Rory waved at her in return. He was just glad she was here. That made six.

  Junette shifted to the side and doubled over to clutch her knees. Rory yelled back, “Just catch up when you can.”

  She coughed and gasped. “That would be never. I’ll meet you on the other side.”

  All right, then. And what happened to Jenn? She wasn’t behind them. Aw, feck, there she was, on the sidelines flirting with Shaun. And he was married with two kids. Rory rolled his eyes.

  As Rory’s group of stragglers finished the circuit, the men were already lining up to do their warm-ups. The lads formed two loose lines in front of assistant coach, who had moved away from Jenn. Rory directed the girls along the back line and gestured for them to watch Shaun who would put them through their paces. First high kicks, then butt-kicks, some squats and stretching.

  Damian shifted back out of his line until he was even with Rory and the girls. Then he passed behind them just as they were bending over to touch their toes.

  “Better view back here, boys,” he laughed out.

  Dick also made his way to the back. Rory was about to defend the girls when Brittany turned around and kneed Damian in the balls as he was coming out of his stretch. Grabbing his crotch, he dropped like a rock and curled up on his side.

  “Don’t talk to us like we’re objects,” said Brittany.

  Dick swaggered over. “That wasn’t fucking necessary, babe. We’re all friends here.”

  “Don’t call me babe.” Brittany walked up to him as if she was going to flatten him with a punch, but Rory stepped between them. “Dick, can yous go up with the boys? Let us get through this first practice without any trouble.”

  But Brittany wasn’t finished, “What type of man,” she emphasized, “would fight a woman? You’re a piece of shit.”

  Dick lunged for her, but Rory held him back until a couple of the other guys in the back row, who must have heard the commotion, came over to help. The other three girls, even Grace, stood next to Brittany in solidarity. Jenn was nowhere to be found. Grace spoke up to the crowd now gathered, “Listen, all we want to do is play rugby. And Rory has been kind enough to offer to coach. We’ll just practice with you guys until we have a full team, and then we can go to another field to practice if you are going to get so bent out of shape about it.”

  “Amen, sista,” rallied Junette.

  The other three clapped for Grace. By that time, Coach had caught onto the ruckus and sauntered onto the field. “What’s going on?”

  Damian was still on the ground, dramatizing his injury for all its worth. “My balls,” he moaned, over and over.

  “Shut the fuck up, Mouth,” Rory said.

  Not only Damian, but the rest of the team fell silent. All looked at him. “What? I can talk…when I want to.”

  Coach grabbed Rory’s arm. “Rory, can I have a minute with you?”

  Rory had never stepped out of line. Never. Always made every practice, every game, never complained, worked his arse off for the team, for Coach, lived and breathed rugby, and the first time he did something a little different, everyone went crazy about it.

  “It’s just something I want to do, Coach,” he said as he followed the man away from the group.

  “I know. I know,” he placated with his palms out. “I didn’t call you over to give out to you.”

  Phew. Over the last year, Coach had become to feel more like a father to him than his own.

  “I think this is a great idea, and I reckon you might find you are a natural at coaching. You have the brain, you have the foresight, you know rugby inside and out, and you have the calm, quiet demeanor that I feel makes the best coaches. Too much yelling and bravado in most coaches, and there are other ways to get people to listen. I wasn’t ever much one for all that hollering at adults. Because that’s what the Blues players are.”

  “Thanks, Coach.” It meant a lot to Rory.

  “I know we talked about you doing this, but I didn’t realize you were going to start today.”

  “Sorry, I should have said.”

  “It’s okay, lad, but it’s probably not the best idea to practice the girls with the boys.”

  “Only until we get enough girls together, and then we can practice on our own. So we can at least scrimmage seven a side.”

  Coach nodded his head thoughtfully. “Will you be having the girls run the plays with the boys? I’m not sure about that…”

  “I haven’t worked out all the details yet, but I will do by next training. I’m hoping we pick up a few more for the team by that time, too.”

  Coach clapped him on the back. “Okay, son, but try to keep the girls in line, will ya?” He turned Rory so he faced the field again. The boys were all bunched up together on one side, the girls on the other. Both were yelling and throwing taunts. Gesturing madly. The small group of lads at the front and the most vocal were, of course, led by Dick. The rest of the other guys surely meant their teasing in an affectionate way. Probably.

  A louder voice rose above the rest. It was Brittany. “You want to see our butts, eh?”

  The team of men shouted out in the affirmative. Rory groaned. For fuck sake.

  “Well, then have at ’em!” Brittany turned around, dropped her shorts, and mooned the boys. The other girls followed suit, even Grace, who was doubled over laughing. Junette beat on her butt like a drum.

  Rory heaved out a breath. Fuck. Not the same effect as a big hairy arse of a man. In fact, it was probably the worst thing they could have done. A little side show for the boys in the middle of training.

  There they were, six white asses hanging out of the women’s team. His team.

  Coach chuckled next to him, and Rory huffed a breath. Coach shook Rory gently by the shoulder. “It’s okay, Ror, it’ll all work out. The laughter will do all of them good. See, people don’t like change.” Rory definitely didn’t like change. Coach continued, “You’ve set up something that might be uncomfortable for some, and this is their way of working it out. You’ve thrown a wrench into the works by adding this whole new element called women.” He smiled to tell Rory he was being funny. Well, better that than getting the hole ripped out of his arse, which Coach could have done.

  “Why don’t you invite the women’s team to the banquet this weekend? Let them all get to know each other. A few pints always helps.”

  Rory was already nodding. It was a good idea. “I’ll do that.”

  “Now, go on and get back to the ladies. Once you’ve got them set up with some drills, then come join us.”

  God, he loved the man. Where his father would have wasted him with his harsh and often aggressive words, Coach had helped him out in his own way. What man would have Rory become if Coach had been his dad?

  The girls had pulled up their pants, and Jenn was on her way over. To cut her off before she could say anything in front of Coach, Rory jogged onto the field to meet her halfway. “Rory,” she purred, “did you like our show?”

  Internally he rolled his eyes, but on the outside he started walking her back to the small circle of women still talking in the middle of the field. They weren’t backing down on territory, at least.

  She hooked her hand through his arm, as if they were on a romantic stroll. He pulled away, but the leech came with him. “Not bad at all. Now, if I can get you guys to put as much gusto into playing rugby, I think we’ll have a great women’s team for the Blues club.”

  They were almost to the girls, and Rory could feel Grace’s stare his way. Again, he tried to free himself from Jenn, but instead she clutched on so tight she dragged him down at an awkward angle so that he was walking lopsided. She spoke directly into his ear. “Coaches are sexy.”

  Rory coughed, his throat tightening. Jenn had the hots for all the boys on the team. Her interest in him now was a bunch of shit. She’d never paid any attention to him before, and now she was all into him? She must be getting desperate. Unlike most of the Blues team, Rory had never flirted with her. Jenn was delusional,
always had been. But they all put up with her because she was some daughter or niece or someone related to a large benefactor of the club. Or something. Hell, he had no idea why they put up with it.

  Only a few meters away from the girls, and he met Grace’s gaze. Her eyebrows shot up and she gave him one of those looks. One that said, “Uh, excuse me?”

  Rory didn’t want Jenn, but he obviously needed to make that clear to Grace. This woman-man thing was hard. Rory had to now think on his feet. “I was thinkin’ I might show yous a few drills today to get started.” He scooped a ball off the ground, Jenn following his stoop in an awkward way while still hanging on his arm. He pried her fingers off his bicep and shoved the rugby ball into her grasp instead. “Jenn, you go first.”

  Rory looked to Grace who gave him a big, exaggerated smile that was all teeth. And in two strides he was next to her. He touched her back briefly as he squeezed in between her and Jordyn. He finished with, “Then maybe we’ll end early today and get a fresh start next practice.”

  A groan from Junette. “Rory…Coach…it might be easy for you guys to just pop out whenever ya like, but if I want to leave the house for an hour, even a half hour, I need to pack diapers, wipes, snacks, water bottle, change of clothes, toys to occupy Charlie, arrange for babysitter, and fight with a toddler to get him out the door. So really, one hour is like two hours for me. We’re here now. Let’s get into it.”

  Fair enough. Rory took a deep breath. This wasn’t going exactly like he expected, and he didn’t like surprises, but he was determined to be successful at this. If he wasn’t going to play World Cup rugby, he was young enough he could aspire to coaching at the international level.

  Yeah, that sounded good. Real good, in fact.

  And it all started right here. The girls waited expectedly, most with their arms crossed.

  “Here, follow me.”

  He led them through the uprights into the try zone where he stopped. “Just a quick few words, and then we’ll get warmed back up again.” He cleared his throat. “First, before I forget, Coach wanted me to extend an invitation to the Blues women’s team for the banquet this weekend. I know it’s short notice, but it would great if you could make it, to represent this new faction of the club, to get to know others on the other teams, and generally to have a good time and honor those who have done well in rugby this past year.”

  Rory’s mouth was dry. He’d never said so many words in his life. He looked at his small group for any response. They were quiet, listening to him. It felt…good. “Now that we have that out of the way, I want to go through first our warm-ups and then some safety methods you need to apply in rugby.” He looked directly at Brittany. “I know some of you have more experience than others and may know much of this, but we are going to start from the beginning for everyone. Help others if you can. But mostly, if there were any incorrect methods you learned along the way, I’m here to correct them. Good rugby starts with up here.” He pointed to his head. “Then you need to take care of your body.”

  The girls nodded as if they understood.

  Rory met each of their eyes. “And lastly, rugby needs to reside in here.” He laid his hand over his heart.

  Chapter 11

  “You don’t think she’ll mind?” Grace stood with Gillian at Junette’s front door.

  “Mind? She’ll be in seventh heaven.” Junette rang the bell.

  “Thanks for this.” Phew. Okay. After Tuesday and their first practice, Grace had seen little of Rory, even though they lived together. He’d been busy every night making plans for his Lady Blues. He’d spent hours, days even, putting up flyers all over Traverse City. He’d arranged for them to use Crunch Fitness Gym at a discounted rate, organized the use of the men’s team equipment, applied for funding from the club, and even put in an order for team shorts and jerseys. She was proud of him, but she wanted to tell him that to his face. Which she’d seen only in passing lately.

  But while he’d been busy, so had Grace. An idea had come to her out of the blue. Using Jordyn’s writing skills and Brittany’s connection to a non-profit, she’d presented her idea to the girls. They were both on board and had met twice to discuss details, write up tentative plans. Fingers crossed it would work.

  Between that and the Sunset, it had kept her mind off Rory. A bit. But really that was a lie. She wondered constantly what he was doing or what he was thinking. She imagined a thousand scenarios of them together while daydreaming at work. She’d heard of this feeling. Her momma used to call her sister “smitten” when she’d get all worked up over a fella, and here Grace was…smitten.

  And tonight was going to be the night. The. Night. With a little help from Junette and some spiffing up, that man was halfway in her bed.

  “No problem at all, Grace,” Gillian said. “When you approached me after practice on Thursday, I was like, yeah, I’m not the best one to ask. But…I knew someone who was.”



  “Well, I appreciate it, Gill. I haven’t a clue where to start.”

  “I don’t really either. If I had my way, I’d be wearing my favorite skirt with the periodic table on it and my Chuck Taylors.”


  “My Converse. But you have to call them Chucks because that’s what they did in the eighties.”

  “Ah, gotcha.”

  When Junette opened the door, dark circles nested under her eyes, and she wore a haggard hairdo tossed into a bun at the top of her head. She had a small yapping dog pinned against the door jam.

  Gillian grabbed the dog’s collar and pushed through the entryway with Grace following. The living room was cluttered with baby items on the floor and couch, a teething ring, a sippy cup on its side, still half full of milk. In front of the TV sat one of those bouncy playthings, the ones moms used to entertain their toddlers with all the lights and sounds so they could be hands-free for a few minutes. Charlie was walking and getting into everything. Grace had seen him at practice with Gillian. For an eighteen-month-old, he sure could run fast.

  Junette closed the door. “Sorry about the mess. Don’t have much time these days other than to keep my head above the water. Charlie doesn’t like his saucer anymore and can climb out of it. So the few minutes I got before are now gone, too.”

  Gillian rubbed Junette’s back in small circles. “How are you doing?”

  “Men suck.”

  Gillian agreed. She addressed Grace. “Junette’s in the middle of a divorce. Her husband cheated on her.”

  The skank! “I’m so sorry.”

  Junette waved her hand to dismiss the sympathy. “It’s probably a blessing in disguise. He was an asshole. I’m so busy with work and Charlie, I barely think of him anymore. I’m so tired by the end of the day I pass out. Usually in Charlie’s bed with him when I’m trying to put him to sleep. Sometimes I fall asleep before he does.”

  Junette gave her a quick hug. “Someone who deserves you and Charlie is out there.”

  Grace was busy trying to placate the dog—pet pet pet. But it was never enough for the overexcited mutt. She scratched its butt one last time and then gave up, sat on the couch, and pinned the dog between her legs so it would stop wiggling for attention.

  “Finding a new man is the last thing on my mind. So what is the meaning of this visit today?” When Charlie cried out, Junette popped his pacifier back in.

  “Well, Grace here was hoping you could maybe help her with some clothes and makeup for the banquet. She didn’t bring much from Texas. Understandably, slinky cocktail dress wasn’t a priority.”

  “The banquet that is starting in like four hours?”

  “That’s the one. She asked me for help, but ya know…I’m not really into all that.”

  “Absolutely useless, for sure.”

  Gillian laughed. Wasn’t offended at all. “It will take me five minutes to get ready.”

  “And you’ll still look ravishing.”

  “Aw, thanks, chook.” Gil
lian squeezed Junette’s arm in a side hug. “I’m sure Irish will look better than me. He always does. But”—she shrugged—“I don’t really care. He’ll care enough for the both of us and carry the weight of looking fabulous.”

  “He is a hottie.”


  “But ya know what would make him sexier? Get him to wipe that scowl from his face.”

  They both laughed.

  Grace was a bit out of her element with female friends, so wasn’t even sure where to pipe in. Like did they expect her to agree? High five? Giggle into her hand? Defend Irish? Hell if she would do that. He was okay and all, but mighty intimidating.

  Junette walked around the couch in front of Grace. “So you need a loan of something? Makeup? Hair?” She handed the little boy to Grace. “This is Charlie. A hand for a hand.” The boy wiggled to be free, so Grace set him down. Junette shook her head. “Now you’re gonna have to follow him around.”

  Grace shrugged. “I can do that.”

  “Not if I need to show you how to do your makeup. What are you looking for? Clean and natural? A bit spirited? Sexy seductress?”

  That was it. “The last one?”

  “Right. Gill, you have Charlie duty. I can’t chase Grace around while she chases the kid around. Put Stick outside.”

  At Grace’s bemused look, Junette followed with, “That’s the name of our dog.”

  She liked it. She patted the dog and released him from her legs. “Go on, Stick.”

  As Gillian slid open the patio door to the backyard, she said over her shoulder, “Oh, and do you have anything slinky Grace can wear? She’s on a mission.”

  “Do you want to tell moi of this mission?” Junette directed at Grace with a squint of her eyes.

  Grace didn’t want to go all girly. If she told them about Rory, would they squeal and clap their hands? Would they coo over the romance of it? Gag. That was just gross. But, the girl was helping her out so she needed to give her something. “I…like one of the Blues players.”

  Her brows shot up to her hairline and she plopped onto the couch next to Grace. “Oh, yeah?” At least she hadn’t squealed. “And pray tell, which one is it?”


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